workload analysis
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2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 622-626
Hariadi Ramadhana ◽  
Harmain Nasution ◽  
Yeni Absah

All human activities, whether light, medium, or heavy, must have or contain a workload. Basically, every human being has a varied workload capacity, thus it's not inconceivable that the workload experienced by one worker differs from that of another, because there are a variety of elements that influence the difference in workload capacity. Sales and processing teams are under a lot of pressure to meet credit disbursement targets, which puts them under a lot of mental strain. A worker will experience work stress if he is given an excessive workload. When it comes to work, the influence of stress will result in a decline in performance, efficiency, and productivity of the work in question. To address this issue, a study based on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index (NASA-TLX) approach will be conducted to measure the mental strain of personnel in the Medan Balaikota consumer loan unit. NASA-TLX is a way for analyzing the mental workload of workers who must do a variety of tasks at work. Mental demand, physical demand, temporal demand, performance, effort, and frustration dimensions are among the six variables to be measured. Thirty workers of PT Bank XYZ Consumer Loan Unit Medan Balaikota Branch were surveyed. The NASA-TLX survey method is a quantitative descriptive methodology that was utilized to test in this study. According to the findings of the study, the NASA-TLX average score of PT Bank XYZ Consumer Loan Unit Medan Balaikota Branch employees obtained through research had a modest value. The result is a score of 77. Keywords: Mental Workload, NASA-TLX.

Yumi Damai Yanti ◽  
Idzani Muttaqin ◽  
Ice Trianiza

UD. Budi Ayu merupakan salah satu industri kecil yang bergerak di bidang pengolahan material bahan bangunan berupa paving block dan batako dinding. Penelitian dilakukan karena adanya ketidakseimbangan beban kerja antar stasiun kerja dan keluhan rasa sakit yang dialami oleh para pekerja karena beban kerja yang berlebih. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis beban kerja tiap-tiap bagian dan menentukan jumlah tenaga kerja optimal serta untuk menganalisis keluhan rasa sakit di bagian tubuh yang dialami oleh para pekerja. Metode Workload Analysis digunakan untuk mengetahui beban kerja dari masing-masing pekerja. Metode work sampling digunakan untuk mendapatkan persentase waktu produktif sedangkan untuk mengetahui keluhan rasa sakit digunakan SNQ (Standard Nordic Questionnaire) yang dibagikan kepada para pekerja. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan maka didapatkan bahwa hamper seluruh pekerja memiliki beban kerja lebih dari 100% kecuali pekerja 5 yang hanya memiliki beban 90,41%. Bagian batako dinding merupakan bagian yang memiliki beban kerja paling tinggi yaitu sebesar 123,2%. Beban kerja kerja yang tinggi ini jika dibiarkan secara terus menerus tanpa adanya perbaikan dapat berakibat pada fisik pekerja maupun kualitas hasil kerja. Usulan yang diberikan adalah menambah pekerja 1 orang dibagian batako dinding sehingga dapat mengurangi beban kerja dibagian tersebut dan dengan adanya penambahan pekerja tadi dapat di manfaatkan untuk membantu pekerjaan distasiun lain yang membutuhkan sedangkan Keluhan otot terbesar yang dialami pekerja selama bekerja yaitu pada tubuh bagian pinggang dengan persentase sebesar 12,70%. Kata Kunci: Beban Kerja, Work Sampling, Workload Analysis (WLA)

Li Ruan ◽  
Yunpeng Jiao ◽  
Tingyu Lin ◽  
Limin Xiao ◽  
Nasro Min-Allah ◽  

To analyze inner-enterprise cloud cluster performance, the role of workload analysis is of paramount interest to system designers. However, the ever-evolving nature of inner-enterprise cloud platforms such as diversity and spatio-temporal nature of workloads makes evolution diagnosing a challenging task. In this paper, we propose MuCoTrAna-Inner, an evolution diagnosing approach for a large-scale cloud data center based on comparative spatio-temporal trace analysis. Moreover, we present a case study on two representative big traces: Alibaba 2017 trace, and Alibaba 2018 trace. Novel quantitative findings along with the performance bottleneck inferences and recommendations based on workload analysis are provided. Our multifaceted analyses of the traces and new findings not only reveal interesting insights that are of interest to system designers and administrators, but also establish a new view to diagnosing the evolution of inner-enterprise cloud cluster based on trace analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (1) ◽  
pp. 012074
M Dhafir ◽  
M Idkham ◽  
Safrizal ◽  
A A Munawar ◽  
P Azrial

