Jurnal Kreatif : Desain Produk Industri dan Arsitektur
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Published By Center For Research And Community Service At The State Polytechnic Of Samarinda

2747-2582, 2303-1662

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 8
Cisyulia Octavia HS ◽  
Darius Shyafary

This study aims to design a Dayak Kenyah Cultural Research Center in Samarinda's Pampang Cultural Village using an emphasis on the appearance of contemporary Kenyah Dayak buildings and spatial organization. The benefits of this research resulted in a Cultural Research Center with good spatial planning and circulation and a place of education about Dayak Kenyah culture for the general public. The research method used is descriptive analytic and synthesis analysis with data collection techniques using observation techniques from observing facts in the field, interviews, and analysis of documents from literature studies related to the design concept of Dayak Kenyah Cultural Research Center. The results of the study are in the form of designing facilities by adjusting contemporary ethnic designs on building facades that provide elements of Dayak Kenyah cultural values such as adjusting the color of buildings to the typical colors of Dayak Kenyah culture and paying attention to the spatial planning in buildings used as places for cultural activities and research on Dayak Kenyah culture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 7
Dita Andansari ◽  
Darius Shyafary

Kerajinan khas di Kalimantan Timur terdiri dari berbagai macam produk, tetapi produk kerajinan yang merupakan unggulan salah satunya adalah kain Ulap Doyo. Ulap Doyo sudah mengalami perkembangan dalam aplikasinya yaitu untuk produk fesyen seperti pakaian, tetapi masih sedikit UKM Ulap Doyo yang melakukan pengembangan produknya. Akhir-akhir ini, pengembangan produk sedang banyak diarahkan pada suatu produk yang dirancang berdasarkan kebutuhan pelanggan (customer-oriented). Pengembangan produk bisa dilakukan pada setiap aspek produk. Inovasi/ pengembangan tas berbahan ulap doyo di Kalimantan Timur berdasarkan preferensi masyarakat dengan metode kansei engineering masih sangat terbatas terutama masih pada bentuk saja. Perlu dikaji peluang inovasi/ pengembangan tas tangan Wanita berbahan ulap doyo dari aspek desain selain bentuk, dari aspek fungsi serta aspek manufacturability. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan penelurusan referensi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah menunjukkan bahwa inovasi produk tas berbahan ulap doyo dari segi inovasi produk berdasarkan preferensi masyarakat masih sangat berpeluang karena belum banyak penelitian yang membahas berdasarkan preferensi dari masyarakat. Kesimpulan dari penelitian adalah inovasi tas wanita berbahan ulap doyo dari segi inovasi produk berdasarkan preferensi masyarakat yang telah dilakukan ada pada : a. empat komponen tas, b. tiga bahan kombinasi, c. lima fungsi tas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 9
Hatta Musthafa Adham Putra ◽  
Zakiah Hidayati ◽  
M. Sutan Djaya Bunayya

Indonesia has a diverse ethnic and cultural diversity that continues to grow in the lives of Indonesians. Each tribe and region have characteristic of various arts and become the pride of the region. Tenggarong is one of the district in Kutai Kartanegara regency that has a variety of arts. Kutai Kartanegara regency does not yet have the means to develop adequate creativity for its citizens to channel art expression and activities. Through Kaltim Cultural and Art Center is a container and facilities created for the artists, people and government of Kutai Kartanegara Regency in developing the potential of art and culture. This design process is created through several stages, namely the study of literature, observation and analysis of data that has been obtained so as to obtain the results of a design concept in accordance with the objectives. The east Kaltim Cultural and Art Centerwas created with Accoustic design concept and artificial lighting so that art performer and art connoisseurs can comfortably enjoy performaces and exhibitions. Kaltim Cultural and Art Center in Kutai Kartanegara Regency is expected to become an object of education, tourism, and creations that can become a new icon in Kutai Kartanegara regency especially Tenggarong district.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 11
Bhanu Rizfa Hakim ◽  
Anna Rulia ◽  
Arif Indra Fahlafi

