endoplasmic reticula
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Xun Xu ◽  
Yan Nie ◽  
Weiwei Wang ◽  
Nan Ma ◽  
Andreas Lendlein

Abstract Toll-like receptor (TLR) can trigger an immune response against virus including SARS-CoV-2. TLR expression/distribution is varying in mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) depending on their culture environments. Here, to explore the effect of periodic thermomechanical cues on TLRs, thermally controlled shape-memory polymer sheets with programmable actuation capacity were created. The proportion of MSCs expressing SARS-CoV-2-associated TLRs was increased upon stimulation. The TLR4/7 colocalization was promoted and retained in the endoplasmic reticula. The TLR redistribution was driven by myosin-mediated F-actin assembly. These results highlight the potential of boosting the immunity for combating COVID-19 via thermomechanical preconditioning of MSCs. Graphic abstract Periodic thermal and synchronous mechanical stimuli provided by polymer sheet actuators selectively promoted the expression of SARS-CoV-2-associated TLRs 4 and 7 in adipose-derived MSCs and recruited TLR4 to Endoplasmic reticulum region where TLR7 was located via controlling myosin-mediated F-actin cytoskeleton assembly.

2020 ◽  
Vol 117 (46) ◽  
pp. 28816-28827
Michelle M. Giarmarco ◽  
Daniel C. Brock ◽  
Brian M. Robbings ◽  
Whitney M. Cleghorn ◽  
Kristine A. Tsantilas ◽  

Cone photoreceptors in the retina are exposed to intense daylight and have higher energy demands in darkness. Cones produce energy using a large cluster of mitochondria. Mitochondria are susceptible to oxidative damage, and healthy mitochondrial populations are maintained by regular turnover. Daily cycles of light exposure and energy consumption suggest that mitochondrial turnover is important for cone health. We investigated the three-dimensional (3D) ultrastructure and metabolic function of zebrafish cone mitochondria throughout the day. At night retinas undergo a mitochondrial biogenesis event, corresponding to an increase in the number of smaller, simpler mitochondria and increased metabolic activity in cones. In the daytime, endoplasmic reticula (ER) and autophagosomes associate more with mitochondria, and mitochondrial size distribution across the cluster changes. We also report dense material shared between cone mitochondria that is extruded from the cell at night, sometimes forming extracellular structures. Our findings reveal an elaborate set of daily changes to cone mitochondrial structure and function.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Laurence Lemelle ◽  
Alexandre Simionovici ◽  
Philippe Colin ◽  
Graham Knott ◽  
Sylvain Bohic ◽  

AbstractSub-cellular trace element quantifications of nano-heterogeneities in brain tissues offer unprecedented ways to explore at elemental level the interplay between cellular compartments in neurodegenerative pathologies. We designed a quasi-correlative method for analytical nanoimaging of the substantia nigra, based on transmission electron microscopy and synchrotron X-ray fluorescence. It combines ultrastructural identifications of cellular compartments and trace element nanoimaging near detection limits, for increased signal-to-noise ratios. Elemental composition of different organelles is compared to cytoplasmic and nuclear compartments in dopaminergic neurons of rat substantia nigra. They exhibit 150–460 ppm of Fe, with P/Zn/Fe-rich nucleoli in a P/S-depleted nuclear matrix and Ca-rich rough endoplasmic reticula. Cytoplasm analysis displays sub-micron Fe/S-rich granules, including lipofuscin. Following AAV-mediated overexpression of α-synuclein protein associated with Parkinson’s disease, these granules shift towards higher Fe concentrations. This effect advocates for metal (Fe) dyshomeostasis in discrete cytoplasmic regions, illustrating the use of this method to explore neuronal dysfunction in brain diseases.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 19-25
S. G. Olukole ◽  
B. O. Oke

The African sideneck turtle (Pelusios castaneus) is a freshwater turtle of West African origin used in traditional medicine with little consumption as meat. There have been documentations on the reproductive biology of the turtle with no report on the structure of the Leydig cell of the animal. We described the structure of the Leydig cell of the adult African sideneck turtle using histology, microstereology and transmission electron microscopy. The Leydig cell of the African sideneck turtle were elliptical in shape when found proximal to blood vessels and elongated at other points within the testicular interstitium. Leydig cells occurred in cords or clusters of varying sizes and numbers (3-5 cells) that appear to be random in distribution possessing round to ovoid nuclei containing small amount of peripherally disposed heterochromatin with prominent nucleoli. The seminiferous tubules of the turtle occupied about 85% of the total testicular parenchyma while the interstitium occupied 15% of it. Of this 15%, the Leydig cell occupied about 10% while the stromal elements, inclusive of blood vessels occupied the remaining 5%. The cytoplasm of the Leydig cell was about 85% of the entire cell and comprised microfilaments, lipid droplets, smooth and rough endoplasmic reticula as well as numerous mitochondria. In conclusion, the histological and ultrastructural features of the Leydig cell of the African sideneck turtle bear close similarities with those of other reptiles with little variations. These variations include interstitial location as well as in relation to blood vessels within the testicular interstitium. Information made available by this study is expected to be useful in the comparative anatomy of the Leydig cell of turtles and reptiles.

