Social Media and the Dynamics of Radicalization and Violent Extremism among Female Migrant Workers

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 248-268
Dina Mansour‐Ille

The purpose of this study was to sociologically analyze the use of social media in female migrant workers in the development of social entrepreneurship. The study used a qualitative approach with a mixed method. Data was taken using in-depth interviews, observations, FGDs, and full survey enumerators. This study shows that the more frequent the intensity of migrating abroad, the higher the income (economic remittances) and social remittances (knowledge and experience) will be. Van Dijk (2006) stated that digital social media is able to penetrate the social structures that exist in society. The results of this study reveal the same phenomenon as Van Dijk's theory, female migrant workers who were previously considered a marginal group was able to create social networks through social media for the development of social entrepreneurship. The results of this study revealed a different phenomenon from the theory from Massey (1990) which stated that international migration will take place continuously (cumulative causation). This was because there have been developments of social entrepreneurship supported by social media, providing alternative jobs in the workers' hometowns.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 109
Julaekhah Julaekhah

Abstrak Indonesia merupakan negara berkembang yang mengirimkan banyak tenaga kerjanya ke negara maju. Indramayu adalah salah satu daerah pengirim tenaga kerja terbanyak dan didominasi oleh wanita atau yang disebut dengan buruh migran perempuan. Pascamoratorium, banyak buruh migran asal Indramayu yang dikirim untuk bekerja di negara-negara Asia Timur, seperti Taiwan, Hongkong, Jepang, dan Korea. Terdapat fenomena menarik yang muncul pada masyarakat Indramayu, yakni buruh migran perempuan yang menggunakan cadar pascakepulanganya bekerja di negara-negara tersebut. Buruh migran perempuan tersebut mendapatkan nilai-nilai Islam setelah bekerja di negara Asia Timur, yang penganut agama Islam di sana sebagai minoritas. Melihat fenomena tersebut penulis tertarik untuk meneliti lebih mendalam mengenai buruh migran perempuan bercadar. Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah penelitian yang menggunakan analisis sosiologis untuk mengungkapkan kehidupan buruh migran perempuan bercadar dengan menggambarkan suatu konstruksi sosial buruh migran perempuan bercadar asal Indramayu. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan analisis data kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yakni melalui observasi dan wawancara. Dengan dikaji lebih mendalam melalui teori konstruksi sosial Petter. L. Berger yang terdiri dari proses eksternalisasi, objektifikasi, dan internalisasi. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa proses konstruksi sosial buruh migran perempuan bercadar di Indramayu melalui tiga proses yakni pertama, proses eksternalisasi melalui media sosial, kajian, serta teman sejawat. Kedua, proses objektifikasi ditandai dengan adanya anggapan bahwa cadar sebagai bentuk kesalihan seorang muslimah, munculnya penyesalan di masa lalu sebelum mengenakan cadar, serta signifikasi. Dan yang ketiga, proses internalisasi yakni ditunjukkan dengan penggunaan cadar sebagai pakaian sehari-hari, semangat berdakwah baik di media sosial maupun di organisasi untuk mengajak orang lain mengenakan cadar. Abstract Indonesia is a developing country that sends a lot of its workers to developed countries. Indramayu is one of the most labor-sending areas and is dominated by women or what are known as female migrant workers. After the moratorium, many migrant workers from Indramayu were sent to work in East Asian countries, such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan and Korea. There is an interesting phenomenon that arises in Indramayu society, namely female migrant workers who wear a veil after returning to work in these countries. These female migrant workers get Islamic values ​​after working in an East Asian country, where Muslims are a minority. Seeing this phenomenon, the authors are interested in investigating more deeply the veiled female migrant workers. This research is a study that uses sociological analysis to reveal the life of veiled female migrant workers by describing a social construction of veiled female migrant workers from Indramayu. This research is a field research using qualitative data analysis. The data collection method that the writer uses is through observation and interviews. With a deeper examination through Petter's social construction theory. L. Berger, which consists of the process of externalization, objectification and internalization. From this research, it was found that the social construction process of veiled female migrant workers in Indramayu went through three processes: first, the process of externalization through social media, studies, and peers. Second, the process of objectification is marked by the assumption that the veil is a form of distraction for a Muslim woman, the emergence of regret in the past before wearing the veil, and its significance. And third, the internalization process, which is shown by the use of the veil as daily clothing, the spirit of preaching both on social media and in organizations to invite others to wear the veil.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-52
Nina Nurmila

This article aims to offer a textual analysis of Rahima and Fahmina’s publications. Rahima and Fahmina are two Non-Government Organizations founded in 2000 by a young generation of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), one of the largest moderate Muslim organizations in Indonesia. There are more similarities than differences between Rahima and Fahmina because the persons involved in the organizations are close friends and, in fact, the same persons even though both are based in two different cities. Since their foundation, both Rahima and Fahmina have published many books and magazines. This article argues that both Rahima dan Fahmina publications offer a new grounded feminist approach to Islam, which counterbalance the dominant male-biased normative approach to Islam in most Muslim societies. These publications are based on their feminist activism and community engagement with the grass-root level of many Nahdlatul Ulama pesantrens (Islamic boarding schools). The topics of their publication cover many current issues such as fiqh of women’s reproductive rights and empowerment, fiqh of the daily life of migrant workers, fiqh of anti-trafficking, prevention of child marriage, violent extremism and religious pluralism. As a result, the progressive nature of their publications negates the existing label of NU as the traditionalist organization.

