2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. eURJ2353
Otávio Nogueira Balzano ◽  
Abraham Lincoln de Paula Rodrigues ◽  
Gilberto Ferreira da Silva ◽  
Leandro Veras Castelo Branco ◽  

In Physical Education, there is a discussion about the theory and practice dichotomy, and how much one provides support to the other to obtain legitimacy. This leads to thinking about the training of the new professionals in the area. In the training environment, there are theoretical subjects, which seem to be far from a reality outside of the university. This causes a misinterpretation of the real situation of education. The aim of this study was to verify the perception of the scholarship students about the extension Project “The insertion of the university in soccer” regarding the dimension theory and practice in the Physical Education training. It was conducted qualitative research, with a qualitative approach, and composed of five scholarship students from the extension project. The data were collected through an open questionnaire, applied to the students, and analyzed with the theoretical framework searching for the results. The data analysis indicates the tension maintenance between theory and practice, which the first one concentrates on the setting of a conceptual framework far from the practice conceived as a limited “experience of yourself” during an educational activity. However, the extensionists practices allowed to widen the knowledge of the professional expertise and, paradoxically, the application of the theories learned in the academic environment.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-96
Camila Rinaldi Bisconsini ◽  
Arestides Pereira da Silva Júnior ◽  
Amauri Aparecido Bássoli de Oliveira

Objetivo: averiguar as ações pedagógicas adotadas por docentes de um curso de Licenciatura em Educação Física para abordar a escola no decorrer das aulas. Métodos: participaram da pesquisa 41 acadêmicos do último ano e 18 professores permanentes de um curso de Licenciatura em Educação Física, os quais participaram de entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados foram tratados por meio de análise de conteúdo, com a utilização do software de análise qualitativa NVivo 10. Resultados: Os resultados demonstram que os professores, de modo geral, estabelecem relações entre os conteúdos e a escola por meio de discussões nas salas de aula na universidade, ou ainda promovem aulas simuladas, nas quais os acadêmicos planejam e ensinam conteúdos para a própria turma no ambiente universitário. No entanto, constatou-se que são raras as ações que oportunizam a aproximação entre teoria e prática, por meio de encontros, visitas, aulas e demais práticas de ensino no contexto escolar da Educação Básica. Conclusão: reforça-se a necessidade de possibilitar ao futuro professor de Educação Física a sua imersão na realidade da escola, como forma de vivenciar in loco os elementos básicos e aplicados do ser professor.ABSTRACT.  Pedagogical actions linked to school in the physical education initial training. Objective: to investigate the pedagogical actions adopted by professors of a degree in Physical Education to approach the school in the course of the classes. Methods: thirty-one students of a last year course and eighteen permanent professors from a Physical Education degree participated in the study, by a semi-structured interview. The results were treated through content analysis using the NVivo 10 qualitative analysis software. Results: the results demonstrate that professors, in general, establish relationships between content and school through discussions in the classroom university, or they promote simulated classes in which students plan and teach content for their own class in the university environment. However, it has been observed that there are few opportunities in which the approach between theory and practice is approached through meetings, visits, classes and other teaching practices in the school context of Basic Education. Conclusion:  the need to enable the future Physical Education teacher to be immersed in the reality of the school is reinforced as a way of experiencing in practice the basic and applied elements of being a teacher.

2020 ◽  
Vol 225 ◽  
pp. 68-75
O.N. Shevchenko ◽  

The education system at the university at the present stage is being created in the context of reforming education and other areas of activity that are closely related to the development processes of civil society. In todays’ Russia, the educational system that developed during the Soviet period has essentially lost its influence, and in accordance with the new challenges of the time, a different system for organizing the educational process is being formed. When teaching bachelors of technical sciences, it is possible and necessary to take into account the educational potential of technical disciplines in the complex process of a future engineering and technical worker personality forming. The methodological basis of the study is the psychological and pedagogical theory and practice of creating a system of educational activity when teaching engineering disciplines at a university with the aim of forming the personality of a competitive specialist in engineering and technology and reflecting the requirements of educational and professional standards for the training of experts in engineering profiles. The purpose of this article is to determine professionally important qualities and professionally significant psycho-physiological properties, based on theoretical analysis and study practical experience in teaching geometric graphic disciplines at a university, which students can form in the learning process for personal development and successful mastering of the profession in accordance with professional standards and the realities of industrial and technical sphere. Graphic culture has an impact on the worldview and moral values of the individual, forms aesthetic tastes, contributes to the formation of a civic position and responsibility. Educational activities at the university should be implemented not only in sports, leisure and entertainment events, but the most important aspects of personal education in learning technical disciplines are the formation of cognitive independence, strong-willed personality, emotional, behavioral, intellectual flexibility, which are the key qualifications of the future engineer. The results can be used in the teaching of graphic disciplines in technical universities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (6) ◽  
pp. 3396-3404
Yerik Makhambetov ◽  
Ainur Baikenzheyeva ◽  
Sultan Kassymov ◽  
Zhandos Yessirkepov ◽  
Rahat Kurmanbaev

