Prevention of School Failure and Dropping Out

Joy G. Dryfoos

At least three different kinds of interventions are suggested in discussions of schools and high-risk children: preventing school failure, preventing school dropouts, and finding and reinstating students who have already dropped out. The first set is touched on in the effective schools literature, assuming that improving the quality of education will result in higher achievement for all children. Thus, the interventions are primarily aimed at school reform and organization. The second set is described in the dropout prevention literature, with much more attention to individual needs and support services, along with alternative school structures. Because official dropout statistics are generally calculated only for high schools, most of the interventions are directed toward older students, although there is increasing recognition of the need for early intervention. Reinstating students in school is approached largely through employment and “recovery” programs for young people over the age of 18. Because this book is focused on 10- to 17-yearolds, the third set of interventions relating to job placement and programs for older youth will not be included. That subject has been thoroughly addressed by the Grant Foundation Commission on Work, Family, and Citizenship and other sources. The public has been deluged with studies focusing on the crisis in American education. The rationale for intensified concern is that unless the quality of education is improved we as a nation will not be able to compete with foreign countries (the Japanese educational system is most often cited as a model). One source reported that more than 275 education task forces had been organized in the mid- 1980s and “reform literature [has become] a cottage industry among scholars.” States enacted more than 700 pieces of legislation between 1983 and 1985, mostly stressing a return to basics. Most recommendations directed toward raising quality call for higher standards for graduation from high school, higher college admission standards, teacher competency tests, and changes in teacher certification requirements.

2019 ◽  
Muh. Dahlan

Leaving school and joblessness were the problematic social reality in education. The factors of dropping out today are endogenous (self) and exogenous (environmental) factors. This paper tries to describe the social education. This is due to the lack of religious social upbringing, lack of parents' understanding of education in economic and social conditions, and cultural, social environment and low IQ factors. While the problem of unemployment is more dominant due to professionalism or educational skills that are oriented to the fulfillment of the world of work. Alternative solution in resolving the problem of leaving school include: (a) equitable distribution of the educational social environment; (b) promote the concept of lifelong education; (c) the use of various work activities for school dropouts and unemployment; (d) maximizing the role of the family's social environment in the continuation of children's education; (e) implement free education policy efforts. The availability of educational institutions that are equitable with the support of adequate facilities, then supported by the atmosphere of a social environment that is oriented to improving the quality of education that is sustainable will be able to develop an educational orientation based on work professionalism.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-93
Makhromi Makhromi ◽  
Mahbub Budiono

The principal plays an important role in providing education in the school and is responsible for the management of education in the school. Efforts to improve the quality of education is a strategic stage in the effort to realize quality education. This study aims to describe how the principal, supporting and inhibiting factors, and the principal as a manager to improve the quality of education in MTs N Kanigoro Kras Kediri. The method used in this study is qualitative and data collection techniques in this study, namely: 1) observation, 2) interviews, 3) documentation. It was found: 1) In the management arrangements implemented by MTsN head Kanigoro Kras Kediri based on national curriculum and curriculum management as well as the results of MGMP teacher subject clusters. 2) Supporting factors for improving the quality of education in MTsN Kanigoro Kras Kediri are geographical locations that are far from coordination, shady and far from the air, teacher competency in accordance with the standards that were passed. While the limiting factor is lack of funds and infrastructure. 3) The principal's contribution to improving the quality of education in MTs N Kanigoro Kras Kediri improves the quality of teachers and students, by completing the academic year 2011/2012 students have obtained 100% and has supported increasing as much as 99.8% of students to improve to higher education. Kepala sekolah memainkan peran penting dalam memberikan pendidikan di sekolah dan bertanggung jawab atas manajemen pendidikan di sekolah. Upaya peningkatan kualitas pendidikan merupakan titik strategis dalam upaya mewujudkan pendidikan yang berkualitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan bagaimana manajemen kepala sekolah, faktor pendukung dan penghambat, serta kontribusi kepala sekolah sebagai manajer untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di MTsN Kanigoro Kras Kediri. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini, yaitu: 1) observasi, 2) wawancara, 3) dokumentasi. Ditemukan bahwa: 1) Dalam pengaturan manajemen yang diterapkan oleh kepala MTsN Kanigoro Kras Kediri didasarkan pada manajemen kurikulum dan kurikulum nasional serta hasil dari kluster mata pelajaran guru MGMP. 2) Faktor pendukung untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di MTsN Kanigoro Kras Kediri adalah lokasi geografis yang jauh dari kebisingan, suasana teduh dan jauh dari polusi air, kompetensi guru sesuai dengan standar yang disyaratkan. Sedangkan faktor penghambatnya adalah kurangnya dana dan infrastruktur. 3) Kontribusi kepala sekolah sebagai manajer untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di MTsN Kanigoro Kras Kediri meningkat dalam kualitas guru dan siswa, dengan bukti pada tahun akademik 2011/2012 siswa telah lulus 100% dan telah mampu mendorong sebanyak mungkin sebagai 99,8% siswa untuk melanjutkan ke pendidikan tinggi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
Mambaul Musofa ◽  
Istikomah Istikomah ◽  
Budi Haryanto

