scholarly journals James Swinburne, 1858-1958

1960 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 253-268 ◽  

James Swinburne lived to be over one hundred years of age, the third Fellow of the Royal Society to do this. The first was Sir Moses Haim Montefiore who was born in Leghorn on 24 October 1784 and died in this country on 28 July 1885, having settled here as a young man. He was elected into the Society on 16 June 1836. He is still well remembered as an outstanding philanthropist and a fearless defender of his fellow Jews all over the world. The second was Henry Nicholas Ridley the botanist who died in 1956. One other Fellow who died a few days before his hundredth birthday might well be mentioned; he was Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle, Secretary of the Académie des Sciences and later President of that body. Fie was born on 11 February 1657 and died on 9 January 1757. Family, Early Life and Background The Swinburne family is an ancient one as a glance at Burke's Peerage will show; they are essentially Northumbrian. The baronetcy dates from 1660. John Swinburne, father of the first Baronet, was promised a baronetcy by Charles I but the patent of creation never passed the seal. He died in 1652, eight years before the Restoration, His son, also John Swinburne, was created a Baronet in 1660 and is called in the patent ‘Virum patrimonio censu et morum probitate spectabilem’. Swinburne on his father’s side was descended from Flotspur, of whom he dryly remarks in his personal record ‘was a lively member of society but not noticeably scientific’. One of Swinburne’s ancestors (Sir John Swinburne, Bart.) was a Fellow of the Society elected 26 February 1818. Like so many of his contemporaries of the period he was an ardent antiquarian and F.S.A. Humphry Davy was his proposer for the Society. He founded the Antiquarian Society of Newcastle upon Tyne, closely modelled on the L.S.A., and during his lifetime maintained the most friendly intercourse between the two Societies. He, like our Swinburne, lived to a great age, dying a few weeks short of his entry into his hundredth year.

The lack of a definitive study of the life of Lord Brouncker, a spiteful remark of Pepys so often quoted against him (1), and possible confusion with his less reputable brother Henry (2), all combine to prompt an intriguing question. Why was he chosen as the first President of the Royal Society rather than John Wilkins, John Wallis, Robert Boyle or Sir Robert Moray? The wisdom of the choice was proved by the devoted and able service he gave to that high office during the infant years of the Society. William, second Viscount Brouncker of Castle Lyons, in the Irish peerage, was the elder son of Sir William Brouncker, gentleman of the privy chamber to Charles I, and vice-chamberlain to his son, Charles, Prince of Wales. ‘This loyal knight’ Wood records in his Athena Oxonienses ‘who was the son of Sir Henry Bruncker, President of Mounster in Ireland , by Anne, his wife, sister of Henry, Lord Morley, was created Viscount of Castle Lyon in the said kingdom 12 September 1645, and dying in Wadham College, in the middle of November following, was buried on the 20th of the said month.’ We know little of Brouncker’s early life, even the date of his birth, 1620, is conjectural. He was sent to Oxford at the age of sixteen, where he quickly made himself proficient in several languages. He was probably intended to follow the profession of medicine, as in 1647 he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Physick at Oxford, but his inclination led him to the study of mathematics, for which he evidently had a flair. He soon began to correspond with distinguished mathematicians, notably John Wallis, and it was not long before his reputation as a mathematician was recognized both at home and abroad.

Anthony Vincent Fernandez

Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) is one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century. His influence, however, extends beyond philosophy. His account of Dasein, or human existence, permeates the human and social sciences, including nursing, psychiatry, psychology, sociology, anthropology, and artificial intelligence. This chapter outlines Heidegger’s influence on psychiatry and psychology, focusing especially on his relationships with the Swiss psychiatrists Ludwig Binswanger and Medard Boss. The first section outlines Heidegger’s early life and work, up to and including the publication of Being and Time, in which he develops his famous concept of being-in-the-world. The second section focuses on Heidegger’s initial influence on psychiatry via Binswanger’s founding of Daseinsanalysis, a Heideggerian approach to psychopathology and psychotherapy. The third section turns to Heidegger’s relationship with Boss, including Heidegger’s rejection of Binswanger’s Daseinsanalysis and his lectures at Boss’s home in Zollikon, Switzerland.

