Jawda: Journal of Islamic Education Management
Latest Publications





Published By UIN Walisongo Semarang

2774-2725, 2774-2733

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-48
Danusiri Danusiri

Proyek ilmiah UIN Walisongo tentang Unity of science diasumsikan memiliki nilai manfaat. Dasar asumsi ini dapat mengacu pada QS. Ali Imran/3: 191 bahwa segala yang tercipta tidak ada yang sia-sia. Secara empirik dapat disaksikan bahwa sampah ternyata dapat didaur ulang dan mendatangkan manfaat multi praktis bernilai tinggi. Tulisan ini mengetengahkan nilai aksiologi menejemen Pendidikan Islam sebagai bagian dariUnity of of Science yang digagas oleh para akademikus kampus ini.Rute aksiologi menejemen Pendidikan Islam bertolak dari realitas bahwa ilmu adalah niscaya. Pengembangan ilmu didasarkan pada wahyu dalam hal ini Alquran dan as-sunnah Rasulillah. Dengan menggunakan cara berpikir kefilsafatan, terutama aspek rasional dan koherensi, aksiologi ilmu manajemen Pendidikan Islam diturunkan dari ilmu Pendidikan Islam. Ilmu Pendidikan Islam diturunkan dari ilmu Islam. Ilmu Islam diturunkan dari tafsir Alquran dan as-sunnah secara tematik dengan mengambil tema kependidikan. Tafsir Alquran maupun as-sunnah bersumber dari Alquran dan as-sunnah itu sendiri, yang secara imaniah bersumber dari kalamullah.  Di sisi lain, ilmu manajemen Islam merupakan pengembangan ilmu manajemen secara umum. Ilmu manajemen diturunkan dari ilmu ekonomi. Ilmu ekonomi diturunkan dari sosiologi. Sosiologi diturunkan dari ilmu antropologi. Ilmu antropologi diturunkan dari ilmu antropologi kefilsafatan. Antropologi kefilsafatan diturunkan dari filsafat sebgai induk ilmu. Jadi ilmu manajemen Pendidikan Islam memiliki dua moyang, yaitu dari wahyu Islam dan filsafat. Penyatuan dua sumber dilakukan dengan memformulasikan gagasan tentang unity of science oleh lingkaran UIN Walisongo Semarang yang arah penyatuannya mengikuti alur paradigmatic: integrasi, kolaborasi, dialektika, prospektif, dan pluralitas tentang ilmu. Secara umum unity of scence diimplementasikan pada peneguhan peradaban, humanitas, dan revitalisasi local wisdom. Arah misionaris unity of science ini berlaku pada setiap cabang ilmu yang dikembangkan oleh madzhab UIN Walisongo Semarang, termasuk ilmu manajemen Pendidikan Islam yang memiliki sub cabang aksiologi ilmu manajemen Pendidikan Islam. Dengan cara ini, apapun jenis fakultas dan program studi di lingkungan UIN Walisongo, termasuk Manajemen Pendidikan Islam  dan sub cabangnya, yaitu aksiologi ilmu manajemen Islam mencerminkan wawasan keilmuan yang luas, mendalam, dan organismis (non mekanismis)  sejak dari doktrin wahyu hingga kenyataan empiris, dan nilai manfaatnya, baik manfaat teoritis, yaitu pengembangan ilmu yang terus menerus sejalan dengan perubahan, maupun manfaat praktis, yaitu melahirkan kesarjanaan di bidang ilmu manajemen pendidikn Islam yang bertakwa kepada Allah swt.   

Fatimatur Rohmah ◽  
Abdul Wahid ◽  
Silviatul Hasanah

The covid-19 pandemic is hitting Indonesia, on the other hand activities in the world of education mut keep going. In 2020 the training Center Religious (BDK) Semarang has implemented Distance Training (PJJ) online. PJJ is implemented to provide more space train employees of the Ministry of Religion in Yogyakarta and Central Java, at amid the limitation tha hit during the covid-19 pandemic. However on in practice, researched found several problems.purpose this riset is to determine the context of PJJ implementation, input, process and product. This research uses are interviews, document review and obsercation. The result of research in the input aspect in the form of a work system applied are one day work at home and one day work at the office, the curriculum is applied in the implementationof PJJ it has adjusted to the provisions of the Ministry of Religion the center, although in the implementation of teaching sometimes innovation are made. In the PJJ process, the institution has held technical guidance for all employees, so there is no gap in using technology, quantity more and more participant, but there are problems with signal difficulties and each participant are given pulses during the training. While the result achieved in the implementation of PJJ all participants passed with an average score of 90, 60. Recommendations for the institution so that the implementation of PJJ is prioritized for entered into the work program in the coming year in the form ot the number of participants and reproduced classes, as well as institutional facilities for conducting education in a manner online enhanced. 

