The Form of the Eastern End of the Insch Igneous Mass, Aberdeenshire

1954 ◽  
Vol 91 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-143 ◽  
M. S. Sadashivaiah

AbstractPeridotite, troctolite, and olivine-gabbro are exposed in the Bourtie area at the eastern end of the Insch igneous mass. The distribution of outcrops suggests that the rocks are disposed in bands running north and south and a smaller-scale north-south banding can be seen in some exposures. The earlier view that the ultrabasic rocks form an east-west lens on the floor of a northerly-dipping gabbro sheet is therefore abandoned and both the northern and southern contacts are believed to be part of the roof of the igneous body.

1970 ◽  
pp. 62-65
Azza Basarudin

This article attempts to address how Western and Arab (North and South) feminists are able to envision solidarity and empower women across local and national boundaries through (1) connecting local and global gender issues and (2) reconciling Western feminist scholarships and Arab women’s culturally specific positions in international and cross-cultural frameworks. Given the historical background of the Middle East, there is a need to understand multiple factors such as class, nation, racism, sexism, colonialism and imperialism that influence Arab women’s struggles for liberation. Arab women’s struggles cannot be defined and situated in a context that removes the diversity of their historical experiences, location, religion and cultural factors. I would like to examine how Arab women are marginalized within the sphere of Western feminism(s) because they have been portrayed as passive victims instead of active participants seeking mobility and changes in their society. In dismantling the binary construct of East/West, liberated/oppressed, colonizers/colonized and progressive/backwards in global feminist discourses, there is an urgent need for a cross-cultural dialogue between Western and Arab feminisms in order to create space that allows differences to be recognized and examined, and crafting a meeting point for women to relate across their differences. For Western feminists trying to make sense of Middle Eastern issues and Arab women’s struggles, solidarity will remain elusive unless they recognize that women’s experiences and struggles cannot be separated from race, class, nation, colonization and imperialism.

Imam Baehaqie

Penulisan artikel ini ditujukan untuk menjelaskan makna warna-warna yang ada dalam jenang mancawarna jenang banyak warna. Jenang mancawarna atau yang juga dikenal dengan nama jenang pepak jenang lengkap merupakan salah satu nama jenang dalam sesaji selamatan daur hidup masyarakat Jawa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan etnolinguistik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode observasi dan wawancara terhadap informan yang berdomisili di Kabupaten Wonogiri, Jawa Tengah. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa masyarakat Jawa memiliki pandangan mengenai multikulturalisme atau tergolong masyarakat yang multikulturalis karena empat warna dalam jenang tersebut memiliki makna semiotis antara lain bahwa seorang manusia hendaknya senantiasa menyadari dan menghargai perbedaan pemikiran para saudaranya yang berada di kiblat papat lima pancer empat arah mata angin: timur, barat, utara, dan selatan.This article seeks to explain the meanings of various colors of jenang mancawarna multicolored jenang. Jenang mancawarna is also known as jenang pepak complete jenang, a name of jenang in a celebration offerings of Javanese people. The research was conducted by using ethnolinguistics approach. The research was done through observation and interview in Wonogiri Regency, Central Java. The result of the research, Javanese people have unique views of multiculturalism as reflected in the four colours of Jenang. The colours have semiotic-meanings, that people ought to being aware and respect to different thinking of his connections who are bound in kiblat papat lima pancer four directions: east, west, north, and south.

2021 ◽  
pp. 7495-7503
Dr.M.Mahalakshmi, Dr.M.Saravanan, Mrs. Santhi , P.Dileep, G.Aparna, Dr. SHARAVANAN. S

The proposed method aims in designing a system which is capable identifying the emergency situation in ambulance and automatically controls the traffic at the signal point. This feature helps in decreasing the death rate which occurs mostly due to traffic congestion in emergency situation. Traffic density sensor is used to increase the green time when the traffic is heavy. Zigbee is used for establishing wireless communication between system in ambulance and the system at signal point, few control buttons in ambulance are used for indicating emergency situation, and traffic signal indicators are to be controlled depending on emergency situation in the ambulance. In Zigbee transmitter, which is their in the ambulance and placed four buttons i.e. east, west, north and south. The driver presses either of these button depending on the ambulance direction. So, this transmitter sends signal to that Zigbee receiver placed at the traffic junction and the PIC microcontroller takes the action of controlling the LEDs and IR obstacle sensor identify the heavy traffic.