This is the third meeting on fibres and composite materials organized by the Royal Society. The first, in 1963, was a discussion on strong and stiff materials, since it was considered that conventional methods of producing strong materials were approaching their limits. The necessity for strong stiff fibres of low density with especial reference to their use in fibre reinforced matrices was emphasized and attention was also drawn to the possibilities of making them from cheap abundant materials of intrinsic high modulus and therefore high strength. This meeting can fairly claim to have initiated considerable research in the United Kingdom and a second meeting, held in 1970, discussed the advances made in the interval, both in the development of new fibres and of a better understanding of the mechanics of composite materials. Since then research and development throughout the world has led to the invention of further new strong and stiff fibres, more knowledge of the properties and behaviour of fibres and composite materials under various conditions, e.g. structural, mechanical, and environmental.

John Meurig Thomas

In the period between 1815 and 1818, Sir Humphry Davy read four papers to the Royal Society and published a monograph dealing with a safety lamp for coal miners, all of which record in detail the experimental work that he carried out, with his assistant Michael Faraday, so as to determine how to prevent catastrophic accidents in coal mines by the explosion of fire-damp (methane) in the presence of a naked flame. This article describes the key experiments that he performed at the Royal Institution and some of the subsequent trials made in the coal mines of the north of England. It begins, however, with an account of Davy's prior achievements in science before he was approached for help by the clergymen and doctors in the Gateshead and Newcastle upon Tyne areas. There is little doubt that the Davy lamp, from the 1820s onwards, transformed the coal industry worldwide. It also profoundly influenced the science of combustion, and in the words of a pioneer in that field, W. A. Bone, FRS, ‘There is no better model of logical experimental procedure, accurate reasoning, philosophical outlook and fine literary expression.’ It is a remarkable fact that it took Davy essentially only two weeks from the time he was given samples of fire-damp to solve the problem and to devise his renowned miner's safety lamp. A brief account is also given of the contemporaneous invention of a safety lamp by George Stephenson, and of some of Davy's subsequent accomplishments. This commentary was written to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society .

1987 ◽  
Vol 33 ◽  
pp. 669-708 ◽  

James Hardy Wilkinson was the first professional numerical analyst to be elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society. He was without any doubt a world leader in the subject and indeed the world leader for many years in that considerable part of it generally called numerical linear algebra. But his early life could only be described as ‘humble’, and we have to thank his parents, brother and sisters and some very special schoolmasters for giving him the chance of success. In this memoir I shall call him Jim, though the nickname ‘Wilkie’ occurs in section 5.

On Sunday 24 July 1960, Fellows of die Royal Society and guests attending the Tercentenary Celebrations were present at 10.30 at the Morning Service in St Paul’s Cathedral. The congregation was approximately 1500 and 400 seats under the Dome were reserved for the President and other Officers together with Fellows, their friends and Tercentenary guests. The service was Mattins which was sung by the Minor Canons and the Cathedral Choir. A prayer for the Royal Society was included in the order of service, and the hymn before the sermon was, ‘From thee all skill and science flow’ (English Hymnal 525), and the Psalm was VIII ‘O, Lord our Governor how excellent is thy Name in all the world’. For his sermon the Dean, the Very Reverend W. R. Matthews, took as his text the third verse of the forty-third psalm: O send out thy light and thy truth; let them lead me; let them bring me unto thy holy hill and to thy tabernacles. and said: ‘We welcome today members of the Royal Society of London and many distinguished friends and visitors who are attending the celebration of 300 years of work in the cause of science. Nowhere could they be more welcome, and no church could be more appropriate as the place where thanksgivings should be offered for the past and prayers for the future success of this world renowned learned society. For we remember with pride that Christopher Wren, the architect of this Cathedral in whose masterpiece we are assembled today, was a founder member of the Royal Society. In a lecture at Gresham College, not far from here, he suggested the formation of a select group of learned men to pursue the quest of the knowledge of nature by experiment.

