Introduction to ‘Dance’ special issue

Popular Music ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 345-346
Sara Cohen ◽  
Jan Fairley

‘Are ye dancin’?' ‘Are ye askin’?' ‘Yes I’m askin” ‘Then I’m dancin'!' This was the exchange between couples in Glasgow early in the twentieth century at the height of the ballroom dancing boom that made the city one of the dancing capitals of the world. It lingers on in Scottish dancing parlance. In Havana, people were dancing danzón; in Buenos Aires, tango; and in Río de Janeiro, samba. It was a time of big orchestras when women wore evening dresses and men wore suits. Today, whilst the clothes may have changed, dance with its link to sensual pleasure continues to be fundamental to our cultures.

Lila Caimari

Keeping order in the city is the oldest of police duties. In the 1820s, the Policía de Buenos Aires adopted the image of a watchful eye as their emblem, placing the symbol on their medallions, badges, and letterhead. This institution “never slept.” Watching the city by day, watching it by night, the police attempted to give the appearance of being the ubiquitous eyes of authority. This chapter focuses on the crisis and subsequent resurrection of this ideal during the first decades of the twentieth century. It traces this history into the 1930s, when the police began using the new technologies—radios and patrol cars—that fundamentally altered methods of perceiving and collecting information on urban life.

Lila Caimari

This introductory chapter begins with the author's account of the origins of the present volume, which can be traced back to her interest in a late nineteenth-century set of concepts, images, and metaphors that grew up around the figure of the modern criminal. It then discusses the population growth in Buenos Aires, which jumped from about 1.5 to 2.5 million in the two decades between the world wars and the corresponding urban expansion. This sets the stage for a description of the book's purpose, namely to explore the many dimensions of porteño life in the early decades of the twentieth century: its vital network of neighborhood associations, its literacy campaigns, its grassroots politics, its many reformist projects, and so forth.

2017 ◽  
Vol 86 (4) ◽  
pp. 632-660 ◽  
Anne Rees

Australian women travelers in early twentieth-century New York often recoiled from the frenetic pace of the city, which surpassed anything encountered in either Britain or Australia. This article employs their travel accounts to lend support to the growing recognition that modernity took different forms throughout the world and to contribute to the project of mapping those differences. I argue that “hustle” was a defining feature of the New York modern, comparatively little evident in Australia, and I propose that the southern continent had developed a model of modern life that privileged pleasure-seeking above productivity. At a deeper level, this line of thinking suggests that modernization should not be conflated with the relentless acceleration of daily life; it thus complicates the ingrained assumption that speed and modernity go hand-in-hand.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (26) ◽  
pp. 98-111 ◽  

O artigo trata sobre aspectos que definem a importá¢ncia do sá­tio histórico e arqueológico Cais do Valongo, situado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, para a história da escravização de africanos e seus descendentes nas Américas e, em especial, no Brasil. Além de ressaltar a relevá¢ncia desse bem, reconhecido em 2017 como Patrimônio Mundial pela UNESCO, também aborda o seu significado como sá­tio histórico de memória sensá­vel e lugar de memória do tráfico atlá¢ntico de africanos escravizados. Ao longo do texto, são abordadas ideias-chave, tais como passados sensá­veis, violência, dor e sofrimento em perspectiva histórica, indicando possibilidades de comparação com outros espaços no mundo, considerando tragédias humanas e conceitos utilizados nos estudos sobre esses processos. Finalmente, o texto analisa elementos em torno da história da região do Cais do Valongo como espaço de resistência e de afirmação das populações negras.Palavras-chave: Cais do Valongo. História da Escravidão. Passados Sensá­veis. Patrimônio Mundial. História dos africanos no Brasil.HISTORY, PATRIMONY AND SENSITIVE MEMORY:  the Pier of Valongo in Rio de JaneiroAbstract: The article deals with aspects that define the importance of the historical and archaelogical site of Valongo Wharf, located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, for the history of enslavement of Africans and their descendants in the Americas and especially in Brazil. In addition to highlighting the relevance of this property, recognized in 2017 as a Worl Heritage Site by UNESCO, it also addresses its significance as a historical site of sensitive memory and a place of memory for the Atlantic traffic of enslaved Africans. Throughout the text, key ideas such as sensitive past, violence, pain and suffering are discussed in historical perspective, which indicates possibilities of comparison with other spaces in the world, considering human tragedies and concepts used in the studies on these processes. Finally, the text analyzes other elements around the history of the Valongo Wharf region as space of resistance and affirmation of the black populations.Keywords: Valongo Wharf. History of Slavery. Sensitive Pasts. World Heritage. History of Africans in Brazil.HISTORIA, PATRIMONIO Y MEMORIA SENSIBLE:  el Cais do Valongo en Rá­o de JaneiroResumen: El artá­culo trata sobre aspectos que definen la importancia del sitio histórico y arqueológico Cais do Valongo, situado en la ciudad de Rá­o de Janeiro, para la historia de la esclavización de africanos y sus descendientes en las Américas y, en especial, en Brasil. Además de resaltar la relevancia de ese bien, reconocido en 2017 como Patrimonio Mundial por la UNESCO, también aborda su significado como sitio histórico de memoria sensible y lugar de memoria de la trata atlántica de africanos esclavizados. A lo largo del texto, se abordan ideas clave, tales como pasados sensibles, violencia, dolor y sufrimiento en perspectiva histórica, indicando posibilidades de comparación con otros espacios en el mundo y considerando tragedias humanas y conceptos utilizados en los estudios sobre esos procesos. Finalmente, el texto analiza elementos en torno a la historia de la región del Cais do Valongo como espacio de resistencia y de afirmación de las poblaciones negras.Palabras clave:  Muelle de Valongo. Historia de la Esclavitud. Pasados Sensibles. Patrimonio Mundial. Historia de los africanos en Brasil.