2002 ◽  
Vol 97 ◽  
pp. 309-351 ◽  
Zofia H. Archibald ◽  
Ark Adams ◽  
Sue Ovenden ◽  
Sue Stallibras

In 1999, fieldwork was resumed by the British team at Adzhiyska Vodenitsa, Vetren, the site of an inlandemporionwhich has been identified with ancient Pistiros (SEG43. 486, 46. 872*). Excavations were conducted on the terrace with architectural remains in two sectors, north and south of the main east-west road. In the northern sector, 22 pits were investigated. The faunal material from these pits reveals specific butchering methods and the re-articulation of complete body parts following butchery. Among the finds aregraffition pottery, including a votive inscription to Zeus. In the southern sector, there are traces of residential use. The report includes an account of geophysical prospection to determine the nature of land use beyond the terrace, with evidence suggesting that the settlement was directly adjacent to the River Maritsa (ancient Hebros).

2020 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 34
Eliezer Oliveira Cavalheiro ◽  
Cleiton Anderson Trindade De Carvalho ◽  
Glauber Rodrigues De Quadros ◽  
Silvana Maldaner

The windsock is a meteorological instrument that indicates wind direction. This instrument is critical in sea travel and aviation and this sensor can prevent accidents in emergency situations such as storms caused by a particular wind direction.hus, in this work it is proposed to develop an electronic windsock using a rotary encoder module and infrared LEDS. For the development of the Wind Direction Sensor project an Arduino microcontroller and c ++ language were used. The engineered hybrid system converts the rotations into an electrical signal. These signals were associated with east, west, north and south orientations. The projected sensor presented a lower probability of error in the wind direction information when compared to the windsock that employs 5mm Infrared LED.

1957 ◽  
Vol S6-VII (4-5) ◽  
pp. 571-583 ◽  
Paul Celet

Abstract The stratigraphic sequence of the Parnassus massif in Greece begins with coral-bearing upper Triassic dolomites and limestones, which are overlain by a thick series of Mesozoic limestones capped by red shaly marls and sandy Flysch formations. The structure was influenced by the rigidity of the limestone cover, which is faulted and overthrust in slices toward the east-northeast. The massif as a whole is cut by deep east-west-trending faults, along which the large grabens bounding the massif on the north and south were downdropped.

2005 ◽  
Vol 51 (174) ◽  
pp. 469-482 ◽  
Ian S. Evans ◽  
Nicholas J. Cox

AbstractNorth–south and east–west differences in firn-line altitude, equilibrium-line altitude or middle altitudes of glaciers can be separated by regression on the cosine and sine of glacier aspect (accumulation area azimuth). Allowing for regional trends in altitude, the north–south differences expected from radiation and shade effects can be reliably quantified from World Glacier Inventory (WGI) data. The north–south differences are greater in sunnier climates, mid-latitudes and steeper relief. Local altitude differences between north- and south-facing glaciers are commonly 70–320 m. Such asymmetry is near-universal, although weak in the Arctic and tropics. East–west contrasts are less, and found mainly in the tropics and areas most exposed to strong winds. Altitude, latitude, glacier gradient and height range, calculable from most of the WGI data, are potential controls on the degree of north–south contrast, as well as surrogates for climatic controls (temperature, precipitation, radiation and cloudiness). An asymmetric sine–cosine power model is developed to describe the variation of north–south contrast with latitude. Multiple regression over 51 regions shows altitude and latitude to be the strongest controls of this contrast. Aspect–altitude analysis for former glaciers provides new evidence of cloudiness.

2008 ◽  
Vol 25 (12) ◽  
pp. 2304-2312 ◽  
I. Srinivasa Rao ◽  
V. K. Anandan ◽  
P. Narasimha Reddy

Abstract Atmospheric winds in the troposphere have been observed routinely for many years with wind profiling (VHF and UHF) radars using the Doppler beam swinging (DBS) technique. Accuracy of wind estimates using wind profiling radars with different beam configurations has its limitations due to both the system of observation and atmospheric conditions. This paper presents a quantitative analysis and evaluation of horizontal wind estimation in different beam configurations up to an altitude of 18 km using the mesosphere–stratosphere–troposphere (MST) radar located in Gadanki, India. Horizontal wind velocities are derived in three different ways using two-, three-, and four-beam configurations. To know the performance of each configuration, radar-derived winds have been compared with the winds obtained by simultaneous GPS sonde balloon measurements, which are considered to be a standard reference by default. Results show that horizontal winds measured using three different beam configurations are comparable in general but discrepancy varies from one beam configuration to the other. It is observed that horizontal winds measured using four-beam configuration (east, west, north, and south) have better estimates than the other two-beam configurations. The standard deviation was found to be varying from 1.4 to 2.5 m s−1 and percentage error is about 9.68%–12.73% in four-beam configuration, whereas in other beam configurations the standard deviation is about 1.65–3.9 m s−1 and the percentage error is about 11.29%–15.16% with reference to GPS sonde balloon–measured winds.

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