Abstract The behaviours gained in graduate education should be used in their professional life. As a result of the literature review, it is concluded that physical education teachers have problems in transferring knowledge in their professional competence. The opinions of physical education teachers about the education they received at the university are important in terms of investigating the source of this problem. Anatomy is about the body. The achievements of the anatomy course and the applicability of these gains are very important. This research was conducted with last year students studying at the physical education department at the university. 48 pre-service teachers who took the Anatomy course, studying in the physical education department, participated in the research. Researchers were selected based on volunteerism. The qualitative research method was used in the research and the findings were supported by content analysis. 4 open-ended questions prepared by the researcher were prepared by taking expert opinions. The results obtained from the research show that the anatomy course is important for physical education, and the behaviours to be gained in this course will have to be used frequently in professional life. Again, it was concluded that explaining the anatomy course content as applied while preparing it will facilitate their learning. As a result of the results obtained from this research, the anatomy course taught in universities is an important course for the physical education profession. The method applied for the problems experienced in this course can be changed technically. In the anatomy course, which includes theory and practice, practice can eliminate the problems experienced. Keywords: physical education, anatomy, professional competence, usability, human structure, training program

2019 ◽  
pp. 92-106
Galina Nikolaevna Selianskaia ◽  
Katerina Vadimovna Isaeva

The relevance of the study is detremined be the necessity to form a new structure of educational activities of universities, focused on the preparation of competitive graduates, whose competencies meet the needs of the modern stage of the changes of technological structures in the economy and the formation of a new post-industrial society. The analysis and generalization of theoretical approaches and practice of educational activity organization in contemporary higher educational institutions is carried out and possible ways of educational process modernization with application of competence approach to definition of educational process results are defined. The prerequisites for changing the educational paradigm in the Russian higher school are studied and the levels of competencies formed in the traditional educational process based on the concept of «supporting education», as well as the levels of competencies that can be formed in students while organizing the educational process using the concept of «innovative education» are determined. The interrelation of higher school teachers' information competence with the possibility of increasing the education system innovative ability is revealed. The ways of creating information and methodological system to support the training environment that accompanies the learning process, using the capabilities of the Internet are proposed in the article. The article describes four blocks of the educational process modernization, combining the basic tools for the innovative educational process implementation at the University, and lists the main conditions for the implementation of the proposed innovations in University practice. Innovative type of teaching methods at the University should be based on the fundamental condition of students' innovative methods of thinking and activity mastering – the principle of the Trinity of educational, research and project activities of students, both independent and in a single team with teachers. The main goal of all methodological technologies is to involve the student in the learning process, to make him an active participant in the learning process, to form his independence, interest in the active acquisition of knowledge, skills of self-education and research abilities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 64 (3) ◽  
pp. 155-158
A. Kosshygulova ◽  

This article deals with the problem of formation of modern students ' skills of self-organization of educational activities. It is also shown that a number of contradictions have arisen in the theory and practice of higher education, which determine the relevance of solving this problem. Self-organization of students' learning activities is set out on the expediency, activity, reasonableness of motivation, planning of their activities, independence, speed of decision-making and responsibility for them, criticality of evaluating the results of their activities. The author, relying on the opinions of many domestic and foreign scientists, defines the independent organization of educational activities not only as educational, but also as an independent work that has personal and social significance. He gives some results of his own research conducted at the university among students of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd courses on this problem. It also identifies a set of skills for self-organization of students ' learning activities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
pp. 01075
Irina Kalina ◽  
Aleksandr Golubev ◽  
Rustam Aidarov

When communicating with the surrounding people each person shows his / her social and psychological personal qualities. The development of these qualities is influenced by a large number of factors. Physical education plays a significant role in this process. The development of social and psychological qualities manifests itself in the presence of one’s own beliefs and views on various phenomena and events in society; in the acquired social attitudes and requirements both in relation to himself and to other people; in the ability to make decisions and bear responsibility for them; in the ability to master and carry out various social roles; in the efficiency of interaction with various social groups of people; in willingness for self-education, etc. The article characterizes the process of physical education at a university as one of the spheres of educational activity which promotes social adaptation of students to the conditions of the university, and develops future professionals’ socially and professionally significant personal qualities and the ability for efficient activity in the constantly changing conditions of the social environment and social production. The authors emphasize the importance of pedagogical, social and psychological environment in which the process of a personality development is realized.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 00046
Elena Popova ◽  
Anastasia Popova ◽  
Vladimir Bazelyuk ◽  
Aleksandr Demin

From the standpoint of methodological analysis, an algorithmic representation of educational management effectiveness in the field of adaptive physical education and health protection is presented in the article. Special attention is paid to the innovative aspect of educational activity in the University of physical culture. It determines students’ psychophysiological attitude to personal life safety in self-knowledge coordinates.

