Neural Correlates of Voice Perception in Newborns and the Influence of Preterm Birth

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (11) ◽  
pp. 5717-5730 ◽  
Alexandra Adam-Darque ◽  
Marie P Pittet ◽  
Frédéric Grouiller ◽  
Tonia A Rihs ◽  
Russia Ha-Vinh Leuchter ◽  

Abstract Maternal voice is a highly relevant stimulus for newborns. Adult voice processing occurs in specific brain regions. Voice-specific brain areas in newborns and the relevance of an early vocal exposure on these networks have not been defined. This study investigates voice perception in newborns and the impact of prematurity on the cerebral processes. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and high-density electroencephalography (EEG) were used to explore the brain responses to maternal and stranger female voices in full-term newborns and preterm infants at term-equivalent age (TEA). fMRI results and the EEG oddball paradigm showed enhanced processing for voices in preterms at TEA than in full-term infants. Preterm infants showed additional cortical regions involved in voice processing in fMRI and a late mismatch response for maternal voice, considered as a first trace of a recognition process based on memory representation. Full-term newborns showed increased cerebral activity to the stranger voice. Results from fMRI, oddball, and standard auditory EEG paradigms highlighted important change detection responses to novelty after birth. These findings suggest that the main components of the adult voice-processing networks emerge early in development. Moreover, an early postnatal exposure to voices in premature infants might enhance their capacity to process voices.

2014 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 413-420 ◽  
Giselle Athayde Xavier Coutinho ◽  
Daniela de Mattos Lemos ◽  
Antônio Prates Caldeira

Introduction The population of children born prematurely has increased in line with improving the quality of perinatal care. It is essential to ensure to these children a healthy development. Objective We evaluate the neuromotor development of a group of preterm infants regularly assisted by a physiotherapy service in comparison to full-term newborns, checking, so the impact of the service. Materials and methods We randomly assigned preterm and full-term infants that formed two distinct groups. The group of preterm infants was inserted into a monitoring program of physiotherapy while the other infants were taken as a control group not receiving any assistance in physiotherapy. The groups were compared using the Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS) at forty-week, four and six months of corrected gestational age and the scores were compared using Student's t-test, assuming a significance level of 5% (p < 0.05). Results The preterm group had significantly lower scores at 40th week compared to the control group, but subsequent scores showed no significant differences between the two groups. Conclusion The timely and adequate stimulation was efficient to promote the motor development of premature infants included in a follow up clinic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 565
Yogesh P. Mehta ◽  
Manjusha Bhicurao Naik ◽  
Kinnera Putrevu

Background: Late preterm babies, born between 34 completed weeks of gestation through 36 weeks 6/7 gestation, tend to be physiologically less mature than term infants, subjecting them to an increased risk of developing various morbidities. Limited information is available regarding the current scenario in India. Therefore, the objective of this study was to understand and compare the early morbidities in late preterm newborns with those in full term babies in a tertiary hospital in India.Methods: The current prospective, observational study consisted of total 150 babies divided into two groups equally; late preterm neonates born between 34 and 36 weeks of gestation and full-term neonates. Weight (at birth, at 72 hours), heart rate, temperature and respiratory parameters were noted of all babies. The newborns were examined for respiratory morbidities, ability to breastfeed, hypoglycemia, hypothermia, neonatal jaundice and signs of sepsis. The need for resuscitation, admission to neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and parenteral nutrition was also assessed. Data was expressed as mean±SD and was analyzed using the Student ‘t’ and Mann Whitney U tests.Results: The mean length and weight at birth in late preterm babies was significantly lesser than term newborns. Late preterm babies were found to have significantly higher incidence of complications like hyperbilirubinemia (62.7% vs 13.3%), respiratory morbidities (16% vs 4%), poor feeding, hypothermia, hypoglycemia, and sepsis compared to term newborns (p<0.01).Conclusions: Late preterm infants are at a higher risk than term infants for a number of neonatal complications. Initiatives imparting special care to late preterm infants are required in order to lower the morbidities endured by this population.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  

Preterm and low birth weight children are at risk for developmental deficits, many preterm children even who do not develop cerebral palsy not having reached normal motor development level regarding their chronological age. Normal motor development starts at conception and continue throughout life according to a typical sequence, pattern and timing. Evaluation and early detection of developmental deviation in preterm infants will improve the concept of early intervention and result in better quality of life to the preterm infants and their families. A longitudinal, quantitative, comparative studyone hundred infants: Preterm and full-term infants were evaluated by Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS) through the first 6 months of life. There was significant difference in mean values AIMS of preterm and full term newborns. Further studies are needed to assess motor development in preterm using corrected age.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-45
M. Gonchar ◽  
A. Boichenko

