Red Rice (Oryza sativa) Biology. II. Ecotype Sensitivity to Herbicides

1999 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-24 ◽  
Jose A. Noldin ◽  
James M. Chandler ◽  
Mary L. Ketchersid ◽  
Garry N. McCauley

Greenhouse studies were conducted to evaluate sensitivity of red rice ecotypes from Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas to soil- and foliar-applied herbicides. Ecotype response to herbicides was variable. Molinate at 4.48 kg ai/ha controlled red rice ecotypes 92 to 100% and cultivars ‘Lemont,’ ‘Mars,’ and ‘Maybelle’ 39 to 63%. Red rice control with thiobencarb at 4.48 kg ai/ha was at least 89%. The tank mixture of fenoxaprop at 0.08 kg ai/ha plus fluazifop-P at 0.10 kg ai/ha controlled red rice and rice cultivars more than for either herbicide applied alone. Red rice and rice cultivar control with paraquat at 0.70 kg ai/ha was 83 to 100%. Blackhulled red rice TX 4 was less sensitive to paraquat and glufosinate than other ecotypes and cultivars. Glufosinate at 1.12 kg ai/ha was required to provide at least 94% control of ecotype TX 4.

Weed Science ◽  
1985 ◽  
Vol 33 (5) ◽  
pp. 703-707 ◽  
Amadou Diarra ◽  
Roy J. Smith ◽  
Ronald E. Talbert

Field experiments were conducted to investigate methods of controlling red rice (Oryza sativaL. ♯ ORYSA) in drill-seeded rice (O. sativa). Treatments included the rice cultivar ‘Mars', coated with calcium peroxide (CaO2) at 40% (w/w) and a crop protectant, R-33865 (O,O-diethyl-O-phenyl phosphorothioate) at 0.5 and 1% (v/w). Molinate (S-ethyl hexahydro-1H-azepine-1-carbothioate) at 6.7 kg ai/ha was applied preplant incorporated (ppi). The land was flooded (2.5 to 5 cm deep) after seeding with rice (100 kg/ha, 2.5 cm deep), and the water was maintained throughout the growing season. CaO2, with or without molinate, increased rice grain yield 50% and increased rice culm density fivefold above untreated rice. Molinate applied ppi controlled 96% of the red rice. Rice seed coated with only CaO2or with CaO2plus R-33865 at 0.5%, each combined with ppi molinate, produced 5690 and 6030 kg/ha of grain, respectively. These high yields were associated with red rice control by molinate and good stands of rice provided by O2supplied by CaO2. R-33865 applied to rice seed at 1% (v/w) injured rice by reducing rice culm densities 41%, compared with rice without protectant.

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (05) ◽  
pp. 812-818
Chakorn Chinvongamorn ◽  
Sompong Sansenya

Thirty-nine Thai rice cultivars, including 17 non-colored rice cultivars and 22 colored rice cultivars (black rice cultivars and red rice cultivars), were investigated for γ-oryzanol content. The γ-oryzanol content of non-colored rice cultivars and colored rice cultivars was found to be 226.40 ± 17.50 μg/g to 411.80 ± 19.80 μg/g and 295.80 ± 15.40 μg/g to 459.80 ± 6.60 μg/g, respectively. Black rice cultivars seem to have higher γ-oryzanol content than do red rice and non-colored rice cultivars. The highest γ-oryzanol levels were identified in Khao Jao Dam Sa-Nit, a black rice cultivar, which contained 1.55 and 2.03 times more γ-oryzanol than Khao Man Bpoo, a red rice cultivar with lowest γ-oryzanol levels, and Khao Gor Kor 57, a non-colored rice cultivar with lowest γ-oryzanol levels, respectively. For further investigation, the effects of gamma irradiation on the γ-oryzanol content of four germinated Thai market rice cultivars, Khao Pathum Thani 1, Khao Gor Kor 31, Khao Gor Kor 41, and Khao Gor Kor 57, was investigated. The highest increase in γ-oryzanol content among the gamma irradiated rice cultivars was identified in Khao Pathum Thani 1 and Khao Gor Kor 31, which had γ-oryzanol levels approximately 1.27 times higher than that of the control rice (non-gamma irradiated rice). Our report contains basic knowledge about creating new rice lines that are rich in highly beneficial nutrients.

