Revista UNINGÁ Review
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2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. eURJ3975
Carolina Kobbaz Ferraresso ◽  
Francine Neves ◽  
Lara Elisa De Freitas Campos ◽  
Luísa Diniz Marra Vieira ◽  

The levels of anxiety and the use of medication among medical students were evaluated, relating it to sociodemographic data, prescription and medical follow-up, and symptom improvement. Cross-sectional study, in which a semi-structured questionnaire was applied. Among 264 students interviewed, 21% of the total (n = 56) use medication to treat anxiety. Most of them are female, almost half between 21 and 25 years old, single, live alone, and have high family income. These students opted for medical school mainly for professional and personal achievement, and the main drug used is fluoxetine. Yet, among drug users (n = 56), 39% (n = 22) self-medicate, although 64.3% (n = 36) are under medical supervision, more than half have side effects and 87.5% (n = 49) showed improvements in anxiety symptoms after starting use. The use of medication to treat anxiety was statistically related to monthly income, type of housing and reason for choosing the course (p < 0.05), although other variables cannot be ruled out. As noted in the present study, the use of such medications among medical students is considerable and, for the most part, medical follow-up directly influences the improvement of symptoms. In addition, there are risk factors related to the sociodemographic profile, which can lead to anxiety and/or self-medication and the indiscriminate use of medication, so preventive health measures must take these factors into account to guide more effective actions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. eURJ4110
Larissa Barbosa Alencar ◽  
Gustavo Cunha de Araújo ◽  

Research on photography with a focus on a city in the state of Tocantins is a way to try to tell of the history of this city, since there is little information or files that reveal part of this history. This research has as its main objective to identify, through photographic records, the history and memory of the city of Tocantinopolis - TO, Brazil. Of a qualitative approach and basic nature, the data collection instruments used were visual sources (photographs) regarding Tocantinopolis - TO, in addition to bibliographic research. Among some results found, the analyzed images revealed part of the history and the memory of this city. The information generated in the analyses helped us to identify visual elements present in the photographs that allowed us to expand the reading and interpretation capacity, which was fundamental to understand the stories, memories and the context that accompany (or accompanied) these images registered in this research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. eURJ3946
Juliana de Carvalho Parra ◽  
Guilherme Camargo Gallo ◽  
Leonardo Martins Leal ◽  

Phimosis is a rare condition in dogs, characterized by the inability to externalize the penis from inside the foreskin, resulting in discomfort for the affected animals. This disease can be congenital or acquired, secondary to inflammatory, neoplastic, lacerations and scarring. The most common complication of phimosis is balanoposthitis. The objective was to report the case of phimosis in a canine puppy, seen at the veterinary clinic Uningá. The 2-month-old dog, SRD, presented an increase in foreskin volume, polyuria, dysuria and pain in the manipulation of the foreskin. There were no changes in hematological tests. The animal in question was submitted to an ultrasound examination to rule out other possible causes of phimosis, such as neoplasms, for example. The patient was referred for a postioplasty and elective orchiectomy procedure. We conclude that phimosis in dogs is a rare condition, but it has a good prognosis in the short and medium terms, as long as the surgical intervention is performed correctly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. eURJ3747
Sinara Andressa Troian ◽  
Franciele Maria Gottardo ◽  
Márcia Keller Alves ◽  

Commercial fishing and fish farms represent important sectors in the food industry. The global demand for these products had a significant increase in the last decades, due to the growth of the population, increase in income and in urbanization. To ensure a safe product to the population, the National Plan for Control of Residues and Poisoning (PNCRC) was developed, analyzing risks in products of both fishing and farming, aiming to ensure quality in food product throughout the production chain. In this way, the current document analysis aimed to verify, through reports from 2010 to 2016, the presence of inorganic poisons in fish from farming and commercial fishing. From those reports, the number of unsatisfactory samples in regards to poisons was extracted. This study reported that only fish from commercial fishing showed sample numbers with contamination from mercury, arsenium, plumbum and cadmium, with variations from 8,61% and 25,95%. These contaminated fish shouldn’t be made available for human consumption. For this reason, the NPCRP is an important tool to manage the risks of poisoning, promoting chemical safety on food with animal origins produced in Brazil.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. eURJ2353
Otávio Nogueira Balzano ◽  
Abraham Lincoln de Paula Rodrigues ◽  
Gilberto Ferreira da Silva ◽  
Leandro Veras Castelo Branco ◽  