CATAMNESTIC OBSERVATION OF CARDIOVASCULAR STATUS IN PRETERM INFANTSM.O. Gonchar, A.D. BoichenkoTo identify peculiarities of the diastolic function development of the heart ventricles in preterm infants following clinical and instrumental examination in the neonatal period and in the process of catamnestic observation the study involved examination of 244 preterm infants at gestation age from 260-7 to 376-7 weeks. Control group comprised 100 healthy full-term infants. The study showed that peculiarities of the development of diastolic function of the heart ventricles in prematurely born children included diastolic dysfunction by the type of delayed relaxation, which is typical for the fetus, until the child reaches the postconceptual age of 39-41 weeks. Normalization of the diastolic function of the heart ventricles occured in 46/61 (75.41 ± 5.51%, p = 0.1·10-6) prematurely born children to 5-6 months of actual age, in 15/61 (24.59 ± 5.51%) children to 6-8 months of actual age. Spontaneous closure of open oval window up to the age of 1 year occurred in 22/32 (68.75 ± 8.19%, p = 0.009) full-term newborns and in 21/61 (34.43 ± 6.08%) preterm infants. Hemodynamically significant patent arterial duct in 58.82 ± 11.94% of children spontaneously closes during the first three months of life. The incidence of myocardial dysfunction in newborns from mothers with extragenital pathology increased to 89.39 ± 3.79% versus 76.67 ± 5.46%, p = 0.046 children born from healthy women. The presence of extragenital pathology in mothers, including cardiovascular disorders, is a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases in preterm children.Key words: preterm infants, myocardial dysfunction, catamnesis.  КАТАМНЕСТИЧНЕ СПОСТЕРЕЖЕННЯ СТАНУ СЕРЦЕВО-СУДИННОЇ СИСТЕМИ У ПЕРЕДЧАСНО НАРОДЖЕНИХ ДІТЕЙГончарь М.О., Бойченко А.Д.З метою визначення особливостей становлення діастолічної функції шлуночків серця у передчасно народжених дітей на підставі клініко-інструментального дослідження в неонатальний період та в процесі катамнестичного спостереження обстежено 244 передчасно народжені дитини зі строком гестації від 26 до 37 тижнів. Контрольна група – 100 здорових доношених новонароджених. За результатами дослідження встановлено, що до особливостей становлення діастолічної функції шлуночків серця у передчасно народжених дітей відноситься реєстрація діастолічної дисфункції за типом уповільненої релаксації, що є характерним для плода, до досягнення дитиною постконцептуального віку 39-41 тиждень. Нормалізація діастолічної функції шлуночків серця відбувається у 46/61 (75,41±5,51%, р=0,1·10-6) передчасно народжених дітей к 5-6 місяцю фактичного віку, у 15/61 (24,59±5,51%) дітей – к 6-8 місяцям фактичного віку. Спонтанне закриття відкритого овального вікна до віку 1 року відбувається у 22/32 (68,75±8,19%, р=0,009) доношених новонароджених та у 21/61 (34,43±6,08%) передчасно народжених дітей. У 58,82±11,94% дітей з гемодинамічно значущою ВАП відбувається її спонтанне закриття на протязі перших трьох місяців життя. Частота зустрічальності міокардіальної дисфункції у новонароджених від матерів з екстрагенітальною патологією зростає до 89,39±3,79% проти 76,67±5,46%, р=0,046 дітей народжених від здорових жінок. Наявність у матерів екстрагенітальної патології, в тому числі патології серцево-судинної системи, є факторами ризику розвитку серцево-судинних розладів у передчасно народжених дітей.Ключові слова: передчасно народжені діти, міокардіальна дисфункція, катамнез. КАТАМНЕСТИЧЕСКОЕ НАБЛЮДЕНИЕ СОСТОЯНИЯ СЕРДЕЧНО-СОСУДИСТОЙ СИСТЕМЫ У НЕДОНОШЕННЫХ ДЕТЕЙГончарь М.А., Бойченко А.Д.С целью определения особенностей становления диастолической функции желудочков сердца у недоношенных детей на основании клинико-инструментального исследования в неонатальный период и в процессе катамнестического наблюдения обследовано 244 преждевременно рожденных ребенка со сроком гестации от 26 до 37 недель. Контрольная группа - 100 здоровых доношенных новорожденных. Установлено, что к особенностям становления диастолической функции желудочков сердца у недоношенных детей относится регистрация диастолической дисфункции по типу замедленной релаксации, что характерно для плода, по достижении ребенком постконцептуального возраста 39-41 недель. Нормализация диастолической функции желудочков сердца отмечается у 46/61 (75,41±5,51%, р=0,1·10-6) недоношенных детей к 5-6 месяцу фактического возраста, у 15/61 (24,59±5,51%) детей – к 6-8 месяцам фактического возраста. Спонтанное закрытие овального окна в возрасте 1 года зарегистрировано у 22/32 (68,75±8,19%, р=0,009) доношенных новорожденных и у 21/61 (34,43±6,08%) недоношенных детей. Спонтанное закрытие гемодинамически значимого ОАП у 58,82±11,94% детей происходит в течение первых трех месяцев жизни. Частота встречаемости миокардиальной дисфункции у новорожденных от матерей с экстрагенитальной патологией возрастает до 89,39±3,79% против 76,67±5,46%, р=0,046 детей рожденных от здоровых женщин. Наличие у матерей экстрагенитальной патологии, в том числе патологии сердечно-сосудистой системы, является факторами риска развития сердечно-сосудистых расстройств у недоношенных детей.Ключевые слова: недоношенные новорожденные, миокардиальная дисфункция, катамнез.

