Jurnal Telkommil
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Published By Politeknik Angkatan Darat


2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (Oktober) ◽  
pp. 11-19
Deden Prasetiyo ◽  
Desyderius Minggu ◽  
Mohamad Anwar

Abstract –  Rockets have an important role in today's era because they really help the activities carried out by the Indonesian National Army in order to maintain the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. Raspberry pi 4.0 has several advantages and 2 functions, namely as a microprocessor and microcontroller. The monitoring system for the pressure and temperature of the rocket motor combustion chamber is made in such a way by using the red node software so that it can find out real-time data on the pressure and temperature of the resulting rocket motor combustion chamber. The pressure and temperature monitoring system of the rocket motor combustion chamber is equipped with a pressure transducer sensor, temperature sensor and load cell as the rocket load will be maximized by 1 ton. Control data generated from the pressure and temperature of the motor combustion chamber is sent to the raspberry pi via serial communication. This research was conducted based on pure experiments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (Oktober) ◽  
pp. 47-55
Luthfan Herlambang ◽  
Eko Kuncoro ◽  
Muhamat Maariful Huda

Abstract: UAV or unmanned aerial vehicle is an air vehicle or what we often call an airplane that is controlled without a crew but controlled by a pilot remotely using a remote control. This study uses quantitative experiment methods because in this study it must be carried out when the UAV is flying using the autonomous waypoint method. Running the UAV with the autonomous waypoint method, we can use the Mission Planner software. First, we have to install the application on the mission planner and install pixhawk on the UAV which will act as the UAV brain that will receive and execute flight commands that will be sent by the mission planner later. The mission planner can also directly display flight data such as UAV altitude, UAV speed, UAV location, then the mission planner can also store flight data run by the UAV. The Autonomous waypoint method has been widely used in the military field, such as to carry out attacks on the enemy, reconnaissance, and patrol in an area quickly, and can also reduce casualties during combat operations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (Oktober) ◽  
pp. 66-74
Argo Surono ◽  
Imam Ashar ◽  
Muhamat Maariful Huda

Abstract: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is a type of aircraft that is controlled by a remote-control system via radio waves. UAV is an unmanned system (Unmanned System), which is an electro-mechanical-based system that can carry out programmed missions with the characteristics of a UAV that is able to fly without a pilot capable of controlling automatically and can run again by carrying several weapons or other tools. An autopilot is a mechanical, electrical, or hydraulic system that guides a vehicle without human intervention. The application of the Autonomous control system on the UAV is carried out by using Autonomous equipment in the form of components such as Flight Controller, GPS, Mission Planner Software and Telemetry. The number of parameters set by the observations made on the movement of the UAV when in Auto mode. The flight test used a square waypoint with a distance of 500 meters on each side. The UAV is able to fly in an Autonomous manner stably using a predetermined Waypoint. This is a pure experiment by means of tool testing and data collection that requires very high attention from the crew and results in fatigue.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (Oktober) ◽  
pp. 82-90
Bima Anugrah Pratama ◽  
Isa Mahfudi ◽  
Theresia Dwi Siwi Candra Widyati

Abstract: A flying vehicle, or guided missile that gets a boost or a rapid reaction to the propellant material from the engine output is called a rocket. The Indonesian Army really needs measuring tools to determine the ability of a rocket to be made. Therefore, in this study the author will design a temperature measuring device, thrust, and temperature on a rocket with a rocket load of 1 ton. The research method used is pure experiment. This study aims to find data on temperature, thrust, and temperature on the rocket in order to find out the specifications needed so that the rocket can fly as desired. The resulting data will later be sent to the raspberry pi to be processed in order to get the results which will later be printed on paper that will be used for a research on making rockets to help the Indonesian Army in developing defense equipment in the rocket field.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (Oktober) ◽  
pp. 75-81
M. Sofyan Asari ◽  
Desyderius Minggu ◽  
Isa Mahfudi

Abstract: Technology in the military world has been growing with the existence of technological innovations that are used to secure munitions warehouses. This is done to reduce the negligence of the munitions warehouse guard personnel if they lose the key from the munitions warehouse it can be monitored in real-time to find out who is around the munitions warehouse door. Thus, face recognition and fingerprint technology were created as a system for securing munitions warehouses, as well as the function is to be a CCTV. So, they can be monitored in real-time. This research method uses an experimental method to obtain quantitative data to prove the hypothesis data that use the Haar Cascade. The results of this study indicate that this security system has a very important role to limit access to and from the munitions warehouse and reduce the occurrence of theft or misuse of munitions. In the tests carried out, the minimum detection distance was 20 cm and the maximum distance that was able to detect was 110 cm. this is influenced by the focus of the camera and testing of the intensity of light in the morning, afternoon, evening, and night can be detected except detection at night without light and must use a fingerprint.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (Oktober) ◽  
pp. 56-65
Ravinda Dharma Setyawan ◽  
Eko Kuncoro ◽  
Bambang Purwanto