Quality education is always desired by the community, the quality of education in Indonesia is characterized by the achievement of the National Education Standards (SNP) or exceeding the SNP. One factor that determines the quality of education is the implementation of quality learning as well, quality learning is only produced by qualified teachers. The competency standards that must be possessed by teachers are pedagogic, personality, social and professional competencies. Teacher competency improvement needs to be improved along with the rapid development of science and technology, so that through quality learning can prepare graduates who are ready to face life in their day. To prepare qualified teachers cannot be separated from the principal's role as educator, manager, administrator, supervisor, leader, innovator, and motivator. In Permendikbud 15 of 2018 the Principal's Workload is entirely to carry out tasks: managerial, entrepreneurship development and supervision to Teachers and education staff. One of the principal tasks of the principal is to supervise teachers in order to prepare quality learning. This study wants to discuss the Principal's Strategic Role in Improving Learning Quality through Academic Supervision Activities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 130-144
Zul Fahmi

Abstract. A number of  Indonesian children have experienced a dropped out school and the phenomenon seems increasing each year. This problem is in need of a resolve, especially from the local government. Due to various reasons of children dropping out, there is a need for a coaching scheme from institutions or organizations involved in this type of cases. Efforts are needed to improve the quality of life for teenagers with situation, i.e., the Taruna Jaya Social Care Institution for Youth (PSBR). This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach, while data collection, compilation, and report of the findings by a descriptive analysis method. The results of the research show that in an effort to provide skills for the school dropouts, PSBR conducts a skill trainings consisting of five majors, namely automotive, welding, air conditioning, salon and sewing. Skill training is carried out for six months with a portion of the curriculum 70% of practice and 30% theory. To support personality development, a social, mental and spiritual guidance are also provided. The study concludes that the training conducted at PSBR has a positive effects due to its skills training orientation in addition to a spiritual and mental guidance provision.  Abstrak. Begitu banyaknya anak Indonesia yang putus sekolah dan setiap tahun semakin meningkat, seyogianya permasalahan ini perlu dicarikan jalan keluarnya, teruma pemerintah setempat. Sebab anak putus sekolah memiliki alasan yang berbeda-beda, sehingga perlu pembinaan dari lembaga atau oranisasi yang memang menggeluti kasus sepert ini. Karena itu dibutuhkan upaya meningkatkan kualitas hidup bagi remaja putus sekolah, salah satunya seperti yang dilakukan oleh Panti Sosial Bina Remaja (PSBR) “Taruna Jaya”. Penelitian ini, menggunakan pendekatan kualitati deskriptif, dalam mengambil data, menyusun, dan melaporkan temuan penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Hasil dari penelitan yakni dalam upaya memberikan keterampilan bagi anak putus sekolah, PSBR melakukan pelatihan yang terdiri dari lima jurusan ini yaitu otomotif, las, ac, salon dan menjahit. Pelatihan keterampilan dilakukan selama enam bulan dengan porsi kurikulum 70 % untuk praktek dan 30 % untuk teori. Untuk menunjang keperibadian juga diberikan bimbingan sosial, mental dan spiritual serta diberikan bimbingan social, bimbingan mental dan spiritual. Dari hasil penelitian yang menggunakan metode kualitatif ini, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa pelatihan yang dilakukan di PSBR sangat baik karena melakukan pelatihan keterampilan dengan memberikan juga bimbingan spiritual dan mental.