Nutrients ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 2412
Sonia González ◽  
Marta Selma-Royo ◽  
Silvia Arboleya ◽  
Cecilia Martínez-Costa ◽  
Gonzalo Solís ◽  

The early life gut microbiota has been reported to be involved in neonatal weight gain and later infant growth. Therefore, this early microbiota may constitute a target for the promotion of healthy neonatal growth and development with potential consequences for later life. Unfortunately, we are still far from understanding the association between neonatal microbiota and weight gain and growth. In this context, we evaluated the relationship between early microbiota and weight in a cohort of full-term infants. The absolute levels of specific fecal microorganisms were determined in 88 vaginally delivered and 36 C-section-delivered full-term newborns at 1 month of age and their growth up to 12 months of age. We observed statistically significant associations between the levels of some early life gut microbes and infant weight gain during the first year of life. Classifying the infants into tertiles according to their Staphylococcus levels at 1 month of age allowed us to observe a significantly lower weight at 12 months of life in the C-section-delivered infants from the highest tertile. Univariate and multivariate models pointed out associations between the levels of some fecal microorganisms at 1 month of age and weight gain at 6 and 12 months. Interestingly, these associations were different in vaginally and C-section-delivered babies. A significant direct association between Staphylococcus and weight gain at 1 month of life was observed in vaginally delivered babies, whereas in C-section-delivered infants, lower Bacteroides levels at 1 month were associated with higher later weight gain (at 6 and 12 months). Our results indicate an association between the gut microbiota and weight gain in early life and highlight potential microbial predictors for later weight gain.

Ruediger Kissgen ◽  
Sebastian Franke ◽  
Nino Jorjadze ◽  
Bernhard Roth ◽  
Angela Kribs

This study examines the infant–father attachment in infants born preterm (<  1500 g at birth and/or <  37 weeks gestation) in comparison to full-term infants. The infant–father attachment was assessed using the Strange Situation Procedure at a (corrected) age of 15 months. We found at least half of preterm and full-term infants (50.0% and 56.5 % respectively) securely attached to their fathers, and no significant overall difference was observed concerning the distribution of attachment quality comparing the two groups. In light of the fact that preterm infants tend to have numerous neurodevelopmental problems, it is encouraging that significant differences were not found in the distribution of the attachment quality among the groups. Therefore, from the perspective of attachment research, it would be highly beneficial to include fathers in the care of their preterm infants.

