Comparative Company Law: New Perspectives

1970 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 499-512
George D. Hornstein

It is a signal honour to have been invited to lecture at this world-renowned University—located, as some geographers would have it, at the very centre of the world. Certainly all eyes are concentrated on it at the moment. And it is an exhilarating thought that perhaps this new Law Centre will generate new legal approaches which we all seek, far transcending the limited legal problem and its solutions which we discuss tonight.Let me say at once that in comparing Israeli and United States company law, I speak about your half of the subject—Israeli law—with much diffidence, although I am emboldened by the realization that every student of comparative law inevitably feels somewhat insecure in his grasp of law outside his own country. Still when I pondered what would be the most useful area for this lecture, I was struck by a fundamental similarity—for although we are separated geographically by half the world, the basic concerns of corporate investors are the same the world over: (1) an agreed-upon allocation of the rewards, if the corporate venture prove successful, and (2) control over management of the enterprise into which they have put their capital. Of first concern then is the law governing the corporate structure since this is what determines the investors' financial and voting rights, and secondly, the law protecting the investor against an unresponsive or irresponsible management. The legal sanctions here involved—statute law or case law—are a matter of concern to foreign capital. The reaction of foreign investors should be of special interest to you because Israel's social, economic, and political goals cannot be achieved without a substantial influx of capital investment from the outside. Foreign investors can operate either through foreign corporations doing business in Israel or through Israeli-formed companies. Tonight, because of time limitations, we confine ourselves to Israeli-formed companies. Other problems for a foreign investor, such as foreign exchange controls, do merit more than passing reference—but we cannot take time to elaborate them.

Acta Comitas ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Ni Putu Mirayanthi Utami

Indonesia is one of the ASEAN members who agreed to implement the ACIA which focuses on investment, as the result of the implementation of the AEC. With the expectation of increasing foreign investment activities between ASEAN member countries and becoming one of the investment destinations in the world. It is proven that Indonesia still the choice of foreign investors. In order to support interests of foreign investors in conducting their business, so the role of the Notary public in investment activities needed through written proof. This study aims to analyse and provide an understanding of the role of the Notary in supporting investment in Indonesia when the AEC is implemented. This research using normative juridical methods. The study results show that the role of the Notary through direct investment is authorized to make authentic deeds based on Company Law. Furthermore, the authority of the Notary is regulated in Notary Law and Notary Law Amandement such as: providing legal counselling, services and legalizing public documents that will be used in Indonesia or needed for investment abroad. The implication of AEC it would be awared by the Notary. Therefore as a profession in a field of law, the have a to provide a social services by mastering in English and knowledge able in investment of law accordance with hierarchy of legislation and increasing competence following Notary Law and Notary Law Amandement, Notary Ethics Code, and Bylaws I.N.I. so that they can compete professionally. Indonesia merupakan salah satu anggota ASEAN yang menyetujui direalisasikannya ACIA yang berfokus pada investasi, sebagai implikasi diberlakukannya MEA. Dengan harapan dapat meningkatkan kegiatan investasi asing antara negara-negara anggota ASEAN dan menjadi salah satu tujuan investasi di dunia. Terbukti Indonesia masih menjadi pilihan investor asing. Guna menunjang kepentingan investor dalam menjalankan usahanya, maka peranan Notaris dalam kegiatan investasi sangat dibutuhkan melalui pembuktian tertulis. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa dan memberikan pemahaman peranan Notaris dalam mendukung investasi di Indonesia saat MEA diberlakukan. Penelitian menggunakan metode yuridis normatif. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa peran Notaris melalui investasi langsung yaitu berwenang membuat akta otentik yang dilandasi dengan Undang-Undang Perseroan Terbatas. Selain itu, kewenangan Notaris diatur dalam Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris dan Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris Perubahan seperti: memberikan penyuluhan hukum, pelayanan dan melegalisasi dokumen publik yang akan digunakan di Indonesia atau diperlukan untuk investasi di luar negeri. Implikasi diberlakukannya MEA juga harus disadari oleh Notaris. Maka sebagai profesi hukum dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat haruslah berbekal penguasaan Bahasa Inggris, penguasaan mengenai hukum investasi sesuai dengan hirarki perundang-undangan dan peningkatan kompetensi sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris dan Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris Perubahan, Kode Etik Notaris, dan Anggaran Rumah Tangga I.N.I sehingga mampu bersaing secara profesionalitas.

