scholarly journals Antimicrobial Resistance in Urinary Tract Pathogens in Canada from 2007 to 2009: CANWARD Surveillance Study

2011 ◽  
Vol 55 (7) ◽  
pp. 3169-3175 ◽  
James A. Karlowsky ◽  
Philippe R. S. Lagacé-Wiens ◽  
Patricia J. Simner ◽  
Melanie R. DeCorby ◽  
Heather J. Adam ◽  

ABSTRACTFrom January 2007 to December 2009, an annual Canadian national surveillance study (CANWARD) tested 2,943 urinary culture pathogens for antimicrobial susceptibilities according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute guidelines. The most frequently isolated urinary pathogens were as follows (number of isolates, percentage of all isolates):Escherichia coli(1,581, 54%), enterococci (410, 14%),Klebsiella pneumoniae(274, 9%),Proteus mirabilis(122, 4%),Pseudomonas aeruginosa(100, 3%), andStaphylococcus aureus(80, 3%). The rates of susceptibility to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (SXT) were 78, 86, 84, and 93%, respectively, forE. coli,K. pneumoniae,P. mirabilis, andS. aureus. The rates of susceptibility to nitrofurantoin were 96, 97, 33, and 100%, respectively, forE. coli, enterococci,K. pneumoniae, andS. aureus. The rates of susceptibility to ciprofloxacin were 81, 40, 86, 81, 66, and 41%, respectively, forE. coli, enterococci,K. pneumoniae,P. mirabilis,P. aeruginosa, andS. aureus. Statistical analysis of resistance rates (resistant plus intermediate isolates) by year forE. coliover the 3-year study period demonstrated that increased resistance rates occurred only for amoxicillin-clavulanate (from 1.8 to 6.6%;P< 0.001) and for SXT (from 18.6 to 24.3%;P= 0.02). For isolates ofE. coli, in a multivariate logistic regression model, hospital location was independently associated with resistance to ciprofloxacin (P= 0.026) with higher rates of resistance observed in inpatient areas (medical, surgical, and intensive care unit wards). Increased age was also associated with resistance to ciprofloxacin (P< 0.001) and with resistance to two or more commonly prescribed oral agents (amoxicillin-clavulanate, ciprofloxacin, nitrofurantoin, and SXT) (P= 0.005). We conclude that frequently prescribed empirical agents for urinary tract infections, such as SXT and ciprofloxacin, demonstrate loweredin vitrosusceptibilities when tested against recent clinical isolates.

2020 ◽  
Vol 86 (13) ◽  
Allyson E. Shea ◽  
Juan Marzoa ◽  
Stephanie D. Himpsl ◽  
Sara N. Smith ◽  
Lili Zhao ◽  

ABSTRACT Urinary tract infections (UTI), the second most diagnosed infectious disease worldwide, are caused primarily by uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC), placing a significant financial burden on the health care system. High-throughput transposon mutagenesis combined with genome-targeted sequencing is a powerful technique to interrogate genomes for fitness genes. Genome-wide analysis of E. coli requires random libraries of at least 50,000 mutants to achieve 99.99% saturation; however, the traditional murine model of ascending UTI does not permit testing of large mutant pools due to a bottleneck during infection. To address this, an E. coli CFT073 transposon mutant ordered library of 9,216 mutants was created and insertion sites were identified. A single transposon mutant was selected for each gene to assemble a condensed library consisting of 2,913 unique nonessential mutants. Using a modified UTI model in BALB/c mice, we identified 36 genes important for colonizing the bladder, including purB, yihE, and carB. Screening of the condensed library in vitro identified yigP and ubiG to be essential for growth in human urine. Additionally, we developed a novel quantitative PCR (qPCR) technique to identify genes with fitness defects within defined subgroups of related genes (e.g., genes encoding fimbriae, toxins, etc.) following UTI. The number of mutants within these subgroups circumvents bottleneck restriction and facilitates validation of multiple mutants to generate individual competitive indices. Collectively, this study investigates the bottleneck effects during UTI, provides two techniques for evading those effects that can be applied to other disease models, and contributes a genetic tool in prototype strain CFT073 to the field. IMPORTANCE Uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains cause most uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTI), one of the most common infectious diseases worldwide. Random transposon mutagenesis techniques have been utilized to identify essential bacterial genes during infection; however, this has been met with limitations when applied to the murine UTI model. Conventional high-throughput transposon mutagenesis screens are not feasible because of inoculum size restrictions due to a bottleneck during infection. Our study utilizes a condensed ordered transposon library, limiting the number of mutants while maintaining the largest possible genome coverage. Screening of this library in vivo, and in human urine in vitro, identified numerous candidate fitness factors. Additionally, we have developed a novel technique using qPCR to quantify bacterial outputs following infection with small subgroups of transposon mutants. Molecular approaches developed in this study will serve as useful tools to probe in vivo models that are restricted by anatomical, physiological, or genetic bottleneck limitations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 87 (8) ◽  
Katherine Dadswell ◽  
Sinead Creagh ◽  
Edward McCullagh ◽  
Mingzhi Liang ◽  
Ian R. Brown ◽  

