channel height
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2022 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
Citsabehsan Devendran ◽  
David J. Collins ◽  
Adrian Neild

AbstractSurface acoustic wave (SAW) micromanipulation offers modularity, easy integration into microfluidic devices and a high degree of flexibility. A major challenge for acoustic manipulation, however, is the existence of a lower limit on the minimum particle size that can be manipulated. As particle size reduces, the drag force resulting from acoustic streaming dominates over acoustic radiation forces; reducing this threshold is key to manipulating smaller specimens. To address this, we investigate a novel excitation configuration based on diffractive-acoustic SAW (DASAW) actuation and demonstrate a reduction in the critical minimum particle size which can be manipulated. DASAW exploits the inherent diffractive effects arising from a limited transducer area in a microchannel, requiring only a travelling SAW (TSAW) to generate time-averaged pressure gradients. We show that these acoustic fields focus particles at the channel walls, and further compare this excitation mode with more typical standing SAW (SSAW) actuation. Compared to SSAW, DASAW reduces acoustic streaming effects whilst generating a comparable pressure field. The result of these factors is a critical particle size with DASAW (1 $$\upmu$$ μ m) that is significantly smaller than that for SSAW actuation (1.85 $$\upmu$$ μ m), for polystyrene particles and a given $$\lambda _{\text {SAW}}$$ λ SAW = 200 $$\upmu$$ μ m. We further find that streaming magnitude can be tuned in a DASAW system by changing the channel height, noting optimum channel heights for particle collection as a function of the fluid wavelength at which streaming velocities are minimised in both DASAW and SSAW devices.

Sebastian Ruck ◽  
Frederik Arbeiter

Abstract The velocity field of the fully developed turbulent flow in a one-sided ribbed square channel (rib-height-to-channel-height ratio of k/h = 0.0667, rib-pitch-to-rib-height ratio of p/k = 9) were measured at Reynolds numbers (based on the channel height h and the mean bulk velocity uB) of Reh = 50 000 and 100 000 by means of Laser-Doppler-Anemometry (LDA). Triple velocity correlations differed slightly between both Reynolds numbers when normalized by the bulk velocity and the channel height, similarly to the first- and second-order statistical moments of the velocity. Their near-wall behavior reflected the crucial role of turbulent transport near the rib crest and within the separated shear layer. Sweep events occurred with the elongated flow structures of the flapping shear layer and gained in importance towards the channel bottom wall, while strong ejection events near the rib leading and trailing edges coincided with flow structures bursting away from the wall. Despite the predominant occurrence of sweep events close to the ribbed wall within the inter-rib spacing, ejection events contributed with higher intensity to the Reynolds shear stress. Ejection and sweep events and their underlying transport phenomena contributing to the Reynolds shear stress were almost Reynolds number-insensitive in the resolved flow range. The invariance to the Reynolds number can be of benefit for the use of scale-resolving simulation methods in the design process of rib structures for heat exchange applications.

2022 ◽  
Dantong Shi ◽  
Kuan-Ting Lin ◽  
Milind A. Jog ◽  
Raj M. Manglik

Abstract The influence of swirl flow on enhanced forced convection in wavy-plate-fin cores has been investigated. Three-dimensional computational simulations were carried out for steady-state, periodically developed flow of air (Pr ~ 0.71) with channel walls subject to constant-uniform temperature and flow rates in the range 50 = Re = 4000. The recirculation that develops in the wall troughs and grows to an axial helix is scaled by the Swirl number Sw. As Sw increases, tornado-shaped vortices appear in the wave trough region mid-channel height, then extend longitudinally to encompass majority of the flow channel. As shown by the local wall-shear and heat transfer coefficient variations, the boundary-layer thinning upstream of the wave peak assists to intensify the momentum and heat transfer. However, the flow recirculation in wave trough impedes the local heat transfer at low Sw due to flow stagnation but promotes it at high Sw because of swirl-augmented fluid mixing. Swirling flows also create pressure drag that contributes substantively to the overall pressure loss. Its proportion grows as Sw, corrugation severity, and fin spacing increases to as much as 80% of the total pressure drop. The fin-wall curvature-induced secondary circulation nevertheless produces significantly enhanced convection, and more so in flows with higher Sw. It is quantified by Ff (or j), which is seen to increase log-linearly as fin corrugation aspect ratio and/or fin spacing ratio increases; the influence of cross-section aspect ratio is found to be marginal.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Chuntao Jiang ◽  
Yongbin Zhang

