French Phonology and Morphology revisited

Jo Ann Creore

Sanford Schane’s monograph French Phonology and Morphology, published in 1968, was the first extensive treatment of that subject in a generative framework. Although its merits and faults have been discussed at length in reviews, the scarcety of subsequent contrasting analyses within the same framework would seem to imply that Schane’s study is essentially correct within that framework and/or that the subject matter itself holds no further theoretical interest for generative phonologists. The present paper challenges both of these implications. The discussion focuses on Schane’s formulation of the underlying vocalic system of French. Schane’s assumptions about phonological grammars, his analysis, and his methodology are open to question. Section 1 of this study discusses the concept “rule of grammar” as developed by Schane and considers possible alternatives. Inconsistencies of Schane’s analysis are illustrated in Section 2, while Section 3 demonstrates that the data which should offer the strongest support for Schane’s analysis in fact fail to do so. To the extent that Schane represents current phonological theory and practice, the criticisms voiced here have, of course, a wider application.The discussion focuses on Schane’s formulation of the underlying vocalic system of French. Schane's assumptions about phonological grammars, his analysis, and his methodology are open to question. Section 1 of this study discusses the concept “rule of grammar” as developed by Schane and considers possible alternatives. Inconsistencies of Schane’s analysis are illustrated in Section 2, while Section 3 demonstrates that the data which should offer the strongest support for Schane’s analysis in fact fail to do so. To the extent that Schane represents current phonological theory and practice, the criticisms voiced here have, of course, a wider application.

Sylvia Jaki

Science documentaries on television aim to provide easy and entertaining access to research findings. To do so, producers need to know how to explain complex content for non-expert audiences in a comprehensible way. At the same time, they have to decide what aspects of a subject might be relevant for viewers, or how the subject matter could be rendered more interesting by employing strategies such as personalisation or emotionalisation. One specific decision concerns the use of terms. Both existing research and journalistic handbooks suggest that terms should be or are, in fact, avoided in popular science contexts. However, there is only little empirical research on the topic. This contribution seeks to test several pre-existing hypotheses on terms in documentaries for adults and show how often terms are used and whether/how they are explained when they appear. Examining terms in four English and four German science documentaries, the analysis points out which communicative resources are used to facilitate the comprehension of terms, and where an explanation seems to focus primarily on entertainment rather than ease of comprehension. The results challenge some of the previous views on terms in popular science communication and reveal that documentaries display highly idiosyncratic strategies when it comes to the use of terms.

Marina Mikhailovna Novikova

The article is devoted to identifying the points of contact between primitive and modern cultures. The subject matter is based on the theory and practice of artistic creativity, its origins and aesthetic potential. The article reveals the degree of influence of the figurative-semantic and symbolic content of primitive and traditional culture on modern artistic creativity: on stylistic, formal techniques, themes, images; in General, on artistic thinking.

1969 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-20
Alvin T. M. Lee

The Regional Research Program has potential for being the elite among research programs and to be a high status symbol for those associated with it. That it is not so means that it is not achieving its potential and that it is falling short of the original objectives. Since its inception, the regional research program has been praised and condemned. There appears to be more dissatisfaction than satisfaction with both the administrative procedures and the subject matter content of the program. Control of the program, the administrative structure and its effectiveness have been the subject of much discussion and debate. Some say the program has yielded little, and some of those who defend it do so on the basis that it has enabled researchers to meet and discuss their work, which in itself is worthwhile.