The development of the cinema industry in the city of Samarinda and the development increased significantly. At present, in the city of Samarinda there are 5 famous brand places, namely XX1 Big Mall, XX1 Samarinda Square, XX1 SCP, Cinema 21 SCP, and the newest CGV Cinema Plaza Mulia. The number of developments in East Kalimantan, especially Samarinda and its surroundings was triggered by a considerable attraction from the public for the film industry, from children to the elderly. This gives the potential for regional economic growth from the tourism sector. Therefore, this potential needs to be maximized by involving the construction of the Family Cinema Building in the Kumala Island Region, housing and entertainment clusters, Tenggarong City, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan. This great potential is supported by the strategic tourism area of ​​Kumala Island and the absence of well-known brands in the city of Tenggarong. In addition, Kumala Island as a tourist island that needs to be managed and benefited by the Government and the Tourism Department of Kutai Kartanegara Regency is an attractive tourist attraction for the surrounding community and migrants. Planning this Family Cinema Building will be one of the best attractions for the community, because it supports the family concept, providing 17 mini theater spaces, lounges, parks and other facilities. So the planning of tourist attraction development needs to be done in order to maximize the essence and image of Kumala Island as one of the best tourist destinations in East Kalimantan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 12
Mafazah Noviana ◽  
Cisyulia Octavia HS ◽  
Rahmat Dwi Saputra

Lots of entertainment and game facilities that are no longer active on Kumala Tenggarong Island have caused a decline in the number of visitors each year, one of the facilities is outdoor Gokart Arena which currently in poor condition. The solution to increase visitor attraction and reintroduce Karting to the public is by planning Gokart Arena and RC Cars Indoor Arena as entertainment and game-themed racing facilities on Kumala Tenggarong Island. However Gokart racing activities have a negative impact on the environment such as residual liquid (oil) and solid waste (iron frame, etc.), cause noise and pollution and require good lighting for the safety of racers, therefore building design is emphasized on utilities, especially wastewater, natural lighting and natural ventilation for sustainability and comfort of buildings and the environment can be maintained properly. The application of the industrialist architectural style to the facade and interior layout through material exposure elements creates a unique character in the building with a rough and masculine look.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 10
Zakiah Hidayati ◽  
Mafazah Noviana ◽  
A’am Gunawan

Perencanaan Pusat Batik ini bertujuan mendorong pertumbuhan di bidang ekonomi, baik perdagangan atau pariwisata. Perencanaan Pusat Batik Kaltim ini selain sebagai tempat produksi batik dan penjualan batik, juga berperan dalam kegiatan edukasi membatik bagi para pengunjung dan masyarakat umum. Kendala utama yang dapat muncul dalam perencanaan ini adalah terkait sistem utilitas bangunan dan lingkungan. Sistem utilitas meliputi sistem pengolahan limbah, pembuangan sampah, pemanfaatan air hujan dan pengolahan tapak agar ramah lingkungan. Selain utilitas, faktor organisasi ruang juga menjadi permasalahan karena jika tak diolah berpotensi membuat kegiatan di dalamnya menjadi tidak efektif. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka untuk mendapatkan perencanaan yang baik ditinjau dari ilmu arsitektur. Hal yang dihasilkan dari penelitian ini adalah sistem utilitas dirancang di area tapak bangunan dengan menggunakan empat bak-bak penampung limbah yang diletakkan di area tapak. Bak penampung berupa bak penampung awal, lilin malam, bak pengendapan, dan koagulasi, selanjutnya aman dibuang ke sungai Mahakam yang mengelilingi area pulau Kumala. Organisasi ruang diatur dalam tiga cluster workshop, display dan edukasi untuk menciptakan zona-zona yang lebih privasi karena perbedaan kegiatan di dalamnya. Diharapkan perencanaan pusat batik ini dapat memberikan kontribusi pada perencanaan fungsi bangunan sejenis terutama di permasalahan utilitas.    

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 8
Mauritania Aida Iskandar ◽  
Dwi Cahyadi

Permainan papan merupakan permainan dengan menggunakan media papan. Bermain permainan papan ternyata meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis, analisis, penalaran, dan kemampuan komunikasi prmainnya. Di Indonesia, permainan scrabble dan ludo dalam bentuk papan kurang begitu populer disebabkan karena harganya yang cukup mahal. Permainan edukasi mulai tenggelam dikalahkan oleh permainan daring yang lebih mudah ditemui dan dimainkan. Kelebihan lain yang membuat game ponsel lebih unggul ialah dengan satu ponsel pemakai terutama anak-anak yang berada di kisaran umur 7-12 tahun bisa mengganti aplikasi permainan yang satu dengan yang lain hanya dengan sekali klik, tetapi untuk permainan papan hanya bisa dimainkan satu mainan untuk satu papan permainan. Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu rancangan produk dengan tujuan menggabungkan 2 permainan papan ke dalam 1 wadah untuk anak usia 7-12 tahun. Metode perancangan yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Vinod Goel yaitu melakukan pengumpulan dan analisa data, menentukan konsep desain, yang dilanjutkan dengan desain alternatif, dan pengembangannya, hingga selesai pada desain akhir. Sehingga hasil perancangan “Desain Wadah Permainan Scrabble dan Ludo untuk Anak-Anak yang berusia  7-12 tahun“, pengguna mendapat kemudahan dalam bermain 2 permainan papan, dengan desain yang lebih ergonomis, estetis, dan praktis karena hanya mempunyai 1 wadah saja untuk 2 permainan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 7
Rizal Firmansyah ◽  
Hamdan Bahalwan