AbstractMathematically formulating nanochannel flows is challenging. Here, the values of the characteristic parameters were extracted from molecular dynamics simulation (MDS), and directly input to the closed-form explicit flow factor approach model (FFAM) for nanochannel flows. By this way, the physical nature of the simulated system in FFAM is the same with that in MDS. Two nano slit channel heights respectively with two different liquid-channel wall interactions were addressed. The flow velocity profiles across the channel height respectively calculated from MDS and FFAM were compared. By introducing the equivalent value $${{\Delta_{im} } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\Delta_{im} } D}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} D}$$ Δ im / D , FFAM fairly agrees with MDS for all the cases. The study values FFAM in simulating nanochannel flows.

А.С. Лобасов ◽  
А.В. Минаков

The results of numerical investigation of the hydrodynamic drag of a slit microchannel with a textured wall surface, as well as the pressure drop in such a channel and the effective slip length on the wall for various Reynolds numbers, are presented. The channel height was 10 µm, and the length varied from 25 to 500 µm. It was found that the pressure drop in the textured microchannel was less than in a conventional channel for any of its lengths. The dependences of the relative pressure drop, the friction factor, and the effective slip length on the Reynolds number were obtained for various channel lengths. A correlation that describes the dependence of the relative pressure drop on the Reynolds number for small channel lengths was proposed. The friction factor is described by a correlation of form 20 / Re.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 305
Ulrich Knaus ◽  
Julia Zimmermann ◽  
Samuel Appelbaum ◽  
Harry W. Palm

Mint (Mentha spicata) was cultivated in different hydroponic components: grow pipes, a raft and an ebb-and-flood gravel substrate system irrigated with aquaculture effluents from intensive African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) production under decoupled aquaponic conditions in northern Germany. The spearmint grew well and plant heights above ground were not significantly different between the gravel (57.7 ± 13.1 cm), raft (58.0 ± 17.7 cm) and grow pipe components (63.6 ± 9.9 cm). Root lengths and root fresh weights were two-fold and four-fold higher in raft (64.3 ± 20.5 cm; 42.8 ± 29.9 g) and grow pipes (59.4 ± 15.2 cm; 41.3 ± 25.7 g) compared with gravel substrate (29.7 ± 7.8 cm; 9.4 ± 9.4 g; raft = grow pipes > gravel). Spearmint leaf number was significantly higher in the grow pipes (770.0 ± 224.4) than in the gravel substrate (499.8 ± 228.4) with intermediate values in the raft. Significantly highest mean fresh biomass was found in the raft (1275.6 ± 33.4 g), followed by grow pipes (1042.0 ± 35.8 g) and gravel substrate (686.3 ± 98.2 g; raft > grow pipes > gravel). M. spicata, under aquaponics, grows best in grow pipe and raft components. An increase in pipe diameter for the grow pipes and a reduction in the channel height for the raft components could optimize aquaponic culture conditions for both industrial production and the hobby sector in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 932 ◽  
Samuel D. Tomlinson ◽  
Demetrios T. Papageorgiou

It is known that an increased flow rate can be achieved in channel flows when smooth walls are replaced by superhydrophobic surfaces. This reduces friction and increases the flux for a given driving force. Applications include thermal management in microelectronics, where a competition between convective and conductive resistance must be accounted for in order to evaluate any advantages of these surfaces. Of particular interest is the hydrodynamic stability of the underlying basic flows, something that has been largely overlooked in the literature, but is of key relevance to applications that typically base design on steady states or apparent-slip models that approximate them. We consider the global stability problem in the case where the longitudinal grooves are periodic in the spanwise direction. The flow is driven along the grooves by either the motion of a smooth upper lid or a constant pressure gradient. In the case of smooth walls, the former problem (plane Couette flow) is linearly stable at all Reynolds numbers whereas the latter (plane Poiseuille flow) becomes unstable above a relatively large Reynolds number. When grooves are present our work shows that additional instabilities arise in both cases, with critical Reynolds numbers small enough to be achievable in applications. Generally, for lid-driven flows one unstable mode is found that becomes neutral as the Reynolds number increases, indicating that the flows are inviscidly stable. For pressure-driven flows, two modes can coexist and exchange stability depending on the channel height and slip fraction. The first mode remains unstable as the Reynolds number increases and corresponds to an unstable mode of the two-dimensional Rayleigh equation, while the second mode becomes neutrally stable at infinite Reynolds numbers. Comparisons of critical Reynolds numbers with the experimental observations for pressure-driven flows of Daniello et al. (Phys. Fluids, vol. 21, issue 8, 2009, p. 085103) are encouraging.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2119 (1) ◽  
pp. 012050
A S Lobasov ◽  
A V Minakov