بوهدة غالية ◽  
حبيب الله زكريا

 الملخّص                                                                                                                إن قضية تعدد الزوجات تُعَدُّ من القضايا المثيرة في عصرنا الحاضر، وذلك نتيجةً لما يشهده الواقع من اضطراب المواقف والممارسات تجاهه. ولم يقتصر الأمر على ذلك؛ بل تعدّاه إلى النظر في خطابات القرآن تجاه قضية التعدد، وهو المسوّغ الذي جعل بعض الباحثين يشكك في شرعية التعدد في الإسلام. وتكمن المشكلة في أن ظواهر بعض الآيات تشير إلى إباحة التعدد، بيد أن الأخرى تقيّدها بالعدل، وذلك في قوله: ﴿فَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلَّا تَعْدِلُوا فَوَاحِدَةً أَوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُكُمْ ذَلِكَ أَدْنَى أَلَّا تَعُولُوا﴾، وفي الوقت نفسه يبيّن ظاهر بعض الخطابات القرآنية أن العدل المنشود من المعدّد تجاه زوجاته غايةٌ لا تدرك ﴿وَلَنْ تَسْتَطِيعُوا أَنْ تَعْدِلُوا بَيْنَ النِّسَاءِ وَلَوْ حَرَصْتُمْ﴾. ومن هذا المنطلق تهدف هذه الورقة إلى كشف النقاب عن العدل المنشود في ضوء الآيات التي جاءت في قضية التعدّد في القرآن، وحيث إن هذه القضية لها أبعادها الاجتماعية في استقرار الأسرة المسلمة، فإن هذا البحث يحاول معالجة شرعية التعدد بين النظرية والتطبيق في ضوء مقاصد الشريعة. وستنتهج الدراسة كلاّ من المنهجين الاستقرائي والتحليلي في تتبع وجمع المادة العلمية وتحليليها وتقييمها بما يسهم في بناء موقف موضوعي ووسطي تجاه القضية. الكلمات المفتاحية: تعدد الزوجات، القرآن الكريم،  المفسرون، مقاصد الشريعة، قيود التعدد.        Abstract The issue of polygamy is among the prominent issues of our contemporary time.  This is the result of the confusing opinions and practices of polygamy. The matter is not limited to this aspect; it has rather related to the insight of the Qur’anic discourses. It has become a justification for some of the researchers to doubt the SharÊ‘ah legality of polygamy in Islam. This problem is based on the evident meaning of the verses pointing towards permissibility of polygamy, whereas the other verse restricts polygamy with justice. The Qur’an states (4: 3): “But if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess, that will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice.” At the same time, another evident Qur’anic discourse refers that the justice sought from the husband towards his wives is not achievable. The Qur’an states (4: 129): “You are never able to be fair and just as between women, even if it is you ardent desire.” From this premise, this research aims to unveil the pursued justice in the light of verses related to polygamy in the Qur’an, due to the fact that this issue has a social dimension in establishing Muslim family. This work attempts to reconcile between theory and practice of legality of polygamy in the light of the SharÊ‘ah objectives. The study drew its conclusion using both inductive and analytical methods so as to trace, collect, analyze and evaluate the relevant materials in order to build an objective and balanced position about the subject matter.  Keywords: Polygamy, the Noble Qur’an, the Qur’anic commentators, SharÊ‘ah Objectives, Conditions of polygamy.

1961 ◽  
Vol 28 (6) ◽  
pp. 1019-1019
Carl C. Fischer

FROM TIME to time Presidents of the American Academy of Pediatrics have used this means of sharing with the fellowship, thoughts which seem to them to be of mutual interest. Last year, President George Wheatley had such a message in every issue, covering a wide variety of interesting and stimulating topics. I will not plan to necessarily continue this policy of having a message for each issue, but will do so whenever the subject matter seems to warrant one. At this, the beginning of a new year for the Academy, it seems appropriate to present to the membership at large a few of the thoughts which I presented in Chicago upon my inauguration as your President. It has recently been my pleasure to reread the two little volumes sent to all Academy Fellows a few years ago, the one containing the Presidential addresses of the first 20 presidents, and the other, Dr. Marshall Pease's stimulating "History of the Academy." I heartily recommend these to any of you who might be interested in the conception, delivery and growth and development of our organization. Of first importance at this time, it seems to me, is the review of the primary objectives of our Academy as originally drawn up by Dr. Grulee and his associates more than 30 years ago. These are: "The object of the Academy shall be to foster and stimulate interest in Pediatrics and correlate all aspects of the word for the welfare of children which properly come within the scope of pediatrics."