ABSTRACTUrinary tract infections (UTIs) are common and in general are caused by intestinal uropathogenicEscherichia coli(UPEC) ascending via the urethra. Microcompartment-mediated catabolism of ethanolamine, a host cell breakdown product, fuels the competitive overgrowth of intestinalE. coli, both pathogenic enterohemorrhagicE. coliand commensal strains. During a UTI, urease-negativeE. colibacteria thrive, despite the comparative nutrient limitation in urine. The role of ethanolamine as a potential nutrient source during UTIs is understudied. We evaluated the role of the metabolism of ethanolamine as a potential nitrogen and carbon source for UPEC in the urinary tract. We analyzed infected urine samples by culture, high-performance liquid chromatography, reverse transcription-quantitative PCR, and genomic sequencing. The ethanolamine concentration in urine was comparable to the concentration of the most abundant reported urinary amino acid,d-serine. Transcription of theeutoperon was detected in the majority of urine samples containingE. coliscreened. All sequenced UPEC strains had conservedeutoperons, while metabolic genotypes previously associated with UTI (dsdCXA,metE) were mainly limited to phylogroup B2.In vitroethanolamine was found to be utilized as a sole source of nitrogen by UPEC strains. The metabolism of ethanolamine in artificial urine medium (AUM) induced metabolosome formation and provided a growth advantage at the physiological levels found in urine. Interestingly,eutE(which encodes acetaldehyde dehydrogenase) was required for UPEC strains to utilize ethanolamine to gain a growth advantage in AUM, suggesting that ethanolamine is also utilized as a carbon source. These data suggest that urinary ethanolamine is a significant additional carbon and nitrogen source for infectingE. colistrains.

2015 ◽  
Vol 60 (1) ◽  
pp. 424-430 ◽  
B. Rossi ◽  
J. F. Soubirou ◽  
F. Chau ◽  
L. Massias ◽  
S. Dion ◽  

ABSTRACTWe investigated the efficacies of cefotaxime (CTX) and amoxicillin (AMX)-clavulanate (CLA) (AMC) against extended-spectrum-β-lactamase (ESBL)-producingEscherichia coliin vitroand in a murine model of urinary tract infection (UTI). MICs, the checkerboard dilution method, and time-kill curves were used to explore thein vitrosynergism between cefotaxime and amoxicillin-clavulanate against two isogenicE. colistrains—CFT073-RR and its transconjugant, CFT073-RR TcblaCTX-M-15—harboring ablaCTX-M-15plasmid and ablaOXA-1plasmid. Forin vivoexperiments, mice were separately infected with each strain and treated with cefotaxime, amoxicillin, and clavulanate, alone or in combination, or imipenem, using therapeutic regimens reproducing time of free-drug concentrations above the MIC (fT≥MIC) values close to that obtained in humans. MICs of amoxicillin, cefotaxime, and imipenem were 4/>1,024, 0.125/1,024, and 0.5/0.5 mg/liter, for CFT073-RR and CFT073-RR TcblaCTX-M-15, respectively. The addition of 2 mg/liter of clavulanate (CLA) restored the susceptibility of CFT073-RR TcblaCTX-M-15to CTX (MICs of the CTX-CLA combination, 0.125 mg/liter). The checkerboard dilution method and time-kill curves confirmed anin vitrosynergy between amoxicillin-clavulanate and cefotaxime against CFT073-RR TcblaCTX-M-15.In vivo, this antibiotic combination was similarly active against both strains and as effective as imipenem. In conclusion, the cefotaxime and amoxicillin-clavulanate combination appear to be an effective, easy, and already available alternative to carbapenems for the treatment of UTI due to CTX-M-producingE. colistrains.

