The effective pressure law for permeability during pore pressure and confining pressure cycling of several crystalline rocks

1987 ◽  
Vol 92 (B1) ◽  
pp. 649 ◽  
Yves Bernabe
1965 ◽  
Vol 5 (04) ◽  
pp. 341-347 ◽  
John Handin

Abstract Triaxial compression tests with independently applied external confining pressures and internal pore pressures show that the ultimate compressive strengths of representative oil well cements are nearly linear functions of effective pressure the difference between external and internal pressures on the jacketed cylindrical specimens (to 15,000 psi). The strengths are little affected by the test temperature to 350F (not to be confused with the curing temperature). At an effective pressure of 15,000 psi, strengths are in the range of 30,000 to 50,000 psi, comparable to those of sedimentary rocks under similar conditions. The cements become very ductile even under low effective pressures; permanent shortenings of 30 per cent or more are attainable without rupture. Introduction Since the pioneering work of Richart, Brandtzaeg and Brown on the failure of cement under combined compressive stresses, it has been recognized that ultimate compressive strength is greatly enhanced by the application of confining pressure. More recently, McHenry showed that the strength of concrete was a linear function of the effective pressure (the difference between the external confining pressure on a jacketed specimen and the internal fluid pore pressure) at least for a range of 0 to 1,500 psi. The effect of temperature had not been investigated, and no previous systematic triaxial compression testing of materials used for oilwell cementing seems to have been done. The present work was suggested by the late J. M. Bugbee who stated that "consideration of the common application of high-pressure hydraulic fracturing to the initial completion or recompletion of wells, and the large pressure drawdowns in some producing wells, particularly those in abnormally high-pressure gas-condensate reservoirs, raises the question of what is a suitable cement strength for various completions. The intuitive belief exists that cement strength need be no greater than formation strength. Tests should, however, be conducted at downhole conditions."The ultimate compressive strengths of rocks penetrated by the borehole must rise several fold with increasing depth. This marked enhancement of strength is due to the influence of the effective pressure, the total weight per unit area of the overburden less the hydrostatic pore pressure. (The effect of temperature due to the geothermal gradients is relatively small for depths to 30,000 ft.) A significant comparison of the strengths of rocks and cements at downhole conditions requires knowledge of the confined compressive strengths of cements as well. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES The theory and technique of triaxial compression testing are fully discussed in earlier reports. Briefly, cylindrical specimens 1-in. long and 0.5-in. in diameter are jacketed in thin copper tubes of negligible strength, placed in the test chamber and subjected to an external confining pressure of kerosene and loaded axially by the piston at a strain rate of 1 per cent per minute. Pore pressures of water (or kerosene) are applied independently through the hollow piston and are maintained constant during the shortening of the specimen. Tests at sensibly 0 pore pressure are arranged so that any free water in the cement can escape to the atmosphere. (If egress of water were denied, pore pressure would rapidly attain the value of the external confining pressure because of reduction of pore space.) The test chamber can be heated for high-temperature experiments. Unless other-wise noted, the cement samples were air dried for about a week. Recorded during a test are pore and confining pressures, shortening and axial differential force (total force less the product of the confining pressure and the area of the piston). SPEJ P. 341ˆ

2019 ◽  
Vol 56 (7) ◽  
pp. 983-991
Hua Yu ◽  
Kam Ng ◽  
Dario Grana ◽  
John Kaszuba ◽  
Vladimir Alvarado ◽  

The presence of compliant pores in rocks is important for understanding the stress–strain behaviors under different stress conditions. This paper describes findings on the effect of compliant pores on the mechanical behavior of a reservoir sandstone under hydrostatic and triaxial compression. Laboratory experiments were conducted at reservoir temperature on Weber Sandstone samples from the Rock Springs Uplift, Wyoming. Each experiment was conducted at three sequential stages: (stage 1) increase in the confining pressure while maintaining the pore pressure, (stage 2) increase in the pore pressure while maintaining the confining pressure, and (stage 3) application of the deviatoric load to failure. The nonlinear pore pressure – volumetric strain relationship governed by compliant pores under low confining pressure changes to a linear behavior governed by stiff pores under higher confining pressure. The estimated compressibilities of the matrix material in sandstone samples are close to the typical compressibility of quartz. Because of the change in pore structures during stage 1 and stage 2 loadings, the estimated bulk compressibilities of the sandstone sample under the lowest confining pressure decrease with increasing differential pressure. The increase in crack initiation stress is limited with increasing differential pressure because of similar total crack length governed by initial compliant porosity in sandstone samples.