Joy G. Dryfoos

In this chapter, we turn to the risk behavior that appears to underlie many of the problems addressed so far. Low achievement in school has been shown to be an important predictor of substance abuse, delinquency, and early sexual intercourse. And as we will see, not only are many of the antecedents of poor school performance the same as those for other problem behaviors, so are the consequences. Moreover, low academic achievement is both a predictor and a consequence of other kinds of risk behavior, as well as being a problem in itself. Understanding the epidemiology of school failure and dropping out is fundamental to this book’s argument: that high-risk behaviors are interrelated and, therefore, interventions must be comprehensive. School failure is a process rather than a single risk event. A young person initiates hard drug use or has early unprotected sexual intercourse or first commits a delinquent act at a specific time and place. Usually these actions are voluntary and follow a personal decision (although they are heavily influenced by the social environment). Low achievement results from an array of forces, many of which are outside the control of the child. The quality of the school is, of course, a major factor, as are the actual classroom practices and attitudes of the teacher. Estimates of the risk of other problem behaviors can be projected based on individual characteristics. Children with certain attributes are more likely than others to get involved in certain behaviors. This is not necessarily the case for estimating the risk of school failure since the probabilities are conditioned by both individual characteristics and the quality of the school. Children from disadvantaged households have been shown to succeed in excellent schools, while some schools are so inadequate that success is an exception. Unlike the other behaviors, risk of educational failure is measured routinely for almost all children at frequent intervals. Report cards inform children about their progress and, in aggregate, these marks produce a grade point average for each student.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-132
Syarifuddin Syarifuddin

As the capital of the province, education in the Makassar supposed to be better than other cities in the province of South Sulawesi. In fact, the quality of education is still far from expectation. So was the result of the theacher’s competence test. Likewise, teacher competency test result, data on the Department of Education in Makassar to participants of UKG in Makassar is the average value of fewer than 50. In fact, there are teachers who receive 30 from 100 questions in the exam. The condition is not in line with the role of the teacher that is crucial in improving the quality of education. Therefore, it is very important to improve the performance of teachers in all junior high school in Makassar in order to improve the quality of education with the problems of this research consist of (i) how is the performance of the teachers on all State secondary schools in Makassar?  This research aims at (i) finding out the teachers’ performance on all State secondary schools in Makassar; The results show that (i) the teachers’ performance on all State secondary schools in Makassar are on the good category.   Sebagai Ibukota Propinsi seharusnya Pendidikan di Kota Makassar  lebih baik jika disbanding kabupaten/kota lain di Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan tetapi kenyataannya kualitas pendidikan masihjauh dari harapan. Demikian juga hasil Uji Kompetensi Guru, data Dinas PendidikanKota Makassar untuk peserta UKG di Kota Makassar, yakni rata-rata nilai di bawah lima puluh. Bahkan,ada guru yang mendapatkan nilai tiga puluh dari seratus soal dalam naskah ujian.Kondisi tersebut tidak sejalan dengan peran guru yang sangat penting dalam peningkatan kualitas pendidikan.sangat penting meningkatkan kinerja guru se-Kota Makassar dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas  pendidikan. Oleh karena itu rumusan masalah dalam penelitian  ini adalah (i) Bagaimanakah kinerja guru-guru SMP Negeri se-Kota Makassar? Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (i) Untuk mengetahui kinerja guru-guru SMP Negeri se-Kota Makassar  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (i) kinerja guru SMP Negeri se-Kota Makassar berkategori baik.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Muawanah Muawanah

This article aims to explain the planning, development, and evaluation of students in effective schools at MAN Insan Cendekia Serpong Tangerang Banten. Student management has a strategic position in developing the quality of education. Better student management will increase the achievement of students. The author acts as a key instrument in data collection, because this research used a qualitative approach with a type of case study. The author explores data based on the archive system and the effectiveness of decision making, then collects, explains, and analyzes it. This article concludes that the student planning at MAN Insan Cendekia starts with an online new student registration system. Selection is carried out in a transparent and accountable manner by involving independent parties from outside. The selection stages include administrative, scholastic talent, academic, and medical examination selection. The development of students at MAN Insan Cendekia is carried out by involving the active role of schools, mosques and dormitories. These three development centers work together and holistically to achieve the school's vision. The development of students there includes disciplinary, academic and non-academic aspects. Meanwhile, the evaluation of students at MAN Insan Cendekia is implemented in a transparent, accountable, continuous, and comprehensive manner with high standards. In summary, the evaluations carried out are daily tests, midterm exams, final semester exams, and national exams. However, evaluation focuses more on the process, assuming that if the process is good, then the results will also be of high quality.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Eliana Cristina Rosa