Acta Comitas ◽  
2016 ◽  
Sigit Teteki Triwis

The use of nominee shares through nominee shares agreement has grown and developed well in the investing world, especially within the investors who establish PT. PMA. In short, the concept of nominee shares are done by both localand foreign investors. One of the causes of the nominee shares usageis because there is no rules in the Company Law that regulate, prohibit, and unequivocally ban the nominee shares by making the stock agreement. The law of prohibition to make nominee shares agreement or stock statement can only be found in the Capital Market Law, Article 33 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2). This research is a normative legal research that moves from the void norm within our laws. The approach used in this study is the legislation and analytic approach. The legal materials in this study are taken from the primary materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials. The results of this study indicate the cause of the nominee shares usage by making nominee stock agreement, has already stated in the Company Law. However, it only explainsthe requirement that the PT has to be founded by two (2) or more persons, it does not give any detail requirements of how to be the shareholders. Other than to fill the Company Law, by filling the requirement of the PT establishment,the use of nominee agreement is due to the restriction of the line business for PT. PMA. The void of the norm has resulted in the violation within the limited liability company, in which one of the shareholders in PT. PMA is not the actual owner or nominee, but only the registered owner from certain number of shares. The law of prohibition of nominee shares in UUPM is considered inefficient because there is no strict regulations and prohibitions in the Company Law, thus, in practice, the use of nominee shares by making the nominee shares agreementgrows and develops through the simulation or indirect agreement, known as the arrangement agreement.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Agus Saiful Abib ◽  
Endah Pujiastuti ◽  
Tri Mulyani

<p>Pelaksanaan pembangunan membutuhkan biaya yang sangat besar, oleh karena membutuhkan support penuh dari penanam modal khususnya penanam modal asing. Penelitian ini akan mengakaji mengenai perkembangan penanaman modal dari era orde lama, orde baru dan orde revormasi serta kendala atau hambatan serta solusi yang diberikan dalam meningkatkan penanaman modal di Indonesia. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif dengan mempelajari azas-azas hukum yang berasal dari bahan-bahan kepustakaan. Perkembangan penanaman modal era orde lama belum ada perkembangan, sedangkan era orde pencapaian terbaik PMA 1997 dengan 33.788.8 miliar US$ dan PMDN Rp. 119,877,2 triliun. Orde reformasi pencapaian terbaik PMA 2015 dengan mencatatkan 29,275.9 miliar US$ dan PMDN 2016 sebanyak Rp. 216,230 triliun triliun. Kendala yang dihadapi Indonesia dalam penanaman modal datang dari internal maupun eksternal. Solusi penanaman dengan kepastian hukum, penyediaan lahan, keamanan dan stabilitas politik, tenaga kerja, perijinan yang cepat, infrastruktur memadai, tersedianya pasar market.</p><p>Implementation of development requires enormous costs, and therefore require the full support of investors, especially foreign investors. This study will mengakaji about the development of the investments of the era of the old order, the new order and the order revormasi well as obstacles or barriers and the solutions given in increasing investments in Indonesia. The method used is a normative juridical by studying the principles of the law derived from the materials library. The development capital investment era of the old order has been no progress, while the order era PMA 1997 with the best achievement 33.788.8 billion US $ and foreign Rp. 119,877,2 trillion. Order of the best achievements of reform PMA 2015 with a record 29,275.9 billion US $ and foreign, in 2016 as much as Rp. 216.230 trillion trillion. Constraints faced by Indonesia in capital investment comes from both internal and external. Solution planting with legal certainty, the provision of land, security and political stability, labor, permits rapid, adequate infrastructure, market availability market.</p><p> </p>

1916 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11 ◽  
Elihu Root

The incidents of the great war now raging affect so seriously the very foundations of international law that there is for the moment but little satisfaction to the student of that science in discussing specific rules. Whether or not Sir Edward Carson went too far in his recent assertion that the law of nations has been destroyed, it is manifest that the structure has been rudely shaken. The barriers that statesmen and jurists have been constructing laboriously for three centuries to limit and direct the conduct of nations toward each other, in conformity to the standards of modern civilization, have proved too weak to confine the tremendous forces liberated by a conflict which involves almost the whole military power of the world and in which the destinies of nearly every civilized state outside the American continents are directly at stake.

