A Phonemic Implicational Feature Hierarchy of Phonological Contrasts for English-Speaking Children

2005 ◽  
Vol 48 (4) ◽  
pp. 817-833 ◽  
Stephanie F. Stokes ◽  
Thomas Klee ◽  
Cecyle Perry Carson ◽  
David Carson

Contrastive feature hierarchies have been developed and used for some time in depicting typical phonological development and in guiding therapy decisions. Previous descriptions of feature use have been based on independent analyses and usually phonetic inventories. However, recent trends in phonology include a relational analysis of phonemic inventories (D. Ingram & K. D. Ingram, 2001). The current investigation was a relational analysis of the phonemic inventories of 40 typically developing 2-year-old American-English-speaking children. Consonant inventories were derived from spontaneous speech samples using the Logical International Phonetics Programs computer software (D. K. Oller & R. E. Delgado, 1999). Cluster analysis was used to determine the grouping of contrastive features. Four levels emerged. Level I included [consonant], [sonorant], and [coronal], Level II included [voice], Level III included [anterior], [continuant], and [nasal], and Level IV included [lateral] and [strident]. Results suggested that the resulting 4-level phonemic feature hierarchy might be used to classify the phonological systems of children with phonological disorders.

Diksi ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
Guntur Sakti Dewangga

Penelitian ini mengkaji masalah tentang aspek pengetahuan dalam tuturan bertanya guru bahasa Indonesia. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah tuturan bertanya guru bahasa Indonesia dalam proses pembelajaran.Data dalam penelitian ini dianalisis dengan teknik analisis kualitatif. Dari hasil analisis ditemukan empat tingkatan/level aspek pengetahuan dalam tuturan bertanya guru bahasa Indonesia, yaitu level I-Low Order Convergent, level II-High Order Convergent, level III-Low Order Divergent, dan level IV-High Order Divergent. Hasil temuan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran banyak ditemukan tuturan tanya guru dengan tingkat/level I. Hal ini berarti tuturan tanya guru dalam proses pembelajaran banyak menggunakan tuturan dengan aspek pengetahuan yang sederhana atau rendah. Hasil analisis menunjukkan ada tiga temuan terkait konten/isi dalam tuturan bertanya guru bahasa Indonesia, yaitu pertanyaan konseptual, pertanyaan empiris, dan pertanyaan nilai. Dari ketiga isi tuturan bertanya tersebut, yang paling banyak muncul adalah tuturan bertanya konseptual. Hal tersebut dikarenakan dalam pembelajaran guru banyak mengajukan pertanyaan terkait konsep materi tertentu.Kata Kunci: aspek pengetahuan, konten, tuturan, tanya, pembelajaran KNOWLEDGE ASPECT OF INTERROGATIVE SPEECH OF INDONESIAN LANGUAGE TEACHERS IN TEACHING PROCESSES  ABSTRACTThis study aims knowledge aspect of interrogative speech of Indonesian language teachers. The objectwas interrogative speechs of Indonesian language teachers. The data was analyzed by content analysis techniques. Based on data analysis reaveals four levels of knowledge aspect in interrogative speech of Indonesian language teachers: level I-Low Order Convergent, level II-High Order Convergent, level III-Low Order Divergent, and level IV-High Order Divergent. The result reaveals that interrogative speech of Indonesian language teachers level I was most frequently used. It’s mean, the teachers used many interrogative speech level I or low knowledge aspect in teaching  processes.There are three contents of the interrogative speech act of Indonesian teachers in teaching processes: conceptual question, empirical question, and value question. Of the three contents of the question, the most frequently used is conceptual question, because in teaching the teachers ask more about the concept of a particular material.Keywords: knowledge aspect, content, speech, interrogative, teaching 

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (17) ◽  
pp. 3624 ◽  
Jibiao Zhou ◽  
Yao Wu ◽  
Xinhua Mao ◽  
Shun Guo ◽  
Minjie Zhang

