wave momentum
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2022 ◽  
Vol 92 (2) ◽  
pp. 194
В.А. Александров

The generation of a directed flow on the water surface in channels with sources and resonators of capillary oscillations is detected and investigated. The surface flow is caused by the movement of the liquid through the gaps between the resonators, as well as between the resonator and the channel walls, under a curved surface that is locally deformed by the sources of capillary vibrations, the transfer of energy of the locally curved surface of the liquid by capillary waves, and the transmission of wave momentum to the particles of the liquid surface in one direction. It is shown that capillary waves together with the energy transfer an excess surface, the flux density of which is equal to the flux of the surface deformation. Moving devices with a capillary-wave accelerator of the surface liquid flow are demonstrated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 52 (2) ◽  
pp. 325-332

An attempt has been made to parameterize the wave momentum flux wave energy flux and pressure drag associated with mountain wave across the Mumbai-Pune section of western ghat mountain in India.   A two dimensional frictionless, adiabatic, hydrostatic, Boussinesq flow with constant basic flow (U) and constant Brunt Vaisala frequency (N) across a mesoscale mountain with infinite extension in the Cross wind direction, has been considered here.   It has been shown that for a vertically propagating (or decaying) waves the wave momentum flux is downward (or upward) and the wave energy flux is upward (or downward). It has also been shown that both the fluxes are independent of the half width of the bell shaped part of the western ghat. The analytically derived formula have been used to compute the pressure drag and to find out the vertical profile of wave momentum flux and wave energy flux for different cases of mountain wave across western ghat, as reported by earlier workers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (24) ◽  
pp. 18641-18668
Cornelia Strube ◽  
Peter Preusse ◽  
Manfred Ern ◽  
Martin Riese

Abstract. In the southern winter polar stratosphere, the distribution of gravity wave momentum flux in many state-of-the-art climate simulations is inconsistent with long-time satellite and superpressure balloon observations around 60∘ S. Recent studies hint that a lateral shift between prominent gravity wave sources in the tropospheric mid-latitudes and the location where gravity wave activity is present in the stratosphere causes at least part of the discrepancy. This lateral shift cannot be represented by the column-based gravity wave drag parameterisations used in most general circulation models. However, recent high-resolution analysis and re-analysis products of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Integrated Forecast System (ECMWF-IFS) show good agreement with the observations and allow for a detailed investigation of resolved gravity waves, their sources, and propagation paths. In this paper, we identify resolved gravity waves in the ECMWF-IFS analyses for a case of high gravity wave activity in the lower stratosphere using small-volume sinusoidal fits to characterise these gravity waves. The 3D wave vector together with perturbation amplitudes, wave frequency, and a fully described background atmosphere are then used to initialise the Gravity Wave Regional or Global Ray Tracer (GROGRAT) gravity wave ray tracer and follow the gravity waves backwards from the stratosphere. Finally, we check for the indication of source processes on the path of each ray and, thus, quantitatively attribute gravity waves to sources that are represented within the model. We find that stratospheric gravity waves are indeed subject to far (>1000 km) lateral displacement from their sources, which already take place at low altitudes (<20 km). Various source processes can be linked to waves within stratospheric gravity wave (GW) patterns, such as the orography equatorward of 50∘ S and non-orographic sources above the Southern Ocean. These findings may explain why superpressure balloons observe enhanced gravity wave momentum fluxes in the lower stratosphere over the Southern Ocean despite an apparent lack of sources at this latitude. Our results also support the need to improve gravity wave parameterisations to account for meridional propagation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Florin Zăinescu ◽  
Edward Anthony ◽  
Alfred Vespremeanu-Stroe

At river mouths, fluvial jets and longshore currents (LSCs) generated by waves interact hydrodynamically. This idealized numerical modeling study simulates a large number of hydro-morphodynamic conditions (650) to explore the emergent hydrodynamics determined by different mouth bar volumes and geometries, river discharge, wave heights, and directions and their potential stress on river-mouth development. We find that in the absence of a river-mouth bar (RMB), interactions are driven by momentum balances, expressed either as the balance of wave momentum flux (Mw) and jet momentum flux (Mj), or the balance of river jet discharge (QJet) and longshore current discharge (QLSC). When a RMB is present, the topography modifies the structure of the jet by spreading it, and we quantify this mechanism through the lateral jet transfer rate (LJT). Secondly, topography generates complex longshore wave-driven circulation as a result of the protruding shoreface which serves as a platform on which counter LSCs develop. The balance in QJet/QLSC may be used as an indication of the type of circulation. High and oblique waves favor longshore circulation and RMB bypass, whereas low waves and normal-to-coast angles generate diverging LSCs on the mouth bar crest which interrupts the longshore circulation. A quantification of the dynamic diversion is proposed in the form of the non-dimensional Dynamic diversion index (DyD), which scales with the product of Mj and Mw, and can account for the absolute strength of hydrodynamic interactions occurring at river mouths. RMB morphology can affect DyD in multiple ways by strengthening or by weakening the interactions. The DyD effect seems to increase with increasing RMB size, indicating that the RMB scale regulates the interplay of the wave-driven circulation and the river jet which further controls the adjacent topography changes.

