scholarly journals Ostrich specific semen diluent and sperm motility characteristics during in vitro storage

2018 ◽  
Vol 193 ◽  
pp. 107-116 ◽  
A.M.J. Smith ◽  
M. Bonato ◽  
K. Dzama ◽  
I.A. Malecki ◽  
S.W.P. Cloete
2018 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-65
Ezekiel Adekunle ◽  
James Daramola ◽  
Olusiji Sowande ◽  
John Abiona ◽  
Monsuru Abioja

This study investigated the effects of apple and orange juices on quality of refrigerated spermatozoa of goat bucks. Semen samples from WAD goat bucks were diluted with Tris-egg yolk extenders each supplemented with apple and orange juices at 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10/100 ml of diluents. The diluted semen samples were assessed for sperm viability and malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration after in vitro storage for 240 hours at 5oC. The ability to maintain sperm motility was higher in the extenders with 7.5% orange juice followed by 10% apple juice compared to other treatments (P<0.05). The extenders supplemented with 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% apple juice, and 5% orange juice had higher intact acrosome compared to other treatments and the control (P<0.05). The 10% orange juice had higher percentage membrane integrity compared to other treatments. Consistent and reduced (P<0.05) MDA levels were observed in the extenders supplemented with fruit juices and lower MDA was observed in the extenders supplemented with 10% apple juice compared to other treatments and the control (P<0.05). The findings reveal that additions of the fruit juices to semen extenders to maintain the viability of refrigerated spermatozoa were best at concentrations of 10 ml/100 ml of apple juice and 7.5 ml/100 ml of orange juice.

2019 ◽  
pp. 57-67
T.M. Tabatskaya ◽  
N.I. Vnukova

A technique for the long-term (up to 27 years) in vitro storage of valuable birch genotypes under normal (25 °C, 2.0 klx, 16-h day and 8-h night) and low temperature (4 °C, 0.5 klx, 6-h day and 18-h night) growing conditions on hormone-free media has been described. The study explored for the first time the influence of different strategies to store the clones of Betula pubescens and B. pendula var. сarelica (6 genotypes) on the regenerative capacity of collection samples, adaptive potential of regenerated plants and plant production by the in vitro and ex vitro techniques. It was established that both storage strategies provided a persistently high survival rate (82-100%) and regenerative capacity of in vitro shoots (the multiplication coefficient of 4.2-6.3 and rhizogenic activity of 90-100%). The clones retained their characteristics of height growth under the in vitro and ex vitro conditions, and demonstrated intraclonal homogeneity and lack of signs of somaclonal variability. The plants showed substantial interspecific differences at the stage of multiplication and transfer to the greenhouse. The highest percentage of acclimated plants (75-98% depending on the clone genotype) was obtained after planting of micro plants straight in the greenhouse, which simplified the technology and made plant production less costly. long-term in vitro storage, birch, species, genotype, micropropagation, ex vitro adaptation, plant material

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 934
Chris O’Brien ◽  
Jayeni Hiti-Bandaralage ◽  
Raquel Folgado ◽  
Alice Hayward ◽  
Sean Lahmeyer ◽  

Recent development and implementation of crop cryopreservation protocols has increased the capacity to maintain recalcitrant seeded germplasm collections via cryopreserved in vitro material. To preserve the greatest possible plant genetic resources globally for future food security and breeding programs, it is essential to integrate in situ and ex situ conservation methods into a cohesive conservation plan. In vitro storage using tissue culture and cryopreservation techniques offers promising complementary tools that can be used to promote this approach. These techniques can be employed for crops difficult or impossible to maintain in seed banks for long-term conservation. This includes woody perennial plants, recalcitrant seed crops or crops with no seeds at all and vegetatively or clonally propagated crops where seeds are not true-to-type. Many of the world’s most important crops for food, nutrition and livelihoods, are vegetatively propagated or have recalcitrant seeds. This review will look at ex situ conservation, namely field repositories and in vitro storage for some of these economically important crops, focusing on conservation strategies for avocado. To date, cultivar-specific multiplication protocols have been established for maintaining multiple avocado cultivars in tissue culture. Cryopreservation of avocado somatic embryos and somatic embryogenesis have been successful. In addition, a shoot-tip cryopreservation protocol has been developed for cryo-storage and regeneration of true-to-type clonal avocado plants.

