military equipment
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 843
Mariusz Frączek ◽  
Krzysztof Górski ◽  
Leszek Wolaniuk

Nowadays, the land forces of the Republic of Poland use mainly two forms of powering their equipment and military devices: by connecting various devices to the national power grid and by diesel-electric generators of individual vehicles. With the first solution, power cuts have to be taken into account. In the latter case, it is necessary to ensure large fuel deliveries on a timely manner. It entails a search for new solutions able to effectively meet the needs of an individual soldier and command posts. It has inspired engineers to work on renewable energy sources. This review paper presents a concept for photovoltaic cells usage and a concept for air turbines used to charge electric power sources of different powers for the individual needs of soldiers and command posts. Examples of solutions for mobile energy systems are presented in the research work. They were verified in terms of their suitability for military applications. The concept of using a personal device to supply power for charging batteries and elements of individual soldier equipment, including low-power radio stations, has been presented as well.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2160 (1) ◽  
pp. 012075
Youshan Hou ◽  
Yong Yang ◽  
Zhongtian Xie

Abstract With the development of technology, modular independent suspension technology has been widely applied on high-movement off-road platforms in the developed world because of the characteristics of offline assembly and full-body lifting. At the same time, after the breakthrough of key techniques such as the stiffness spiral springs, the high dissipation of the shock absorbers, the lightweight of double-wishbone steering mechanism and the non-maintenance bearing, the ability to carry the off-road mobility and armor protection of the military vehicles have been significantly increased. In this case, the application of the modular independent suspension and its current state around the world was explained, that the development of this technology is of great significance to the off-road maneuvering of our military equipment was also represented in this paper.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 293-308
Jerzy Kajetanowicz

The Warsaw Pact created in 1955 for almost 40 years played an important role in maintaining international security. Poland, due to its military and economic potential, was the second largest member of this alliance. For this reason, it sought to ensure a real impact on its functioning, which was reflected in its active participation in the implementation of the provisions of the agreement on the political, military and economic levels. Poland's political activity was expressed in numerous initiatives to ensure peace and in active participation in international cooperation. Military commitments were implemented through the preparation of modern operational troops, from which a strategic and operational union was created in the form of a Maritime Front, ready to act as part of the United Armed Forces of the Warsaw Pact throughout the period of membership in this alliance. In turn, economic cooperation was manifested in close cooperation in the production of various weapon systems and military equipment, as well as the development of defense infrastructure for both own needs and allies.

Oleg Rikunov ◽  
Viktor Kuzhelovych Viktor

The article argues the relevance of determining the indicator of military-technical efficiency of the use of military automobile equipment by units and subunits of the National Guard of Ukraine when performing battle actions (operations). Currently, special indicators are used to assess the state of military automotive equipment, which are a numerical expression of the gauges or their relationship. Existing methods of planning technical support, methods for predicting the quantitative assessment of the military-technical efficiency indicator of the use of military automotive equipment during hostilities need further improvement. The article proposes to use a comprehensive indicator, a generalized coefficient of military-technical efficiency of using military automobile equipment during combat actions (operations), as an indicator of military-technical efficiency of using military automobile equipment in combat conditions, and to determine directions for increasing the efficiency of using military equipment. Keywords: automotive technical support; military automotive equipment; military-technical efficiency of using military automobile equipment; performance indicators; technical readiness coefficient; machine use efficiency during battle actions (operations)

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 194-208
Vladimir Kotsiuruba ◽  
Vladimir Dachkovskyі ◽  
Tymur Kurtseitov

Analysis of wars and armed conflicts in recent years and the performance of tasks by military units (subunits) in a United Forces operation (anti-terrorist operation) confirms that the success of the troops (forces) in performing tasks will depend on the performance of the logistics system. The availability of military units with serviceable weapons and military equipment (WME) ensures the fulfillment of the mission and the advantage over the enemy. At the same time, the timeliness of providing military units (subunits) with serviceable weapons and military equipment depends on the efficiency of the logistics system, namely, on the recovery subsystem, which is its component. However, as studies have shown, there is currently insufficient sufficiency of the recovery system. All this is related to the definition of the composition of forces and means and the structure of the WME recovery system at different levels of the hierarchy. Therefore, in the article, it is considered that for the WME recovery system, the main parameter is the allowable time of WME recovery, differentiated by levels of complexity of tasks. Determination of this parameter for the basic variant of construction of WME recovery system is proposed using the average indicator of the intensity of the flow of possible volumes of tasks on the WME recovery. To determine the rational structure of WME recovery system and to calculate its main parameters the combined method of optimization of WME recovery system was used. Containing two stages: on the first - based on the requirements to the permissible terms of WME recovery system, the rational structure of the recovery system is defined, and on the second – using the method of statistical modeling, the parameters of the structure and composition of forces and means of the WME recovery system at each level of the hierarchy are defined.