Comunicar ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 13 (25) ◽  
pp. 33-44 ◽  
Agustín García-Matilla

In 2005, the current socialist government has set out to undertake the greatest update in broadcasting policy since 1956, the moment in which television was born in Spain. This transformation is related to the quick digital reconversion that television has suffered in the latest years. Despite the changes in the law and some reasons to be optimistic about technological development in a recent future the television of the 21st century can not do without being profitable in a social, cultural and educative sense. This is a challenge which many countries have not faced yet and Spain is among these countries. Some models of public television in the world have consolidated proposals of broadcasting contents that make a priority out of the cultural and educative role of television. España inició el siglo XXI con un sistema televisivo sometido a una evidente dispersión legislativa, denunciado por infinidad de instancias por la baja calidad de los contenidos ofrecidos por las diversas ofertas televisivas, una televisión pública exageradamente endeudada y que relegaba los objetivos de servicio público a un papel secundario frente a la utilización partidista de los espacios informativos y un irregular desarrollo de las ofertas de televisión de pago. En 2005, el gobierno socialista ha asumido la mayor actualización legislativa coordinada en materia audiovisual. Han pasado casi 50 años desde el inicio de las emisiones televisivas. Este cambio no afecta sólo al ámbito de la televisión pública sino que además lleva aparejada una transformación global del marco de leyes que contribuirá al desarrollo de la radiotelevisión digital que se impondrá tras el apagón analógico previsto para 2010. Los cambios se ven guiados por la convergencia tecnológica y también por la imperiosa necesidad de atajar ese gran lastre que ha significado tener que pensar hasta hace poco tiempo en una radiotelevisión del pasado. La televisión que ya deberíamos estar viviendo en presente continuo debe concebirse desde las potencialidades que abre la transformación digital y el desarrollo de estrategias multimedia.

1998 ◽  
Vol 57 (1) ◽  
pp. 165-194 ◽  
Robert R. Drury

It is beyond dispute now that corporations have replaced states as the most important makers of waves in the world's economy. It is also firmly established that with the increasing globalisation of that economy corporations operate in many cases far beyond the borders of the country that presided over their birth. A company which crosses frontiers to operate outside its original jurisdiction can bring problems of several different kinds in its wake. A court dealing with such a company may have to ascertain which law is, or should be, the law which regulates its affairs. The company may have internal disorders or may be experiencing difficulties in its external relationships. In seeking to grapple with these problems the jurisdictions of the world are broadly divided into two camps. There are those which look to the law of the place of the company's incorporation to govern these matters, and those which look to the law of the place of the central administration of the company as being the correct law to be supreme in this field. Some jurisdictions take a variety of half-way positions in this debate.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-91
Badar Mohammed Almeajel Alanazi

The purpose of the law on incorporation has been heavily contested by academics. On one side of the debate are scholars who argue that company law should have an “enabling” role, in that it should empower business owners to arrange their affairs in a manner that best suits their purposes at the same time as minimising any interference from the state. On the other side of the debate are those who argue that company law should impose on the world of commerce strong regulatory measures to prevent such abuses. This conflict between the “enabling” and the “regulatory” role of company incorporation law is visible in many jurisdictions, with each of them achieving a different balance between the two approaches. Many scholarly studies have elaborated on how companies are incorporated and regulated. Some of them have been used in the current paper such as studies carried out by Bayern et al. (2017) and Reyes (2018). However, this paper examines the extent to which the incorporation regimes in the UK, the US, and Australia can be said to be “enabling” or “regulatory” in nature, through a detailed analysis of the law on company incorporation, ownership structure and the protection provided to the relevant stakeholders through the principles of separate legal personality.