This study aims at evaluating the congestion level of pedestrians in metro stations. Twelve hours (4 h × three facilities) of video data were collected in the channel, stairway, and platform in a metro station in the city of Ningbo, China. The indicator of GPC (grade of pedestrian crowd) was proposed to quantify the congestion level of pedestrians. Four levels of congestion (level I, level II, level III, and level IV) were determined based on the GPC. A normal-cloud (NC) model was proposed and calibrated for the evaluation of three facilities including channel, stairway, and platform. The evaluation results showed that the GPC of L1-L2 and L2-L1 in channel are level II and level I, respectively. The GPC of upward and downward of stairway are level III and level I. The GPC of platform is level IV. Crowd management countermeasures were proposed for the management of pedestrians in metro station.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (01) ◽  
pp. 122
Ikhwan Syahtaria ◽  
Cahyanto Cahyanto ◽  
Adi Bandono ◽  
Richard Martin

ABSTRACT Lapetal is an organization within the Indonesian Navy that is tasked with carrying out Navy recruitment. With the increasing number of duties and responsibilities of Lapetal and seeing the current condition of Lapetal, it is necessary to make efforts to develop Lapetal in the future. The purpose of this research is to identify the factors that influence in determining the Lapetal development strategy, determine the alternative strategy for Lapetal development, and produce a roadmap of the selected alternative strategies for Lapetal development. This study uses an integrated SWOT analysis and Interpretative Structural Modeling. SWOT analysis is used to formulate and provide alternatives in Lapetal development strategies. ISM is used to determine the priority order of the selected strategy which is then applied in making the roadmap. Based on the results of the SWOT matrix analysis, the SO Strategy consists of 6 (six) strategic steps, the ST Strategy consists of 5 (five) strategic steps, the WO Strategy consists of 8 (eight) strategic steps and the WT strategy consists of 4 (four) strategic steps. Based on weighting using the EFAS and IFAS matrices, the chosen strategy is the WO Strategy, so that the WO strategy becomes the first alternative. Based on the results of the classification of elements in the WO strategy, there are 4 (four) levels of hierarchical structure. In this hierarchical structure, it can be seen that the (WO5) and (WO6) sub-strategies are at level IV. Then the sub strategies (WO3) and (WO4) are at level III. At level II it consists of 3 (three) sub strategies, namely (WO1), (WO2), and (WO7). At level I, it is the sub strategy (WO8). The output of the SWOT and ISM analysis process in determining the Lapetal development strategy is a map or roadmap implemented in a strategic plan which is divided into five-year programs. Keywords: Lapetal, Development Strategy, SWOT, ISM, Road map

1993 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 684-695 ◽  
W. B. Runciman ◽  
R. K. Webb ◽  
R. Lee ◽  
R. Holland

Although 70–80% of problems have some component of human error, its overall contribution to many problems may be small; studies of complex systems have revealed that up to 85% are primarily due to deficiencies in the lay-out and processes of the system. The anaesthetist has to operate in a complex system; many problems originate from deficiencies in this system. Information of relevance to system failure was extracted from the first 2000 incidents reported to the Australian Incident Monitoring Study (AIMS). A system-based deficiency directly contributed to one-quarter of problems (four-fifths if human factors are included), some aspect of the system minimized the adverse outcome in over half of all cases (four-fifths if human factors are included), and in two-thirds (three-quarters if human factors are included) a system-based strategy would have been helpful; the system was implicated in 90% of all incidents (97% if human factors are included). Regardless of whether or not all human error should be regarded as part of the “system”, attempts to modify its incidence and nature have to emanate from the system. AIMS reporting pathways and the organizations involved in developing and implementing strategies to improve the system operate at four levels. Level I involves the use of AIMS reports by hospitals and group practices for audit at a local level. Level II involves AIMS participants sending forms to the AIMS central office; collated information is then sent back to contributors by newsletter. Level III involves interaction between AIMS and the major professional bodies and level IV interaction between AIMS, these bodies and a variety of national and international agencies. Over 100 topics were identified from the AIMS data for consideration at one or more of these levels. AIMS has the potential not only to play a vital practical role in the continued enhancement of the quality of anaesthetic practice, but also to provide a valuable resource for research at the increasingly important interface between human behaviour and complex systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 64
Arif Irawan ◽  
Hanif Nurul Hidayah ◽  
A. Wildah