Marisa Schincariol De Mello

Resumo O presente artigo tem por objetivo principal apresentar uma investigação acerca das múltiplas práticas de leitura em bibliotecas localizadas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Para a realização deste estudo, buscamos delimitar o universo de frequentadores, suas práticas de leitura na biblioteca, os mediadores entre os textos, sons, imagens e a leitura, bem como as relações entre os espaços das bibliotecas e os territórios onde estão inseridos. Investiga-se ainda qual a importância e a função da leitura para os que a praticam, nos níveis objetivo, subjetivo, simbólico e imaginário. Através de entrevistas e da observação participante, procuramos trazer à tona a relação dos usuários com os livros, outros conteúdos, mídias e suportes. Cada vez mais, observamos práticas que combinam leitura, oralidade e escrita em um cenário transmidiático. Com os resultados, procura-se também contribuir com informações sobre a experiência dos usuários para a formulação e avaliação das políticas públicas de leitura e aquelas voltadas para as bibliotecas.   Palavras-chave: Rio de Janeiro, bibliotecas, práticas de leitura, leitura do mundo, experiências.   Resumen El presente artículo tiene por objetivo principal presentar una investigación acerca de las múltiples prácticas de lectura en bibliotecas ubicadas en la ciudad de Rio de Janeiro. Para la realización de este estudio, buscamos delimitar el universo de sus frecuentadores, sus prácticas en la biblioteca, los mediadores entre los textos, sonidos, imágenes y la lectura, además de las relaciones entre los espacios de las bibliotecas y los territorios que las abarcan. Investigamos además cual es la importancia y función de la lectura para sus practicantes, en los niveles objetivo, subjetivo, simbólico e imaginario. A través de entrevistas y de la observación participante, buscamos recuperar la relación del público con los libros y otras formas de lectura del mundo, a través de otros suportes, como el audiovisual, la música, etc. Cada vez más, observamos prácticas que combinan lectura, oralidad y escrita en un escenario transmediático. A partir de los resultados se pretende contribuir para la formulación y evaluación de las políticas públicas de lectura y bibliotecas.   Palabras clave: Rio de Janeiro, bibliotecas, prácticas de lectura, lectura de mundo, experiencias.     Abstract The major purpose of this article is to present a research on the multiple reading practices in libraries in the city of Rio de Janeiro. We attempted, firstly, to define the universe of its users, their reading practices at the library, the mediators between the texts, sounds, images and reading, as well as the relationships between the libraries´ venues and the territory in which they are set in. It is also analyzed what is the importance and function of the reading for those who practice it, in objective, subjective, symbolic and imaginary levels. Through interviews and participant observation, we tried to highlight the users´ relationship with books, other contents, medias and formats. We increasingly observe practices that combine reading, orality and writing in a transmedia scenery. Thus, we hope to contribute with information on the experience of the users for the formulation and evaluation of public reading and libraries´ policies.   Key words: Rio de Janeiro, libraries, reading practices, reading the world, experiences.

Revista Prumo ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (7) ◽  
pp. 166-181
Mariana Lydia Bertoche

The present article traces relations between three objects of analysis: some works from the photographic series “Buena Memória” by the Argentinian Marcelo Brodsky, the Memorial da Resistencia de São Paulo and the Ocupa DOPS movement in Rio de Janeiro; evidencing the importance of having institutional spaces which promote exhibitions with artistic productions about memory in the Fluminense capital. The text analyses the photograph “La Clase” and its “Puente de La Memória” with the city of Buenos Aires, relating its reflections with the history and potential of these two places of memory in Brazil as possible spaces of an art educational non-hegemonic and freeing narrative.