A notable incident in the history of women and the Royal Society was the proposal in 1902 of the physicist, Hertha Ayrton, as a candidate for the Fellowship. Her certificate seems to have been the first in the history of the Society to be submitted in favour of a woman, and 41 years were to elapse before the next. In 1906 she received the Society’s Hughes medal, which is awarded annually for original discovery in the physical sciences, for her work on the electric arc, and on sand ripples, and she is still the only woman to have received this medal. Hertha Ayrton 1-5 was born as Phoebe Sarah Marks, the third of eight children of a Jewish watchmaker and jeweller of Petworth, Sussex, who had emigrated from Poland to escape the pogroms. He died when she was seven, leaving his pregnant wife and seven children (six sons) in poverty. Mrs Marks held that women needed a better not worse education than men, because ‘women have the harder battle to fight in the world’. With some self-sacrifice she allowed the nine-year-old Sarah to go to London to live with her aunt Marion Hartog, who ran a school.

Trisha Franzen

This chapter details the early life of Anna Howard Shaw. Anna was born on St. Valentine's Day in 1847 to Thomas and Nicolas Shaw, in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne in northeast England, the sixth child and the third daughter of a bankrupt Scottish family. While all members of such struggling families in the mid-nineteenth century faced bleak and limited futures, girl-children, if they survived, had even fewer opportunities. In 1849, her father Thomas sailed for the United States, and in August 1851 Nicolas and her six children boarded the Jacob A. Westervelt in Liverpool for what was to be a seven-week passage to New York. The family made their first American home in the old whaling town of New Bedford, Massachusetts. They then moved to a new mill town, Lawrence, in the North on the Merrimac River, which would be their home for the next seven years, during the nation-changing decade of the 1850s. When the Civil War started in April 1861, Anna's two brothers and father volunteered. At only sixteen, Anna shouldered the responsibility for her family's survival.

1850 ◽  
Vol 140 ◽  
pp. 645-649

It is not without considerable regret that I am compelled to depart from my established rule of never publishing any facts relating to electro-physiology without having previously endeavoured to connect them with those already discovered, and without having succeeded in reproducing them in such a constant and unvarying manner as to remove the slightest doubt of their truth. The announcement, however, just made to the Académie des Sciences by M. du Bois Raymond of a work " On the Law of Muscular Current, and on the Modification which that law undergoes by the effect of traction ,” obliges me, though unwillingly, to transmit to the Royal Society the continuation of my researches on induced contraction, confining myself, for the present, to some fundamental experiments, made a long time since, for the publication of which I should have wished to await a more favourable moment. In the Third and Fifth Series of my Electro-physiological Researches, I studied, with all possible care, and in its minute details, the fact of induced contraction, in order to deduce the law of this phenomenon, and from thence to be led to the discovery of its cause. In the Fifth Series, principally, I was led to conclude, that, according to all the analogies, and without being in opposition to the experiments, induced contraction might be considered to be the effect of an electric discharge which takes place during the act of muscular contraction.

2006 ◽  
pp. 75-92 ◽  
S. Moiseev

The number of classical banks in the world has reduced. In the majority of countries the number of banks does not exceed 200. The uniqueness of the Russian banking sector is that in this respect it takes the third place in the world after the USA and Germany. The paper reviews the conclusions of the economic theory about the optimum structure of the banking market. The empirical analysis shows that the number of banks in a country is influenced by the size of its territory, population number and GDP per capita. Our econometric estimate is that the equilibrium number of banks in Russia should be in a range of 180-220 units.

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