Geofluids ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-21
Xi Chen ◽  
Wei Wang ◽  
Yajun Cao ◽  
Qizhi Zhu ◽  
Weiya Xu ◽  

The study on hydromechanical coupling properties of rocks is of great importance for rock engineering. It is closely related to the stability analysis of structures in rocks under seepage condition. In this study, a series of conventional triaxial tests under drained condition and hydrostatic compression tests under drained or undrained condition on sandstones were conducted. Moreover, complex cyclic loading and unloading tests were also carried out. Based on the experimental results, the following conclusions were obtained. For conventional triaxial tests, the elastic modulus, peak strength, crack initiation stress, and expansion stress increase with increased confining pressure. Pore pressure weakened the effect of the confining pressure under drained condition, which led to a decline in rock mechanical properties. It appeared that cohesion was more sensitive to pore pressure than to the internal friction angle. For complex loading and unloading cyclic tests, in deviatoric stress loading and unloading cycles, elastic modulus increased obviously in first loading stage and increased slowly in next stages. In confining pressure loading and unloading cycles, the Biot coefficient decreased first and then increased, which indicates that damage has a great impact on the Biot coefficient.

2014 ◽  
Vol 580-583 ◽  
pp. 201-204
Chun Hui Zhang ◽  
Xiao Pan Xu

To obtain the effects of water content on the permeability of coal, briquette specimen were obtained from Wulong Mine, Liaoning Province. The permeability of the air drying, bounding water and saturating specimens were tested with self-made equipment respectively, and the effects of water content on permeability for coal were studied. The results showed that: (1)The permeability of specimens decreases with confining pressure increasing, and the air drying and bounding water specimens take on obvious slippage effect. However the saturated specimens never take on slippage effects. It is because the channels of saturated coal sample are occupied by water. When the gas goes through specimens, gas never is absorbed. Collision between gas and the channel wall decreases, and the slippage effect disappears. (2) With water content increasing, the permeability of specimens decreases. (3)The permeability of specimens increases when pore pressure increases.

Geophysics ◽  
1986 ◽  
Vol 51 (4) ◽  
pp. 948-956 ◽  
Douglas H. Green ◽  
Herbert F. Wang

The pore pressure response of saturated porous rock subjected to undrained compression at low effective stresses are investigated theoretically and experimentally. This behavior is quantified by the undrained pore pressure buildup coefficient, [Formula: see text] where [Formula: see text] is fluid pressure, [Formula: see text] is confining pressure, and [Formula: see text] is the mass of fluid per unit bulk volume. The measured values for B for three sandstones and a dolomite arc near 1.0 at zero effective stress and decrease with increasing effective stress. In one sandstone, B is 0.62 at 13 MPa effective stress. These results agree with the theories of Gassmann (1951) and Bishop (1966), which assume a locally homogeneous solid framework. The decrease of B with increasing effective stress is probably related to crack closure and to high‐compressibility materials within the rock framework. The more general theories of Biot (1955) and Brown and Korringa (1975) introduce an additional parameter, the unjacketed pore compressibility, which can be determined from induced pore pressure results. Values of B close to 1 imply that under appropriate conditions within the crust, zones of low effective pressure characterized by low seismic wave velocity and high wave attenuation could exist. Also, in confined aquifer‐reservoir systems at very low effective stress states, the calculated specific storage coefficient is an order of magnitude larger than if less overpressured conditions prevailed.