Abstract -  In the current era, technological progress is very influential for the defense system and the progress of a country to maintain the peace of the country, including Indonesia. In maintaining the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, a technological design is needed to maintain state sovereignty. To achieve success, the CIA's N2MR3 version of the robot design has a waypoint system that can be moved semi-autonomous to reduce personnel and material losses that have been experienced so far. The design of this combat robot uses an internet of thing (IOT) system that can be moved through a web server and controlled by an operator. This combat robot can also assist in reconnaissance, not also maintain the security and integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, but can also carry out attacks by preventing personnel losses. The CIA version of the N2MR3 robot is an advanced tool made to have more helpful functions in terms of the military. In order to help maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, this robot can be used to maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia in Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (Oktober) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Melkianus Penu ◽  
Petrus Gunawan ◽  
Muhamat Maariful Huda

Abstract - Along with the rapid development of science and technology, including robot technology. It can lighten and help the work done by humans. In the military world, the role of robots is indispensable both in peace and in war. This research was carried out using a pure experimental method on the Design of a Propulsion System for Combat Robots using the Internet of Things (IoT) Based on Raspberry 4.0. The working principle of this combat robot is based on data sent using MiFi (Tx) which will then be processed using Raspberry 4.0 and transmitted to MiFi (Rx) via the Internet of Things (IoT). Furthermore, the data received will be processed so that the driving system will produce driving force using a differential drive system, the difference in rotation of the driving motor is regulated by the microprocessor to the MY 1061 speed control, the pulse signal sent by the Raspberry Pi will regulate the amount of current sent to the DC motor so that the motor can turn left and right.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (Mei) ◽  
pp. 26-33
Muhamad Erik Taufik ◽  
Muhamat Maariful Huda ◽  
Theresia Dwi Siwi Candra

Di zaman yang sudah sangat berkembang saat ini, komunikasi menjadi suatu hal yang sangat diperlukan baik dalam pernyerangan dan pertahanan didalam suatu negara, juga informasi di kehidupan sehari-hari. Namun dengan tidak adanya pengaturan yang efektif dalam suatu hubungan informasi yang dilakukan maka perlu adanya suatu pengaturan server yang akan mempermudah dalam berkomunikasi, sehingga dengan jarak yang jauh bisa dilakukan komunikasi dengan efektif tanpa ada kendala yang signifikan. Penelitian ini menjelaskan bagaimana penerapan management server yang digunakan pada jaringan Radio Hybrid yang bisa menghubungkan radio analog berupa HT (Handy Talkie) dan radio militer lainnya maupun radio digital dengan perangkat handphone yang berbasis android yang digabungkan dengan internet. Untuk penerapan suatu server diperlukan beberapa perangkat pendukung berupa PC (Personal Computer) yang akan menjadi pengontrol, pengatur serta memonitor jalur komunikasi yang dilakukan setiap client. Dalam PC tersebut harus disertai dengan spesifikasi yang memadai dan software yang sudah dirancang khusus agar komunikasi dapat berjalan sesuai dengan keinginan. Software yang digunakan adalah software open source dengan penambahan script program sebagai pendukung dalam pembuatan server yang dihubungan dengan banyak client.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (Mei) ◽  
pp. 42-48
Nadhif Misbachul Hidayat ◽  
Nur Rachman Supadmana Muda ◽  
M. M. Hudha

In the 4.0 era, which is progressing towards the 5.0 era, many studies have been carried out on visual sensing in robots. Which has a function as monitoring the movement of robots, especially in the scope of defense in the military. Technological developments in military defense equipment play an important role in supporting the defense of the country's territory. One of them is the development of sensing systems on robots, there are many methods to decide the view of enemy targets against weapons. One of them using the triangulation distance measurement method with the help of a stereo vision camera. This method has advantages in the combat robot system, which is that it can reduce people casualties caused by direct weapon contact with the enemy on the battlefield, especially in urban areas, while the principle of this study is to adopt the similarity of the human eye work system, this method requires a least of two images to get information coordinates the target distance to the camera. Then, we can process the distance information to decide the position of the target against the weapon, while the distance function is carried out to place the robot to take measures. From this background, the author wants to build a visual sensing system using stereo vision. Two webcams with 1080HD resolution each are placed parallel to the combat robot. From the images captured by the two cameras, it can observe the comparison gap between the position of the object with the term disparity, while the results of the disparity are usually used to calculate the distance of the real object and each camera has a viewpoint that can be known, so the distance of the object can be calculated by the more method of triangulation. The results show that the error between the real and the detected distance is 5% and that the camera resolution influences reducing the error.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (Mei) ◽  
pp. 49-54
Muhamad Yusuf Imani ◽  
Nur Rachman Supadmana Muda ◽  
Prisca Chorina

Sistem keamanan pada komunikasi sangatlah penting. Kerahasiaan suatu informasi sudah menjadi harga mati. Peneliti membuat sistem keamanan pada jaringan backbone yang ada pada komunikasi hybrid dengan menggunakan firewall. Pengembangan sistem ini bertujuan untuk mengamankan jaringan tersebut dari orang-orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Pengamanan jaringan backbone ini menggunakan UFW dengan parameter IP, Port, UDP, dan SSH untuk pembatasan hak akses. Parameter tersebut akan diletakkan pada server untuk monitoring. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode mixing. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan mampu memberikan system keamanan saat melaksanakan komunikasi. Pengguna yang bisa berkomunikasi hanya pengguna yang sudah melaksanakan registrasi pada server, sehingga tidak sembarang orang bisa menggunakan komunikasi ini. Kemudian system keamanaan ini juga mendukung pengiriman notifikasi kepada operator server apabila server mengalami kelebihan hak akses atau overload.

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