Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
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Published By Scielo

1807-2577, 0101-1774

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
Tales Severiano da SILVA ◽  
Jonatas Silva de OLIVEIRA ◽  
Patrícia Fernanda FACCIO ◽  
Maria das Graças Wanderley de Sales CORIOLANO ◽  
Carla Cabral dos Santos Accioly LINS

Abstract Introduction Changes caused by the rigidity of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) can affect the mandibular musculature. However, few studies have been published about its impact on the oral opening. Objective To analyze the relationship of the vertical extension of the oral opening with muscular rigidity and sociodemographic factors of the elderly with PD. Material and method This is a cross-sectional, quantitative study that collected data from a primary study conducted at the Hospital das Clínicas of the Federal University of Pernambuco in 2018. Data were collected from medical records and from the questionnaire, Research Diagnostic Criterion for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD). The sample was composed of 81 parkinsonians and characterized using: sociodemographic variables and the presence or absence of muscular rigidity. The measures of vertical extension of the oral opening evaluated were: mouth opening without assistance and without pain (ABASD), and maximum mouth opening without assistance (AMBSA). The Pearson’s linear correlation and Spearman’s correlation tests were applied to investigate the relationship among the continuous variables. Analyses of association were conducted using simple logistic regression. The level of significance was set at p<0.05. Result Limitation of the oral opening was not related to age or sex. The greatest level of significance was between mouth opening without assistance and without pain and muscular rigidity (p=0.012), and years of schooling (p=0.038). Conclusion The limitation of mouth opening in people with PD was shown to be related to muscular rigidity and fewer years of schooling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
Maíra de Oliveira Viana RELA ◽  
Maria de Fátima Guedes CANUTO ◽  
Aretha de Magalhães e SOUZA ◽  
Camila Rodrigues de ALMEIDA ◽  
Lorena Amaral MOREIRA

Resumo Introdução Ocorrendo de forma branda e não invasiva, a terapia craniossacral é uma técnica de manipulação na qual o terapeuta exerce leve pressão sobre estrutura óssea, sendo utilizada como tratamento para diversos problemas de saúde, como cefaleias e DTM. Objetivo Analisar os efeitos da terapia craniossacral em indivíduos com disfunção temporomandibular associada a cefaleia do tipo tensional. Material e método Estudo descritivo, intervencionista com abordagem quantitativa, realizado no núcleo de atenção médica integrado, no período de fevereiro a setembro de 2018. Foram inclusos no estudo indivíduos com disfunção temporomandibular e que apresentaram cefaleia dentre os sintomas. Foram exclusos aqueles que não compareceram ao atendimento ou não apresentaram a sintomatologia. Previamente, foi realizada uma avaliação para identificar a dor na crise de cefaleia, a mensuração da amplitude de movimento mandibular e a palpação dos músculos da mastigação, para classificar a dor em leve, moderada ou forte. Após oito atendimentos, sendo duas vezes por semana com duração de 15 minutos cada, todos foram reavaliados. Resultado Participaram do estudo 31 indivíduos, sendo 90,3% do sexo feminino. Na classificação do RDC/TMD, houve prevalência dos grupos G1 e G1G3. Quanto a mobilidade mandibular, houve ganho para os movimentos de abertura, com 45,6 mm (±7,5) antes da terapia e, na reavaliação, 47,4 mm (±8,4); desvios laterais antes da terapia (lado direito – 7,0 ±2,8) e (lado esquerdo – 7,7±3,0), e após a terapia (8,0±3,0) e (8,6±2,9), respectivamente; o movimento de protusão, antes com média 5,03 ±2,5 e, na reavaliação, com 4,8 ±1,9. Na palpação muscular, destacamos redução do quadro álgico no músculo pterigoideo medial com média 2,2 (±1,05) antes da terapia e 1,5 (±1,02) após a terapia. Conclusão Concluímos que a terapia se mostrou eficaz no tratamento de pacientes com disfunção temporomandibular associada a cefaleia do tipo tensional.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
Lélis Gustavo NÍCOLI ◽  
Carolina Mendonça de Almeida MALZONI ◽  
Cristiano SUSIN ◽  

