Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci
Latest Publications





Published By Polytechnic Of Rijeka University

1849-1723, 1848-1299

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 363-370
Maja Gligora Marković

Cilj je ovim radom istražiti pojavnost korištenja metode analitičkog mrežnog procesa u sustavima za e-učenje kao metode za donošenje odluke temeljem više kriterija. Pretražene su znanstvene baze Scopus i WOS (Web of Science) prema odabranim ključnim riječima: „analytic network process“ i „e-learning system“, radovi koji su u otvorenom pristupu i u cijelosti na engleskom jeziku. Pronađena su 23 članka, od čega su dva članka bila indeksirana u obje baze pa se analiza temelji na 21 članku. Radovi su analizirani prema godini objave, državi prebivališta autora, broju izvora korištenih u pisanju radova, prosječnom broju autora koji su sudjelovali u izradi rada, publikaciji objave članaka te je izvršena kvalitativna analiza sadržaja radova o primjeni metode analitičkog mrežnog procesa ANP (engl. Analytic Network Process) u sustavima za e-učenje. Najviše je objavljenih radova u 2018. i 2020. godini, najčešća je država prebivališta autora Tajvan, a prosječan je broj autora po jednom radu 4. Kvalitativnom analizom sadržaja izdvojenih radova utvrđeno je da ni u jednom sustavu metoda ANP nije ugrađena u sam sustav već se navedena metoda koristi u istraživanjima vezanim uz evaluaciju sustava ili identifikaciju parametara potrebnih za njihovu izgradnju ili u nekom dijelu istraživanja koje uključuje sustav za e-učenje.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 249-265
Ozren Rafajac ◽  
Sara Shanice Washington

Ovim radom definiraju se smjernice u implementaciji multikulturalne komunikacijske strategije, kao i važnost te strategije za razvoj javnih i privatnih organizacija u Republici Hrvatskoj. Analiza migracijskih, turističkih i izvoznih trendova jasno ukazuje da u Republici Hrvatskoj postoji snažna potreba za implementacijom multikulturalne komunikacijske strategije. Multikulturalna komunikacijska strategija predstavlja komunikacijski okvir koji omogućuje učinkovitu interakciju pripadnika različitih kultura. Tu je strategiju moguće opisati kao „master ključ“ koji otvara više brava, od kojih svaka ima svoj vlastiti ključ. Multikulturalna komunikacijska strategija primarno se oslanja na konvergentne komunikacijske taktike. Da bi se implementirao takav oblik komunikacije preporučljivo je slijediti šest osnovnih smjernica, a to su: empatija, fleksibilnost, fokusiranost, višejezičnost, uključivost i interaktivnost. Empatija predstavlja sposobnost identifikacije osjećajnih stanja sugovornika, koja se poboljšava postavljanjem dubinskih pitanja i aktivnim slušanjem. Fleksibilnost podrazumijeva sposobnost prilagodbe, koja se ostvaruje kroz minimiziranje osobne pristranosti. Fokusiranost podrazumijeva osnaživanje primarno onih konverzacija koje olakšavaju suradnju. Osim kroz korištenje većeg broja jezika, višejezičnost se najlakše postiže slikama i simbolima koji su razumljivi većem broju ljudi, bez obzira na jezik kojim govore. Uključivost se najčešće provodi kroz sudjelovanje u donošenju relevantnih političkih i poslovnih odluka. Osim kroz digitalne komunikacijske kanale, interkativnost se ostvaruje i na sve ostale načine koji omogućuju razmjenu informacija s ciljnom skupinom korisnika. Multikulturalna komunikacija najlakše se realizira u situacijama u kojima postoji obostrana potreba za suradnjom i razumijevanjem. Osim u tržišno orijentiranim organizacijama, multikulturalnu komunikaciju potrebno je implementirati i u javnom sektoru, a naročito u područjima kao što su promet, zdravstvo, obrazovanje, zakonodavstvo i javna administracija.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-57
Jelena Mušanović ◽  
Jelena Dorčić ◽  
Tea Baldigara