Este trabalho discutiu a situação da educação de Jovens e Adultos no Brasil. Pretendeu verificar a educação de jovens e adultos, enquanto inclusiva, bem como identificar a acreditação como um dos aspectos relevantes para a melhoria da qualidade do ensino oferecido a comunidade. O estudo de abordagem qualitativa, exploratória, com pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Dos resultados obtidos destacam-se: as políticas educacionais e documentos legais, garantem  a inclusão deste segmento populacional,  porém  não atendem plenamente as  demandas, visto os limitados investimentos financeiros, altos índices de evasão escolar,  provenientes de dificuldades sociais, econômicas e do fragmentado processo de ensino e aprendizagem. É necessário criar estratégias efetivas para o atendimento das demandas educacionais deste público. Concluiu-se que  trabalhar questões educacionais de jovens e adultos deve ser  uma das prioridades na agenda educacional  das esferas governamentais. O programa EJA se mostra expressivo no campo educacional e necessário em relação às políticas públicas no país. A avaliação e acreditação  do Programa  é uma das estratégias para a  melhoria da qualidade do ensino na busca por equiparar a educação.Palavras-chave: EJA; Políticas Públicas; Inclusão; Acreditação. ABSTRACT: This paper discussed the situation of the Youth and Adult Education in Brazil. He intended to check the adult education as inclusive as well as identify the accreditation as one of the important aspects to improve the quality of education offered to the community. The study of qualitative, exploratory approach, with bibliographical and documentary research. The results obtained are: educational and legal documents policies, ensure the inclusion of this population segment, but did not fully meet the demands, as the limited financial investment, high rates of school dropouts, from social problems, economic and fragmented process teaching and learning. You must create effective strategies to meet the educational demands of the public. It was concluded that work educational issues of young people and adults should be a priority in the educational agenda of government spheres. The EJA program shows significant and necessary in the educational field in relation to public policies in the country. The evaluation and accreditation of the program is one of the strategies to improve the quality of education in seeking to equate education.Keywords: EJA; Public Policy; Inclusion; Accreditation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 685-695
Hasan Basri

KKM is the target of the education unit in achieving the competence of each subject. The education unit must make every effort to exceed the specified KKM. The success of achieving KKM is one of the benchmarks for the performance of the education unit in implementing educational programs. Education units with a high KKM and implemented responsibly can be a benchmark for the quality of education for the community. Therefore, there needs to be activities that can improve teacher competence in compiling KKM so that KKM in schools can really be measured and  accounted. The method in this research is the action research method (action research). This study uses a qualitative approach. The subject of the study was the teacher of MTs Daarul Muhsinin in the area of ​​the Ministry of Religion Office of Labuhan Batu Regency. The number of teachers who participated in this activity was 29 people. The results of the first cycle activities still cannot be said to be successful, this is because the average score of the teachers is still below 50 or less. In the second cycle, the training activities were followed up by providing practical assistance, in which the researcher and participants jointly set the minimum completeness criteria. In the second cycle, the results of determining the minimum completeness criteria for subjects prepared by the teacher increased sharply, this was evidenced by the teachers getting an average score of 85 or good. From the results of the study it can be concluded that there is an increase in teacher competence in determining minimum completeness criteria. In the first cycle the average teacher competency score was 25 or less, then increased to 85 or good. This means that training activities have a positive impact on increasing teacher competence in determining minimum completeness criteria.

Erni Nurjanah ◽  
Esmi Tsalsa Sofiawati

This study aims to understand the extent of the Teacher Competency Test results which include: (a) pedagogical competencies, (b) personality competencies for improving the quality of education in Cilangla State Elementary School, Gandasoli State Elementary School, and Babakan Pamoyanan Elementary School in Sukabumi District. This research uses a qualitative approach that produces descriptive data with case study methods. The results of this study indicate that there are obstacles that occur in the implementation of Teacher Competency Tests, namely the extent of the material being tested, especially in the aspects of pedagogical competence, professional competence and lack of mastery in the operation of the teacher's computer. This is what causes the low scores obtained when implementing the Teacher Competency Test. But on the other hand in improving the quality of education, teachers continue to strive to be able to deliver their students to obtain various achievements in school.

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