scholarly journals Increased typhoon activity in the Pacific deep tropics driven by Little Ice Age circulation changes

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 806-811
James F. Bramante ◽  
Murray R. Ford ◽  
Paul S. Kench ◽  
Andrew D. Ashton ◽  
Michael R. Toomey ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 1977-2009 ◽  
L.-C. Wang ◽  
H. Behling ◽  
T.-Q. Lee ◽  
H.-C. Li ◽  
C.-A. Huh ◽  

Abstract. In this study, we reconstructed the paleoenvironmental changes from a sediment archive of the floodplain lake in Ilan Plain of NE Taiwan on multi-decadal resolution for the last ca. 1900 years. On the basis of pollen and diatom records, we evaluated the record of past vegetation, floods, typhoons and agriculture activities of this area, which is sensitive to the hydrological conditions of the West Pacific. High sedimentation rates with low microfossil preservations reflected multiple flood events and humid climatic conditions during 100–1400 AD. A shortly interrupted dry phase can be found during 940–1010 AD. The driest phase corresponds to the Little Ice Age phase 1 (LIA1, 1400–1620 AD) with less disturbance by flood events, which enhanced the occurrence of wetlands (Cyperaceae) and diatom depositions. Humid phases with frequent typhoons are inferred by high percentages of Lagerstroemia and high ratios of planktonic/benthic diatoms, respectively, during 500–700 AD and Little Ice Age phase 2 (LIA2, 1630–1850 AD). The occurrences of cultivated Poaceae (Oryza) during 1250–1300 AD and the last ~400 years, reflect agriculture activities, which seems to implicate strongly with the environmental stability. Finally, we found flood events which dominated during the El Niño-like stage, but dry events as well as frequent typhoon events happened during the La Niña-like stage. After comparing our results with the reconstructed proxy for tropical hydrological conditions, we suggested that the local hydrology in coastal East Asia were strongly affected by the typhoon-triggered heavy rainfalls which were influenced by the variation of global temperature, expansion of the Pacific warm pool and intensification of ENSO events.

2020 ◽  
Bethan Davies ◽  

<p>We present PATICE, a GIS database of Patagonian glacial geomorphology and recalibrated chronostratigraphic data. PATICE includes 58,823 landforms and 1,669 ages, and extends from 38°S to 55°S in southern South America. We use these data to generate new empirical reconstructions of the Patagonian Ice Sheet (PIS) and subsequent ice masses and ice-dammed palaeolakes at 35 ka, 30 ka, 25 ka, 20 ka, 15 ka, 13 ka (synchronous with the Antarctic Cold Reversal), 10 ka, 5 ka, 0.2 ka (synchronous with the “Little Ice Age”) and 2011 AD. At 35 ka, the PIS covered of 492.6 x10<sup>3 </sup>km<sup>2</sup>, had a sea level equivalent of ~1,496 mm, was 350 km wide and 2090 km long, and was grounded on the Pacific continental shelf edge. Outlet glacier lobes remained topographically confined and the largest generated the suites of subglacial streamlined bedforms characteristic of ice streams. The PIS reached its maximum extent at 33 – 28 ka from 38°S to 48°S, and earlier, around 47 ka from 48°S southwards. Net retreat from maximum positions began by 25 ka, with ice-marginal stabilisation at 21 – 18 ka, followed by rapid deglaciation. By 15 ka, the PIS had separated into disparate ice masses, draining into large ice-dammed lakes along the eastern margin, which strongly influenced rates of recession. Glacial readvances or stabilisations occurred at 14 – 13 ka, 11 ka, 5 – 6 ka, 1 – 2 ka, and 0.2 ka. We suggest that 20<sup>th</sup> century glacial recession is occurring faster than at any time documented during the Holocene. </p>

2000 ◽  
Vol 31 ◽  
pp. 26-30 ◽  
Olga N. Solomina

AbstractAnalysis of aerial photographs of about 1000 glaciers located in the mountain ranges of the former Soviet Union –Caucasus, Polar Urals, Pamir-Alay, Tien Shan, Altay, Kodar, Cherskiy range, Suntar-Khayata, Koryakskoye Nagorye, Kamchatka–shows that variations in the magnitude of glacier retreat since the Little Ice Age maximum are significant and probably connected to climatic continentality. On average, the scale of glacier shrinkage is much smaller in continental Siberia than in central Asia and along the Pacific margins.

The Holocene ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (6) ◽  
pp. 799-809
Xuecheng Zhou ◽  
Dabang Jiang ◽  
Xianmei Lang

The eastern China summer precipitation is related to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) on interdecadal time scales in modern times, but it remains unclear whether such a relationship holds prior to the instrumental period. We examine this relationship during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) and Little Ice Age (LIA). According to a composite analysis using simulations of the HadCM3 model, which is selected from nine available climate models, the PDO–eastern China summer precipitation relationship varies with climatic background. The modern relationship features deficient precipitation over North and South China and excessive precipitation in the Yangtze–Huai River Valley in positive PDO phases compared with negative phases. In contrast, there is more precipitation over South and North China but less in the Yangtze–Huai River Valley during the MCA and widespread below-normal summer precipitation over eastern China during the LIA. Such different PDO-related precipitation patterns between the MCA and LIA are closely linked to distinct changes in local atmospheric circulation. Compared with negative PDO phases, positive phases during the MCA show an anomalous Pacific–Japan/East Asia–Pacific pattern over East Asia and strengthened high-level westerlies centering on 120°E and 25–30°N, which lead to the triple pattern in the precipitation anomaly. During the LIA, a cyclonic anomaly occurs over the South China Sea–Philippine Sea in the lower and middle troposphere, and two upper-level low trough anomalies occur over East Asia, causing the anomalous precipitation deficit. The different PDO-related local circulations are found to be relevant to the thermodynamic effect of low-latitude sea surface temperature and summer precipitation over India, as well as the propagation of upstream wave trains.