In Physical Education, there is a discussion about the theory and practice dichotomy, and how much one provides support to the other to obtain legitimacy. This leads to thinking about the training of the new professionals in the area. In the training environment, there are theoretical subjects, which seem to be far from a reality outside of the university. This causes a misinterpretation of the real situation of education. The aim of this study was to verify the perception of the scholarship students about the extension Project “The insertion of the university in soccer” regarding the dimension theory and practice in the Physical Education training. It was conducted qualitative research, with a qualitative approach, and composed of five scholarship students from the extension project. The data were collected through an open questionnaire, applied to the students, and analyzed with the theoretical framework searching for the results. The data analysis indicates the tension maintenance between theory and practice, which the first one concentrates on the setting of a conceptual framework far from the practice conceived as a limited “experience of yourself” during an educational activity. However, the extensionists practices allowed to widen the knowledge of the professional expertise and, paradoxically, the application of the theories learned in the academic environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. eURJ4053
Josenaide Engracia dos Santos ◽  
Ana Beatriz Milhomem Dutra ◽  
Vanessa Resende Nogueira Cruvinel ◽  
Rozemere Cardoso de Souza ◽  

The aim of this research is to analyze the interface between domestic violence and psychological distress, from the perspective of women who waste recyclable materials. This is a qualitative study, with a social constructionist approach, conducted with twenty women waste pickers, living in the Federal District, Brazil. The semi-structured interview was used as a data collection instrument and the Association of Ideas maps for analysis of the contents of the speeches. The contents extracted from the collected narratives are divided into three thematic categories: violence producing psychic suffering, resources to cope with violence, and work and psychic suffering among women who work with solid waste. At work, we noticed personal memories of the suffering experienced and experienced in the present time in the workspace. In reading women, there are few resources to help, even with the knowledge of the legal resource. However, there were indications of self-knowledge of the right to life, respect and appreciation of being a woman. It is concluded that resistance strategies with psychosocial, legal and protective care for women are necessary, to proactively support the reduction of their vulnerabilities and facilitate the expansion of their capacities to face the causes of violence, and to produce care, support and prevention networks, which include their children.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  
pp. eURJ4019-eURJ4019
Gabriela Martins de Carvalho ◽  
Renan Leite ◽  
Larissa Silva Braga ◽  
Rodrigo Samuel Toledo ◽  

A síndrome cólica é uma das principais emergências clínicas e cirúrgicas que acometem equinos de todas as raças e idades, na qual se não tratada, pode ser fatal. A enfermidade vem acompanhada de sinais sistêmicos intensos, e pode ser convertida por meio da clínica médica ou cirúrgica, dependendo da gravidade do caso. Sabendo da importância dessa síndrome, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da estabulação e da alimentação no desenvolvimento da cólica, através da revisão bibliográfica. Diante das informações encontradas, conclui-se que a maior parte dos casos de cólicas estão relacionados com o manejo errôneo do animal, principalmente em relação a alimentação e restrição de exercício físico. Portanto, é de extrema importância informar aos proprietários desses animais sobre como deve ser feito o fornecimento de alimento tanto em quantidade como em qualidade, e sobre como a prática de atividade física pode evitar o desenvolvimento de distúrbios gastrointestinais.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  
pp. eURJ3953-eURJ3953
Daywison Silva Rodrigues Gamboa ◽  
João Ricardhis Saturnino de Oliveira ◽  
Vera Lucia de Menezes Lima

