2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 425-436

Hadith has its own history which is incorporated in the history of Islamic development and even the history of world development. The flashback to the history of the hadith began when the Prophet Muhammad -may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him- was sent as a Prophet, the spread of the Prophet's hadith and the droves of the Companions studying Islam and the enthusiasm of next generation to relay the struggle. In selecting hadith, there are criteria that hadith scholars agreed in research by using several methods to determine the truth of leaning the news on the Prophet. Then came the researchers today who offer an alternative method of hadith research, namely the historical criticism method. The formulation of the problem in this research is about: (1) the meaning of historical criticism, (2) the comparison of historical criticism with hadith text and chain of narration criticism, (3) the relevance of the application of historical criticism to hadith research. The research method used is a qualitative method with a comparative descriptive approach.The result of this study indicates that: (1) Historical criticism is the process of collecting past data critically and systematically from related sources to be critically verified so that it can be interpreted objectively to produce accurate historical writing. (2) There are 4 forms of comparison between historical criticism and hadith text and chain of narration criticism (3) The historical criticism is not relevant to hadith research because there are things that are not accommodated in revealing the authenticity of a hadith, so that historical criticism cannot match the hadith text and chain of narration criticism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 513-526
Firdaus Armanda ◽  
Syahrizal Abbas

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengapa qanun jinayat menggunakan emas murni sebagai standar dalam jarimah maisir dan uqubat denda terhadap pelaku jinayat. Selain itu, apa menjadi dasar filosofis, yuridis, dan sosiologis bagi penentuan standar uqubat denda terhadap pelaku jinayat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif-kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa uqubat emas murni yang terdapat dalam Qanun Jinayat tidak terlepas dari sejarah masyarakat Aceh yang kental dengan nilai keislaman, sehingga uqubat emas murni yang dikenal dalam Islam diambil juga dalam qanun. Terdapat tiga faktor yang mempengaruhi penetapan uqubat emas murni yang terdapat dalam qanun Aceh, yaitu faktor filosofis, yuridis, dan sosiologis. Pure Gold Uqubat In Jinayat Qanun This study aims to find out why the qanun Jinayat uses pure gold as the standard in jarimah maisir and uqubat (fines) against perpetrators of jinayat. Moreover, what is philosophical, juriditical, and sociological basis for determining the uqubat standard for fines for jinayat perpetrators. The research method used is descriptive-qualitative method. The results showed that pure gold uqubat contained in jinayat qanun is inseparable from the history of the Achenese which is thick with islamic values, so the pure gold uqubat is also taken from qanun. There are three factors that influece the establishment of pure gold uqubat stipulate in Aceh qanun, namely philosophical, juridical, and sociological factors.

Yulia Rimapradesi ◽  
Ahmad Sahide

Arab states and Israel has for decades had dividing wall for diplomatic relations. The existence of ideological differences between Islam and Judaism as well as a long history of colonialism and conflict makes it difficult to unravel the conflict between of them. However, this seems to change, towards the end of 2020 with the encouragement of Donald Trump as president of the United States. Arab countries seem to forgot the events of the past and break up the wall that previously served as a barrier between them and Israel. The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco has reasons what they thinks are rationality that their initial stance in favor of Palestinian independence seems to be waning. This paper discuss about the interests of the Arab states in the the normalization of their relationship with Israel. The research method in this paper is qualitative method with inductive analysis with the latest data from various document sources as material for analysis. This paper concludes the interests of the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco are dominated by security and the economy for their countries.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-102
Yusuf Alkhusaeri ◽  
Nanih Machendrawaty ◽  
Acep Aripudin

Tujuan dalam penelitian ini antara lain : Pertama, memahami aspek – aspek dakwah dalam pelaksanaan Ritual Mandi Safar. Kedua mengetahui dan menganalisis suatu elemen – elemen yang memicu pro dan kontra di dalam pelaksanaan Ritual Mandi Safar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif, sumber data pada penelitian ini adalah sumber data primer, yaitu pelaku dan pihak – pihak yang mengetahui sejarah Ritual Mandi Safar. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penyusunan peneliti ini adalah teknik observasi, wawancara, serta dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bawa Mandi Safar merupakan Ritual yang bernuansa agama, namun pada dasarnya  tradisi tersebut bukanlah bagian dari agama. Dalam Ritual Mandi Safar yang perlu dikedepankan adalah sapek “tradisi dan budaya” bukan aspek Ritual keagamaannya, karena akan timbul pemahaman syirik pada masyarakat. Aspek – aspek dakwah yang terkandung  di  dalam  mandi  safar yaitu, aspek sosial yaitu, kebersamaan dan kesetiakawanan dan aspek aqidah yaitu, kepercayaan dan keyakinan yang dapat menyelaraskan  dengan timbulnya  prilaku  yang  mementingkan  kepentingan  bersama  atau  nilai  solidaritas  dalam tindakan   masyarakat. The objectives in this study include: First, understand of da'wah in the implementation of the Ritual of Mandi Safar. The two know and analyze an element that triggers pro and contra in the implementation of the Ritual of Mandi Safar. The research method used is a qualitative method, Data sources in this study are primary data sources, namely the perpetrators and partys who know the history of the Ritual of Mandi Safar. The data collection techniques used in the preparation of this researcher are observation, interview, and documentation techniques. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that Safar Bath is a Ritual that has a religious nuance, but basically the tradition is not part of religion. In the Ritual of Mandi Safar, which needs to be put forward, the sapek "tradition and culture" is not an aspect of its religious Ritual, because will arises comprehension syirik on society . Aspects of da'wah contained in safar baths are, social aspects namely, togetherness and solidarity and aspects of aqedah namely, trust and confidence that can harmonize with the emergence of behavior that conserned interest shared or the value of solidarity in community actions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 313-334
Riyanti Nurina Fadillah ◽  
Widiati Isana