Danusiri Danusiri

Proyek ilmiah UIN Walisongo tentang Unity of science diasumsikan memiliki nilai manfaat. Dasar asumsi ini dapat mengacu pada QS. Ali Imran/3: 191 bahwa segala yang tercipta tidak ada yang sia-sia. Secara empirik dapat disaksikan bahwa sampah ternyata dapat didaur ulang dan mendatangkan manfaat multi praktis bernilai tinggi. Tulisan ini mengetengahkan nilai aksiologi menejemen Pendidikan Islam sebagai bagian dariUnity of of Science yang digagas oleh para akademikus kampus ini.Rute aksiologi menejemen Pendidikan Islam bertolak dari realitas bahwa ilmu adalah niscaya. Pengembangan ilmu didasarkan pada wahyu dalam hal ini Alquran dan as-sunnah Rasulillah. Dengan menggunakan cara berpikir kefilsafatan, terutama aspek rasional dan koherensi, aksiologi ilmu manajemen Pendidikan Islam diturunkan dari ilmu Pendidikan Islam. Ilmu Pendidikan Islam diturunkan dari ilmu Islam. Ilmu Islam diturunkan dari tafsir Alquran dan as-sunnah secara tematik dengan mengambil tema kependidikan. Tafsir Alquran maupun as-sunnah bersumber dari Alquran dan as-sunnah itu sendiri, yang secara imaniah bersumber dari kalamullah.  Di sisi lain, ilmu manajemen Islam merupakan pengembangan ilmu manajemen secara umum. Ilmu manajemen diturunkan dari ilmu ekonomi. Ilmu ekonomi diturunkan dari sosiologi. Sosiologi diturunkan dari ilmu antropologi. Ilmu antropologi diturunkan dari ilmu antropologi kefilsafatan. Antropologi kefilsafatan diturunkan dari filsafat sebgai induk ilmu. Jadi ilmu manajemen Pendidikan Islam memiliki dua moyang, yaitu dari wahyu Islam dan filsafat. Penyatuan dua sumber dilakukan dengan memformulasikan gagasan tentang unity of science oleh lingkaran UIN Walisongo Semarang yang arah penyatuannya mengikuti alur paradigmatic: integrasi, kolaborasi, dialektika, prospektif, dan pluralitas tentang ilmu. Secara umum unity of scence diimplementasikan pada peneguhan peradaban, humanitas, dan revitalisasi local wisdom. Arah misionaris unity of science ini berlaku pada setiap cabang ilmu yang dikembangkan oleh madzhab UIN Walisongo Semarang, termasuk ilmu manajemen Pendidikan Islam yang memiliki sub cabang aksiologi ilmu manajemen Pendidikan Islam. Dengan cara ini, apapun jenis fakultas dan program studi di lingkungan UIN Walisongo, termasuk Manajemen Pendidikan Islam  dan sub cabangnya, yaitu aksiologi ilmu manajemen Islam mencerminkan wawasan keilmuan yang luas, mendalam, dan organismis (non mekanismis)  sejak dari doktrin wahyu hingga kenyataan empiris, dan nilai manfaatnya, baik manfaat teoritis, yaitu pengembangan ilmu yang terus menerus sejalan dengan perubahan, maupun manfaat praktis, yaitu melahirkan kesarjanaan di bidang ilmu manajemen pendidikn Islam yang bertakwa kepada Allah swt.   

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-31
Fatimatur Rohmah ◽  
Abdul Wahid ◽  
Silviatul Hasanah

The covid-19 pandemic is hitting Indonesia, on the other hand activities in the world of education mut keep going. In 2020 the training Center Religious (BDK) Semarang has implemented Distance Training (PJJ) online. PJJ is implemented to provide more space train employees of the Ministry of Religion in Yogyakarta and Central Java, at amid the limitation tha hit during the covid-19 pandemic. However on in practice, researched found several problems.purpose this riset is to determine the context of PJJ implementation, input, process and product. This research uses are interviews, document review and obsercation. The result of research in the input aspect in the form of a work system applied are one day work at home and one day work at the office, the curriculum is applied in the implementationof PJJ it has adjusted to the provisions of the Ministry of Religion the center, although in the implementation of teaching sometimes innovation are made. In the PJJ process, the institution has held technical guidance for all employees, so there is no gap in using technology, quantity more and more participant, but there are problems with signal difficulties and each participant are given pulses during the training. While the result achieved in the implementation of PJJ all participants passed with an average score of 90, 60. Recommendations for the institution so that the implementation of PJJ is prioritized for entered into the work program in the coming year in the form ot the number of participants and reproduced classes, as well as institutional facilities for conducting education in a manner online enhanced. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-87
Burhanuddin Chusnul Chuluq ◽  
Agus Khunaifi ◽  
Fanzal Pamungkas

