scholarly journals The Hybrid-Agile Design of Experiments Methodology

2021 ◽  
Vol 2069 (1) ◽  
pp. 012039
K Gradeci ◽  
M Sletnes

Abstract A DOE (Design of Experiments) is the laying out of a detailed experimental plan in advance of doing the experiment. Optimal DOEs maximize the amount of information that can be obtained for a given amount of experimental effort. The traditional DOE methodology is waterfall-type methodology implying a sequential and linear life-cycle process. The success of the experiment and usefulness of the results are highly dependent on the initial experimental setup and assumptions, and does not allow to go back and change something that was not well-documented or thought upon in the design stage. The fast-changing software development industry have made it understandable that the traditional waterfall methodology for developing systems, which follows similar patters to the traditional DOE, lacks the agility required for developing robust systems. These limitations have triggered the development of agile: a type of incremental model of software development based on principles that focuses more on flexible responses to change, instead of in-depth planning at the design stage. This paper proposes the hybrid-agile DOE methodology – a methodology that incorporates agile principles in traditional waterfall DOE methodologies – to design effective experimental layouts that allow for improvement during the experimental trial process. The methodology is applied to the natural ageing of adhesives tapes for building applications. This methodology can overcome traditional DOE, by adding agility in the whole process, especially in cases where the investigated products lack prior information and are characterised by large variability.

Ioannis N. Kouris

Software development has various stages, that can be conceptually grouped into two phases namely development and production (Figure 1). The development phase includes requirements engineering, architecting, design, implementation and testing. The production phase on the other hand includes the actual deployment of the end product and its maintenance. Software maintenance is the last and most difficult stage in the software lifecycle (Sommerville, 2001), as well as the most costly one. According to Zelkowitz, Shaw and Gannon (1979) the production phase accounts for 67% of the costs of the whole process, whereas according to Van Vliet (2000) the actual cost of software maintenance has been estimated at more than half of the total software development cost. The development phase is critical in order to facilitate efficient and simple software maintenance. The earlier stages should be done by taking into consideration apart from any functional requirements also the later maintenance task. For example the design stage should plan the structure in a way that can be easily altered. Similarly, the implementation stage should create code that can be easily read, understood, and changed, and should also keep the code length to a minimum. According to Van Vliet (2000) the final source code length generated is the determinant factor for the total cost during maintenance, since obviously the less code is written the easier the maintenance becomes. According to Erdil et al. (2003) there are four major problems that can slow down the whole maintenance process: unstructured code, maintenance programmers having insufficient knowledge of the system, documentation being absent, out of date, or at best insufficient, and software maintenance having a bad image. Thus the success of the maintenance phase relies on these problems being fixed earlier in the life cycle. In real life however when programmers decide to perform some maintenance task on a program such as to fix bugs, to make modifications, to create software updates etc. these are usually done in a state of time and commercial pressures and with the logic of cost reduction, thus finally resulting in a problematic system with ever increased complexity. As a consequence the maintainers spend from 50% up to almost 90% of their time trying to comprehend the program (Erdös and Sneed; 1998, Von Mayrhauser and Vans; 1994, Pigoski, 1996). Providing maintainers with tools and techniques to comprehend the programs has become and is receiving a lot of financial and research interest given the widespread of computers and software in all aspects of life. In this work we briefly present some of the most important techniques proposed in the field thus far and focus primarily on the use of data mining techniques in general and especially on association rules. Accordingly we give some possible solutions to problems faced by these methods.

Yang Lifei ◽  
Jiang Hong

The national nuclear safety regulation commands that the safety, reliability and economy of the NPP must be considered in design and operation stage. In order to reach the goal, the paper firstly introduces how to use the RCM technique to make preventive maintenance programs to ensure the safety and reliability of the NPP which is in service or under construction, and then elaborates how to take the RCM technique into design in the early phase, to promote the safety and reliability of the NPP. It has been considered that RCM technique shows a positive role in the whole process, not only improving the maintenance manage level, but also the safety and reliability at the design stage.