Reproduction ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 131 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-79 ◽  
K Ashizawa ◽  
G J Wishart ◽  
S Katayama ◽  
D Takano ◽  
M Maeda ◽  

At the avian body temperature of 40 °C, intact fowl spermatozoa require Ca2+for the initiation of motility and a combination of both Ca2+and homogenized inner perivitelline layer (IPVL) together to induce the acrosome reaction. Within the range of 1–100 μmol/l, neither PD 150606 (a Ca2+-dependent calpain inhibitor) nor Y-27632 (an inhibitor of Ca2+-dependent Rho-kinase) were able to inhibit the acrosome reaction induced by the presence of Ca2+and IPVL. However, PD 150606, although not Y-27632, was able to inhibit sperm motility initiated by Ca2+, as well as motility initiated by calyculin A – a specific inhibitor of protein phosphatases, which also initiates sperm motility at 40 °C. The addition of PD 150606 did not reduce the ATP concentrations of intact spermatozoa, nor the motility of demembranated spermatozoa. Immunoblot analysis of sperm extract using a polyclonal antibody against calpain 12 revealed a cross-reacting protein of approximately 80 kDa. These results suggest that Rho-kinase is not involved in the regulation of the acrosome reaction or of motility in fowl spermatozoa. In contrast, calpain appears to be involved in the regulation of flagellar movement, but not izn that of the acrosome reaction. Furthermore, it seems that endogenous calpain is present in the cytoplasmic matrix and/or the plasma membrane, but not retained in the axoneme and/or accessory cytoskeletal components.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
Naina Kumar ◽  
Namit Kant Singh

: Male infertility is rising now-a-days and accounts for major part of infertility cases worldwide. Novel tests are being developed for better detection and management of male infertility. Though there are many tests available for diagnosing male infertility like acrosome reaction rate, hemizona assay, in vivo or in vitro sperm penetration assay, sperm DNA damage tests, but semen analysis is most commonly used initial test for male infertility. It is usually associated with failure to detect cause in many cases, as seminal composition gets affected by a number of factors and can give false reports. Furthermore, it does not give any information about defects in capacitation, sperm Zona Pellucida interaction and sperm’s ability to fertilize oocytes. This results in failure of detection and delayed management of male infertility. Hence, the present review was conducted to identify various sperm proteins that play significant role in spermatogenesis, sperm motility, sperm-Zona Pellucida interaction and fertilization. These proteins can be used in future as markers of male infertility and will aid in better detection and management of male infertility. Methodology: Search for literature was made from 1970 to 2020 from various databases like PUBMED, SCOPUS, Google Scholar on sperm proteins and their role in male fertility using keywords: “sperm protein as bio-markers”, “novel sperm proteins as markers of infertility”, “Sperm proteins essential for capacitation, sperm motility and oocyte fertilization”. Inclusion criteria: All full-length research articles, systematic reviews, meta-analysis or abstracts on sperm proteins and male infertility published in English language in peer-reviewed journals were considered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 99 (Supplement_3) ◽  
pp. 310-310
Saulo Menegatti Zoca ◽  
Julie Walker ◽  
Taylor Andrews ◽  
Adalaide C Kline ◽  
Jerica J Rich ◽  