Metabolites ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 367
Tae Jin Kim ◽  
So Yeon Kim ◽  
Young Jin Park ◽  
Sun-Hyung Lim ◽  
Sun-Hwa Ha ◽  

Comprehensive profiling of primary and secondary metabolites was performed to understand metabolic differences associated with color formation in pigmented rice (Oryza sativa L.). Overall, 110 metabolites from non-pigmented, black, and red rice cultivars were identified. Black and red rice contained high levels of flavonoids associated with plant color. Black rice also contained high levels of terpenoids (carotenoids, tocopherols, phytosterols, and monoterpenes). The non-pigmented rice contained relatively low levels of secondary metabolites. Multivariate and pathway analyses were performed to data-mine the metabolite profiles. Hierarchical clustering analysis of correlation coefficients revealed metabolite clusters based on nitrogen and carbon sources. These clusters suggested a negative correlation between nitrogen and carbon. Pathway analysis revealed that black rice was rich in carbon-based secondary metabolites, with relatively low levels of primary metabolites compared with other rice cultivars. These data highlight the complex interactions between nitrogen and carbon metabolism of primary and secondary metabolites in rice. For the first time, the relationships and metabolic differences in terpenoid content (monoterpenes, triterpenes, and tetraterpenes) of non-pigmented and pigmented rice cultivars were analyzed. These findings should greatly contribute to the understanding of pigmented rice metabolome and inform breeding programs for new rice cultivars.

2021 ◽  
Niqing He ◽  
Guangping Zhan ◽  
Fenghuang Huang ◽  
Xianghua Zheng ◽  
Chaoping Cheng ◽  

Abstract Background: The plant height is one of the most important agronomic traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.), and the introduction of semidwarf rice led to record yield increases throughout Asia in the 1960s. Near-isogenic lines (NILs) are the most powerful tools for the detection and precise mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTLs).Results: In this study, 176 NILs were produced from the crossing and back-crossing of two rice cultivars. Specifically, Jiafuzhan, an indica rice cultivar, served as the recipient, and Hui1586, a restorer japonica cultivar, served as the donor. Using the 176 NILs, we identified a novel QTL for plant height in NIL36. First, we mapped the QTL to a 31-kb region between the markers Indel12-29 and Indel12-31. The rice genome annotation indicated the presence of three candidate genes in this region. Through gene prediction and cDNA sequencing, we confirmed that the target gene in NIL36 was Osiaa30, hereafter referred to as qPH-iaa30. Further analysis showed that qPH-iaa30 was produced by a 1-bp deletion in the first exon that resulted in the premature termination of OsIAA30. Knockout experiments showed that qPH-IAA30 was responsible for the plant height phenotype. Although qPH-IAA30 from Jiafuzhan showed a higher plant height, the plant also exhibited a longer panicle length, more spikelets and a higher yield. Taken together, our results demonstrate that qPH-IAA30 has good specific application prospects in future rice breeding.Conclusions: 176 NILs are produced from two rice cultivars, using the 176 NILs, a novel qPH-iaa30 for plant height is identified, and the qPH-IAA30 gene is responsible for the plant height phenotype.

Weed Science ◽  
1991 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-174 ◽  
Sam L. Kwon ◽  
Roy J. Smith ◽  
Ronald E. Talbert

Field experiments were conducted at Stuttgart, AR, from 1986 to 1988 to determine effects of season-long interference of red rice densities of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, and 40 plants m–2on ‘Lemont’ and ‘Newbonnet’ rice cultivars. This interference reduced straw dry weights of Newbonnet and Lemont by 100 and 130 kg ha–1per red rice plant, and grain yields by 178 and 272 kg ha–1per red rice plant, respectively. Grain yield reductions were due to decreases in panicle number and length, and in number of grains per panicle. Ten plants m–2or more reduced height of Lemont, while 40 plants m−2were required to reduce height of Newbonnet. Red rice at 10 plants m−2or more reduced total milled and head rice yields of Lemont, but red rice did not affect these components for Newbonnet. Red rice interfered with rice, even at densities as low as two plants m−2, and interference was greater in Lemont, a semidwarf cultivar with mature plants 92 cm tall, than in Newbonnet, a conventional cultivar with mature plants 115 cm tall. Red rice produced more panicles m−2and 31 to 64% greater straw dry weight when grown with Lemont than when grown with Newbonnet because red rice shaded Lemont more than Newbonnet. Red rice plants grew taller as red rice densities increased and also were taller when grown in Newbonnet than when grown in Lemont.

Weed Science ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 57 (1) ◽  
pp. 94-102 ◽  
Vinod K. Shivrain ◽  
Nilda R. Burgos ◽  
David R. Gealy ◽  
Kenneth L. Smith ◽  
Robert C. Scott ◽  

Cultivated rice yield losses due to red rice infestation vary by cultivar, red rice density, and duration of interference. The competition effects of red rice could be influenced further by emergence characteristics, red rice biotype, and planting time of cultivated rice. We aimed to characterize the emergence of red rice biotypes at different planting dates and evaluate the effect of red rice biotype, rice cultivar, and planting date on cultivated rice yield loss. Field experiments were conducted at the Southeast Research and Extension Center, Rohwer, AR, and at the Arkansas Rice Research and Extension Center, Stuttgart, AR, in the summer of 2005 and 2006. The experimental design was a split-split plot with three or four replications. Planting time, ClearfieldTM(CL) rice cultivar, and red rice biotype were the main plot, subplot, and sub-subplot factors, respectively. There were three planting times from mid-April to mid-May at 2-wk intervals. CL rice cultivars, CL161 and hybrid CLXL8, and 12 red rice biotypes were planted. The emergence rate and coefficient of uniformity of germination differed among some red rice biotypes within a planting time. Planting date affected the emergence characteristics of red rice biotypes. The mean emergence rate of red rice was 0.043 d−1in the mid-April planting and 0.058 d−1in the late April planting. For the mid-April planting, 50% of red rice biotypes emerged in 20 ± 2 d compared with 15 ± 2 d for CL rice cultivars. Yield losses due to red rice biotypes generally increased in later planting dates, up to 49%. Yield losses due to interference from red rice biotypes ranged from 14 to 45% and 6 to 35% in CL161 and CLXL8, respectively. Cultivated rice became less competitive with red rice in later plantings, resulting in higher yield losses.