Abstract Introduction The investigation of peri-implant diseases risk indicators helps to prevent and target treatment techniques. Objective The aim of this cross-sectional study was to determine the occurrence of peri-implantitis and its potential risk indicator factors, besides to assess the long-term success and survival rates of dental implants after 8 to 10 years of function. Material and method For this, fifty individuals who had received their implant-supported rehabilitation between 2003 and 2005 were included. Data regarding demographics, medical and dental history were collected and a complete clinical examination was performed. Multivariate analysis was used to identify potential risk indicator factors related to the occurrence of peri-implantitis. Overall, 211 implants had been placed; 197 were in function, 9 were still submerged, and 5 had been lost. Result Success and survival rates were 81.5% and 97.6%, respectively. Peri-implant mucositis affected 77.1% of subjects and 52.3% of implants. Peri-implantitis was diagnosed in 14 individuals (29.2%) and 25 implants (12.7%). Subjects with osteoporosis (OR = 2.84) and generalized bleeding on probing (OR = 8.03) were significantly associated with higher odds of peri-implantitis. At the implant level, visible plaque (OR = 4.45) and deep probing depths (OR = 4.47) were significantly associated with peri-implantitis. Conclusion Through these results, our study suggests that osteoporosis and generalized periodontal/peri-implant mucosa inflammation increase the likelihood of peri-implantitis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
Camila Chierici MARCANTONIO ◽  
Egle Maria FABRICIO ◽  
Lavinia Prado BERNARDINO ◽  
Marília Narducci PESSOA ◽  

Resumo Introdução Problemas de origem dentária podem ocasionar um forte impacto em aspectos funcionais, emocionais e sociais das crianças, comprometendo-as em âmbito escolar, na aprendizagem e no seu desenvolvimento fisiológico. Objetivo Analisar as associações entre as variáveis de condições socioeconômicas, saúde bucal, hábitos e má oclusão com o desempenho escolar das crianças de cinco anos. Material e método A amostra consistiu em 753 crianças matriculadas em escolas públicas da cidade de Araraquara-SP. Foram realizados exames bucais para avaliar a presença de cárie dentária e má oclusão. Foram analisados, também, hábitos de sucção e bruxismo, condição socioeconômica e a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal. Os dados foram avaliados pelas análises descritivas e por modelos de regressão logística, simples e múltiplo (p≤0,05). Foram estimados os Odds Ratios, com intervalos de 95% de confiança. Resultado Apresentaram chances de ter pior desempenho escolar: crianças de famílias com menores rendas (1,76 vez), crianças que apresentaram piores condições de saúde bucal (1,93 vez), crianças que apresentaram um comportamento deficiente em relação à higiene oral (6,6 vezes) e crianças do sexo masculino (1,48 vez). Não houve evidências de associação entre as variáveis de saúde bucal, má oclusão e de hábitos orais deletérios com o desempenho escolar percebido pelos responsáveis. Conclusão Crianças de famílias com menores rendas, que recebem ajuda financeira do governo, com pior avaliação da saúde bucal e higiene oral, do sexo masculino e que são cuidadas por pessoas que não os pais apresentaram maior chance de ter o desempenho escolar comprometido.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
Maiara Paula Malacarne ZAMBALDI ◽  
Maria del Carmem Bisi MOLINA ◽  
Camila Bruneli do PRADO ◽  
Edson Theodoro dos SANTOS NETO