2019 ◽  
Vol 215 ◽  
pp. 293-307 ◽  
Keyan Fang ◽  
Deliang Chen ◽  
Liisa Ilvonen ◽  
Leena Pasanen ◽  
Lasse Holmström ◽  
Ice Age ◽  

2004 ◽  
Vol 41 (3) ◽  
pp. 285-297 ◽  
Dave H Lewis ◽  
Dan J Smith

Dendroglaciological and lichenometric techniques are used to establish the Little Ice Age (LIA) history of two glaciers (Colonel Foster and Septimus) in Strathcona Provincial Park, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Our lichenometric investigations were preceded by the development of a locally calibrated Rhizocarpon geographicum growth curve (1708–1998 A.D.). Documentation of a 3–4-year ecesis interval for both trees and lichen greatly reduces one of the main uncertainties in using geobotanical methods for dating LIA landforms. The moraine dates provided, therefore, give a good approximation of the shift in climate conditions that lead to the retreat of the glaciers and subsequent moraine stabilization. Geobotanical evidence records three synchronous episodes of LIA moraine deposition at both glaciers: two prominent moraines at each site are dated to the early 1700s and late 1800s, with a third, smaller moraine dated to the mid 1930s. Moraines deposited prior to 1397 A.D. were also recorded at Colonel Foster Glacier; however, precise dating of these moraines was not possible. The moraine records from Strathcona Provincial Park suggest two possible modes of glacier response: (i) synchronous responses to larger-scale climatic forcing, and (ii) asynchronous responses to local factors such as microclimate, topography, and glacier geometry. The Vancouver Island LIA record was evaluated in the context of LIA results from the Pacific North American (PNA) Cordillera. It compares well with regional moraine records from coastal British Columbia, Washington, Alaska, and the Canadian Rocky Mountains, suggesting a regional response of PNA glaciers to climate change associated with the LIA.

2007 ◽  
Vol 44 (12) ◽  
pp. 1753-1773 ◽  
Sandra M Allen ◽  
Dan J Smith

Bridge Glacier is a prominent eastward-flowing valley glacier located on the east side of the Pacific Ranges within the southern British Columbia Coast Mountains. The terminus of Bridge Glacier has retreated at rates up to 125 m/year over the last 50 years and currently calves into proglacial Bridge Lake. Field investigations of the recently deglaciated terrain and moraines led to the discovery of detrital boles and glacially sheared stumps. Dendroglaciological analyses of this subfossil wood produced five radiocarbon-controlled floating tree-ring chronologies. The relative age and stratigraphic location of these samples revealed that Bridge Glacier experienced at least four periods of significant advance during the late Holocene: a Tiedemann-aged advance ca. 3000 14C years BP, an unattributed advance ca. 1900 14C years BP, a first millennium advance ca. 1500 14C years BP, and a Little Ice Age advance beginning ca. 700 14C years BP. Lichenometric investigations at eight terminal and lateral moraine complexes identified early Little Ice Age moraine stabilization during the late 13th to early 14th centuries, with subsequent ice-front oscillations ending in the middle 15th, early 16th, middle to late 17th, early 18th, middle to late 19th, and early 20th centuries. These investigations build upon previous research and compliment recent geobotanical evidence emerging from other glaciers in this region that describe multiple late Holocene glacier advances. The discovery of a glacially sheared whitebark pine stump dating to 1500 ± 50 14C years BP provides irrevocable proof for an advance of Bridge Glacier during a time when glaciers throughout Pacific North America were also expanding.

2022 ◽  
Weiyi Sun ◽  
Jian Liu ◽  
Bin Wang ◽  
Deliang Chen ◽  
Chaochao Gao

AbstractThe Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO) is the leading mode of decadal climate variability over the North Pacific. However, it remains unknown to what extent external forcings can influence the PDO’s periodicity and magnitude over the past 2000 years. We show that the paleo-assimilation products (LMR) and proxy data suggest a 20–40 year PDO occurred during both the Mediaeval Climate Anomaly (MCA, ~ 750–1150) and Little Ice Age (LIA, ~ 1250–1850) while a salient 50–70 year variance peak emerged during the LIA. These results are reproduced well by the CESM simulations in the all-forcing (AF) and single volcanic forcing (Vol) experiments. We show that the 20–40 year PDO is an intrinsic mode caused by internal variability but the 50–70 year PDO during the LIA is a forced mode primarily shaped by volcanic forcing. The intrinsic mode develops in tandem with tropical ENSO-like anomalies, while the forced mode develops from the western Pacific and unrelated to tropical sea surface temperature anomalies. The volcanism-induced land–sea thermal contrast may trigger anomalous northerlies over the western North Pacific (WNP), leading to reduced northward heat transport and the cooling in the Kuroshio–Oyashio Extension (KOE), generating the forced mode. A 50–70 year Atlantic multidecadal oscillation founded during the LIA under volcanic forcing may also contribute to the forced mode. These findings shed light on the interplay between the internal variability and external forcing and the present and future changes of the PDO.

W.P. De Lange

The Greenhouse Effect acts to slow the escape of infrared radiation to space, and hence warms the atmosphere. The oceans derive almost all of their thermal energy from the sun, and none from infrared radiation in the atmosphere. The thermal energy stored by the oceans is transported globally and released after a range of different time periods. The release of thermal energy from the oceans modifies the behaviour of atmospheric circulation, and hence varies climate. Based on ocean behaviour, New Zealand can expect weather patterns similar to those from 1890-1922 and another Little Ice Age may develop this century.

2013 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-36 ◽  
Anastasia Gornostayeva ◽  
Dmitry Demezhko ◽  

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