Tyas Retno Wulan ◽  
Lala M. Kolopaking ◽  
Ekawati Sri Wahyuni ◽  
Irwan Abdullah

Social remittances (ideas, system practice, and social capital flow from the receiving country to the home country) of Indonesian female migrant workers (BMP) in Hong Kong appeared better and more complete than other BMP in other countries like Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, or Singapore.  Based on that research, we are encouraged to do extensive research in order to identify factors  that push  BMP’s social remittances development  in Hong Kong, to identify kinds of social remmitances they receive  and to understand on how far their social remittances become a medium to empower them and their society.  This study is done in qualitative method that uses an in-depth interview technique and FGD.  Subjects of study are BMP, the government (Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration and BNP2TKI), NGOs, migrant workers’ organization and researchers of BMP. The study done in Cianjur (West Java), Wonosobo and Banyumas (Central Java) and Hong Kong indicates that during their migration process, female migrant workers not only have economical remittance that can be used for productive activities, but also social remittances.  The social remittances are in the form practical knowledge such as language skill and nursery; knowledge on health, financial management; ethical work; the mindset changing and networking. The study  indicate that female migrant workers are extraordinary women more than just an ex-helper.  Their migration has put them into a position as an agent of development in society.Key words: Indonesians  female migrant workers, social remmitances, empowerment

2021 ◽  
Sakin Tanvir ◽  
Mehbeez Matiur ◽  
Fahim Hossain

2019 ◽  
pp. 203
Kent Roach

It is argued that neither the approach taken to terrorist speech in Bill C-51 nor Bill C-59 is satisfactory. A case study of the Othman Hamdan case, including his calls on the Internet for “lone wolves” “swiftly to activate,” is featured, along with the use of immigration law after his acquittal for counselling murder and other crimes. Hamdan’s acquittal suggests that the new Bill C-59 terrorist speech offence and take-down powers based on counselling terrorism offences without specifying a particular terrorism offence may not reach Hamdan’s Internet postings. One coherent response would be to repeal terrorist speech offences while making greater use of court-ordered take-downs of speech on the Internet and programs to counter violent extremism. Another coherent response would be to criminalize the promotion and advocacy of terrorist activities (as opposed to terrorist offences in general in Bill C-51 or terrorism offences without identifying a specific terrorist offence in Bill C-59) and provide for defences designed to protect fundamental freedoms such as those under section 319(3) of the Criminal Code that apply to hate speech. Unfortunately, neither Bill C-51 nor Bill C-59 pursues either of these options. The result is that speech such as Hamdan’s will continue to be subject to the vagaries of take-downs by social media companies and immigration law.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 475-482
Mochamad Mochklas ◽  
Achmad Hariri

EMPOWERMENT OF FEMALE MIGRANT WORKERS RETIREMENT OF SOLOKURO DISTRICT, LAMONGAN. Solokuro Village is one of the majority of the population being Indonesian Migrant Workers (TKI) and Female Migrant Workers (TKW), as for the background of the large number of residents who choose to work abroad due to economic factors and the lack of jobs that can meet the needs of families in the Solokuro village. This PKM activity will provide assistance to the group of women who are retired after TKW “Sinar Berdikari Business Group” by developing a variety of home-based snack products. The solutions offered in this program are: Help increase production capacity and business marketing management, strengthen business group institutions. The solution offered in this program is by providing production tools, training in business management and marketing, facilitating the formation of business groups in a professional manner, assisting in making media marketing business information technology. The method used in this service is the training method combined using the FGD (Focus Group Discussion) method, participatory assistance. From the results of the Sinar Berdikari Business group assistance and the residents of Solokuro Lamongan, innovation needs to be made to make food made from corn with a variety of flavors and shapes to increase partner productivity, equip partners with good managerial, partners will be able to run their businesses effectively and efficiently, train good packaging methods will increase sales of partners to package a product so that it is more attractive and has high selling power, teaching partners with marketing training can increase the sales volume of partners from the local market to the national market and the need for continuous monitoring and coaching so that the business partners and residents of Solokuro Lamongan can develop accordingly hope.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-68
Heni Listiana

Discussions about children and female migrant workers (TKW) are always in interesting issue. Especially, related to child care. By using data extraction techniques such as observation, interviews, and documentation, it is known that parenting children of migrant workers in Madura has formed a new structure with the emergence of a second mother. There are three types of second mothers, namely grandmother,  bu de (mother's brother or sister), and sister of TKW's child. They carry out the role of mother, among them being a model of children's behavior that is easily observed and imitated, becomes an educator, becomes a consultant, and becomes a source of information. Nearly 77% of grandmothers become maternal substitutes for migrant workers' children. Grandmother is considered the right person to do childcare tasks. This structure is called the inner parenting structure. While the structure of outside parenting takes the form of community participation in child care, namely good neighbors, the attention of the village head (Klebun), and the environment of friends and schools.   Pembahasan tentang anak dan Tenaga Kerja Wanita (TKW) selalu menjadi isu yang menarik. Terutama yang berkaitan dengan pola asuh anak. Dengan menggunakan teknik penggalian data berupa observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi diketahui bahwa pola asuh anak TKW di Madura membentuk struktur baru dengan munculnya ibu pengganti (second mother). Ada tiga jenis ibu pengganti, yaitu nenek, bu de (kakak atau adik ibu), serta kakak dari anak TKW. Mereka menjalankan peran ibu diantaranya menjadi model tingkah laku anak yang mudah diamati dan ditiru, menjadi pendidik, menjadi konsultan, dan menjadi sumber informasi. Hampir 77% nenek menjadi sosok pengganti ibu bagi anak-anak TKW. Nenek dianggap sebagai sosok yang tepat untuk melakukan tugas-tugas pengasuhan anak. Struktur ini disebut dengan struktur pola asuh dalam. Sementara struktur pola asuh luar itu berwujud peran serta masyarakat dalam pengasuhan anak yaitu tetangga yang baik, perhatian kepala desa (Klebun), dan lingkungan teman dan sekolah.

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