Abstract The numerical investigation of the fluid flow in a slit microchannel with a textured wall was carried out. The effect of the channel height on the hydrodynamic drag coefficient, as well as on the pressure drop in such channel and the effective slip length on the wall for various Reynolds numbers, are presented in the paper. The channel length was 100 µm, and its height was varied from 25 µm to 500 µm. The Reynolds number was varied from 0.1 to 100. The main studied characteristics were compared to the similar ones obtained for a channel with normal walls (no-slip conditions). It was found that the pressure drop in such textured microchannel was lower as compared to a conventional channel for any of its heights and for any Reynolds numbers. The dependences of the relative pressure drop, effective slip length, and drag coefficient on the Reynolds number were obtained for different channel heights. The drag coefficient was described as 20/Re for the average values of the channel height. A correlation that describes the dependence of the friction factor on the Reynolds number for small and large heights of the channel was proposed. The accuracy of the proposed correlation was about 90%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 168781402110662
Farooq Saeed ◽  
Kamran Z Ahmed ◽  
Amro OE Owes ◽  
Ion Paraschivoiu

Many approaches exist today that employ hot-air from aircraft compressor bleed for anti-icing critical aircraft surfaces. This paper introduces and numerically analyzes the novel application of an inner or etched channel to augment heat transfer from a hot-air jet impinging on a curved surface representing the inner surface of an aircraft wing’s leading edge or slat. The study shows that proper positioning, geometry, and flow characteristics of a channel along the inner surface of the leading edge can significantly enhance heat transfer, boost the anti-icing system performance, and greatly enhance flight safety during critical icing weather conditions. Commercially available CFD software, ANSYS Fluent is used to model and analyze the effect of different geometric and flow parameters typical of those found in small to medium category commercial transport aircraft to help determine the optimum arrangement. These parameters include: (1) jet nozzle height-to-slot diameter ratios from 4 to 8, (2) channel width-to-slot diameter ratios from 0.4 to 1.8, and (3) inner-channel inlet location angles from 10° to 60°. Each configuration resulting from a combination of the above parameters was simulated at Reynolds numbers based on jet-slot diameter of 30,000, 60,000, and 90,000. Empirical relations based on available experimental data are used to validate the results. The main findings of the study reveal that the jet height-to-slot diameter ratio of 6, inner channel height-to-slot diameter ratios of 1.8, and inner-channel inlet angular locations of 10° combination resulted in the highest heat transfer at all Reynolds number as well as higher at increased Reynold numbers.

Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (23) ◽  
pp. 7078
Linhan Du ◽  
Xiaoyu Hu ◽  
Diannan Lu ◽  
Zheng Liu

Ionic transport and ion sieving are important in the field of separation science and engineering. Based on the rapid development of nanomaterials and nano-devices, more and more phenomena occur on the nanoscale devices in the field of thermology, optics, mechanics, etc. Recently, we experimentally observed a novel ion transport phenomenon in nanostructured graphene oxide membrane (GOM) under asymmetric illumination. We first build a light-induced carriers’ diffusion model based on our previous experimental results. This model can reveal the light-induced ion transport mechanism and predict the carriers’ diffusion behavior under different operational situations and material characters. The voltage difference increases with the rise of illuminate asymmetry, photoresponsivity, recombination coefficient, and carriers’ diffusion coefficient ratio. Finally, we discuss the ion transport behavior with different surface charge densities using MD simulation. Moderate surface charge decreases the ion transport with the same type of charge due to the electrostatic repulsion; however, excess surface charge blocks both cation and anion because a thicker electrical double layer decreases effective channel height. Research here provides referenced operational and material conditions to obtain a greater voltage difference between the membrane sides. Also, the mechanism of ion transport and ion sieving can guide us to modify membrane material according to different aims.

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