scholarly journals Effective potential of scalar-tensor gravity with quartic self-interaction of scalar field

Boris N Latosh ◽  
Andrej B Arbuzov ◽  
Andrej Nikitenko

Abstract One-loop effective potential of scalar-tensor gravity with a quartic scalar field self-interaction is evaluated up to first post-Minkowskian order. The potential develops an instability in the strong field regime which is expected from an effective theory. Depending on model parameters the instability region can be exponentially far in a strong field region. Possible applications of the model for inflationary scenarios are highlighted. It is shown that the model can enter the slow-roll regime with a certain set of parameters.

Symmetry ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 1958
Sabit Bekov ◽  
Kairat Myrzakulov ◽  
Ratbay Myrzakulov ◽  
Diego Sáez-Chillón Gómez

Slow-roll inflation is analyzed in the context of modified gravity within the Palatini formalism. As shown in the literature, inflation in this framework requires the presence of non-traceless matter; otherwise, it does not occur just as a consequence of the nonlinear gravitational terms of the action. Nevertheless, by including a single scalar field that plays the role of the inflaton, slow-roll inflation can be performed in these theories, where the equations lead to an effective potential that modifies the dynamics. We obtain the general slow-roll parameters and analyze a simple model to illustrate the differences introduced by the gravitational terms under the Palatini approach, and the modifications on the spectral index and the tensor to scalar ratio predicted by the model.

2018 ◽  
Vol 168 ◽  
pp. 08004
Tae Hoon Lee

Considering a theory of Brans-Dicke gravity with general couplings of a heavy field, we derive the low-energy effective theory action in the universe of temperature much lower than the heavy field mass. Gravitational equations and the Brans-Dicke scalar field equation including an effective potential of the scalar field are obtained, which is induced through virtual interactions of the heavy field in the late-time universe. We find a deSitter cosmological solution stemming from the inverse power law effective potential of the scalar field and discuss the possibility that the late time acceleration of our universe can be described by means of the solution.

L. N. Granda ◽  
D. F. Jimenez

Abstract A study of the slow-roll inflation for an exponential potential in the frame of the scalar-tensor theory is performed, where non-minimal kinetic coupling to curvature and non-minimal coupling of the scalar field to the Gauss-Bonnet invariant are considered. Different models were considered with couplings given by exponential functions of the scalar field, that lead to graceful exit from inflation and give values of the scalar spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar ratio in the region bounded by the current observational data. Special cases were found, where the coupling functions are inverse of the potential, that lead to inflation with constant slow-roll parameters, and it was possible to reconstruct the model parameters for given ns and r. In first-order approximation the standard consistency relation maintains its validity in the model with non-minimal coupling, but it modifies in presence of Gauss–Bonnet coupling. The obtained Hubble parameter during inflation, $$H\sim 10^{-5} M_p$$H∼10-5Mp and the energy scale of inflation $$V^{1/4}\sim 10^{-3} M_p$$V1/4∼10-3Mp, are consistent with the upper bounds set by latest observations.

Universe ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 218
Nick E. Mavromatos ◽  
Joan Solà Peracaula ◽  
Spyros Basilakos

We elaborate further on the compatibility of the “vacuumon potential” that characterises the inflationary phase of the running vacuum model (RVM) with the swampland criteria. The work is motivated by the fact that, as demonstrated recently by the authors, the RVM framework can be derived as an effective gravitational field theory stemming from underlying microscopic (critical) string theory models with gravitational anomalies, involving condensation of primordial gravitational waves. Although believed to be a classical scalar field description, not representing a fully fledged quantum field, we show here that the vacuumon potential satisfies certain swampland criteria for the relevant regime of parameters and field range. We link the criteria to the Gibbons–Hawking entropy that has been argued to characterise the RVM during the de Sitter phase. These results imply that the vacuumon may, after all, admit under certain conditions, a rôle as a quantum field during the inflationary (almost de Sitter) phase of the running vacuum. The conventional slow-roll interpretation of this field, however, fails just because it satisfies the swampland criteria. The RVM effective theory derived from the low-energy effective action of string theory does, however, successfully describe inflation thanks to the ∼H4 terms induced by the gravitational anomalous condensates. In addition, the stringy version of the RVM involves the Kalb–Ramond (KR) axion field, which, in contrast to the vacuumon, does perfectly satisfy the slow-roll condition. We conclude that the vacuumon description is not fully equivalent to the stringy formulation of the RVM. Our study provides a particularly interesting example of a successful phenomenological theory beyond the ΛCDM, such as the RVM, in which the fulfilment of the swampland criteria by the associated scalar field potential, along with its compatibility with (an appropriate form of) the weak gravity conjecture, prove to be insufficient conditions for warranting consistency of the scalar vacuum field representation as a faithful ultraviolet complete representation of the RVM at the quantum gravity level.

