International Journal of Information Retrieval Research
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Published By Igi Global

2155-6385, 2155-6377

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Umamageswari Kumaresan ◽  
Kalpana Ramanujam

The intent of this research is to come up with an automated web scraping system which is capable of extracting structured data records embedded in semi-structured web pages. Most of the automated extraction techniques in the literature captures repeated pattern among a set of similarly structured web pages, thereby deducing the template used for the generation of those web pages and then data records extraction is done. All of these techniques exploit computationally intensive operations such as string pattern matching or DOM tree matching and then perform manual labeling of extracted data records. The technique discussed in this paper departs from the state-of-the-art approaches by determining informative sections in the web page through repetition of informative content rather than syntactic structure. From the experiments, it is clear that the system has identified data rich region with 100% precision for web sites belonging to different domains. The experiments conducted on the real world web sites prove the effectiveness and versatility of the proposed approach.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 0-0

In the growing world of technology, where everything is available in just one click, the user expectations has increased with time. In the era of Search Engines, where Google, Yahoo are providing the facility to search through text and voice and image , it has become a complex work to handle all the operations and lot more of data storage is needed. It is also a time consuming process. In the proposed Image retrieval Search Engine, the user enters the queried image and that image is being matched with the template images . The proposed approach takes the input image with 15% accuracy to 100% accuracy to retrieve the intended image by the user. But it is found that due to the efficiency of the applied algorithm, in all cases, the retrieved images are with the same accuracy irrespective of the input query image accuracy. This implementation is very much useful in the fields of forensic, defense and diagnostics system in medical field etc. .

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 0-0

A new deep learning-based classification model called the Stochastic Dilated Residual Ghost (SDRG) was proposed in this work for categorizing histopathology images of breast cancer. The SDRG model used the proposed Multiscale Stochastic Dilated Convolution (MSDC) model, a ghost unit, stochastic upsampling, and downsampling units to categorize breast cancer accurately. This study addresses four primary issues: first, strain normalization was used to manage color divergence, data augmentation with several factors was used to handle the overfitting. The second challenge is extracting and enhancing tiny and low-level information such as edge, contour, and color accuracy; it is done by the proposed multiscale stochastic and dilation unit. The third contribution is to remove redundant or similar information from the convolution neural network using a ghost unit. According to the assessment findings, the SDRG model scored overall 95.65 percent accuracy rates in categorizing images with a precision of 99.17 percent, superior to state-of-the-art approaches.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 0-0

Nowadays, in online social networks, there is an instantaneous extension of multimedia services and there are huge offers of video contents which has hindered users to acquire their interests. To solve these problem different personalized recommendation systems had been suggested. Although, all the personalized recommendation system which have been suggested are not efficient and they have significantly retarded the video recommendation process. So to solve this difficulty, context extractor based video recommendation system on cloud has been proposed in this paper. Further to this the system has server selection technique to handle the overload program and make it balanced. This paper explains the mechanism used to minimize network overhead and recommendation process is done by considering the context details of the users, it also uses rule based process and different algorithms used to achieve the objective. The videos will be stored in the cloud and through application videos will be dumped into cloud storage by reading, coping and storing process.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Sanjana Tomer ◽  
Ketna Khanna ◽  
Sapna Gambhir ◽  
Mohit Gambhir

Parkinson disease (PD) is a neurological disorder where the dopaminergic neurons experience deterioration. It is caused from the death of the dopamine neurons present in the substantia nigra i.e., the mid part of the brain. The symptoms of this disease emerge slowly, the onset of the earlier stages shows some non-motor symptoms and with time motor symptoms can also be gauged. Parkinson is incurable but can be treated to improve the condition of the sufferer. No definite method for diagnosing PD has been concluded yet. However, researchers have suggested their own framework out of which MRI gave better results and is also a non-invasive method. In this study, the MRI images are used for extracting the features. For performing the feature extraction techniques Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix and Principal Component Analysis are performed and are analysed. Feature extraction reduces the dimensionality of data. It aims to reduce the feature of data by generating new features from the original one.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 0-0

Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus satellite images presents an important data source for many applications related to remote sensing. An effective image restoration method is proposed to fill the missing information in the satellite images. The segmentation of satellite images to find the SLIC Super pixels and then to find the image Segments. The Boundary Reconstruction is performed using Edge Matching to find the area of the missing region. Peak Signal to Noise Ratio and Root Mean Square Error using with boundary reconstruction and without boundary reconstruction to evaluate the quality and the error rate of the satellite images. The results show the capability to predict the missing values accurately in terms of quality, time without need of external information.The values for PSNR has changed from 25 to 90 and RMSE has changed from 180 to 4 in Red Channel of an image.This indicates that quality of the image is high and error rate is less.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 0-0

The irregularity of Indian grid system increases, with increase in the power demand. The quality of power supplied by the power grid is also poor due to continuous variation in frequency and voltage. To overcome this problem of power deficit, Captive Power Plants installed capacity has grown at a faster rate. Here short term load forecasting of Yara Fertilizers India Private limited installed at Babrala, Uttar Pradesh is performed using multi-layer feed-forward Neural network in MATLAB. The algorithm used is a Levenberg Marquardt algorithm. However, the training and results from ANN are very fast and accurate. Inputs given to the Neural Network are time, ambient air temperature from the compressor, cool air temperature at the compressor and IGV opening. The need, benefits and growth of CPP in India and use of ANN for short term load forecasting of CPP has been explained in detail in the paper.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 0-0

The Cubic Cell Formation Problem (CCFP) in cellular manufacturing systems consists in decomposing a production system into a set of manufacturing cells, and assigning workers to cells besides parts and machines. The major objective is to obtain manageable cells. Manageable cells mean cells with a minimum value of inter-cell moves of parts and workers and a minimum value of heterogeneity within cells. In this paper, a solution methodology based on a modified simulated annealing heuristic with a proposed neighbourhood search procedure is proposed. The methodology allows building multiple configurations by giving to the decision-maker the ability to control some parameters. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm gives a promising performance for all problem instances found in the literature.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 0-0

This study presents an intelligent information retrieval system that will effectively extract useful information from breast cancer datasets and utilized that information to build a classification model. The proposed model will reduce the missed cancer rate by providing a comprehensive decision support to the radiologist. The model is built on two datasets, Wisconsin Breast Cancer Dataset (WBCD) and 365 free text mammography reports from a hospital. Effective pre-processing techniques including filling missing values with regression, an effective Natural Language Processing (NLP) Parser is developed to handle free text mammography reports, balancing the dataset with Synthetic Minority Oversampling (SMOTE) was applied to prepare the dataset for learning. Most relevant features were selected with the help of filter method and tf-idf scores. K-NN and SGD classifiers are optimized with optimum value of k for K-NN and hyper tuning the SGD parameters with grid search technique.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 0-0

Security along the international border is a critical process in security assessment; It must be exercised the 24x7. With the advancements in wireless IoT technology, it has become much easier to design, develop and deploy a cost-effective, automatic and efficient system for intrusion detection in the context of surveillance. This paper set up to set up the most efficient surveillance solution, we propose a Border Surveillance Systems and sensitive sites. this surveillance and security system is to detect and track intruders trespassing into the monitoring area along the border, it able which triggers off precocious alerts and valuation necessary for the catch of efficient measurements in case of a threat. Our system is based on the classification of the human gestures drawn from videos envoy by Drones equipped with cameras and sensors in real-time. All accomplished experimentation and acquired results showed the benefit diverted from the use of our system and therefore it enables our soldiers to watch the borders at each and every moment to effectively and at low cost.

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