Resumo Introdução A utilização dos bens e serviços de saúde é considerada uma expressão positiva de acesso, influenciada por diversos fatores. Objetivo Analisar o acesso aos serviços e bens em saúde bucal, com seus fatores determinantes, entre escolares de 7-10 anos. Material e método Estudo seccional realizado com escolares de amostra probabilística por conglomerado. Os dados foram coletados através de formulário aplicado às crianças e questionário enviado aos pais/responsáveis. O desfecho de interesse foi o acesso aos bens e serviços de saúde odontológicos, a partir das variáveis “primeira consulta odontológica” e “posse de escova dental própria”. As variáveis independentes (características infantis, maternas e socioeconômicas) que apresentaram significância estatística ≤0,10, na análise bivariada, foram incluídas no modelo de Regressão Logística Multivariada. O nível de significância adotado no modelo final foi de 5%. Resultado Associaram à posse de escova dental: idades de 8 (OR=3,303; IC95%= 1,135 – 9,610), 9 (OR=3,452; IC95% = 1,176 - 10,137) e 10 anos (OR= 6,901; IC95% = 1,468 – 32,434); tabagismo materno (OR=4,509; IC95% = 2,021-10,060). Associados à primeira consulta odontológica: idades de 9 (OR=2,321; IC95% = 1,340 – 4,022) e 10 anos (OR= 3,155; IC95% = 1,687 – 5,899); escola privada (OR=3,691; IC95% = 1,343-10,145); dois ou mais quartos na residência (OR: 3,691; IC95% = 1,343 – 10,145) e posse de escova dental própria (OR=2,065; IC95% = 1,009 – 4,226). Conclusão Os resultados apontam para desigualdade no acesso à saúde odontológica. Crianças mais velhas, com mães não fumantes e melhores condições socioeconômicas apresentam maior acesso aos serviços e bens em saúde bucal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
Francine MONTAGNA ◽  
Francisco MONTAGNER ◽  
Tiago André Fontoura de MELO ◽  
Simone Bonato LUISI

Abstract Introduction Dental practice professionals encounter several urgency cases, mainly related to endodontic problems. To attend to these, professionals need extensive prior preclinical training, being one of the main difficulties the search for models that simulate dental morphology. Aim To compare the external morphometry of multirooted artificial teeth to literature. Material and method The artificial teeth (Upper First Premolar, Upper First Molar and Lower First Molar) were donated by the manufacturers: Fábrica de Sorrisos (FS) and IM do Brasil LTDA (IM), totaling 30 teeth. The total length of the tooth and root, height and buccal-palatal and mesial-distal dimensions of the crown were measured with a digital pachymeter. The data were placed in a spreadsheet and the statistical analysis was performed [ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis and then, Dunnett's test (α=5%)]. Result The Upper Molar samples of the company Fábrica de Sorrisos presented all variables within the morphometric patterns described in the literature. The other dental groups presented statistically significant differences, maintaining or not a certain proportionality. Conclusion Of all the dental groups analyzed, the upper molar from the company Fábrica de Sorrisos was the only one that presented all the external morphometric aspects according to literature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
Cyntia Paula Oliveira de Souza LIMA ◽  
Graziane Ribeiro COUTO ◽  
Alina Lúcia de Oliveira BARROS ◽  
Gabriela Mancia de GUTIERREZ ◽  
Maria Teresa Botti Rodrigues SANTOS

Abstract Introduction General anesthesia is commonly used in the dental treatment of people with disabilities, anxious or difficult behavior, who need complex and/or extensive treatments. Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the epidemiological profile of patients with disabilities undergoing dental treatment under general anesthesia by the team of the Dental Unit for Patients with Special Needs of the Federal University of Sergipe. Material and method Through the analysis of 371 dental records of patients assisted between August 2002 and March 2019. Result The analysis showed that 56.1% of patients were male, the most prevalent age group was 11-20 years, and the most frequent medical conditions were intellectual disability, followed by multiple disabilities. Relative to dental procedures, in 94.1% of the patients, it was observed that 4,056 dental extractions were performed and in 52.3% of patients, 1,156 restorations were performed. In 30.2% of patients, total multiple extractions were performed. Radiographic examination was performed in 51.8% of patients. As regards the origin of patients, 58.8% were from municipalities in the state, other than the capital. Return to the service for follow-up and prevention was observed in 38.5% of patients. Conclusion There is great need for early dental intervention, with specific preventive actions for this group of patients, focusing on those from interior regions of the state.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
Nathale Cruz BATISTA ◽  
Camila Possal de PAULA ◽  
Isis Andréa Venturini Pola POIATE ◽  
Elizangela Cruvinel ZUZA ◽  