A flora brasileira apresenta uma grande diversidade, e o mercado de frutas representa uma atividade de grande importância econômica para o país. A ingestão de compostos fenólicos, oriundos de frutas, está associada a vários efeitos benéficos e prevenção de condições patológicas. O presente estudo consiste em uma revisão crítica sobre o teor de compostos fenólicos totais e flavonoides em relação ao preço de mercado de seis frutas nativas (caju, seriguela, umbu, juá, cajá e pitomba) e em oito frutas exóticas (acerola, carambola, coco, frutapão, graviola, pinha, sapoti, tamarindo) ao Nordeste brasileiro. O levantamento foi realizado a partir de avaliação dos preços divulgados nas plataformas digitais dos Centros de Abastecimento de Alimentos dos estados nordestinos e as concentrações de fenóis totais e flavonoides foram obtidas através de levantamento bibliográfico em bases de dados. Diferenças significativas não foram observadas entre as concentrações médias de compostos fenólicos em frutas nativas e exóticas. Da mesma forma, o teor de flavonoides não apresentou diferença significativa entre os dois grupos. Contudo, foi observado a diferença de aproximadamente R$2,00 entre o preço médio das frutas nativas e exóticas, sendo atribuído menor preço às frutas nativas. Desse modo, as frutas nativas se mostram como fonte de menor custo e com o mesmo valor nutricional em flavonoides e fenóis totais das frutas exóticas avaliadas. No entanto, embora mais dispendiosas, há uma preferência do mercado pela aquisição de frutas exóticas por questões de produção e sabor.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  
pp. eURJ3981-eURJ3981
Caio Ericles Kolling ◽  
Leandro Rampim ◽  

A “Big data”, internet das coisas, “Agro 4.0”, gêmeo digital, robótica e vários outros conceitos tendem a se concretizar no meio rural e serem ferramentas na gestão agrícola envolvendo Agricultura de Precisão e Digital. O objetivo de avaliar perspectivas e desafios da utilização de agricultura de precisão e digital nos manejos adotados em culturas comerciais no estado do Paraná, Brasil. Para tal, foram entrevistados sessenta produtores rurais nas regiões do estado, através de questionário para compreensão da realidade tecnológica. Muitos produtores rurais paranaenses já possuem smartphones e acesso à internet, porém com déficit de conhecimento em conceitos básicos sobre Agricultura Digital, e com número reduzido daqueles que já utilizam Agricultura de Precisão. Muitos acreditam ser possível melhorar a gestão da propriedade e os manejos agrícolas com a Agricultura Digital, sendo que apenas alguns já utilizam uma plataforma de agricultura digital. Porém, ainda há muitos desafios a serem superados pelo setor público e privado, como telefonia móvel de qualidade, máquinas compatíveis e assistência técnica especializada.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  
pp. eURJ3728-eURJ3728
Janine Machado Oliveira ◽  

Determinadas plantas medicinais possuem nomes populares semelhantes entre si. Malva sylvestris e Pelargonium graveolens são espécies conhecidas pelo mesmo nome popular “Malva” e, portanto, comumente confundidas, além de serem usadas para fins medicinais parecidos. O objetivo do trabalho foi executar uma revisão da literatura dos últimos dez anos sobre o desenvolvimento do conhecimento científico de óleos essenciais de M. sylvestris e P. graveolens, com a finalidade de identificar os principais componentes químicos e atividades biológicas. Os resultados descrevem a produção comercial destes óleos essenciais, no qual P. graveolens, que também é conhecido popularmente como gerânio ou malva-cheirosa, possui um forte efeito terapêutico em sua composição. Quanto aos componentes químicos, os ácidos graxos: ácido linolênico, ácido linoléico e ácido palmítico são constituintes majoritários dos óleos de M. Sylvestris. Enquanto P. graveolens é composto principalmente de citronelol, geraniol, formiato de citronelila e mentona. As principais atividades relatadas foram: antimicrobiana, antifúngica, inseticida e antioxidante.

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