While social media have become a daily routine in modern society, brand communication and engagement with customers have become essential elements of marketing strategy and success in the tourism and hotel industry. This revolution of social media, in tourism and hospitality marketing, contributed to the rise of a novel sentiment analysis from a machine learning and natural language processing point of view. The purpose of the study is: to provide a general descriptive overview of comments posted by Facebook page followers; to identify specific textual attributes of hotel brand posts on social media and to apply the sentiment analysis to Facebook comments from four- and five-star hotel brands in Croatia to identify and compare customers’ feelings and attitudes towards the staff, services and products that hotel brands promote by posting messages on Facebook pages. To analyse hotel brand sentiments, the authors collected a total of 4,248 comments and 2,373 postings in English, German and Italian. The results showed that the comments on four- and five-star hotel brands expressed predominantly positive sentiments. Despite the positively oriented sentiments in the comments, Facebook page followers are predominantly passive users and do not tend to comment actively. The results can be used by marketers in the tourism and hospitality industry to plan their future social media communication strategies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-95
Helena Šlogar ◽  
Nebojša Stanić ◽  
Krešimir Jerin

Entrepreneurship has become an important academic field leading to a growing interest of scientists in the study, development and evaluation of entrepreneurial competencies of young people. Business based aspects of entrepreneurial competencies relate to the development of personality traits, student skills that influence one’s personal development for successful entrepreneurs. The main purpose of this paper is to examine the entrepreneurial competencies of students during their studies and how they relate to their socio-demographic characteristics. The research was conducted in November 2019 on a sample of 172 respondents and included first-year undergraduate students of business economics and undergraduate studies of digital marketing at institution of higher education. The results of the research show a positive statistically significant correlation between all entrepreneurial competencies of students. Statistically significant differences in entrepreneurial competencies according to the gender of students were found. And finally, statistically significant differences in entrepreneurial competencies between undergraduate students of business economics and undergraduate studies in digital marketing were shown. It is expected of students with a higher degree of management competencies attending entrepreneurial education more capable of becoming future entrepreneurs. The primary contribution of this paper is to point out the need to increase students’ awareness of the positive impact of entrepreneurial education programs that contribute to the development of such competencies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Dina Lončarić ◽  
Elena Dujmić ◽  
Greta Krešić

One-quarter of fish consumed in Europe comes from aquaculture and research has shown that consumers have a greater preference for wild fish in comparison with farmed ones. As with other food choices, consumer decisions regarding farmed fish are a complex process involving multiple factors. The main objective of this study is to develop and validate a questionnaire that will measure consumer intentions in the consumption of farmed fish using the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) as a theoretical framework. Based on the TPB model, the study also investigates the relationships between attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control and intention to consume farmed fish. Data collection was performed through an online survey and a total of 118 valid questionnaires were analysed. Based on tests performed, results indicate that the tested scale for measuring TPB constructs is valid and reliable. Alpha coefficients for intention, attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control were 0.898, 0.857, 0.748 and 0.953, respectively. Variables in the model explain 40% of the variation in farmed fish consumption intentions. Regression analysis confirmed that attitudes and subjective norms significantly influence intention to consume farmed fish, with the subjective norms being the strongest predictor, while perceived behavioural control does not have a significant impact on behavioural intention.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 267-281
Sandra Bailoa

The Intellectual Capital theory emerged mainly from analyses and observations in business sector based on the growing importance of intellectual capital as a production factor and on its contribution to create value and competitive advantages. The importance of managing intellectual capital is also recognized in public organizations although the theory reveals differences in application to the public sector and is less developed in this environment. In fact, most methodologies to manage intellectual capital were developed in the business area and research at public sector level did not verify the same attention. In literature it is possible to realize that although there are some studies that analyse the management of intellectual capital in the public sector, there are few studies that suggest methodologies specific to this sector. Thus, this article aims to discuss the main aspects about the applicability of intellectual capital theory to the public sector and to propose a taxonomy of intangible assets appropriate to this sector through critical review of main contributions of literature. The analysis allowed finding several arguments that justify the application of the theory to public sector. It also allowed suggesting a classification of intellectual capital based on the intangible assets considered relevant to public sector namely the set of the followed categories: Human capital, Structural capital, Relational capital, Services capital and Public Commitment capital.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 155-168
Davor Širola

Brand equity is considered a precious marketing concept for practitioners and scholars. This study is focused on the perceptual consumer-based brand equity approach and widely adopted Aaker’s (1991) conceptualization with four primary dimensions: brand awareness, brand associations, perceived quality, and brand loyalty. These components represent the salient dimensions of a multidimensional brand equity index. The research followed the original 14-item Yoo and Donthu (2001) consumer-based brand equity measurement scale. The research hypotheses were successfully corroborated within the Croatian fashion youth market on a sample of college students (167). The results pointed out the associative relationships among all brand equity components, with the exemption of causal relation between brand associations and brand loyalty. The same exemption (brand associations) emanated from the investigation of causal relationships between brand awareness, brand associations, perceived quality, brand loyalty and the overall brand equity index. This study contributes to the previously assumed hierarchy order between consumer-based brand equity components and points out the marketing activities which precedes particular component enhancement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 441-451
Dinko Zima ◽  
Edita Štefanić