2010 ◽  
Vol 171-172 ◽  
pp. 462-467
Zheng Fang ◽  
Feng Wu ◽  
Yong Guang Zhang ◽  
Qiang Guo ◽  
Duan Luo

AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System Architecture) defines a set of supporting distributed, function-driven software development methods and automotive electronic control units on the software architecture standardization program. KWP2000 (Keyword Protocol 2000) is a widely used automotive vehicle diagnostic protocol, the protocol to achieve a complete vehicle diagnostic services, and meet the OBDII (On Board Diagnose II) standard. This article describes the whole process which the KWP2000 communication software components based on K-line is designed in the MATLAB platform according to the AUTOSAR standard. The simulation tests and real tests showed good diagnostic performance of communication software. The software development methodology according to AUTOSAR not only improves the reusability and portability, but also reduces the software development lifecycle.

K J Kim ◽  
S T Won ◽  
Y H Lee ◽  
D S Bae ◽  
C W Sung ◽  

The automotive industry has shown a growing interest in tube hydroforming during recent years. The advantages of hydroforming (less thinning, a more efficient manufacturing process, etc.) can, for instance, be combined with the high strength of extra-high-strength steels, which are usually less formable, to produce structural automotive components which exhibit lower weight and improved service performance. Design and production of tubular components require knowledge about tube material and forming behaviour during hydroforming and how the hydroforming operation itself should be controlled. These issues are studied analytically in the present paper. In this study, the whole process of rear subframe parts development by tube hydroforming using steel material having a tensile strength of 440MPa is presented. At the part design stage, it requires a feasibility study and process design assisted by computer aided engineering to confirm hydroformability in detail. The effects of parameters such as internal pressure, axial feeding, and geometry shape in the automotive rear subframe by the hydroforming process were carefully investigated. The overall possibility of hydroformable rear subframe parts could be examined by cross-sectional analyses. Moreover, it is essential to ensure the formability of tube material on every forming step such as pre-bending and hydroforming. In addition, all the components of a prototyping tool are designed and interference with a press is examined from the point of geometry and thinning.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
I Made Putrama

ABSTRAK Sistem Tracer Study yang dibuat untuk alumni PTI Undiksha adalah sebuah sistem berbasis web yang merupakan pengembangan sistem layanan yang dikhususkan untuk menggali informasi mengenai data lulusan baik yang baru menyelesaikan studi maupun yang telah bekerja setelah lulus dari Jurusan PTI Undiksha. Sistem Tracer Study penggalian data alumni ini dibuat sebagai pelengkap sistem informasi yang telah ada di PTI seperti halnya WANAPATI yang juga memuat ringkasan tentang profil Alumni. Website WANAPATI dibuat lebih dikhususkan sebagai penyedia layanan statistical mengenai lulusan sedangkan sistem Tracer Study ini dibutuhkan untuk kepentingan pembaharuan data alumni yang sewaktu-waktu dapat diakses oleh para alumni dari manapun mereka berada. Secara ringkas penelitian ini dilakukan untuk merancang pengembangan sistem Tracer Study yang dimaksud dengan menggunakan metode pengembangan (Research and Development) yang tahap perancangan sistemnya menggunakan metodologi Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) dengan model Incremental. Dua metode verifikasi sistem standar yaituwhite-box dan black-box testing diterapkan sebagai bagian dari methodologi tersebut dilakukan dalam penelitian ini untuk memverifikasi keabsahan sistem sebelum dan sesudah pengembangan. Luaran dari penelitian ini berupa pembaharuan website PTI Undiksha dengan tambahan fitur Tracer Study yang telah diuji dan berfungsi dengan baik saat ini. Kata-kata kunci—Tracer Study, Website Alumni, Statistik Alumni, Biodata Alumni, Alumni PTI Undiksha ABSTRACT The Tracer Study is a part of an Information System evolution which was enhanced on top of the existing website of the Informatics Engineering Education of Faculty of Engineering in Ganesha University of Education (PTI Undiksha) for a purpose to facilitate the gathering of information related to alumni be it for the fresh graduates as well as the ones who have been working long time after their graduation. The tracer study feature was added along some improvement to the existing features and as a compliment to the other existing alumni website which is more focusing on the statistical summary of student information such as WANAPATI Undiksha. Unlike WANAPATI, this Tracer Study system was built to accommodate the student information profile update such that it will be accessible by the alumni anytime anywhere. The system was developed with the Research and Development (R&D) approach specifically following the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology with Incremental model. Two standard system testing, whitebox and blackbox testing verification was conducted to validate the state of the system before and after the enhancement. The output of this research is the new improved system for the PTI Undiksha which is now up and running successfully. Keywords—Tracer Study, Alumni Website, Alumni Statistical, Alumni Biodata, Alumni PTI Undiksha