2010 ◽  
Vol 25 (31) ◽  
pp. 2697-2713

We construct an inflation model on the Randall–Sundrum I (RSI) brane where a bulk scalar field stabilizes the inter-brane separation. We study impact of the bulk scalar field on the inflationary dynamics on the brane. We proceed in two different approaches: in the first approach, the stabilizing field potential is directly appeared in the Friedmann equation and the resulting scenario is effectively a two-field inflation. In the second approach, the stabilization mechanism is considered in the context of a warp factor so that there is just one field present that plays the roles of both inflaton and stabilizer. We study constraints imposed on the model parameters from recent observations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
Jens O. Andersen ◽  
Magdalena Eriksson ◽  
Anders Tranberg

Abstract Inflation is often described through the dynamics of a scalar field, slow-rolling in a suitable potential. Ultimately, this inflaton must be identified with the expectation value of a quantum field, evolving in a quantum effective potential. The shape of this potential is determined by the underlying tree-level potential, dressed by quantum corrections from the scalar field itself and the metric perturbations. Following [1], we compute the effective scalar field equations and the corrected Friedmann equations to quadratic order in both scalar field, scalar metric and tensor perturbations. We identify the quantum corrections from different sources at leading order in slow-roll, and estimate their magnitude in benchmark models of inflation. We comment on the implications of non-minimal coupling to gravity in this context.

2017 ◽  
Vol 32 (21) ◽  
pp. 1750114 ◽  
Kazuharu Bamba ◽  
Sergei D. Odintsov ◽  
Emmanuel N. Saridakis

We investigate the inflationary realization in the context of unimodular F(T) gravity, which is based on the F(T) modification of teleparallel gravity, in which one imposes the unimodular condition through the use of Lagrange multipliers. We develop the general reconstruction procedure of the F(T) form that can give rise to a given scale-factor evolution, and then we apply it in the inflationary regime. We extract the Hubble slow-roll parameters that allow us to calculate various inflation-related observables, such as the scalar spectral index and its running, the tensor-to-scalar ratio, and the tensor spectral index. Then, we examine the particular cases of de Sitter and power-law inflation, of Starobinsky inflation, as well as inflation in a specific model of unimodular F(T) gravity. As we show, in all cases the predictions of our scenarios are in a very good agreement with Planck observational data. Finally, inflation in unimodular F(T) gravity has the additional advantage that it always allows for a graceful exit for specific regions of the model parameters.

2007 ◽  
Vol 22 (06) ◽  
pp. 1265-1278

We established a resummed formula for the effective potential of [Formula: see text] scalar field theory that can mimic the true effective potential not only at the critical region but also at any point in the coupling space. We first extend the effective potential from the oscillator representation method, perturbatively, up to g3 order. We supplement perturbations by the use of a resummation algorithm, originally due to Kleinert, Thoms and Janke, which has the privilege of using the strong coupling as well as the large coupling behaviors rather than the conventional resummation techniques which use only the large order behavior. Accordingly, although the perturbation series available is up to g3 order, we found a good agreement between our resummed effective potential and the well-known features from constructive field theory. The resummed effective potential agrees well with the constructive field theory results concerning existing and order of phase transition in the absence of an external magnetic field. In the presence of the external magnetic field, as in magnetic systems, the effective potential shows nonexistence of phase transition and gives the behavior of the vacuum condensate as a monotonic increasing function of J, in complete agreement with constructive field theory methods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2090 (1) ◽  
pp. 012054
O V Razina ◽  
P Yu Tsyba ◽  
N T Suikimbayeva

Abstract In this work, it is shown that the equations of motion of the scalar field for spatially flat, homogeneous, and isotropic space-time Friedmann-Robertson-Walker have a form-invariance symmetry, which is arising from the form invariance transformation. Form invariance transformation is defined by linear function ρ = n 2 ρ in general case. It is shown the method of getting potential and the scalar field for the power law scale factor. The initial model is always stable at exponent of the scale factor α > 1, but stability of the transformation model depends on index n. Slow roll parameters and spectral induces is obtained and at large α they agree with Planck observation data.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (12) ◽  
pp. 1850209
Joseph Ntahompagaze ◽  
Jean Damascène Mbarubucyeye ◽  
Shambel Sahlu ◽  
Amare Abebe

In this paper, we explore the equivalence between two theories, namely [Formula: see text] and scalar–tensor theories of gravity. We use this equivalence to explore several [Formula: see text] toy models focusing on the inflation epoch of the early universe. The study is done based on the definition of the scalar field in terms of the first derivative of [Formula: see text] model. We have applied the slow-roll approximations during inflationary parameters consideration. The comparison of the numerically computed inflationary parameters with the observations is done. We have inspected that some of the [Formula: see text] models produce numerical values of [Formula: see text] that are in the same range as the suggested values from observations. But for the case of the tensor-to-scalar ratio [Formula: see text], we realized that some of the considered [Formula: see text] models suffer to produce a value which is in agreement with the observed values for different considered space parameter.

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