The leader is the person who is authorized to lead the activities in a group, the leadership role of the headmaster means a lot to the school, the success of the school is very closely related to the style and approach of the headmaster's leadership, how the headmaster manages his subordinates in order to produce the order as expected. This research is a field research with qualitative approach. The subjects of the study were the principal and administrative staff. Data obtained by interviews, observations and documentation.The results of this study concluded that there are implications of situational leadership of the principal on the effectiveness of administrative performance seen from the type of situational leadership, namely the first instruction process of the principal to the administrative admin coordinator, the second consultation process between the administration and the principal, resulting in a harmonious relationship and also intertwined two-way communication, the third process of participation when the principal is involved in the work that coincides with the administrative staff and the fourth process of delegation of the principal on administrative performance does not provide training directly to support the performance of the administration.

Burhanuddin Chusnul Chuluq ◽  
Agus Khunaifi ◽  
Fanzal Pamungkas

The leader is the person who is authorized to lead the activities in a group, the leadership role of the headmaster means a lot to the school, the success of the school is very closely related to the style and approach of the headmaster's leadership, how the headmaster manages his subordinates in order to produce the order as expected. This research is a field research with qualitative approach. The subjects of the study were the principal and administrative staff. Data obtained by interviews, observations and documentation.The results of this study concluded that there are implications of situational leadership of the principal on the effectiveness of administrative performance seen from the type of situational leadership, namely the first instruction process of the principal to the administrative admin coordinator, the second consultation process between the administration and the principal, resulting in a harmonious relationship and also intertwined two-way communication, the third process of participation when the principal is involved in the work that coincides with the administrative staff and the fourth process of delegation of the principal on administrative performance does not provide training directly to support the performance of the administration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-68
Aizzatin Aizzatin ◽  
Nur Uhbiyati ◽  
Musthofa Musthofa

Improving student discipline is one way in quality assurance in Madrasah Aliyah Raudlatul Ulum Guyangan Pati. This study aims to : 1. Describe and analyze quality assurance planning in improving student discipline at MA Raudlatul Ulum Guyangan Pati 2. Describe and analyze the implementation of quality assurance in Madrasah Raudlatul Ulum Guyangan Pati 3. Describe and analyze the evaluation of quality assurance in Madrasah Aliyah Raudlatul Ulum Guyangan Pati.This research is qualitative research, which aims to understand a phenomenon that is happening observed by researchers. In the discussion of this thesis is used a method that is descriptive analysis that is the method aims to know how the Principal and his staff guarantee the quality of madrasah by improving the discipline of students in Madrasah Aliyah Raudlatul Ulum Guyangan Pati.In this research study that (1) Education quality assurance planning in improving discipline MA (2) Implementation of quality assurance discipline (3) Evaluation of quality assurance of education.From the results of the study, the author gave advice to educational institutions Raudlatul Ulum Guyangan Pati to maintain achievements that have not been achieved by madrasah, improve achievements that have not been achieved, cultivate a quality culture to advance madrasah, hold recruitment of teachers or educational personnel to succeed educational activities, and provide facilities or facilities and good learning infrastructure.

Aizzatin Aizzatin ◽  
Nur Uhbiyati ◽  
Musthofa Musthofa

Improving student discipline is one way in quality assurance in Madrasah Aliyah Raudlatul Ulum Guyangan Pati. This study aims to : 1. Describe and analyze quality assurance planning in improving student discipline at MA Raudlatul Ulum Guyangan Pati 2. Describe and analyze the implementation of quality assurance in Madrasah Raudlatul Ulum Guyangan Pati 3. Describe and analyze the evaluation of quality assurance in Madrasah Aliyah Raudlatul Ulum Guyangan Pati.This research is qualitative research, which aims to understand a phenomenon that is happening observed by researchers. In the discussion of this thesis is used a method that is descriptive analysis that is the method aims to know how the Principal and his staff guarantee the quality of madrasah by improving the discipline of students in Madrasah Aliyah Raudlatul Ulum Guyangan Pati.In this research study that (1) Education quality assurance planning in improving discipline MA (2) Implementation of quality assurance discipline (3) Evaluation of quality assurance of education.From the results of the study, the author gave advice to educational institutions Raudlatul Ulum Guyangan Pati to maintain achievements that have not been achieved by madrasah, improve achievements that have not been achieved, cultivate a quality culture to advance madrasah, hold recruitment of teachers or educational personnel to succeed educational activities, and provide facilities or facilities and good learning infrastructure.