Abstract Introduction Gingivitis is a gingival inflammation which can often be treated with oral hygiene such as brushing, flossing, and an antiseptic mouthwash. Objective The aim of this randomized clinical trial was to clinically evaluate the effectiveness of 0.12% chlorhexidine (CHX) solution as an anti-inflammatory agent and for reducing the presence of plaque and inflammation in young adults. Material and method Thirty patients with gingivitis aged 18 to 30 years with a probing depth ≤ 3 mm and a minimum of 20 teeth in the whole mouth were selected and evaluated at baseline and 30 days after treatment. Periodontal clinical parameters were verified: plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI-S), Simplified Debris Index (DI-S), and Simplified Calculus Index (CI-S) Patients were then randomly allocated into two groups: CHX Group, received chlorhexidine 0.12% labeled as solution 1, and Placebo Group, received saline solution labeled as solution 2. Both groups were included in a hygiene program and received mouthwash. Result Statistically significant differences between CHX and Placebo groups were observed for the variables PI, GI, DI-S, CI-S, and OHI-S (p<0.05 - Paired T Test) after 30 days. The CHX group presented improved GI compared to Placebo at 30 days. Chlorhexidine 0.12% was efficient in the control of periodontium inflammation. Conclusion It can be concluded that chlorhexidine as a mouthwash is efficient in improving periodontal indices in young adults, but it is still controversial whether age can influence GI and OHI-S.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
Sandra Regina CAVINA ◽  
Silvia Amélia Scudeler VEDOVELLO ◽  
Patrícia Rafaela DOS SANTOS ◽  
Diego Patrik Alves CARNEIRO ◽  
Giovana Cherubini VENEZIAN ◽  

Abstract Introduction Orofacial pain is a critical TMD symptom that can influence physical and social capacity. Objective To evaluate the association of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) symptoms with affective relationships and demographic variables in young adults. Material and method A cross-sectional study involving 395 young adults was developed. Diagnostic Criteria for TMD, anxiety, and depression were collected from questionnaires. The Dental Health Component of the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need measures the orthodontic treatment need. Questionnaires also contained questions related to the previous orthodontic treatment. Logistic regression models were adjusted, estimating crude odds ratio with the 95% confidence intervals. The variables with p<0.20 in the analyses were assessed in a multiple logistic regression model, remaining with p≤0.10. Result There was no significant association of TMD symptoms with sex, age, medication use for pain, previous orthodontic treatment, orthodontic treatment need, anxiety, and depression (p>0.05). Individuals without an affective relationship are 1.78 (95%CI: 0.99-3.17) times more likely to report TMD symptoms. Conclusion Affective relationships showed an association with TMD symptoms in young adults.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
Anderson Jaña ROSA ◽  
Oswaldo de Vasconcellos VILELLA

Abstract Introduction Extraoral strength is the most common strategy to correct Angle Class II malocclusion, restricting and redirecting the maxillary growth. Objective To evaluate the skeletal changes resulting from the use of headgear, with cervical and parietal anchorages, associated with a full fixed orthodontic appliance, in growing patients with Class II malocclusion (Angle) treated in the clinic of an orthodontic training center. Material and method The ages at the beginning and end of the treatment, anchorage type, and the values of some cephalometric variables were obtained from the clinical files. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 56 patient files were selected. Then, the sample was divided into two groups, according to the anchorage type: cervical (n=30) and parietal (n=26). The differences between the initial (T1) and final (T2) values of cephalometric measurements SNA, SNB, ANB, AO-BO, GoGn.SN and LHF (percentage of lower facial height to total facial height) were evaluated in both groups. Result Significant differences between T1 and T2 were found relative to SNB and ANB variables in both groups. The AO-BO variable presented a statistically significant difference only in the cervical group. The remaining variables did not show significant differences between T1 and T2. Conclusion The skeletal changes resulting from the use of cervical or parietal anchorage were very similar. There was a decrease in the sagittal discrepancy between the maxillary bones due to forward displacement of the mandible, without significant vertical changes.

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