Monika Pasiecznik

New Music developed in the twentieth century under the influence of Theodor W. Adorno’s philosophy. Its sense, according to the philosopher, lies in social criticism, which the composer accomplishes through radical artistic innovation, and the distance from the audience’s expectations. The sensual pleasure of sound reception is not included in the concept of New Music, which preferably should not appeal to anybody, as it “took on the shoulders darkness of the world and all its guilt, and sees its only happiness in knowing misery” (Adorno). In the ASMR series, the German composer Neo Hülcker breaks this paradigm of perception and proposes a radically different interpretationof New Music.ASMR, or Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, is a sensation of pleasant tingle, caused by subtle acoustic-haptic phenomena, such as amplified murmurs, whispers, touching objects and materials. Millions of people around the world are watching ASMR videos on YouTube that let them relax nicely.In such video compositions as ASMR Tutorial: How to Play “Pression” by Helmut Lachenmann, ASMR Tutorial: How to Play Mark Andreor ASMR Unwrapping the Piano & iv 11a, and Peter Ablinger: weiss/ weisslich 3 – [super soft ASMR] Neo Hülcker investigates the similarityof sound material of illustrative pieces of New Music and ASMR, raising the question of whether New Music can make someone feeltingly. Presenting in the context of ASMR works by Helmut Lachenmann, Mark Andre and Peter Ablinger, Hülcker explores the hiddenpotential contained in the most radical aesthetics of New Music, namely the suppressed carnal pleasure. The article is an attempt to show the ways how Neo Hülcker redefines the concept of New Music, entering in it the sensual experience of sound.

Rodriguésia ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 67 (4) ◽  
pp. 879-892 ◽  
Karin dos Santos

Abstract This article visits the history of Brazil-Sweden's partnership in botany and the contribution of Anders Fredrik Regnell and other botanical collectors to the knowledge of Brazilian flora. The importance of the herbarium of Stockholm (S) is widely recognized for its collections of Brazilian plants, one of the largest in the world. The majority of the collections from Brazil date from the period between the second half of nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century. The main collectors of Brazilian flora from that phase, whose bulk of collections are in Stockholm are Anders Regnell, Gustaf Malme, Per Dusén, Carl Lindman and many others sponsored by the Regnellian fund. The herbarium also houses substantial collections of August Glaziou, a great contributor to the knowledge of the flora of state of Goiás, and Adolf Ducke, pioneer in the taxonomy of Amazonian tree species. The cooperation between Brazil and Sweden is currently being renewed through Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden and the Reflora Program, allowing repatriation of Brazilian specimens housed in Stockholm.

GeoTextos ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Elizabeth Dezouzart Cardoso

No Rio de Janeiro, a segregação espacial já era conhecida pelo menos desde meados do século XIX. No entanto, foi só nas primeiras décadas do século XX que surgiriam as bases para uma nova configuração da segregação espacial na cidade, com a criação e a ocupação do bairro de Copacabana, que proporcionou a “invenção” da Zona Sul, “topônimo” até então não utilizado, e do seu oposto, a grande área que ficou conhecida como “subúrbio”, termo até então utilizado com outro significado. A toponímia associada a essas novas áreas de expansão da cidade foi relacionada a uma representação que proporcionou as diretrizes da segregação residencial no Rio de Janeiro por várias décadas, até fins do século XX, na dicotomia zona sul/ subúrbios. O objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar o processo de construção destas representações e de mudança e construção de um novo modelo de segregação residencial no Rio de Janeiro nas primeiras décadas do século XX. Abstract URBAN STRUCTURE AND REPRESENTATIONS: THE INVENTION OF THE SOUTH ZONE AND THE MAKING OF A NEW PROCESS OF SPACIAL SEGREGATION IN RIO DE JANEIRO IN THE FIRST DECADES OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY In Rio de Janeiro, space segregation was already known at least since de mid nineteenth century. However, only in the first decades of the twetieth century there would be th basis for a new configuration of the space segregation in the city, with the creation and occupation of Copacabana district, causing th “invention” of the South Zone, “toponyn” until then not used, and of its opposite, the large area that became known as th “suburb”, a term wich until then had another meaning. The toponymy associated to these new areas of the expanding city was related to an representation that provided the grounds of residential segregation in Rio for many decades, until the end of the twentieth century, in the form of the dicotomy south zone/suburbs. The aim of this work is to show this process of consturuction of these representations and the process of change and building of a new model of segragation in Rio de Janeiro in the first decades of the twentieth century.

Maite Conde

This chapter draws upon and contributes to discussions about the homologous relationship between early cinema and urban space. It focuses on the ways in which the introduction and development of film in Brazil was part of a project of urban transformation that took place in the country’s then capital, Rio de Janeiro, at the start of the twentieth century, which was intended to transform the city into a modern and global capital. This project of urban transformation was modeled on Haussmann’s Parisian reforms. Analyzing early actuality films, the chapter examines how the foreign medium’s arrival was inscribed and implicated in Rio’s modern transformation, helping to map and project its new image as a modern urban capital.

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