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Published By Pusat Pengelolaan Jurnal

2654-5373, 2654-5365

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of psychological empowerment, friendship at work, spirituality at work and subjective well-being on organizational citizenship behavior. From the results obtained it can be concluded that the influence of psychological empowerment on organizational citizenship behavior. Then there is no influence between friendship at work on organizational citizenship behavior. Furthermore there is an influence between spirituality at work on organizational citizenship behavior and finally there is an influence between subjective well-being on organizational citizenship behavior of employees.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  

This study aims to determine the demographic factors that affect lecturer publication performances in Indonesia. Data of lecturer profile consisting of academic rank, administrative position, highest education, the country where lecturers received their degrees (overseas or regional), age, work years, and gender was collected from the Ministry of Research online database. This study employs data from 658 lecturers in the faculties of economics and business from 7 universities in Indonesia. The lecturer publication score was obtained from the Indonesian research assessment system called SINTA. To find out the relationship of these factors on the performance of lecturers' publications, multivariate regression analysis with a 95% confidence level was carried out and followed by the Tukey test. Academic rank, highest education, and the university where the lecturer received their degree had a significant influence (p-value <0.05) on the 3-years and overall publication performance. Gender and administrative positions only have a significant effect on the 3-years publication performance, while age and work years did not significantly influence publication performance. The results of this study can be used by lecturer management policymakers in developing countries, especially in Indonesia to make appropriate strategies in developing lecturer resources.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  

College students are expected to develop time management skills to minimize procrastination and best perform in the tasks they face during education, but many do not implement time management practices and nearly all have trouble focusing on and completing assignments. Contemporary work and theory suggest that time management does not have an effect on task performance, but it can improve self-efficacy, which does correlate with task performance. A time management tool that also worked to improve self-efficacy was thus used to see if increasing self-efficacy could decrease time spent on tasks, i.e., task performance. Analysis of data collected from time and mood tracking before and after intervention demonstrated a significant decrease in time spent working (p<0.001) and significant increases in actual and in perceived productivity (p=0.039 and p=0.009 respectively). The results suggest that implementing practices to improve time management and self-efficacy may increase task performance, but further research must be done to control for specific factors that may confound this effect.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  

Human resource management studies and positive psychology develop hand in hand in finding employee development strategies in changing situations. The perspective of conservation of resource theory explains the mechanism for managing employees in situations of change. This study aims to examine the effect of HRM practice on eudaimonic wellbeing and employee resilience. The results of this study contribute to explaining the effect of high involvement in human resource management on positive employee behaviour.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  

The purpose of this research was to find out the influence of expertise, attractiveness, trustworthiness and match up congruence whose BTS as Tokopedia’s Endorser towards brand image and purchase intention. The data in this study were use primary data, obtained by distributing 293 questionnaires to customers knows that BTS as Tokopedia’s Endorser. Data anaysis method used was Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) using AMOS 7. Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that (1)Celebrity expertise has a positive influence on brand image, (2)Celebrity attractiveness has no positive influence on brand image, (3)Celebrity trustworthiness has a positive influence on brand image, (4)Celebrity match-up has no positive influence on brand image, (5)Celebrity expertise has a positive influence on purchase intention, (6)Celebrity attractiveness has no positive influence on purchase intention, (7)Celebrity trustworthiness has no positive influence on purchase intention, (8) Celebrity match-up has a positive influence on purchase intention, (9)Brand image has a positive influence on purchase intention.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  

The future demand of energy, mostly electricity, has been anticipated to escalate consequently as a result of the driving forces such as population growth, construction of buildings, endless appetites for economic growth and infrastructural developments. Therefore, this study assessed the influence of attitudes and behavioural preferences to electricity consumption and conservation among the civil service employees of the various ministries in Putrajaya, Malaysia. This study also attempted to relate attitudinal influence and actions of the civil service employees to the trends of electricity consumption in Putrajaya. The information derived from questionnaire survey conducted among the civil service workers of the ministries revealed that: (i) the civil service employees have positive attitudes towards electricity consumption and they practice favourable actions which promote green policy through electricity conservation; (ii) majority of the civil service employees have negative perceptions about population growth control; (iii) yearly electricity consumption trend in Putrajaya shows persistence increase in electricity consumption which affirms the predictions about future increase in electricity demand; (iv) annual increase in electricity consumption trend in Putrajaya after the implementation of green growth policy indicates that this policy is gradually working.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  

This paper aims to investigate factors that predict the work-life balance of employees in selected NGO’s in Ethiopia using quantitative research approach and explanatory research design. Data was collected from a total of 163 managerial and professional employees using a structured questionnaire, and responses were analyzed using SPSS version 20. Results of the descriptive analysis revealed low levels of perceived Work Overload, Family/Life Overload, and Work-Family Balance and moderate level of perceived Work-Life Balance Policies, and high level of perceived Workplace Support. The regression analysis showed that among the identified five predictors of Work-Life Balance, Work Overload, Family/Life Role Overload, Social Support, and Work-Life Balance Policies predicted the dependent variable on Work-Life Balance. Out of the four significant predictors, Work-Life Balance Policies predicted the Work-Life Balance most. To improve the work-life balance of the employees in these selected NGOs, the management should maintaining the currently existing work-life balance policies while introducing need-based family-friendly workplace policies such as flexible working arrangement, leave arrangements, and child care benefits.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  

This research is focused on Batik businessmen or craftsmen in Banyumas Regency, to examine the improvement of HR competency towards performance and sustainability achievement. This study uses purposive sampling technique and there are 52 samples collected. The data analysis tool used is multiple linear regressions. The results of this study indicate that partially knowledge has a significant effect on Performance and Sustainability, skills does not affect Performance, but affect Sustainability. Ability has a significant effect on Performance and Sustainability. The variables of knowledge, skills, and abilities have 43,4 % effect on performance and have 48,2 % effect on sustainability. The results of the study indicate that batik business and craftsmen have the potential to develop and to manage HR competencies in a more directed and more optimal manner. HR competency has a strategic role in creating performance which will ultimately be a sustainable competitive advantage

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  

The present article aimed at studying the relationship between project-based organization and competence management practices (recruitment, assessment, training, compensation and career management). The central question of our research is formulated as follows: To what extent does project-based organization influence competence management practices? To answer this question, we adopted a quantitative study. A total of 156 Tunisian project managers participated in our survey. We tested our hypotheses through a linear regression analysis. The results show that the majority of competence management practices, namely recruitment, evaluation and training, are more relevant to project-based organizations and thus the three first hypotheses are confirmed. However, other practices, like remuneration and career management, are insensitive to project activities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  

The objective of this research is to find out the effect of incentives implemented by online transportation company towards turnover intentions also to find out the moderating role of job status and the indirect effect of incentives toward turnover intentions through continuance commitment. The research sample determined by purposive sampling from 100 respondents which 50 for full-time status and 50 for part-time status. The analysis method in this research used Regression analysis with casua step-model to test the mediating effect and Sub-Group method to test the moderating effect. The results shows that the incentives and continuance commitment had a negative effect towards turnover intentions. Results also show that the incentives have no effect toward continuance commitment. Continunace commitment can not mediate the effect of incentives towards turnover intentions and job status can not moderate the effect of incentives towards turnover intentions. The implication of this research that the companies should more consider in the implementation of the incentives and reconsider incentives on their full-time driver partners. Companies also can treat driver partners according to the type of job status.

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