2012 ◽  
Vol 56 (3) ◽  
pp. 1376-1381 ◽  
Raphaël Lepeule ◽  
Etienne Ruppé ◽  
Patrick Le ◽  
Laurent Massias ◽  
Françoise Chau ◽  

ABSTRACTWe investigated the efficiency of the cephamycin cefoxitin as an alternative to carbapenems for the treatment of urinary tract infections (UTIs) due toEscherichia coliproducing CTX-M-type extended-spectrum β-lactamases. The susceptible, UTI-inducingE. coliCFT073-RR strain and its transconjugant CFT073-RR Tc (pblaCTX-M-15), harboring ablaCTX-M-15carrying-plasmid, were used for all experiments. MICs of cefoxitin (FOX), ceftriaxone (CRO), imipenem (IMP), and ertapenem (ETP) for CFT073-RR and CFT073-RR Tc (pblaCTX-M-15) were 4 and 4, 0.125 and 512, 0.5 and 0.5, and 0.016 and 0.032 μg/ml, respectively. Bactericidal activity was similarly achievedin vitroagainst the two strains after 3 h of exposure to concentrations of FOX, IMI, and ETP that were 2 times the MIC, whereas CRO was not bactericidal against CFT073-RR Tc (pblaCTX-M-15). The frequencies of spontaneous mutants of the 2 strains were not higher for FOX than for IMP or ETP. In the murine model of UTIs, mice infected for 5 days were treated over 24 h. Therapeutic regimens in mice (200 mg/kg of body weight every 3 h or 4 h for FOX, 70 mg/kg every 6 h for CRO, 100 mg/kg every 2 h for IMP, and 100 mg/kg every 4 h for ETP) were chosen in order to reproduce the percentage of time that free-drug concentrations above the MIC are obtained in humans with standard regimens. All antibiotic regimens produced a significant reduction in bacterial counts (greater than 2 log10CFU) in kidneys and bladders for both strains (P< 0.001) without selecting resistant mutantsin vivo, but the reduction obtained with CRO against CFT073-RR Tc (pblaCTX-M-15) in kidneys was significantly lower than that obtained with FOX. In conclusion, FOX appears to be an effective therapeutic alternative to carbapenems for the treatment of UTIs due to CTX-M-producingE. coli.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 4315
Emanuel Vamanu ◽  
Laura Dorina Dinu ◽  
Cristina Mihaela Luntraru ◽  
Alexandru Suciu

Bioactive compounds and phenolic compounds are viable alternatives to antibiotics in recurrent urinary tract infections. This study aimed to use a natural functional product, based on the bioactive compounds’ composition, to inhibit the uropathogenic strains of Escherichia coli. E. coli ATCC 25922 was used to characterize the IVCM (new in vitro catheterization model). As support for reducing bacterial proliferation, the cytotoxicity against a strain of Candida albicans was also determined (over 75% at 1 mg/mL). The results were correlated with the analysis of the distribution of biologically active compounds (trans-ferulic acid-268.44 ± 0.001 mg/100 g extract and an equal quantity of Trans-p-coumaric acid and rosmarinic acid). A pronounced inhibitory effect against the uropathogenic strain E. coli 317 (4 log copy no./mL after 72 h) was determined. The results showed a targeted response to the product for tested bacterial strains. The importance of research resulted from the easy and fast characterization of the functional product with antimicrobial effect against uropathogenic strains of E. coli. This study demonstrated that the proposed in vitro model was a valuable tool for assessing urinary tract infections with E. coli.

