Utilising intelligent compaction meter values to evaluate construction quality of asphalt pavement layers

2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 980-991 ◽  
Wei Hu ◽  
Baoshan Huang ◽  
Xiang Shu ◽  
Mark Woods
2014 ◽  
Vol 599 ◽  
pp. 224-229 ◽  
Xiao Meng Ying ◽  
Deng Feng Zhang ◽  
Qin Yong Li ◽  
Lin Chun Meng

Based on influence of bridge structure caused by vibrating compaction and the properties of road roller, the combination of vibrating compaction and rubber-tyred kneading rolling can ensure the construction quality of cement concrete bridge deck asphalt mixture surfacing. It can guarantee the smoothness of asphalt mixture surfacing and avoid the shortage of compaction.

Buildings ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 577
Ziyuan Ma ◽  
Jingxiao Zhang ◽  
Simon P. Philbin ◽  
Hui Li ◽  
Jie Yang ◽  

With the rapid development of new technologies, such as big data, the Internet of Things (IoT) and intelligent sensing, the traditional asphalt pavement construction quality evaluation method has been unable to meet the needs of road digital construction. At the same time, the development of such technologies enables a new management system for asphalt pavement construction. In this study, firstly, the dynamic quality monitoring system of asphalt concrete pavement is established by adopting the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, intelligent sensing, the IoT and 5G technology. This allows key technical indicators to be collected and transmitted for the whole process of asphalt mixture, which includes the mixing plant, transport vehicle, paving and compaction. Secondly, combined with AHP and the entropy weight (EW) method, the index combination weight is calculated. The comprehensive index for the pavement digital construction quality index (PCQ) is proposed to reflect the impact of monitoring indicators on pavement quality. An expert decision-making model is formed by using the improved particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm coupled with radial basis function neural network (RBF). Finally, the digital monitoring index and pavement performance index are connected to establish a full-time and multi-dimensional digital construction quality evaluation model. This study is verified by a database created from the digital monitoring data of pavement construction collected from a highway construction project. The system proposed in this study can accurately reflect the quality of pavement digital construction and solve the lag problem existing in the feedback of construction site.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (0) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Andrius Baltrušaitis ◽  
Audrius Vaitkus

The optimum density and air-voids content of asphalt pavement layers are among the main indicators of the durability of asphalt road pavement. The asphalt pavement with insufficient density is less resistant to traffic loading and the damaging effects caused by water. Air-voids ensure the durability of asphalt pavement and the accumulation of free bitumen during a period of hot weather. At present, the main ways to control the quality of compaction and the content of air-voids is to drill core specimens and test them in the laboratory. This method is expensive, it damages the road surface, and the quality of asphalt pavement is verified only at several points. With the rapid development of new technologies, it is necessary to evaluate and to apply innovative non-destructive methods, allowing us to determine the qualitative characteristics of asphalt pavement across the entire length of the road without causing the damage to the road surface and at lower costs. This article describes the use of Ground Penetrating Radar to determine asphalt pavement density and air-voids content provides an overview of global practices and feasibility analysis on the application of Ground Penetrating Radar on the roads of Lithuanian. Santrauka Asfalto dangos sluoksnių optimalus tankis ir oro tuštymių kiekis yra vieni iš pagrindinių dangos ilgaamžiškumo rodiklių. Nepakankamo tankio danga yra mažiau atspari automobilių eismo apkrovoms ir žalingam vandens poveikiui. Oro tuštymės užtikrina dangos ilgaamžiškumą ir laisvojo bitumo akumuliavimą karštuoju metų laikotarpiu. Šiuo metu pagrindinis būdas kontroliuoti sutankinimą ir oro tuštymių kiekį yra gręžti kernus ir juos bandyti laboratorijoje. Šis metodas yra brangus, gadinama kelio danga ir asfalto dangos kokybė patikrinama tik keliuose taškuose. Sparčiai vystantis technologijoms būtina įvertinti ir taikyti inovatyvius neardančiuosius metodus, leidžiančius kokybinius asfalto dangos rodiklius nustatyti neardant dangos, išilgai viso kelio ir mažesnėmis sąnaudomis. Šiame straipsnyje pateikta georadaro (angl. Ground Penetrating Radar) taikymo asfalto dangai sutankinti ir oro tuštymių kiekiui nustatyti pasaulinės praktikos apžvalga ir panaudojimo Lietuvos automobilių keliuose galimybių analizė.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-157
Hendra Arianto ◽  
Sofyan M. Saleh ◽  
Renni Anggraini