2021 ◽  
Steven Smith ◽  
Martin Setvák ◽  
Yuri Yuri Beletsky ◽  
Jeffrey Baumgardner ◽  
Michael Mendillo

&lt;p&gt;An extensive and bright mesospheric gravity wave event occurred over the El Leoncito Observatory, Argentina (31.8&lt;sup&gt;&amp;#186;&lt;/sup&gt;S, 69.3&lt;sup&gt;&amp;#186;&lt;/sup&gt;W) during the night of 17&amp;#8211;18 March 2016. The wave structures were exhibited in the nightglow and were easily visible to naked eye observers, a phenomenon known as a Bright Night. Analysis of a combination of ground-based and space-based data sources indicated that the event was generated by a large thunderstorm complex located to the south-east of the observation site. The event was associated with very large values of wave momentum flux: 150&amp;#8211;300 m&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt;s&lt;sup&gt;-2&lt;/sup&gt;, which is over an order of magnitude larger than typical. The routine seasonality of such thunderstorm systems suggests that they may contribute significantly to the role of upward coupling to the upper atmosphere and ionosphere.&amp;#160;&lt;/p&gt;

2021 ◽  
Zachary Espinosa ◽  
Aditi Sheshadri ◽  
Gerald Cain ◽  
Edwin Gerber ◽  
Kevin DallaSanta

&lt;p&gt;We present a novel, single-column gravity wave parameterization (GWP) that uses machine learning to emulate a physics-based GWP. An artificial neural network (ANN) is trained with output from an idealized atmospheric model and tested in an offline environment, illustrating that an ANN can learn the salient features of gravity wave momentum transport directly from resolved flow variables. We demonstrate that when trained on the westward phase of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation, the ANN can skillfully generate the momentum fluxes associated with the eastward phase. We also show that the meridional and zonal wind components are the only flow variables necessary to predict horizontal momentum fluxes with a globally and temporally averaged R^2 value over 0.8. State-of-the-art GWPs are severely limited by computational constraints and a scarcity of observations for validation. This work constitutes a significant step towards obtaining observationally validated, computationally efficient GWPs in global climate models.&lt;/p&gt;

2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (22) ◽  
N. P. Hindley ◽  
C. J. Wright ◽  
L. Hoffmann ◽  
T. Moffat‐Griffin ◽  
N. J. Mitchell

2020 ◽  
Vol 125 (21) ◽  
Steven M. Smith ◽  
Martin Setvák ◽  
Yuri Beletsky ◽  
Jeffrey Baumgardner ◽  
Michael Mendillo

2020 ◽  
James Anstey ◽  
Tim Banyard ◽  
Neal Butchart ◽  
Lawrence Coy ◽  
Paul Newman ◽  

Abstract The quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) is a repeating cycle of tropical stratosphere winds reversing direction from eastward to westward roughly every 14 months. Discovered independently by British and American scientists the QBO continued uninterrupted for 27 cycles from 1953 until February 2016 when a westward jet unexpectedly formed in the lower stratosphere during the eastward phase. This disruption is attributed to unusually high wave-momentum fluxes from the Northern Hemisphere. A second, similar, QBO disruption occurred during the 2019/2020 northern winter though wave fluxes from the Northern Hemisphere were weak. Here we show that this latest disruption to the regular QBO cycling was stronger than that seen in 2016 and resulted from horizontal momentum transport from the Southern Hemisphere during abnormal winter conditions. In both disruptions the normal downward progression of the QBO halts and the eastward shear zone above the disruption moves upward assisted by stronger tropical upwelling during the boreal winter. The predictable signal associated with the QBO's quasi-regular phase progression is permanently lost during disruptions and the oscillation reemerges after a few months significantly shifted in phase from what would be expected if the phase had progressed uninterrupted. We infer from an increased wave-momentum flux into equatorial latitudes seen in model climate projections supporting the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment that disruptions to the QBO are likely to be more common in future. Consequently, we anticipate that in future the QBO will be a less reliable source of predictability on lead times extending out to several years than it currently is.

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