Strane, a posebno invazivne vrste često imaju negativan učinak na biološku raznolikost, ekonomiju, pa i ljudsko zdravlje. One su sposobne proizvoditi produktivno potomstvo i posjeduju potencijal širenja na značajnim površinama. Stoga je širenje invazivnih vrsta jedno od najvećih problema u zaštiti prirode. Praćenje rasprostranjenosti i procjena rizika invazivne vaskularne flore Požeške kotline vršeno je tijekom ljetnih mjeseci od 2017. do 2019. godine putem kombinirane procjene brojnosti i pokrovnosti. Istraživanjima je utvrđeno ukupno 34 invazivne svojte vaskularne flore kojima je pridružena porodica, životni oblik, geografsko porijeklo te je procjenjena faza procesa invazije. Za analizu povezanosti između nadmorske visine i pokrovnih vrijednosti invazivne flore Požeške kotline, primjenjena je multivarijantna statistička tehnika - CCA analiza. Najbrojnije vrstama su porodice Asteraceae i Poaceae. Analiza životnih oblika izdvojila je dominaciju terofita, ali i prisutnost hemikriptofita, fanerofita, geofita i hidrofita. Po porijeklu invazivne biljke pronađene u Požeškoj kotlini dolaze prvenstveno sa američkog područja, posebice Sjeverne Amerike, a zatim slijede one iz Azije i Afrike. Većina zabilježene invazivne flore nalazi se u stadiju ekspanzije tj. kolonizacije. Dobar dio je već naturaliziran, a dio je u fazi introdukcije. Nizinska područja do 200 m nadmorske visine pogoduju najvećem broju invazivnih biljaka. Samo manji broj biljnih vrsta je pozitivno koreliran s brežuljkastim područjima gdje se ističu vrste Phytolacca americana L. i Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle. Najviše zahvaćeni invazijom su ruderalna i poljoprivredna staništa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 387-399
Tomislav Babić ◽  
Marko Kršulja ◽  
Maja Šupuković

In this paper fatigue for professional soldier caused by active physical activity and endurance limits is investigated. The resulting workload is one of indicators of how training, preparedness and other acquired work skills can contribute to the human body being a large working “machine”. Ergometry test was conducted and field test for soldier fitness condition and energy expenditure was measured regarding the level of body’s metabolism. Field test consisted of three runs on a polygon of 10 km and different workloads, the energy consumption was monitored. Work load was compared with Occupational Safety and Health law acts. The results showed difference in workload conditions and hart rate which allowed to determine rest spots and safety in training conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-130
Elena Krelja Kurelović ◽  
Fani Tomac ◽  
Tamara Polić

Problemsko područje rada je informiranje i manipulacije informacijama. Fokus se stavlja na informacijske poremećaje i prepoznavanje lažnih vijesti jer to postaje sve veći problem, posebno u digitalnim medijima koji omogućuju njihovo viralno širenje. U radu su opisane vrste informacijskih poremećaja, s naglaskom na dezinformacije i lažne vijesti koje se najčešće objavljuju s ciljem manipulacije javnošću. Osim njih, terminološki se determiniraju pojmovi misinformacija, malinformacija i infodemija. Analiziraju se načini širenja lažnih vijesti, od onih koje šire ljudi – najčešće putem društvenih mreža, pa do upotrebe „botova“. Da bi se što bolje prepoznali informacijski poremećaji, te na pravilan način reagiralo na njih, iznose se smjernice i alati koji omogućuju provjeru istinitosti informacijskih sadržaja. Dostupna istraživanja ukazuju da je prisutnost lažnih vijesti u medijskom prostoru globalan problem, pogotovo u vrijeme pandemije koronavirusa, ali nije zastupljen u svim zemljama istim intenzitetom. Hrvatska se navodi kao zemlja čiji stanovnici znaju izbjegavati lažne vijesti. Vlastitim istraživanjem dobio se uvid u učestalost i najčešće oblike informiranja kod studenata, te njihovu sposobnost prepoznavanja lažnih vijesti. Studenti preferiraju informiranje putem digitalnih medija (web, društvene mreže), dok je upotreba tradicionalnih medija značajno manja. Smatraju da su najpouzdaniji izvor informacija televizija i radio, a internet (izuzimajući društvene mreže) je na drugom mjestu. Iako smatraju da su uspješni u prepoznavanju lažnih vijesti, iskazali su značajno manju stvarnu sposobnost njihovog prepoznavanja.

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