1995 ◽  
Vol 96 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-68
J. Groswasser ◽  
M. Sottiaux ◽  
E. Rebuffat ◽  
T. Simon ◽  
M. Vandeweyer ◽  

Objective. To investigate the effect of body rocking on infant respiratory behavior during sleep. Methods. Eighteen infants with documented obstructive sleep apneas were studied. There were eight premature infants with persistent bradycardias and 10 infants born full-term, admitted after an idiopathic apparent life-threatening event. No cause for the obstructive apneas was found. The infants were recorded with polygraphic techniques during two successive nights. They were randomly assigned to a rocking or a nonrocking mattress. The conditions were reversed the following night, in a crossover design. Results. In both groups of infants, no significant difference was seen between the two consecutive nights for most of the variables studied: total sleep time, the proportion of non-rapid-eye-movement and rapid-eye-movement sleep, the number of arousals, the number and maximal duration of central apneas, the frequency of periodic breathing, the level of oxygen saturation, and heart rate. During the nonrocking nights, all infants had repeated obstructive breathing events. In seven of the eight preterm infants and in nine of the 10 full-term subjects, body rocking was associated with a significant decrease in the frequency of obstructive events. During rocking, in the preterm infants the obstructions fell from a median of 2.5 to 1.8 episodes per hour (P = .034). In the full-term infants, rocking reduced the obstructive events from a median of 1.5 obstructions per hour to 0.7 (P = .005). No difference was seen for the duration of the obstructive episodes. Conclusion. In preterm and full-term infants prone to obstructive sleep apneas, gentle side-to-side body rocking is associated with a significant decrease in the frequency of upper-airway obstructions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 148-155
Areti Aphrodite Sioriki ◽  
Despoina Gkentzi ◽  
Evangelia Papadimitriou ◽  
Gabriel Dimitriou ◽  
Ageliki Karatza

Infants born prematurely (before completion of 37 weeks of gestation) are at increased risk of morbidity and mortality due to vaccine preventable diseases, mostly because of their immunological immaturity and failure of transfer of maternal protective antibodies. Despite their great need of being vaccinated, concerns on vaccine safety and efficacy, constitute the main reasons for which vaccinations are often delayed in this group. In this review we summarize the latest evidence on vaccine safety, efficacy and immunogenicity in preterm infants which is similar to full-term infants. Therefore there is no reason for delaying vaccination in this population.

1995 ◽  
Vol 96 (4) ◽  
pp. 730-733 ◽  
M. Jeffrey Maisels ◽  
Thomas B. Newman

Objective. To document the occurrence of classical kernicterus in full-term, otherwise healthy, breast-fed infants. Methods. We reviewed the files of 22 cases referred to us by attorneys throughout the United States during a period of 18 years, in which neonatal hyperbilirubinemia was alleged to be responsible for brain damage in apparently healthy, nonimmunized, full-term infants. To qualify for inclusion, these infants had to be born at 37 or more weeks' gestation, manifest the classic signs of acute bilirubin encephalopathy, and have the typical neurologic sequelae. Results. Six infants, born between 1979 and 1991, met the criteria for inclusion. Their peak recorded bilirubin levels occurred 4 to 10 days after birth and ranged from 39.0 to 49.7 mg/dL. All had one or more exchange transfusions. One infant had an elevated reticulocyte count (9%) but no other evidence of hemolysis. The other infants had no evidence of hemolysis, and no cause was found for the hyperbilirubinemia (other than breast-feeding). Conclusions. Although very rare, classic kernicterus can occur in apparently healthy, full-term, breast-fed newborns who do not have hemolytic disease or any other discernible cause for their jaundice. Such extreme elevations of bilirubin are rare, and we do not know how often infants with similar serum bilirubin levels escape harm. We also have no reliable method for identifying these infants early in the neonatal period. Closer follow-up after birth and discharge from the hospital might have prevented some of these outcomes, but rare, sporadic cases of kernicterus might not be preventable unless we adopt an approach to follow-up and surveillance of the newborn that is significantly more rigorous than has been practiced. The feasibility, risks, costs, and benefits of this type of intervention need to be determined.

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 508-514 ◽  
Sagi Jaffe-Dax ◽  
Alex M. Boldin ◽  
Nathaniel D. Daw ◽  
Lauren L. Emberson

Recent findings have shown that full-term infants engage in top–down sensory prediction, and these predictions are impaired as a result of premature birth. Here, we use an associative learning model to uncover the neuroanatomical origins and computational nature of this top–down signal. Infants were exposed to a probabilistic audiovisual association. We find that both groups (full term, preterm) have a comparable stimulus-related response in sensory and frontal lobes and track prediction error in their frontal lobes. However, preterm infants differ from their full-term peers in weaker tracking of prediction error in sensory regions. We infer that top–down signals from the frontal lobe to the sensory regions carry information about prediction error. Using computational learning models and comparing neuroimaging results from full-term and preterm infants, we have uncovered the computational content of top–down signals in young infants when they are engaged in a probabilistic associative learning.

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