Gdańskie Studia Azji Wschodniej
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Published By Uniwersytet Jagiellonski €“ Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego

2353-8724, 2353-8724

Anna Maria Dzienis

W ciągu ostatniej dekady pogłębiała się dychotomia japońskiego rynku pracy między „odporną” formą zatrudnienia regularnego a wysoce elastyczną, ale wrażliwą formą zatrudnienia nieregularnego. Zjawisko to, w połączeniu z wciąż aktualnymi doświadczeniami kryzysu związanego z pandemią COVID-19 oraz nieustannie dokonującą się zmianą otoczenia powodowaną rosnącym postępem technologicznym, nasuwa pytanie o trwałość tradycyjnych japońskich praktyk zatrudnienia na całe życie. W artykule poddano analizie środowisko pracy w Japonii za pomocą modelu „odporności” rynku pracy, rozszerzonego o czynnik kulturowy, który pozwala na pełniejsze zrozumienie japońskiego systemu zatrudnienia. Zdaniem autorki ostatnie koncepcje co do zmiany organizacji zatrudnienia w Japonii oraz coraz głośniej i częściej podnoszona konieczność tych zmian mogą przyczynić się do długo oczekiwanej transformacji.

Tomasz Bieliński ◽  
Małgorzata Lewińska

The perception of employing people with disabilities in China and the United States The concept of disability has been accompanied by controversies, stereotypes and stigmatization for years. Despite the fact that the number of people with disabilities in China and the United States is still growing, the issue of perceiving the functioning of disabled people in the society and including them to the work environment remains unsolved, notwithstanding the number of legal regulations and financial incentives in China and USA to change the employment of people with disabilities. This study compares the perception of employment of people with disabilities in China and the United States. The comparison was based on a self-conducted study among the Chinese community between February and March 2020 on a group of 121 people using the CAWI method (Computer Assisted Web Interview) and an American study: A national survey of consumer attitudes towards companies that hire people with disabilities, by G.N. Siperstein, N. Romano, A. Mohler, and R. Parker, conducted on 803 residents of the USA randomly selected for telephone interviews. The comparison took place, among others, in the assessment of the employment of disabled people by respondents in the context of other social activities in the company, as well as the satisfaction of the respondents with the results of the disabled at work. It was pointed out that in both China and the USA, previous experiences with people with disabilities may affect a more favorable approach towards employing disabled people. However, there are differences in the satisfaction with services provided by people with disabilities, as well as in trust in disabled workers, where Chinese residents have less positive attitude than their American counterparts.

Dominik Damian Mielewczyk

The development of Japanese law from the origins of Japans’s statehood until the beginning of the Edo period in 1603. An outline of issues The article outlines the most important aspects of the Japanese history and legal system until the beginning of Edo period in 1603. The work emphasizes and discusses the essential historical context and its effects on changing the Japanese legal system. This paper focuses on the specific conditions under which Japanese law was developed and on the influence of Chinese culture on the shaping of Japanese legal thought before the 17th century. The work includes the distinction of the most important legal acts and implemented changes. It is an approach to better understand Japanese law in a historical context and the development of indigenous culture, customs, and beliefs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 196-208
Krzysztof Olszewski

Chūya Nakahara as the author of Japanese sonnet: Translation perspectives This article offers a reflection – against the historical and literary background of the epoch – on Chūya Nakahara’s work (1907–1937), who was the precursor of the Japanese syllabicaccentual verse (particular of the sonnet). Comparative analysis of his poem Mata kon haru (Spring comes again) and its Polish translation (included in the only Polish anthology of contemporary Japanese poetry entitled Cherries bloomed in winter) aims at shedding light on how difficult was the adaptation of the sonnet to the Japanese language. The OJAD (Online Japanese Accent Dictionary) service seems to offer a new promise for the research practice, proving that the intonation cadence may be treated similarly as feet in the poetry written in European languages.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 45-63
Eryk Hajndrych

Obraz chińskich kobiet późnego okresu Qing w Chinese Folklore: Pekinese Rhymes Guido Amedeo Vitale Idee konfucjańskiego patriarchatu zajmowały chińskie umysły od tysięcy lat. W epoce Qing podległość kobiet pogłębiła się przez rozpowszechnione praktyki krępowania stóp, prostytucję, konkubinat, dzieciobójstwo dziewczynek oraz wywieraną na wdowy presję społeczną, by pozostawały wierne zmarłym mężom. Jednocześnie kobiety okresu Qing nie tylko wypełniały zasady konfucjańskie, ale także, poprzez codzienne praktyki, przekształcały konfucjańskie nauczanie tak, aby wzmocnić swoją pozycję w domowych wnętrzach, tworząc osobiste znaczące światy. W tym czasie rodził się także chiński feminizm zapoczątkowany przez działania ruchu reformistycznego i szkoły przykościelne. Kwestie roli i miejsca chińskich kobiet oraz ich zmagania życiowe były szeroko badane z perspektywy różnych dyscyplin, jednak niewiele badań zajmuje się zagadnieniem chińskich kobiet w literaturze. Poprzez analizę wierszy zebranych przez Guido Amadeo Vitale w Chinese Folklore: Pekinese Rhymes [Chiński folklor: Pekińskie wersy], które w licznych scenach przedstawiają życie, zachowania oraz przykłady traktowania kobiet w późnym okresie Qing, w artykule ukazano, że pomimo ciągłej dominacji zasad Trzech Posłuszeństw i Czterech Cnót w życiu kobiet można zaobserwować zmiany będące pierwszymi krokami do postępu.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 152-163
Marcin Zwolan