Cells ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 1451
Mladineo ◽  
Hrabar ◽  
Smodlaka ◽  
Palmer ◽  
Sakamaki ◽  

Excretory and secretory products are crucial for parasite infectivity and host immunomodulation, but the functioning and ultrastructure of the excretory gland cell (EC) that produces these products are still scarcely understood and described. In light of growing reports on anisakiasis cases in Europe, we aimed to characterise the EC of larval Anisakis pegreffii and adult Pseudoterranova azarasi. In the latter, EC starts 0.85 mm from the head tip, measuring 1.936 × 0.564 mm. Larval EC shows a long nucleus with thorn-like extravaginations toward the cytoplasm, numerous electron-dense and -lucent secretory granules spanning from the perinuclear to subplasmalemmal space, an elevated number of free ribosomes, small, spherical mitochondria with few cristae and a laminated matrix, small and few Golgi apparatuses, and few endoplasmic reticula, with wide cisternae complexes. Ultrastructure suggests that anaerobic glycolysis is the main metabolic pathway, obtained through nutrient endocytosis across the pseudocoelomic surface of the EC plasmalemma and its endocytic canaliculi. Thorn-like extravaginations of EC karyotheca likely mediate specific processes (Ca2+ signaling, gene expression, transport, nuclear lipid metabolism) into the extremely wide EC cytosol, enabling focal delivery of a signal to specific sites in a short time. These functional annotations of parasitic EC should help to clarify anisakiasis pathogenesis.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Hirokazu Ogihara ◽  
Hodaka Suzuki ◽  
Masaki Michishita ◽  
Hitoshi Hatakeyama ◽  
Yumiko Okada

Providing beef liver for raw consumption was banned in Japan on July 1, 2012. To lift the ban, the establishment of effective countermeasures for safe raw consumption is necessary. In this study, we examined the effects of high hydrostatic pressure processing on raw beef liver. Beef liver samples subjected to 300 MPa of pressure or higher for 10 min at 25°C became firmer and showed a paler color and were considered unsuitable for raw consumption. More than 3.0 log reductions of bacteria were seen after treatments at 400 and 500 MPa, but the treatment with lower pressure did not show enough microcidal effects for safe consumption. Histological and ultrastructural analysis revealed that high hydrostatic pressure processing increased mitochondrial swelling and reduced rough endoplasmic reticula in hepatocytes, and such changes might be related to the observed changes of texture in the treated raw beef liver.

2015 ◽  
Vol 370 (1678) ◽  
pp. 20140321 ◽  
James A. Lake

The origin of the eukaryotes is a fundamental scientific question that for over 30 years has generated a spirited debate between the competing Archaea (or three domains) tree and the eocyte tree. As eukaryotes ourselves, humans have a personal interest in our origins. Eukaryotes contain their defining organelle, the nucleus, after which they are named. They have a complex evolutionary history, over time acquiring multiple organelles, including mitochondria, chloroplasts, smooth and rough endoplasmic reticula, and other organelles all of which may hint at their origins. It is the evolutionary history of the nucleus and their other organelles that have intrigued molecular evolutionists, myself included, for the past 30 years and which continues to hold our interest as increasingly compelling evidence favours the eocyte tree. As with any orthodoxy, it takes time to embrace new concepts and techniques.

2014 ◽  
Vol 62 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 5-9 ◽  
Małgorzata Stpiczyńska

The intense smell secreted by flowers of <i>Cymbidium tracyanum</i> Rolfe (<i>Orchidaceae</i>) derives from osmophores situated on the axipetal surface, mainly at the petals' base and the margin of labellum. The epiderm in those places created vesicular or somewhat elongated glandular cells, particularly on the labellum. In the production of smell 2-3 layers of subepidermal cells also take part. Submicroscopic examinations showed that those cells were characterized by the presence of a big nucleus. There were also numerous granules of starch and plastoglobules in plastids, a great amount of mitochondria and smooth-surfaced endoplasmic reticula. The traces of secretion products are visible on the surface of glandular cells. The above mentioned features are typical for osmophore cells.

Zhaohui H. Xie ◽  
Ping Gan

The pineal glands of adult yak were studied electron microscopically. Nucleolus-like bodies (NLBs) were found mostly in the pinealocytes and the interstitial cells of the pineal glands of the yak. The NLBs were electron-dense, round or ovoid bodies with a diameter of 50 nm – 500 nm. Two types of granules were identified as melanin. These may correspond to different stages of a progressive storage of melanin. Rough endoplasmic reticula with abundant ribosomes were observed. There was no correlation between the number of NLBs and the sex of the animals.

Zygote ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-120 ◽  
Hei Nainan ◽  
Yang Ping ◽  
Yang Yang ◽  
Liu Jinxiong ◽  
Bao Huijun ◽  

SummaryFine structure observations were performed by means of electron microscopy on oogenesis and vitellogenesis and the special functions of follicular cells in the Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiseus sinensis). Histological examination of the ovary showed a well developed lacunae system containing fine granules, fibres or gelatiniform materials with one or two germinal beds dispersed on the dorsal surface of the ovarian cortex. The process of oogenesis comprised 10 consecutive phases according to the morphology of the yolk platelets, follicular cells and zona pellucida (ZP). Electron microscopy of vitellogenesis revealed some of the mitochondria gradually being transformed into yolk granules. In the advanced stage of vitellogenesis, large amounts of rough endoplasmic reticula, Golgiosomes and other cell organelles that are involved in synthesis and secretion were observed in follicular cells. The ZP was formed by microvilli, thus increasing the absorptive surface of the oocyte and facilitating transport of nutrients from the follicular epithelium to the ooplasm. This study demonstrated that the ovaries of members of the Testudinidae share more features with Archosaurs than with Squamates, indicating that these features were phylogenetically conserved in the Archosauria. The present observations suggest that the accumulation of yolk materials was controlled by the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways as well as by the activity of follicular cells. These results might also support a sibling relationship of the Testudinidae with the Archosauria and not with all extant reptiles.

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