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-122
Dodi Sukmayadi

This paper is to expound some note on philosophy in terms of contrast between idealism and realism in its various shades of grey. Included is its shade in (certain) Islamic perspective. The methods of analysis is that of Wittgenstenian language games (WLG) which proceed from several well-known statements or examples to dense possible meaning of them. The WLG is considered fruitful for the purpose of grounding theory and practice science-technology-engineering-math (STEM) based curriculum development and implementation. The subject matter discussed is how idealism and realism is expressed in the three three-generations of philosopher Socrates-Plato-Aristotle (SPA), Schopenhauer-Nietszsche-Foucault (SNF) and Hegel-Marx-Habermas (HMH). After mentioning an Islamic expression on idealism and realism as contrast of jabariyatism and mutazilitism, then it is time to see if Universitas Terbuka (UT) specifically and all (Indonesia) educational establishments in general have some lesson learned from that note on philosophy. In UT, in line mostly with Islamic expressions, idealism and realism is seen as contrast of content-based vs competency-based approach to curriculum development and implementation.

Ece Özlem Atikcan ◽  
Jean-Frédéric Morin ◽  
Christian Olsson

Introducing research methods in the social sciences is not an easy task given how complex the subject matter is. Social sciences, like all sciences, can be divided into categories (disciplines). Disciplines are frequently defined according to what they study (their empirical object) and how they study it (their particular problematization of the object). They are, however, by no means unitary entities. Within each discipline, multiple theories typically contend over the ability to tell provisional truths about the world. They do so by building on specific visions of the nature of the world, reflections on how to generate scientific truth, systematic ways of collecting and analyzing data (methods) and of justifying these methods as part of a coherent research design (methodologies).

2011 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Mark Gallo ◽  
Vince Rinaldo

Many individuals who enter into science programs do so because study in this area is a requirement rather than because of a genuine interest in the subject matter. As a result, science educators need to find new ways of motivating today’s learners. One approach is to modify the educational process so that students no longer find themselves in the roles of traditional learners, where the instructor directs them to the information. Instead, they need to become active learners, who take responsibility for their own learning both in and out of the classroom. This study examined the effects of an external motivation approach that utilized a token system known as Microbucks. Qualitative examination of the data showed that students responded favourably and quantitative analysis showed up to a 9.39 percent increase in final grades.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Magdalena Tusińska

The subject matter of this paper is Buddhist economics in theory and practice. The goal is to point out the main concepts of Buddhist economics, which is different from Western mainstream economics, and then explain how applying Buddhist teachings to business can possibly improve societal well-being and the condition of the natural environment. The main contribution of the article is twofold. Firstly, it aims to plumb the literature to identify characteristics of Buddhist economics, which is a relatively new field. Secondly, it compares Buddhist enterprises to relatively well-known social enterprises, showing the main differences between them. “Buddhist ideas in practice” are illustrated by examples of such companies as Benefit System or Patagonia. The main conclusion is that money and wealth are allowed in Buddhism, but religion reminds people not to become attached to their possessions and to share them with others. Examples described in the paper lead to an awareness that economic activity can be a means to a noble life. New criteria of assessment of business success including social engagement and care for the environment should be created. Thus, deep institutional changes which redefine the roles and duties of business would be required. The paper is based on literature, documents and online sources. The research methods used are the critique of literature covering the subject matter, comparative analysis and elements of case studies.

Andreas von Falck ◽  
Stephan Dorn

Possible orders that can be applied for in the interim procedure are, in principle, all orders of the Court provided for in the UPCA and the Rules of Procedure. For a Statement of non-infringement, however, only a few orders may be relevant. Normally, the defendant in an action for a declaration of non-infringement does not lack any means of proof; therefore, all the rules on proof (Rule 190), on information (Rule 191), on preserving evidence (Rule 192), or on inspection (Rule 199) may be applicable in only a few cases. The reason for this is that the defendant has no direct advantage in the rejection of the claim (except for the cost decision in his favour). The defendant cannot enforce that decision, even if the Court decides positively on the infringement question. Claims arising out of an infringement are not the subject matter of the action. If the defendant wants to bring an infringement claim, he must do so in an infringement action (→ Art 33(6) UPCA).

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