Abstrak. Cempaka merupakan jenis kayu yang memiliki keterikatan erat dengan budaya masyarakat suku Minahasa karena digunakan dalam pembuatan rumah adat. Pasokan bahan baku kayu cempaka sudah semakin terbatas karena keberadaannya sudah semakin berkurang. Salah satu hal yang dapat dilakukan untuk mendukung kegiatan pengembangan cempaka adalah melalui penyebarluasan informasi melalui kegiatan pelatihan teknik penanaman cempaka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan evaluasi kegiatan pelatihan tenik penanaman cempaka berdasarkan teori The Four Levels yang dikembangkan oleh Kirkpatrick pada level I dan II. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara terhadap seluruh peserta kegiatan pelatihan dari 3 (tiga) kabupaten (Minahasa,Minahasa Utara, dan Minahasa Selatan) dengan jumlah peserta masing-masing kabupaten adalah berjumlah 15 orang. Data untuk evaluasi pada level 1 ditabulasi dan selanjutnya dianalisis secara deskriptif. Evaluasi pada level 2 dilakukan dengan membandingkan data hasil kuesioner pre test dan post test menggunakan uji t sampel berhubungan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan tenik penanaman cempaka dapat terlakasana dengan baik (evaluasi level 1). Pelatihan mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan peserta yang ditandai dengan adanya peningkatan nilai hasil evaluasi dari kuesioner sebelum dan setelah pelatihan sebesar 22 persen di Kabupaten Minahasa; 20 persen di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, dan 13 persen di Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan (evaluasi level II).Abstract. Cempaka (Elmerrillia sp.) is a type of woods that has a close attachment to the culture of the Minahasa community because it is used in the making of traditional houses. The supply of cempaka wood raw materials has become increasingly limited because its existence has diminished. One of the things that can be done to support the preservation of cempaka is with the dissemination through training in cempaka planting techniques. This study aims to evaluate the training activities of cempaka planting techniques based on The Four Levels theory developed by Kirkpatrick at level I and II. Data collection was carried out by interviewing all training participants from 3 (three) districts (Minahasa, North Minahasa, and South Minahasa) with 15 participants in each district. Data for evaluation at level 1 were tabulated and then analyzed descriptively. Evaluation at level 2 is carried out by comparing the results of the pre-test and post-test questionnaire using the corresponding sample t test. The results showed that the training in cempaka planting techniques was carried out well (level 1 evaluation). The training was able to increase participants' knowledge which was marked by an increase in the value of the evaluation results from the questionnaire before and after the training by 22 percent in the Minahasa District; 20 percent in North Minahasa District, and 13 percent in South Minahasa District (level II evaluation).

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 236
Elisabeth Tanti Pudiastuti

There are plentiful activities conducted by the Cadets in order to hold educational process at the NavalAcademy. These activities are particularly vulnerable to physical and psychological friction, especiallyin routine and nurturing activities, where activities in this phase are thought to cause the Cadets toexperience excessive mental workloads which may result in the Cadets being unable to continue theireducation. Therefore, this research would identify one of the factors that were suspected to be thecause of the problem which was psychological factor or mental workload on the Academy of Navalusing Subjective Workload Asessesment Technique (SWAT) method. SWAT method was chosenbecause it was easier to apply and had some advantages in terms of results validity and accuracy, sothat the performance of Cadets expected by Institution were: Tanggap, Tanggon and Trengginas. Theresults of this study indicated that there was a high mental workload for some sub activities at somelevel. The highest mental workload in level I is 69,0 (RPS activity), in level II is 83,4 (senior juniordevelopment), in level III is 77,6 (senior junior development). Besides this research also showed thatthe mental workload between the four levels of Level I, II, III and IV had a significant difference inmental workload in carrying out every activity at the Academy.Keywords: Subjective Workload Assessment Technique (SWAT), Mental Workload, Cadets.