Abstract Recently, the work of climbing coconuts, especially in Aceh Province Indonesia still uses traditional methods, namely by climbing coconut trees directly. Traditional climbing is very high risk because it can fall which threatens the safety of life. Besides that, this job is also a heavy work category because it requires a lot of energy to do it. Therefore, the analysis of operator workload on climbing coconut trees using portable coconut climbing equipment is expected to be useful for developing tool designs and methods for climbing coconuts that are safer, more comfortable and more effective. The calculation of the operator’s workload is based on heart rate measurements, where three operators have their heart rate data taken during coconut tree climbing activities, either manually or using portable climbing tools. The workloads analyzed are qualitative and quantitative workloads. The results of the workload analysis indicate that climbing is traditionally classified as a “medium” job with an average IRHR value of 1.45, while using portable climbing equipment is classified as heavy work with an IRHR value of 1.54 The traditional climbing energy consumption rate is 3.29 kcal/ (kilocalories per hour per operator’s weight), while using a portable climbing equipment is 3.82 kcal/ The high level of operator workload is largely determined by the operator’s habits in doing climbing as well as skills that must be trained in operating the tool. However, in terms of operator safety, the use of portable equipment has a higher level of security because there are footrests and handrails as well as seat belts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 225
Ni Putu Retno Ariani

Pada masa pandemi Covid-19, tenaga keperawatan merupakan profesi yang sangat dibutuhkan dalam penanganan pasien yang terkonfirmasi Covid-19. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan jumlah tenaga perawat maka perlu dilakukan analisa beban kerja dan selanjutnya dapat dilakukan perhitungan kebutuhannya. Tujuan penelitian mendeskripsikan dan mengidentifikasi beban kerja perawat di ruang isolasi rawat inap non ICU pelayanan Covid-19 di RSUD Cengkareng yang merupakan salah satu rumah sakit rujukan Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan observasional, data penelitian diambil melalui pengamatan langsung dan wawancara mendalam yang dilakukan selama kurun waktu 5 hari di ruang isolasi rawat inap non ICU. Perhitungan beban kerja menggunakan metode Ilyas, dimana informasi yang dihasilkan untuk mengambil keputusan dapat dipercaya karena setiap transaksi bisnis dapat diukur secara cepat dengan tingkat akurasi yang tinggi. Dengan menghitung beban kerja ini dapat memperkirakan kebutuhan tenaga perawat yang diperlukan dalam perencanaan sumber daya manusia. Hasil perhitungan yang didapatkan yaitu berdasarkan data pasien per-Desember 2020, jumlah pasien yang dirawat di ruang isolasi non ICU untuk pasien Covid-19 berjumlah 251 orang, sedangkan tenaga perawat yang terdiri dari perawat RSUD Cengkareng dan perawat relawan berjumlah 171 orang. Berdasarkan data tersebut, analisa beban kerja dengan metode Ilyas didapatkan nursing time perawat ruang isolasi non-ICU untuk pasien Covid-19 adalah 3,5 jam, dan perhitungan kebutuhan tenaga perawat sebesar 178 orang. Penambahan jumlah tenaga perawat di ruang isolasi rawat inap non ICU di RSUD Cengkareng masih dibutuhkan.  Keywords: Workload analysis, Nurses Need, Ilyas Method. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 218-225
Sutoyo Sutoyo ◽  
Akhmad Syari'udin ◽  
Yuni Siswanti ◽  
Retno Yulianti

Background – XYZ University in Yogyakarta is one of the new state universities which,  is currently preparing to enter the Public Service Agency in determining the number of technicians to be distributed to work units. There is no standard provision until now.  The actual condition so far is a gap in the number of technicians in several work units. Every team has an excess number of Education Personnel, but in other work units, they experience a shortage. This clear interferes with the tendons' expected performance of the tendons, thus impacting the work unit.  Research Purpose - Based on these conditions, this study analyzed the need for educational personnel based on workload analysis.   Research Methodology- The study conducted in several units with resource determination method used purposive samplings (specific criteria) at XYZ University in Yogyakarta. Methods of data collection with interviews and documentation. Sources of data in the form of primary and secondary data. The results of this study are expected to be useful for institutional leaders regarding the proportional number of education personnel needed in each work unit. Research Result /Contribution – This research shows that some excess human resources and units lack human resources. However, when viewed from the job description, it turns out that several jobs are routinely low on a daily or weekly basis. But there is a relatively high need for hours in annual activities so, that the workload is uneven. The management needs to be considered the number of when analyzing employees in each work unit. The results provide an overview to the management of XYZ University in planning employee needs in the future period.