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Made Agung Raharja ◽  
I Wayan Supriana ◽  
Gerson Feoh

<p>ABSTRACT</p><p>The arrival of tourists to Bali is unstable every year to be obstacles of the perpetrators of special tourism in Bali in taking an action. To make a careful planning, the related parties need a quick overview of the pattern of the development of foreign tourist arrivals to Bali. The researchers applied many artificial neural network (JST) methods with various training algorithms to get good forecasting results. The research method used in SDLC software development method but in this study is limited to the design stage of the system. Indicator of growth rate of foreign tourist visit (foreign tourists) using variable among others Investment, Net Export, Inflation and Exchange Rate. Based on the Analysis and Design of Information System of Forecasting Number of Foreign Tourist Arrivals To Bali Using ANN successfully analyzed and designed using SDLC software development method. The results of this study are, Knowing what the user needs in Analysis, Design Information Systems Forecasting the Number of Foreign Tourist Arrivals To Bali Using ANN Method. The thing that was done was, the training used 30 data training data which produced a coefficient of 0.98399 and an MSE value of 0.0009994. ANN architecture in the training process then to calculate time. The coefficient obtained in the credit process is 0.76623. While the resulting MSE value is 260.66.<br />Keywords: Neural Network (JST), Backpropagation ,Bali tourist</p><p>ABSTRAK<br />Kedatangan wisatawan ke Bali yang tidak stabil tiap tahunnya menjadi kendala para pelaku wisata khsusunya di Bali dalam mengambil suatu tindakan. Untuk membuat suatu perencanaan yang cermat, pihak yang terkait memerlukan gambaran sekilas tentang pola perkembangan kedatangan wisatawan mancanegara ke Bali. Para peneliti banyak menerapkan metode jaringan syaraf tiruan (JST) dengan berbagai algoritma pelatihan untuk mendapatkan hasil peramalan yang baik. Metode penelitian yang di gunakan mengunakan metode pengembangan perangkat lunak SDLC akan tetapi pada penelitian ini dibatasi sampai tahap rancangan sistem. Indikator laju pertumbuhan kunjungan wisatawan asing mancanegara (wisman) mengunakan variable anatara lain Investasi, Ekspor neto, Inflasi dan Kurs Rupiah. Berdasarkan hasil Analisis Dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Peramalan Jumlah Kedatangan Wisatawan Asing Ke Bali Menggunakan JST berhasil di analisis dan dirancang mengunakan metode pengembangan perangkat lunak SDLC. Hasi dari penelitian ini adalah, Proses pelatihan menggunakan data pelatihan sebanyak 30 data yang menghasilkan koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,98399 dan nilai MSE sebesar 0.0009994. Arsitektur JST pada proses pelatihan kemudian digunakan untuk menghitung peramalan kedatangan wisatawan asing pada proses pengujian. Koefisien korelasi yang diperoleh pada proses pengujian adalah sebesar 0,76623. Sedangkan nilai MSE yang dihasilkan adalah sebesar 260,66.<br />Kata kunci: Jaringan Syaraf Tirun (JST), Backpropagation, wisatawan Bali</p>

Priyanka Chandani ◽  
Chetna Gupta

Requirement defects are one of the major sources of failure in any software development process as they prevent smooth operation and is taxing both in terms of tracking and validation. The objective of this article is to make requirement analysis phase exhaustive by estimating risk at requirement level using requirement defect information and execution flow dependency as early as possible to inhibit them from being incorporated in design and implementation. The proposed approach works as a two-fold process which computes risk involved with each requirement twice. The whole process is divided into a three-layered framework to finalize requirements with clear vision and scope of a project. The entire process has been supported by a software case study. The results of the proposed work are promising and will help software engineers in ensuring that all business requirements are captured correctly with clear vision and scope. It will also help in decreasing the chances of failure, risk, and conflicts between stakeholder and developer and other challenges involved to develop the project.

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