Thomas J. Armstrong ◽  
W. Monroe Keyserling ◽  
Sheryl S. Ulin ◽  
Matthew M. Marshall

Knowledge of physical work requirements is necessary for determining if a job can be performed by a given person or population. It is also necessary for assessing the risk of fatigue, discomfort and musculoskeletal disease. We have proposed a hierarchical job analysis system that includes four levels of analysis. Level I is based on worker and supervisor interviews and provides descriptions of work tasks, materials, equipment, work environment and activities that may challenge a given person's work capacity or result in excess risk of injury or illness. A Level II analysis is based on direct work site observations and measurements and provides additional quantification of the data obtained from Level I. A Level III analysis is based on expert ratings of ergonomic stresses: repetition, force, contact stress and posture of each task. A Level IV analysis uses instrumentation, e.g., goniometers, electromyography, force gages and accelerometers, to provide quantification of specific task attributes.

1988 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-16 ◽  
Karen E. Pollock ◽  
Richard G. Schwartz

The relationship between syllabic structure and segmental development was examined longitudinally in a child with a severe phonological disorder. Six speech samples were collected over a 4-year period (3:5 to 7:3). Analyses revealed gradual increases in the complexity and diversity of the syllable structures produced, and positional preferences for sounds within these forms. With a strong preference for [d] and [n] at the beginning of syllables, other consonants appeared first at the end of syllables. Implications for clinical management of phonological disorders include the need to consider both structural position and structural complexity in assessing segmental skills and in choosing target words for intervention.

2017 ◽  
pp. 50-55
Duc Luu Ngo ◽  
Tu The Nguyen ◽  
Manh Hung Ho ◽  
Thanh Thai Le

Background: This study aims to survey some clinical features, indications and results of tracheotomy at Hue Central Hospital and Hue University Hospital. Patients and method: Studying on 77 patients who underwent tracheotomy at all of departments and designed as an prospective, descriptive and interventional study. Results: Male-female ratio was 4/1. Mean age was 49 years. Career: farmer 44.2%, worker 27.2%, officials 14.3%, student 7.8%, other jobs 6.5%. Respiratory condition before tracheotomy: underwent intubation 62.3%, didn’t undergo intubation 37.7%. Period of stay of endotracheal tube: 1-5 days 29.2%, 6-14 days 52.1%, >14 days 18.7%. Levels of dyspnea before tracheotomy: level I 41.4%, level II 48.3%, level III 0%, 10.3% of cases didn’t have dyspnea. Twenty cases (26%) were performed as an emergency while fifty seven (74%) as elective produces. Classic indications (37.7%) and modern indications (62.3%). On the bases of the site, we divided tracheostomy into three groups: high (0%), mid (25.3%) and low (74.7%). During follow-up, 44 complications occurred in 29 patients (37.7%). Tracheobronchitis 14.3%, tube obstruction 13%, subcutaneous empysema 10.4%, hemorrhage 5%, diffcult decannulation 5.2%, tube displacement 3.9%, canule watery past 2.6%, wound infection 1.3%. The final result after tracheotomy 3 months: there are 33 patients (42.9%) were successfully decannulated. In the 33 patients who were successfully decannulated: the duration of tracheotomy ranged from 1 day to 90 days, beautiful scar (51.5%), medium scar (36.4%), bad scar (12.1%). Conclusions: In tracheotomy male were more than female, adult were more than children. The main indication was morden indication. Tracheobronchitis and tube obstruction were more common than other complications. Key words: Tracheotomy

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