Calung art is one of the original arts typical of the West Java region and has existed since ancient times, and is commonly used during traditional ceremonies such as traditional ceremonies offered to Dewi Sri or better known as traditional ceremonies "seren taun". In this traditional ceremony the calung art became one of the supporting musical instruments played in the ceremonial process. However, it cannot be denied that this era which is increasingly developing into modern day more or less makes the existence of this calung experience a shift. This study aims to determine how the history of Calung Punklung's music and the process of its change to modern music. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method by collecting sources of literature coupled with sources of interviews and documentation. The analysis technique used is by using heuristic methods, criticism, interpretation and historiography. The results of this study show that the presence of the Calung Punklung music group is an effort to preserve Sundanese culture in the arts in particular. As for the changes made by the Punklung Clung group, this has only just happened in the aspect of bringing the genre of the song that was sung and how to dress when the performance.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 108
Awaludin Nugraha

The development is essentially a constructive effort to make a better life for everyone. Various development theories have been produced to make this happen. In the history of Indonesia, there was a Regent who inherited the developmental thoughts in the next generation. He was Prince Aria Soeria Atmadja or Prince of Mecca, Regent of Sumedang in the period of 1883-1919. He wrote his development ideas in the book “Di Tioeng Memeh Hoedjan”. The purpose of this article is to understand the developmental thoughts of Aria Soeria Atmadja. This research used the qualitative method with more emphasize on the hermeneutic approach, especially using hermeneutical circles. The result shows that the developmental thoughts of Aria Soeria Atmadja expressed in Sundanese with figurative language style because of the colonization. His thoughts were a formulation of his experience when he was in a government bureaucratic official. His developmental thoughts were in line with the Sustainable Development theory that developed in the 1980s and emphasized morality as its basis. He also emphasized the importance of community involvement in the development process

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Ade Irma Marpaung ◽  
Zainuddin Zainuddin ◽  
Busmin Gurning

This study is concerned at finding the meanings of Tepak Sirih tradition in Tanjungbalai Malay wedding ceremony. either it is the meaning of offering tepak sirih and the meanings that found in all objects that needed to practice tepak sirih tradition. This study also concerned on how and why the meanings realized in practicing tepak sirih. The research method used in this paper is descriptive qualitative method which is related to the grounded theory where the meanings are elaborated by using Roland Barthes’s Semiology Theory. The interview was assisted by two interviewees who are expert about Tanjungbalai Malay culture and tradition and they are the speakers in every ceremony of Malay in Tanjungbalai. The results showed that offering tepak sirih have different meaning in different event. Merisik, meminang and Hempang pintu are three events that use tepak sirih tradition in Tanjungbalai Malay wedding but only hempang pintu which uses tepak sirih in the wedding ceremony.  The writer found There were 11 dennotative meanings, 7 connotative meanings and two myths in all objects that needed in doing tepak Sirih tradition. The reason Tepak sirih is seen as the tool of communication or the opening speech in Tanjungbalai Malay wedding ceremony lies on the history of Tanjung balai Malay living in the past.Keywords: Semiotic or Semiology, Tepak sirih, Tanjungbalai Malay

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Ade Irma Marpaung ◽  
Zainuddin Zainuddin ◽  
Busmin Gurning