Reuse of reclaimed asphalt pavement material (RAP) is an alternative which applicated for potential enough on the roughness of the road. RAP material can be reused by adding the asphalt and the new aggregate according of the mixture composition so that it is expected will be obtained the quality as planned. One of the efforts made in improving the quality of asphalt mixture RAP material is using a modified asphalt with additional material, such as styrofoam. The use of styrofoam into the asphalt is expected to improve the technical properties of a mixture. The purpose of this research is to know the comparative characteristics of hot mix asphalt (asphalt concrete) type AC-WC that uses RAP material with additional asphalt pen. 60/70 and asphalt pen. 60/70 substitution in the styrofoam by 8%, 10% and 12% against the weight of asphalt based on levels of asphalt left on the material. The initial stages of this study is to conduct an examination of the physical properties of RAP material, then manufacturing a specimen with variations of the addition of asphalt and aggregate new levels based on the job mix diesign (JMD) Bina Marga Aceh (2013). Based on research results, parameter values marshall on all types of asphalt mixture with new aggregate as well as RAP materials and the use of 100% asphalt pen. 60/70 additional or different types of asphalt on OAC has fulfilled the technical specifications defined by the Bina Marga (2014). Best stability values obtained on asphalt mixture using RAP material with additional asphalt pen. 60/70 with 12% styrofoam substitution on OAC JMD Bina Marga Aceh, that amounted to 3,308.72 kg, the lowest value stability retrieved on asphalt mixture using a new aggregate based on the results of Department of Bina Marga Aceh on OAC i.e. of 983.94 kg.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 16-19
Yingying Shao

With the rapid development of science and technology, the application scope of computer technology and related software is expanding, while improving the work efficiency of various industries, the quality of people’s work has also been greatly improved. In particular, as an important part of China’s economic development, the construction industry has gradually applied some new technical means, and achieved remarkable application results. CAD technology drawing can not only improve the standardization of scheme design, but also effectively shorten the time, which is of great significance to the improvement of construction quality. This paper focuses on the application of computer technology (CAD) in the construction of building decoration, and hopes to provide reference and suggestions for relevant personnel.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-62
Ika Sulianti ◽  
Ibrahim Ibrahim ◽  
Agus Subrianto ◽  
Adelia Monita ◽  
Medici Medici

Styrofoam waste presents the environment issue because it is difficult to decompose. As an effort to recycle this pollutant, styrofoam can be utilized as an additive in asphalt concrete mixture. The use of additives aims to create a flexible pavement layer having good performance and meet the requirements. The purpose of this study is to find out whether the addition of styrofoam can improve the quality of asphalt mixtures, and look for alternative additives that can increase asphalt pavement performance. In this study, researchers used food container styrofoam as an addition and incorforated into Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course (AC-WC) mixture. The styrofoam content was 6.5%; 6.75%; 7% ; 7.25%; and 7.5% of asphalt weight. The optimum asphalt contentused is 5.5%. The value of the optimum stability was 3126,002 kg, found at 7.25% of styrofoam content. The best results of Marshall test was obtained at 6.5% of styrofoam content  with stability value  1362,045 kg, VIM value 4,96%, VMA 15,025%, VFA 67,800%, flow 3,44 mm, and MQ 416,338 kg / mm.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Guoliang Yu ◽  
Fan Fan Yang ◽  
Li Li Li ◽  
Zhenfeng Zhenfeng Li ◽  
Zhenlong Shi

As an important construction link in the construction project, the quality of the water supply and drainage directly affects the overall quality of the construction project. Because of the strong function of the water supply and drainage project, the construction quality is easily affected by the construction method. For this reason, construction enterprises should attach importance to the mastery of water supply and drainage construction methods. And further understand the relevant precautions of construction water supply and drainage construction, in order to achieve the purpose of improving the quality of water supply and drainage construction. 

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