Ahmed Chaker ◽  
Israa Omair ◽  
Weam Hazem Mohamed ◽  
Shuaib Haroon Mahomed ◽  
Mohammad Aslam Siddiqui

Abstract Purpose A prospective observational study was conducted to assess sterile compounding time and workforce requirements in a hospital pharmacy, resulting in development of staff benchmarking metrics. Methods The study was conducted in the IV room of a quaternary hospital over 2 periods totalling 7 weeks. Compounding was directly observed and timing data collected for each compounded sterile preparation (CSP). The primary objective was to assess CSP workload, compounding time requirements, and workforce requirements to enable development of a data-driven staffing benchmark. Results A total of 320 sterile product preparations were directly observed during the study. Overall, the average time to compound 1 CSP (including small- and large-volume parenteral solutions, chemotherapy CSPs, batched CSPs, and syringes) was 3.25 minutes. Chemotherapy CSPs had the longest average preparation time (17.74 minutes); batched CSPs had the shortest preparation time, at 1.90 minutes per unit. A safe workload analysis indicated that in an 8-hour shift, 1 pharmacy technician can safely prepare 253 batched CSPs; 148 preparations of SVP solutions, LVP solutions, and syringes combined; 31 parenteral nutrition solutions prepared using an automated device; or 29 chemotherapy preparations. Through extrapolation of these results, it was calculated that a hospital with a capacity of 100 beds would require 1.4 pharmacist full-time equivalents (FTEs) and 2.7 technician FTEs to meet its sterile compounding needs, with proportionate increases in those estimates for a 300-bed hospital. Conclusion Organizations wishing to use external benchmarking information need to understand data characterization, pharmacy services offered, automation, workflows, and workload before utilizing that information for workforce planning.

2021 ◽  
pp. 103915
Ayodeji Opeyemi Abioye ◽  
Stephen D. Prior ◽  
Peter Saddington ◽  
Sarvapali D. Ramchurn

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 146-152
Endang Ruchiyat Ruchiyat ◽  
Rahmat Rahmat ◽  
Dadang Agus Suryanto

This community service activity was carried out in Kelurahan, Cijagra, Lengkong District, Bandung City, 40253 with the target of PT. Askrida Insurance Bandung. Based on interviews and observations, the problems faced by partners today are the amount of premium rates that are difficult to compete with similar companies, poor work governance that requires employees to work overtime every day and the slow delivery of services to customers. This program has the following objectives: 1) improving the welfare of the community through the improvement of healthy financial institutions, especially insurance 2) improving the skills and professionalism of the community 3) increasing business efficiency for partners so that they are able to compete and serve the community better. This activity uses two approaches, namely the training and mentoring approach. The training approach includes: 1) job analysis training; 2) training on work load analysis (work load analysis); and 3) skills training for the preparation of staffing model guidelines. While the mentoring methods include: 1) assistance in conducting job analysis; 2) workload analysis assistance; 3) assistance in the preparation of staffing model guidelines. The results of this community service activity have an impact on clients to be able to organize their employees well, so as to improve business efficiency and serve the community better.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 198-208
Faisal Kuswandani ◽  
Dwintha Lestari ◽  
Felisha F. Balafif

Job responsibilities are significantly accomplished with sufficient and appropriate labor, although it differs in various fields. A major challenge in health facilities involves the ability to balance the number of staff and workloads to ensure quality, effective and efficient performance. Developing countries continue to struggle, in terms of fulfilling these objectives, mainly due to limited resources and budget. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the workload at the Pharmacy of Universitas Padjadjaran Dental and Oral Hospital (RSGM Unpad) using WHO’s workload indicators of staffing needs (WISN) technique. This study also applied a descriptive cross-sectional design and conducted the WISN methodology between May-September 2020. Subsequently, observations, discussions and interviews were used to generate relevant information from the hospital’s workforce and its 2019 records. The results showed the availability of 7 employees and an annual estimate of 97,440 minutes in work duration. As a consequence, the manpower demands for inpatient-outpatient and logistic-purchasing departments were 4 and 2 persons, respectively. The resulting WISN ratio was 1.17 (> 1), indicating an inadequate workload and staff number. Based on the WISN analysis, it is concluded that the pharmacy is overstaffed under the existing workload conditions. Therefore, employee redistribution and the development of pharmaceutical satellites towards enhancing effectiveness and efficiency are significantly recommended.

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