Trapped by desire: Understanding the creative autonomy of Kang-sheng Lee’s directorial output. Reflections on the filmography of Ming-liang Tsai This article aims to bring forward the directorial output of Kang-sheng Lee by both exposing and minimizing its correlation with Ming-liang Tsai’s body of work. Lee is mainly known for acting in Tsai’s films, which led to the marginalization of his directorial oeuvre. The discourse is divided into two parts. The first one is largely biographical and delineates Lee and Tsai’s creative relationship while acknowledging the former’s path to directing and the reception of his films. The second section is devoted to a comparative analysis of both filmmakers’ bodies of work through the lens of alienation. Thus, by understanding the differences between the two Taiwanese filmmakers, Lee’s body of work can finally be analyzed on its own merits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 209-218
Marlena Oleksiuk

The Korean wave, the influence and spread of Korean culture in European and American countries The Korean wave, especially over the past few years, has had a significant impact on the world. More and more people have begun to be interested in the culture of South Korea to a greater or lesser extent. Some people are interested only in K-pop or Korean series, but there are many people who expand their interest in Korean culture, start learning the language, history, and customs. Of all aspects of South Korean culture, K-pop is certainly the most popular. Much more artists organize concert tours for the benefit of European countries and America, in 2019, in Poland there were 15 such concerts. More and more often, Korean food festivals, stationary stores selling Korean cosmetics and food products are organized, in some countries, there even appear themed dance schools focusing on learning specific K-pop dance arrangements. The Korean wave also affects the perception of beauty by people – in 2018, on the annual list of the most handsome men, there appeared much more Koreans than in previous years, even members of the BTS group occupy the first places on the list.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 84-96
Maria Giryn-Boudy

Non-verbal communication differences between Poland and China Polish and Chinese cultures were shaped in completely different geopolitical, social, and historical conditions. Non-verbal communication is closely related to cultural conditions. Chinese culture is based on the principle of face, and Polish culture is based on the principles of honour. However, it is very visible in the process of nonverbal communication, which directly influences the transmission and interpretation of information concerning the social reality of an individual. Additionally, the way messages are interpreted is not the same everywhere. You have to remember about the international filter in decoding the message. As a result, the lack of knowledge about these meanings very often causes misunderstanding and sometimes conflict situations. It should be emphasized that in the negotiation process one should know the cultural code, if we do not know it, misinterpretation may occur. For example, when on a pole, the nodding of a head in China may mean approval, but unfortunately the Chinese say that they are only listening to their opponent. These intercultural misunderstandings often result from intercultural egocentrism. The awareness of a foreign culture, its nuances, history, norms, and values can greatly facilitate cooperation, not only on a business or friendly basis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 7-12
Kamil Zeidler

Chinese teachings on the path and the pursuit of excellence In the article, the author presents reflections on the importance of the idea of the road and perfection in Chinese philosophy on the basis of Chinese aphorisms. In Chinese philosophy, the central concept is tao 道, or “road,” understood as the path that a person walks through life in search and pursuit of wisdom and perfection. The wisdom of Chinese sages, such as Confucius, Lao-cy, Lie-cy, Mo Ti, and others, cited in the article, show what the pursuit of perfection is in terms of Chinese philosophy, and also contain recommendations on how to act in order to live well, in order to follow the path of virtue. This does not apply only to Taoism, because all the recommendations of Chinese sages concern how to proceed in order to experience our life as best as possible – both in ethical and praxeological dimensions. Most of the recommendations are united by the idea of self-improvement, based on the imperative of striving for excellence. This idea permeates the culture of the Far East – China, Japan, and Korea. In these countries, the ordinary activities of daily life have become “art.” Even if it is known that perfection can only be approached and never attained, it is still to be pursued, putting into it your daily effort in the thought of what Confucius preached: “the path is more important than the goal.”

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 232-247
Krzysztof Kornacki

Politics, eroticism, exoticism. On the Stone Tablets by Petelscy The article describes Kamienne tablice (Stone Tablets), one of the last movies directed by Ewa and Czesław Petelscy, the once-known director’s tandem. In the 1980s, after the introduction of martial law, they remained faithful to the communist authority, so they could realize high-budget films. That is why the film Kamienne tablice was taking place in India in 1956, and some of the pictures were just filmed in India. Therefore, the movie was very poor and its three threads – political, erotic, and exotic – do not make up the whole. Political thread has been considerably softened compared to the initial plans and tailored to ideological needs. Petelski also failed to create a credible melodrama (the only thing that was supposed to attract viewers was erotic scenes, but they were poorly staged), and India is shown superficially, like in travelogue, from the perspective of a stranger.

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