О. В. Бойко

The scientific article identifies the peculiarities of appealing the decisions, actions or omissions of public administration subjects on the provision of public services at the stage of initiation and preparation for judicial review of an administrative case. The author substantiates the feasibility of improving the legal regulation of the procedure for holding a preliminary hearing before the court hearing of the case. In particular, it is considered expedient to set the terms of the preparatory meeting from the moment of receipt of the administrative claim, as well as to determine the cases when the parties are not reconciled.It is established that the preliminary stage of the court hearing often ends with the conclusion of the preliminary proceedings and the appointment of the case to trial in the field of public services. This is not against the law. However, it should be borne in mind that in accordance with Art. 121 of the CAS of Ukraine such a decision is delivered by the consequences of preparatory proceedings, not the previous court hearing. Obviously, preparatory proceedings are not limited to, and do not always end at, a previous court hearing. Preparation may continue after a preliminary hearing. Therefore, the decision to close the preliminary proceedings and assign the case to trial after the consequences of the previous court hearing can only be made if the judge has taken all the measures necessary to hear the case. If during a previous court hearing in the field of public services, to which all persons involved in the case have arrived, the issues necessary for its consideration have been resolved, then, with the written consent of these persons, a court hearing may be initiated on the same day. In this case, the termination order is also delivered.

2007 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 21-37
Kristupas Sabolius

Kitybės klausimas dažniausiai kyla iš ego santykio su kitais arba su pasauliu. Šiame straipsnyje daroma prielaida, kad įsivaizdavimo funkcija ištirpdo subjektą ir jame pačiame atveria intersubjektyvią perspektyvą. Šiuo tikslu sugretinami Sartre’o, Husserlio bei Merleau-Ponty įsivaizdavimo funkcijos tyrimai, kuriuose išryškėja vaizdo kaip iš ego centro išslystančios ribos statusas, ir Holivudo filmo „Kovos klubas“ siužetas. Viename iš šios juostos epizodų pasirodantis pingvinas žymi egologinės schizmos akimirką ir tampa fantazijos apsireiškimu ir įsikūnijimu.Išgryninus žaidybinį, savarankišką ir multiformišką charakterį, galime konstantuoti, kad įsivaizdavimas, jei kalbėtume Kanto terminais, yra ne papildanti tarpinė funkcija, bet transcendentalinio subjekto genezėje atlieka paradoksalų „svetimos vidujybės“ arba „vidinės svetimybės“ vaidmenį. Vaizduotė yra katalizatoriaus, kuris, likdamas šalia, įgalina transcendentalinių formų išsikristalizavimą.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: vaizduotė, įsivaizdavimas, fantazija, ego, kitybė, sąmonė.PENGUIN AND PROTEUSImagination as Otherness in meKristupas Sabolius SummaryThe question of Otherness is usually taken into account while discussing the Ego’s relation with Others as well as with the World. This article is based on the premises that the function of phantasy melts the subjectivity, revealing the perspective of intersubjectivity within it. On this purpose Sartre’s, Husserl’s and Merleau-Ponty’s researches on the function of imagination, which elucidate the image as the boundary slipping from the centre of Ego, are compared to the story of Hollywood’ movie „Fight Club“. The penguin, which appears in one of the episodes, registers the moment of egological schism, thus becoming the revelation and incarnation of phantasy. While the playful, autonomous and multiform character of imaginary is cleared out, we can ascertain, speaking in Kantian terms, that it has not a complementary or intermediary function, but, in the genesis of transcendental subject, plays the paradoxical role of „allien innerness“ or „inner alienity“. Thought remaining always beside, imagination is a catalyzer which enables crystallization of transcendental forms.Keywords: imagination, imaginary, phantasy, ego, otherness, consciousness.

Karen J. Alter

In 1989, when the Cold War ended, there were six permanent international courts. Today there are more than two dozen that have collectively issued over thirty-seven thousand binding legal rulings. This book charts the developments and trends in the creation and role of international courts, and explains how the delegation of authority to international judicial institutions influences global and domestic politics. The book presents an in-depth look at the scope and powers of international courts operating around the world. Focusing on dispute resolution, enforcement, administrative review, and constitutional review, the book argues that international courts alter politics by providing legal, symbolic, and leverage resources that shift the political balance in favor of domestic and international actors who prefer policies more consistent with international law objectives. International courts name violations of the law and perhaps specify remedies. The book explains how this limited power—the power to speak the law—translates into political influence, and it considers eighteen case studies, showing how international courts change state behavior. The case studies, spanning issue areas and regions of the world, collectively elucidate the political factors that often intervene to limit whether or not international courts are invoked and whether international judges dare to demand significant changes in state practices.

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