mBio ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Dana Willner ◽  
Serene Low ◽  
Jason A. Steen ◽  
Narelle George ◽  
Graeme R. Nimmo ◽  

ABSTRACTUrinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most commonly acquired bacterial infections in humans, and uropathogenicEscherichia colistrains are responsible for over 80% of all cases. The standard method for identification of uropathogens in clinical laboratories is cultivation, primarily using solid growth media under aerobic conditions, coupled with morphological and biochemical tests of typically a single isolate colony. However, these methods detect only culturable microorganisms, and characterization is phenotypic in nature. Here, we explored the genotypic identity of communities in acute uncomplicated UTIs from 50 individuals by using culture-independent amplicon pyrosequencing and whole-genome and metagenomic shotgun sequencing. Genus-level characterization of the UTI communities was achieved using the 16S rRNA gene (V8 region). Overall UTI community richness was very low in comparison to other human microbiomes. We strain-typedEscherichia-dominated UTIs using amplicon pyrosequencing of the fimbrial adhesin gene,fimH. There were nine highly abundantfimHtypes, and each UTI sample was dominated by a single type. Molecular analysis of the corresponding clinical isolates revealed that in the majority of cases the isolate was representative of the dominant taxon in the community at both the genus and the strain level. Shotgun sequencing was performed on a subset of eightE. coliurine UTI and isolate pairs. The majority of UTI microbial metagenomic sequences mapped to isolate genomes, confirming the results obtained using phylogenetic markers. We conclude that for the majority of acute uncomplicatedE. coli-mediated UTIs, single cultured isolates are diagnostic of the infection.IMPORTANCEIn clinical practice, the diagnosis and treatment of acute uncomplicated urinary tract infection (UTI) are based on analysis of a single bacterial isolate cultured from urine, and it is assumed that this isolate represents the dominant UTI pathogen. However, these methods detect only culturable bacteria, and the existence of multiple pathogens as well as strain diversity within a single infection is not examined. Here, we explored bacteria present in acute uncomplicated UTIs using culture-independent sequence-based methods.Escherichia coliwas the most common organism identified, and analysis ofE. colidominant UTI samples and their paired clinical isolates revealed that in the majority of infections the cultured isolate was representative of the dominant taxon at both the genus and the strain level. Our data demonstrate that in most cases single cultured isolates are diagnostic of UTI and are consistent with the notion of bottlenecks that limit strain diversity during UTI pathogenesis.

2005 ◽  
Vol 49 (6) ◽  
pp. 2343-2351 ◽  
Patricia Komp Lindgren ◽  
Linda L. Marcusson ◽  
Dorthe Sandvang ◽  
Niels Frimodt-Møller ◽  
Diarmaid Hughes

ABSTRACT Resistance to fluoroquinolones in urinary tract infection (UTIs) caused by Escherichia coli is associated with multiple mutations, typically those that alter DNA gyrase and DNA topoisomerase IV and those that regulate AcrAB-TolC-mediated efflux. We asked whether a fitness cost is associated with the accumulation of these multiple mutations. Mutants of the susceptible E. coli UTI isolate Nu14 were selected through three to five successive steps with norfloxacin. Each selection was performed with the MIC of the selected strain. After each selection the MIC was measured; and the regions of gyrA, gyrB, parC, and parE, previously associated with resistance mutations, and all of marOR and acrR were sequenced. The first selection step yielded mutations in gyrA, gyrB, and marOR. Subsequent selection steps yielded mutations in gyrA, parE, and marOR but not in gyrB, parC, or acrR. Resistance-associated mutations were identified in almost all isolates after selection steps 1 and 2 but in less than 50% of isolates after subsequent selection steps. Selected strains were competed in vitro, in urine, and in a mouse UTI infection model against the starting strain, Nu14. First-step mutations were not associated with significant fitness costs. However, the accumulation of three or more resistance-associated mutations was usually associated with a large reduction in biological fitness, both in vitro and in vivo. Interestingly, in some lineages a partial restoration of fitness was associated with the accumulation of additional mutations in late selection steps. We suggest that the relative biological costs of multiple mutations may influence the evolution of E. coli strains that develop resistance to fluoroquinolones.