Abstrak Bus kelas sleeper class yang merupakan kelas tertinggi dalam pelayanan bus antar kota antar provinsi. Namun sleeper class masih memiliki kekurangan seperti ruang gerak yang kurang luas serta konfigurasi yang bertumpuk, juga fasilitas sleeper class belum terdapat di seluruh bis antar kota antar provinsi. Maka peneliti membuat terobosan inovasi pada Desain interior bus tingkat sleeper class antar kota antar provinsi dengan menerapkan seluruh interior menjadi sleeper class. Metode penelitian yang di gunakan pada penelitian ini menggunakan mix method kuantitatif dan kualitatif, kemudian ditambahkan dengan analisis desain yang mencangkup analisis, aktivitas, analisis kebutuhan, analisis warna, analalisi bentuk, analisis sistem, analisis teknologi, analisis keamanan, analisis bus, simbol, analisis ergonomi dan antropometri Untuk produk yang dihasilkan adalah sebuah produk yang akan menerapkan konsep modern dan ekslusif, dalam produk bus slepeer class ini terdapat dua lantai yaitu lantai atas dan lantai bawah yang di lengkapi kursi yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pengguna dan konfigurasi yang di terapkan 1-1 untuk menjaga privasi, menggunakan material yang di sesuaikan dengan analisis material. Warna yang di terapkan pada produk ini mengambil dari analisis warna dan juga ukuran kursi ,kabin dan interior menyesuaika antropometri orang indonesia dan ukuran regulasi dari bus tingkat. .

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 12
Yohanes Firananta Setyo Atmono

Bus shelter for public transport in Surabaya has been made to accommodate the needs of the Department of Transportation and government city. This facilities built to attract public interest to using public transportation. Currently, several shelter Surabaya Bus have been built, but the existing conditions of the bus stops have not met the requirements. Therefore it is necessary to design a Surabaya bus stop that offers convenience, security and most importantly introduces the city of Surabaya both for tourist purposes and for city branding. There is a need for shelters that are designed aesthetically, comfortably and the most important thing is that users feel safe when they are at bus stops. Designed by paying attention to the overall design principles, namely the character of the user, both disabled and normal, user activities and support facilities. Exterior and interior bus shelter concept design use tropical and iconic ornaments from Surabaya iconic places

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 12
Shiddiq Arifin Dwi Putra ◽  
Faza Wahmuda

Indonesia consists of so many islands and provinces, as well as diverse cultures ranging from Sabang to Merauke. Various cultures that exist in Indonesia, are still preserved by the people who live and live in the area from the past until now as traditions and ancestral heritage that must be preserved. The culture of East Kalimantan is one of the local cultures in Indonesia with distinctive characteristics, namely the culture of the Dayak tribe and the culture of Kutai Kartanegara. In this modern era, many have left the cultural heritage of their ancestors which has become the hallmark of a local identity that exists in Indonesia, especially the East Kalimantan Province. Fashion accessories products are one of the media that can lead the general public to introduce the culture in East Kalimantan with designs that apply elements of local cultural images typical of East Kalimantan. The purpose of designing this fashion accessory product is to pass on a local culture, especially in the East Kalimantan area, which is applied in the form of fashion accessories product media. The research method uses qualitative and quantitative research methods in collecting data. In the analysis there are accessories in the form of needs analysis for fashion products, cultural analysis, shape analysis, glasses system analysis, watch system analysis, bracelet system analysis, material analysis, color analysis, and market analysis. The results of this study are eyewear products with the application of blowpipe shapes, watches products with the application of the Dayak Tribe carving motifs, and products with the application of a combination form of Lembuswana, Hudoq, and Naga Erau.

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