2013 ◽  
Vol 105 (3) ◽  
pp. 177-183 ◽  
Nikolaos S. Kaloumenos ◽  
Nieves Capote ◽  
Ana Aguado ◽  
Ilias G. Eleftherohorinos

Weed Science ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 57 (6) ◽  
pp. 627-643 ◽  
David R. Gealy ◽  
Hesham A. Agrama ◽  
Georgia C. Eizenga

Weedy red rice is a highly troublesome weed of rice in the United States and throughout the world. Effective management of this weed has remained challenging to U.S. farmers, partly because of the biological diversity among red rice populations, resistance to or avoidance of control measures, and genetic similarities with crop rice that allow crossing between the two plant types. The aim of this research was to identify simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker loci that will unambiguously differentiate between U.S. weedy red rice, commercial rice cultivars, and their hybrids, to characterize the genetic diversity and structure of U.S. weedy red rice accessions in relation to Oryza collections from international sources, and to relate genetic and geographic variability within U.S. weedy red rice. Thirty-one SSR markers were used to analyze 180 worldwide Oryza entries and 80 U.S. weedy red rice and U.S. rice cultivars. Twenty-six of the 31 SSR marker loci were highly informative with respect to genetic distinctions between U.S. weedy red rice and U.S. rice cultivars. U.S. red rice are accessions clustered into two main SSR-based collections, awnless strawhull (SA−) and awned blackhull (BA+), according to genetic distance analysis and principal coordinate analysis. Genetic structure analysis clearly identified SA− and BA+ red rice, rice–red rice hybrids, commercial japonica rice cultivars, indica rice, and a number of international and wild Oryza spp. standards (e.g., Oryza nivara, Oryza rufipogon, and Oryza glaberrima) as genetically distinct groups. U.S. SA− red rice exhibited greater spatial structure than did BA+ in that the genetic makeup of SA− accessions changed nearly twice as much with geographic distance as compared to BA+. However, the overall genetic variability within SA− red rice accessions was less than for BA+ accessions, suggesting that the SA− types may be genetically less compatible than BA+ types with other Oryza plants such as rice or other red rice types present in U.S. rice fields. Several of the awned red rice entries exhibited evidence of natural hybridization with different red rice types. Our results suggest that the SA− and BA+ red rice collections have different genetic backgrounds. SA− accessions generally associated most closely with indica-like red- or white-bran Oryza sativa cultivar standards, while BA+ accessions generally associated more closely with O. nivara or O. nivara–like O. sativa entries. Although the U.S. red rice accessions appear not to have descended directly from introductions of the worldwide Oryza standards analyzed, an Oryza red-pericarp entry from Niger (UA 1012; PI 490783) was genetically very similar to some U.S. BA+ accessions.

2020 ◽  
Ida Bagus Made Artadana ◽  
Aurelia Nadine Handoyo ◽  
Popy H. Hardjo ◽  
Maria Goretti Purwanto

Barak Cenana (Oryza sativa L cv. Barak Cenana) is a native red rice cultivar of Tabanan regency, Bali. We have previously created first-generation putative mutants (M1) lines of Barak Cenana using EMS. In this study, we aim to evaluate M1 lines tolerance to salt stress. Three-leaf seedlings of WT Barak Cenana and M1 lines were cultured in hydroponic system containing Yoshida solution and 100 mM NaCl for 7 days. The salt tolerance level of each seedling was evaluated using SES standard and the survived seedlings were transferred into the pot-containing soil growth for maturation. All WT were died when treated with 100 mM NaCl for 7 days. In contrast, some M1 lines were survived where 0.5% were highly tolerance (II2A-4) and 4.06% (1F-4, 1F-3, II2A-8, IID-1, IID-4, IID-6 and 1B-6) were tolerance to salt stress. This variation of salt tolerance level among M1 lines is likely due to the random mutation caused by EMS. Furthermore, all survived mutants were fertile and able to produce mature seeds. As characters in M1 generation are not stable, future studies are required to establish stable mutant lines. Keywords: Rice, EMS, Mutants, Barak Cenana, salt tolerance

2021 ◽  
Vol 681 (1) ◽  
pp. 012033
G R Sadimantara ◽  
E Febrianti ◽  
LO Afa ◽  
S Leomo ◽  
Muhidin ◽  

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