Annafi Kusmaratu Annafi ◽  
Fakuroji Fatkuroji ◽  
Baqiyatush Sholihah

Pemetaan mutu dilaksanakan untuk memberikan gambaran tentang capaian atau pemenuhan SNP. Penelitian ini mengambil fokus permasalahan: 1) bagaimana pemetaan mutu tenaga pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan berdasarkan instrumen pemetaan mutu di SMPN 1 Keling Jepara? 2) bagaimana cara meningkatkan mutu tenaga pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan berdasarkan standar pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan di SMPN 1 Keling Jepara? Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rapor mutu sebagai hasil pemetaan mutu menunjukkan ada peningkatan nilai dari tahun sebelumnya, hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya penambahan guru serta kualifikasi guru yang hampir mencapai SNP (Standar Nasional Pendidikan). Kemajuan juga terjadi pada kepala sekolah yang sudah memenuhi kualifikasi sebagai kepala sekolah profesional, ada juga standar tenaga administrasi yang harus memiliki tenaga administrasi yang berkualifikasi sesuai namun masih banyak data yang tidak terbaca oleh aplikasi dapodik yang menjadikan nilai rapor standar pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan tidak memiliki nilai. Setelah menganalisis pencapaian mutu dilanjutkan dengan upaya kepala sekolah dalam membina tenaga pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan lewat program pendidikan dan pelatihan, MGMP dan IHT.Quality mapping is carried out to provide an overview of the achievement or fulfillment of the National Education Standards (SNP). This research focuses on the problems: 1) how is the quality mapping of educators and education staff based on the quality mapping instrument at SMPN 1 Keling Jepara? 2) how to improve the quality of educators and education staffs based on the standards of educators and education personnels or staffs at SMPN 1 Keling Jepara? This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The results showed that the quality report card as a result of quality mapping showed an increase in grades from the previous year, this was evidenced by the addition of teachers and teacher qualifications that almost reached the National Education Standards (SNP). Progress has also occurred in school principals who have met the qualifications as professional school principals, there are also administrative staff standards who must have appropriate qualified administrative personnel but there is still a lot of data that is not legible by the dapodik application which makes the standard report cards of educators and education personnels have no grade. After analyzing the quality achievement, it is continued with the principal's efforts in fostering educators and education staffs through education and training programs, MGMP and IHT.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 88-109
Annafi Kusmaratu Annafi ◽  
Fakuroji Fatkuroji ◽  
Baqiyatush Sholihah

Pemetaan mutu dilaksanakan untuk memberikan gambaran tentang capaian atau pemenuhan SNP. Penelitian ini mengambil fokus permasalahan: 1) bagaimana pemetaan mutu tenaga pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan berdasarkan instrumen pemetaan mutu di SMPN 1 Keling Jepara? 2) bagaimana cara meningkatkan mutu tenaga pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan berdasarkan standar pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan di SMPN 1 Keling Jepara? Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rapor mutu sebagai hasil pemetaan mutu menunjukkan ada peningkatan nilai dari tahun sebelumnya, hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya penambahan guru serta kualifikasi guru yang hampir mencapai SNP (Standar Nasional Pendidikan). Kemajuan juga terjadi pada kepala sekolah yang sudah memenuhi kualifikasi sebagai kepala sekolah profesional, ada juga standar tenaga administrasi yang harus memiliki tenaga administrasi yang berkualifikasi sesuai namun masih banyak data yang tidak terbaca oleh aplikasi dapodik yang menjadikan nilai rapor standar pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan tidak memiliki nilai. Setelah menganalisis pencapaian mutu dilanjutkan dengan upaya kepala sekolah dalam membina tenaga pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan lewat program pendidikan dan pelatihan, MGMP dan IHT.Quality mapping is carried out to provide an overview of the achievement or fulfillment of the National Education Standards (SNP). This research focuses on the problems: 1) how is the quality mapping of educators and education staff based on the quality mapping instrument at SMPN 1 Keling Jepara? 2) how to improve the quality of educators and education staffs based on the standards of educators and education personnels or staffs at SMPN 1 Keling Jepara? This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The results showed that the quality report card as a result of quality mapping showed an increase in grades from the previous year, this was evidenced by the addition of teachers and teacher qualifications that almost reached the National Education Standards (SNP). Progress has also occurred in school principals who have met the qualifications as professional school principals, there are also administrative staff standards who must have appropriate qualified administrative personnel but there is still a lot of data that is not legible by the dapodik application which makes the standard report cards of educators and education personnels have no grade. After analyzing the quality achievement, it is continued with the principal's efforts in fostering educators and education staffs through education and training programs, MGMP and IHT.

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