2013 ◽  
Vol 57 (11) ◽  
pp. 5197-5201 ◽  
Katherine R. Ball ◽  
Francesca Sampieri ◽  
Manuel Chirino ◽  
Don L. Hamilton ◽  
Robert I. R. Blyth ◽  

ABSTRACTA mouse model of cystitis caused by uropathogenicEscherichia coliwas used to study the distribution of gallium in bladder tissue following oral administration of gallium maltolate during urinary tract infection. The median concentration of gallium in homogenized bladder tissue from infected mice was 1.93 μg/g after daily administration of gallium maltolate for 5 days. Synchrotron X-ray fluorescence imaging and X-ray absorption spectroscopy of bladder sections confirmed that gallium arrived at the transitional epithelium, a potential site of uropathogenicE. coliinfection. Gallium and iron were similarly but not identically distributed in the tissues, suggesting that at least some distribution mechanisms are not common between the two elements. The results of this study indicate that gallium maltolate may be a suitable candidate for further development as a novel antimicrobial therapy for urinary tract infections caused by uropathogenicE. coli.

2011 ◽  
Vol 80 (2) ◽  
pp. 493-505 ◽  
Patrick D. Vigil ◽  
Travis J. Wiles ◽  
Michael D. Engstrom ◽  
Lev Prasov ◽  
Matthew A. Mulvey ◽  

ABSTRACTUropathogenicEscherichia coli(UPEC) is responsible for the majority of uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTI) and represents the most common bacterial infection in adults. UPEC utilizes a wide range of virulence factors to colonize the host, including the novel repeat-in-toxin (RTX) protein TosA, which is specifically expressed in the host urinary tract and contributes significantly to the virulence and survival of UPEC.tosA, found in strains within the B2 phylogenetic subgroup ofE. coli, serves as a marker for strains that also contain a large number of well-characterized UPEC virulence factors. The presence oftosAin anE. coliisolate predicts successful colonization of the murine model of ascending UTI, regardless of the source of the isolate. Here, a detailed analysis of the function oftosArevealed that this gene is transcriptionally linked to genes encoding a conserved type 1 secretion system similar to other RTX family members. TosA localized to the cell surface and was found to mediate (i) adherence to host cells derived from the upper urinary tract and (ii) survival in disseminated infections and (iii) to enhance lethality during sepsis (as assessed in two different animal models of infection). An experimental vaccine, using purified TosA, protected vaccinated animals against urosepsis. From this work, it was concluded that TosA belongs to a novel group of RTX proteins that mediate adherence and host damage during UTI and urosepsis and could be a novel target for the development of therapeutics to treat ascending UTIs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 86 (12) ◽  
Alison Coady ◽  
Anissa R. Ramos ◽  
Joshua Olson ◽  
Victor Nizet ◽  
Kathryn A. Patras

ABSTRACTUrinary tract infections (UTIs) caused by the human fungal pathogenCandida albicansand related species are prevalent in hospitalized patients, especially those on antibiotic therapy, with indwelling catheters, or with predisposing conditions such as diabetes or immunodeficiency. Understanding of key host defenses againstCandidaUTI is critical for developing effective treatment strategies. Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein (THP) is the most abundant urine protein, with multiple roles in renal physiology and bladder protection. THP protects against bacterial UTI by blocking bacterial adherence to the bladder epithelium, but its role in defense against fungal pathogens is not yet described. Here we demonstrate that THP restricts colonization of the urinary tract byC. albicans. THP binds toC. albicanshyphae, but not the yeast form, in a manner dependent on fungal expression of the Als3 adhesion glycoprotein. THP directly blocksC. albicansadherence to bladder epithelial cellsin vitro, and THP-deficient mice display increased fungal burden in aC. albicansUTI model. This work outlines a previously unknown role for THP as an essential component for host immune defense against fungal urinary tract infection.

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