Mykola M. Tkachuk ◽  
Mariia Saverska ◽  
Andrey Grabovskiy ◽  
Serhii Kutsenko

New design solutions, technologies and materials are required to improve tactical and technical characteristics of military equipment. Often this implies operation in such conditions as contact interaction and elasto-plastic deformations of materials. New models and research methods are developed for better utilization of modern materials and improved performance of military equipment. They account directly for complex physical and structural nonlinearities. The properties of conventional and novel materials are determined both in bulk and on surfaces at microstructural level. This will enable physically adequate and mathematically correct analysis of stress-strain state. The new advanced design solutions will emerge through the objective-driven search by means of parametric modeling. The project will extend traditional local problem statements with newly developed variational principles that account for structural and physical nonlinearity and are suitable for parameterization. This will create the basis for fundamental analysis of torsion bar suspensions, hydrovolumetric and gear drives and other crucial components of combat vehicles, engineering solutions for domestic manufacturers of military equipment that will bring their tactical and technical characteristics to highest modern standards. Keywords: contact interaction; stress-strain state; intermediate layer; contact pressure; contact area; plastic deformation

Oleksandr Zaikivskyi ◽  
Oleksandr Onistrat

Keywords: defence capability, intellectual property, regulatory and legal support,armament and military equipment, military-technical cooperation The condition of regulatory and legal support of defencecapability of Ukraine and problems concerning protection of intellectual propertyand protection of state interests in this sphere are investigated. The importance ofprotection of intellectual property rights to ensure the enhancement of the state's defencecapabilities is noted.Ensuring Ukraine’s defence capability largely depends on equipping the ArmedForces of Ukraine with modern types and models of armaments and military equipmentdeveloped on the basis of the intellectual property rights.It is the military-technical sphere where the objects of intellectual property rightsbelonging to the sphere of national security and defence are created, and the state isobliged to ensure their protection. This will increase the competitiveness of the domesticdefence industry and make it impossible for anyone in the mass production ofarmaments and military equipment for their own needs and for exports, that directlyaffects defence capabilities.This requires proper protection of intellectual property rights both in the processof own production of weapons and military equipment, and in military-technical cooperation.The legislation of Ukraine on national security and defence determines the need touse scientific and technical achievements and the introduction of new technologies toincrease the state's defence capabilities. However, the issue of intellectual property,which is the basis of these achievements and technologies, is not raised. It is notedonly that the acquisition, security, protection of intellectual property rights to scientificand technical (applied) results are carried out in accordance with the law, and incase of infringement of intellectual property rights is protected in the manner prescribedby administrative, civil and criminal law.Thus, all issues related to the defence and protection of intellectual property rightsmust be resolved within the framework of special legislation on intellectual property.Recommendations for improving the regulatory and legal support of Ukraine's defencecapabilities with a purpose of solution of intellectual property issues in this areaand compliance with national interests and security of the state on intellectual propertyrights in the development of armaments and military equipment, as well as internationalmilitary-technical cooperation were submitted.

Demian V. Smernytskyi ◽  
Mykhailo Y. Aleksandrov ◽  
Vadym I. Prykhodko ◽  
Valerii M. Podoinitsyn ◽  
Malvina A. Bakal

The aim of the study was to identify objectives and measures for expansion of the system of standards in Ukraine for the development of armaments and military equipment in the context of improving national defence capabilities. The following methods were used to achieve the aim set in the study: the method of direct observation, comparison, monitoring and analysis of the content of documents that provide standardisation of armaments and military equipment at the state and interstate levels. The key results of the study were: observation and comparison of the scope of regulations that ensure the standardisation of armaments and military equipment at the national level, as well as among NATO countries; comparison and distribution of powers of the competence of executive and supervisory bodies for the development and implementation of standards. Besides, the study provides a chart of the legal background for standardisation, and directly determines the sequential logical place of the stage of development of armaments and military equipment in the life cycle. Proposals are made at the end of the study on how to increase the effectiveness of legislative provision for the standardisation of armaments and military equipment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 152 (6) ◽  
pp. 126-133
Oleg V. Glibenko ◽  

The article examines manufacturing process of a product from the life cycle point of view, identifies the key, according to the author, problematics of each life cycle stage. An alternative view of the product creation process from the stage of conception to the moment of its utilization is formulated.

D.B. Izyumov ◽  
E.L. Kondratyuk

The article discusses plans to replace internal combustion engines with electric ones in the US armed forces, analyzes the problems associated with the implementation of these plans, and also presents their advantages and provides examples of electric models of military equipment in service.

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