1981 ◽  
Vol 21 (01) ◽  
pp. 43-50 ◽  
Thomas Lindsay Blanton

Abstract Compression tests with and without pore pressure have been run on Danian and Austin chalks. The rocks yielded under increasing hydrostatic stress by pore collapse. The same effect was produced by holding a constant hydrostatic stress and reducing the pore pressure. This pore collapse reduced the permeability. The ultimate strength of the chalks increased with increasing confining pressure. The yield strength increased initially, but at higher confining pressures it decreased until it yielded under hydrostatic stress. Relatively high pore-pressure gradients developed when the chalks. were compressed. In these situations, the mechanical behavior tended to be a function of the average effective stresses. Introduction Hydrocarbons have been found in chalks in the North Sea, the Middle East, the Gulf Coast and midcontinent regions of the U.S., and the Scotian Shelf of Canada1; however, problems have been encountered in developing these reservoirs efficiently because of the unusual mechanical behavior of chalk. Chalks have three characteristics that interact to differentiate their behavior from most reservoir rocks. High Porosity. Porosities may be as high as 80070.1,2 Effects of burial and pore-water chemistry can reduce this porosity to less than 1%, but notable exceptions occur in areas of early oil placement and overpressuring where porosities in excess of 40% have been reported.2,3 Low Permeability Regardless of porosity, chalks have low permeabilities, usually around 1 to 10 md. Soft Matrix. Chalks are predominantly calcite, which has a hardness of 3 on Mohr's scale. These properties create problems in the following areas of reservoir development. Drilling. High porosity combined with a soft matrix material makes for a relatively weak and ductile rock. Efficient drilling involves chipping the rock and ductile behavior inhibits this process. Stimulation. The combination of high porosity and low permeability makes chalks prime candidates for stimulation by hydraulic fracturing or acid fracturing. The best production often is associated with natural fractures.2,3 Man-made fractures could open up new areas to production, but again ductile behavior inhibits the fracturing process. Production. In many cases permeabilities are low enough to trap pore fluids and cause abnormally high pore pressures.2 These high pore pressures help maintain the high porosities at depth by supporting some of the weight of the overburden. As the field is produced and the pore pressure lowered, some of the weight will shift to the soft matrix. The result may be pore collapse and reduction of an already low permeability. These problems indicate a need for basic information on the mechanical behavior of chalks. Determining methods of enhancing brittle behavior could lead to improved drilling and stimulation techniques. The ability to predict and prevent pore collapse could increase ultimate recovery. The approach taken in this study was experimental. Specimens of chalk were subjected to different combinations of stress and pore pressure in the laboratory, and the resulting deformations were measured.

Geophysics ◽  
1986 ◽  
Vol 51 (4) ◽  
pp. 1016-1016
G. H. F. Gardner

The authors present their results as if Berea sandstone were an elastic material; that is, velocities are given as functions of confining and pore pressure. In fact, most rocks are inelastic and velocities depend on the history of the confining and pore pressure, and not just on the present values. Some measurements of hysteresis were reported by Gardner et al. (1965). The confining pressure was cycled between two pressures [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] for a fixed pore pressure [Formula: see text], following a fixed schedule of pressure changes, until repeatable values of velocity were obtained. (At any intermediate pressure the velocity measured for increasing pressure was different from the value for decreasing pressure, giving rise to a hysteresis cycle). When the same schedule of pressure changes for the differential pressure [Formula: see text] was followed by holding [Formula: see text] fixed and varying [Formula: see text], the measured velocities followed the same hysteresis curve within the limits of experimental accuracy. In brief, when hysteresis was taken into account, changes in pore and confining pressures were equally effective in changing velocity. In their article, Christensen and Wang do not refer to hysteresis; perhaps they would like to comment on its relevance.

2006 ◽  
Vol 326-328 ◽  
pp. 1797-1800 ◽  
Qing Chun Zhou ◽  
Hai Bo Li ◽  
Chun He Yang ◽  
Chao Wen Luo

The mechanical properties of rock under high temperature, high geostress and high pore pressure are the basic and important information to assess the safety of underground engineering in west China. Based on the environmental conditions of the west route of south-to-north water transfer project in west China, a series of triaxial tests at confining pressures (0 to 60MPa) and temperatures (25°C to 70°C) as well as pore pressure (0 to 10MPa) have been conducted for a sandstone. It is reported that under the temperatures varying from 25°C to 70°C, the strength of the rock increases with the increment of confining pressure, while the deformation modulus of the rock doesn’t change distinctly with the increment of confining pressures. It is also indicated under the temperatures condition in the experiments, when the confining pressure is lower than 40MPa, the strength of the rock increases with the increment of temperature, whereas when the confining pressure is higher than 40MPa, the strength of rock tend to decrease with increment of temperature. It is further shown that the strength decreases with increasing pore pressure, and the decreasing rates tend to decrease with the increment of confining pressures.

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