Abstract Sire conception rate (SCR) is a field measure of fertility among bulls, but it can be influenced by several factors (Sperm transport, sperm-egg binding, early embryo development, etc). The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between SCR, sperm motility, SERPINA5 concentrations, and in vitro embryo development. Measurements were performed in 19 bulls with SCR values ranging from -7.7 to 4.45. For each bull, an aliquot of frozen-thawed semen was used for analyses of total (TMOT) and progressive (PROG) motility. Remaining semen was fixed with 2% formaldehyde, and concentration of SERPINA5 was determined by immunolocalization (antibody SERPINA5/Dylight405; PA5-79976-Invitrogen / ab201798-Abcam). Mean fluorescence intensity was determined in ~200 sperm heads/bull. Approximately 149 oocytes/bull were fertilized in vitro for embryo development analysis (cleavage and blastocyst rates). Statistical procedures were performed in SAS (9.4) using the procedures CORR for correlations (SCR, TMOT, PROG, SERPINA5, cleavage and blastocyst) and GLIMMIX for comparison of “field-fertility” (SCR divided in HIGH or LOW) and “field-embryo-fertility” (LOW-SCR sires were divided based on blastocyst rate (HIGH or LOW) resulting in two classifications; LOW-HIGH≥31% and LOW-LOW≤26%, respectively). There were positive correlations (P &lt; 0.05) between cleavage-blastocyst (r=0.50), SERPINA5-cleavage (r=0.48), and TMOT-PROG (r=0.76). Sire SCR was not associated with SERPINA5, TMOT, PROG, cleavage and blastocyst rate (P &gt; 0.52). Among LOW-SCR sires, LOW-LOW sires (-4.83±0.60) tended to have a better SCR score than LOW-HIGH (-6.18±0.42) sires (P = 0.08), but there were no differences (P &gt; 0.43) between LOW-HIGH, LOW-LOW, and HIGH sires for SERPINA5, TMOT, PROG, and cleavage. In conclusion, some LOW SCR sires have good embryo development indicating a different mechanism for their low SCR; however, these differences in SCR could not be explained by TMOT, PROG, SERPINA5, cleavage and blastocyst. There were, however, positive correlations between cleavage-blastocyst rate, and SERPINA5-cleavage rate.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (8) ◽  
pp. 20180033 ◽  
Angela Pauliny ◽  
Emily Miller ◽  
Nicky Rollings ◽  
Erik Wapstra ◽  
Donald Blomqvist ◽  

Standardized swim-up trials are used in in vitro fertilization clinics to select particularly motile spermatozoa in order to increase the probability of a successful fertilization. Such trials demonstrate that sperm with longer telomeres have higher motility and lower levels of DNA damage. Regardless of whether sperm motility, and successful swim-up to fertilization sites, is a direct or correlational effect of telomere length or DNA damage, covariation between telomere length and sperm performance predicts a relationship between telomere length and probability of paternity in sperm competition, a prediction that for ethical reasons cannot be tested on humans. Here, we test this prediction in sand lizards ( Lacerta agilis ) using experimental data from twice-mated females in a laboratory population, and telomere length in blood from the participating lizards. Female identity influenced paternity (while the mechanism was not identified), while relatively longer male telomeres predicted higher probability of paternity. We discuss potential mechanisms underpinning this result.

2015 ◽  
Vol 36 (6) ◽  
pp. 3699
Rodrigo Arruda de Oliveira ◽  
Marco Antônio De Oliveira Viu ◽  
Maria Lúcia Gambarini

Handling equine semen during the refrigeration process reduces sperm viability, and consequently causes membrane lipid peroxidation, among other challenges. The present study aimed to evaluate the in vitro effects of glutathione (control, 1. 0, 1. 5, and 2. 5 mM) on equine semen in a refrigeration protocol of 16ºC for 36 hours. The following variables were evaluated after 0, 12, 24, and 36 hours refrigeration: total sperm motility, vigor, viability, and plasma and acrosomal membrane integrity. Motility was higher with 2. 5mM of glutathione (57. 8 ± 7. 3) after 12 hours of refrigeration compared to the control (53. 2 ± 8. 3) (P < 0. 05). After 36 hours of refrigeration, motility was higher with 1. 5 mM (43. 4 ± 12. 7) and 2. 5mM glutathione (45. 5 ± 6. 2), than it was with 1mM glutathione (38. 2 ± 9) and the control (35. 5 ± 18. 4) (P < 0. 05), respectively. Vigor was highest with 1. 5mM glutathione (3. 7 ± 0. 3) after 36 hours compared to the control (3. 2 ± 1. 1), (P < 0. 05). Viability differed between control and 1mM treatments (79. 5 ± 1. 8) only after 24 hours (75. 5 ± 9. 7) (P < 0. 05). Throughout the investigation, no significant differences were noted in plasma and acrosomal membrane integrity (P > 0. 05). The 1. 5 and 2. 5mM glutathione levels were more efficient in protecting sperm cells and yielded higher total motility values after 36 hours of refrigeration.

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