This study is concerned at finding the meanings of Tepak Sirih tradition in Tanjungbalai Malay wedding ceremony. either it is the meaning of offering tepak sirih and the meanings that found in all objects that needed to practice tepak sirih tradition. This study also concerned on how and why the meanings realized in practicing tepak sirih. The research method used in this paper is descriptive qualitative method which is related to the grounded theory where the meanings are elaborated by using Roland Barthes’s Semiology Theory. The interview was assisted by two interviewees who are expert about Tanjungbalai Malay culture and tradition and they are the speakers in every ceremony of Malay in Tanjungbalai. The results showed that offering tepak sirih have different meaning in different event. Merisik, meminang and Hempang pintu are three events that use tepak sirih tradition in Tanjungbalai Malay wedding but only hempang pintu which uses tepak sirih in the wedding ceremony.  The writer found There were 11 dennotative meanings, 7 connotative meanings and two myths in all objects that needed in doing tepak Sirih tradition. The reason Tepak sirih is seen as the tool of communication or the opening speech in Tanjungbalai Malay wedding ceremony lies on the history of Tanjung balai Malay living in the past.Keywords: Semiotic or Semiology, Tepak sirih, Tanjungbalai Malay

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-86
Cindy Ayustin Noya ◽  
Angkit Kinasih ◽  
Venti Agustina ◽  
R.Rr Maria Dyah Kurniasari

Infeksi saluran pernafasan akut atau yang sering disebut ISPA merupakan infeksi pada saluran pernafasan baik saluran pernafasan atas atau bawah.ISPA juga kebanyakan terjadi pada anak balita karena daya tahan tubuh mereka tidak kuat dalam menghadapi penyakit ISPA. ISPA mengakibatkan kematiansekitar15%-20% per tahun pada usia balita di Negara berkembang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa peran ibu dalam meningkatkan sistem imun anak dengan ISPA.Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan sampel purposive sampling.Populasi dan sampel penelitian ini adalah ibu yang mempunyai anak dengan riwayat dan saat ini menderita penyakit ISPA di Batu Gajah Kota Ambon.Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 5 orang. Hasil dari penelitian mendapati 4 kategori yaitu pemberian nutrisi pada anak untuk memenuhi kebutuhan agar sistem imunnya terjaga, kebersihan lingkungan, peran ibu dalam melakukan pencegahan pada anaknya yang mengalami ISPA, dan  peran ibu dalam menjaga dan mempertahankan kesehatan anaknya.   Kata kunci: peran ibu, sistem imun, ispa THE ROLE OF MOTHERS IN INCREASING IMMUNE SYSTEM OF CHILDREN WITH ACUTE RESPIRATORY INFECTION    ABSTRACT Acute respiratory infections or often called ARI is an infection of the upper or lower respiratory tract. ARI occurs mostly in children under the age of five because their endurance is not strong in dealing with ARI. ARI results in deaths of around 15%-20% per year at the age of under-five in developing countries. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the role of mothers in improving the immune system of children against ARI. The research method used in this study was qualitative descriptive with a purposive sampling sample. Respondents and samples of this study were five mothers who had children with a history of ARI and currently suffering from the disease in Batu Gajah, Ambon City. The results of the study found 4 categories, namely providing nutrition to children to meet their needs so that their immune systems are maintained, clean environment, mother's role in preventing children with ARI, and mother's role to preserve and maintain the health of their children. The findings indicated that in terms of coping or improving the immune system of a child to avoid ARI, it is necessary to have role the of mothers in providing nutrition so that the immune system is boosted, besides that the mother can prevent and protect her child from various diseases, especially ARI. Keywords: role of mothers, immune system, acute respiratory infections

Anton Wahyudi

The novel Sepertiga Malam di Manhattan by Arumi E is very interesting to study. This novel is a novel about the struggle of a family to get happiness. This novel is the Arumi E's 27th newest novel. The struggle in this novel is to make the family happy, expecting for the baby. Before writing the novel, Arumi E did a research in the places written in the novel to achieve a very interesting fictional story and most of this story was taken from the traveling results so it was so interesting. The objective of this research is to describe (1) the Autopoetic System in the novel Sepertiga MalamdiManhattan by Arumi E. (2) The differentiation system in the Novel Sepertiga Malamdi Manhattan by Arumi E.The research method used is in the form of a descriptive qualitative method that uses a social system approach. The method used by the researcher is the dialectical method. The data source used in this research is the novel Sepertiga Malamdi Manhattan by Arumi E, published by Gramedia publisher in 2018. The data collection in this study uses the steps of reading the novel. To collect data, the researcher use any instrument.There are two results of the study: (1) The autopoetic system in the novel Sepertiga MalamdiManhattan by Arumi E. is concerning to some characters who have their own beliefs or rules in their lives who do not want to follow the rules of others, they are more confident in their own way to success and purpose of life. (2) The system of differentiation in the novel Sepertiga Malamdi Manhattan by Arumi E. is covering the handling of changes in the environment, the characters are able to adapt to the new environment, which has a different culture from the original culture. This shows evidence of the system autopoetic and differentiation in the novel Sepertiga MalamdiManhattan by Arumi E.

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