Mousaion ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
Olefhile Mosweu

Most curriculum components of archival graduate programmes consist of contextual knowledge, archival knowledge, complementary knowledge, practicum, and scholarly research. The practicum, now commonly known as experiential learning in the global hub, is now widely accepted in library and information studies (LIS) education as necessary and important. It is through experiential learning that, over and above the theoretical aspects of a profession, students are provided with the opportunity to learn by doing in a workplace environment. The University of Botswana’s Master’s in Archives and Records Management (MARM) programme has a six weeks experiential learning programme whose purpose is to expose prospective archivists and/or records managers to the real archival world in terms of practice as informed by archival theory. The main objective of the study was to determine the extent to which the University of Botswana’s experiential learning component exposes students to real-life archival work to put into practice theoretical aspects learnt in the classroom as intended by the university guidelines. This study adopted a qualitative research design and collected data through interviews from participants selected through purposive and snowball sampling strategies. Documentary review supplemented the interviews. The data collected were analysed thematically in line with research objectives. The study determined that experiential learning does indeed expose students to the real world of work. It thus helps to bridge the gap between archival theory and practice for students without archives and records management work experience. For those with prior archival experience, experiential learning does not add value. This study recommends that students with prior archives and records management experience should rather, as an alternative to experiential learning, undertake supervised research, and write a research essay in a chosen thematic area in archives and records management.

2020 ◽  
pp. 158-160
Салтанат Кошалиева

Аннотация: Бул макалада мектеп жашына чейинки балдардын ден соолугун чыңдоодо оюн технологиясын пайдалануунун өзгөчөлүктөрү талкууланат. Метепке чейинки курак баланын дене-бой жана психикалык ден соолугунун пайдубалын түптөөнүн чечүүчү этабы болуп саналат. Бул мезгилде органдардын ургаалдуу өнүгүшү жана организмдин функциялык системасынын калыптанышы жүрүүдө. Акыркы жылдары мектепке чейинки балдардын ден соолугунун начарлаганы туруктуу тенденцияга айланып, оорулуу балдардын саны көбөйүүдө. Мектеп жашына чейинки балдардын психикалык жана сүйлөө жөндөмдөрүн оюн аркылуу жакшыртып, жаңы механизмдерин иштеп чыгуу жагы каралган. Бала бакчанын негизги милдети - баланы өз алдынча жашоого даярдоо, жакшы адаттарга багыттоо менен тарбиялоо иши макалада каралган. Түйүндүү сөздөр: Ден соолук, бала бакчада, дене тарбия, элдик оюндар, тарбиялоо, ден соолукту чыңдоо, иш пландар, жаш муундар, коюлган талаптар, педагогикалык шарттар. Аннотация: В данной статье рассматриваются особенности использования игровых технологий в оздоровлении дошкольников. Дошкольный возраст является решающим этапом в формировании фундамента физического и психического здоровья ребенка. В этот период идет интенсивное развитие органов и становление функциональных систем организма. Наметившаяся в последние годы устойчивая тенденция ухудшения здоровья дошкольников, увеличение количества детей с нарушениями психического и речевого развития, диктует необходимость поиска механизмов, позволяющая изменить эту ситуацию. Основная задача детского сада - подготовить ребенка к самостоятельной жизни, дав ему для этого необходимые умения, навыки, воспитав определенные привычки. Сегодня в дошкольных учреждениях уделяется большое внимание здоровье сберегающим технологиям, которые направлены на решение самой главной задачидошкольного образования – сохранить, поддержать и обогатить здоровье детей. Ключевые слова: Здоровье, детский сад, физическое воспитание, народные подвижные игры, физические упражнения, общеобразовательная школа, учащиеся, воспитание, оздоровление, подрастающее поколение, предъявляемые требования, педагогические условия, теория и практика физического воспитания, подвижные игры. Abstract: This article discusses the features of the use of game technologies in the rehabilitation of preschoolers. Preschool age is a crucial stage in the formation of the Foundation of physical and mental health of the child. During this period there is an intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body. The steady tendency of deterioration of health of preschool children outlined in recent years, increase in number of children with violations of mental and speech development, dictates need of search of the mechanisms allowing to change this situation. The main task of the kindergarten is to prepare the child for independent life, giving him the necessary skills, bringing up certain habits. Today, preschool institutions pay great attention to health-saving technologies, which are aimed at solving the most important task of preschool education – to preserve, support and enrich the health of children. Key words: Health, kindergarten, physical education, folk outdoor games, physical exercises, secondary school, students, education, rehabilitation, the younger generation, the requirements, pedagogical conditions, theory and practice of physical education, out-door games.

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