Phylogeny and reclassification of the tribe Inuleae (Asteraceae)

1989 ◽  
Vol 67 (8) ◽  
pp. 2277-2296 ◽  
Arne A. Anderberg

The tribe Inuleae Cass. has been subject to a critical investigation. The many technical characters that are traditionally used in classification of the Inuleae are scrutinized, discussed, and analysed by means of a computerized parsimony program (PAUP). With one representative from each of the tribes Vernonieae, Liabeae, and Lactuceae as outgroups, three different analyses have been performed. Strict consensus trees for the three separate analyses are presented and discussed. A consensus tree based on the cladogram topologies obtained from all the three analyses is also presented. The taxonomic implication of the analyses is that the tribe Inuleae is an unnatural, not monophyletic group, which must be divided in better defined monophyletic tribes. Hence, three tribes are recognized and the majority of the described genera of the Inuleae are tentatively referred to one of these tribes. The tribes Gnaphalieae Rydb. (comprising the Inuleae–Gnaphaliinae and the Inuleae–Athrixiinae sensu Merxmüller et al.) and the Inuleae s.str., are accepted. Furthermore, the former subtribe Inuleae–Plucheinae Benth. is recognized and described as the new tribe Plucheae (Benth.) A. Anderb.

2020 ◽  
Kunal Srivastava ◽  
Ryan Tabrizi ◽  
Ayaan Rahim ◽  
Lauryn Nakamitsu

<div> <div> <div> <p>Abstract </p> <p>The ceaseless connectivity imposed by the internet has made many vulnerable to offensive comments, be it their physical appearance, political beliefs, or religion. Some define hate speech as any kind of personal attack on one’s identity or beliefs. Of the many sites that grant the ability to spread such offensive speech, Twitter has arguably become the primary medium for individuals and groups to spread these hurtful comments. Such comments typically fail to be detected by Twitter’s anti-hate system and can linger online for hours before finally being taken down. Through sentiment analysis, this algorithm is able to distinguish hate speech effectively through the classification of sentiment. </p> </div> </div> </div>

Marc N. Potenza ◽  
Kyle A. Faust ◽  
David Faust

As digital technology development continues to expand, both its positive and negative applications have also grown. As such, it is essential to continue gathering data on the many types of digital technologies, their overall effects, and their impact on public health. The World Health Organization’s inclusion of Gaming Disorder in the eleventh edition of the International Classification of Disease (ICD-11) indicates that some of the problematic effects of gaming are similar to those of substance-use disorders and gambling. Certain behaviors easily engaged in via the internet may also lead to compulsive levels of use in certain users, such as shopping or pornography use. In contrast, digital technologies can also lead to improvements in and wider accessibility to mental health treatments. Furthermore, various types of digital technologies can also lead to benefits such as increased productivity or social functioning. By more effectively understanding the impacts of all types of digital technologies, we can aim to maximize their benefits while minimizing or preventing their negative impacts.

1986 ◽  
Vol 149 (2) ◽  
pp. 172-190 ◽  
Richard Mayou ◽  
Keith Hawton

There have been many reports of psychiatric disorder in medical populations, but few have used standard methods on representative patient groups. Even so, there is consistent evidence for considerable psychiatric morbidity in in-patient, out-patient and casualty department populations, much of which is unrecognised by hospital doctors. We require a better classification of psychiatric disorder in the general hospital, improved research measures, and more evidence about the nature and course of the many different types of problem so that we can provide precise advice for their management of routine clinical practice.

Eric Scerri

In ancient Greek times, philosophers recognized just four elements—earth, water, air, and fire—all of which survive in the astrological classification of the 12 signs of the zodiac. At least some of these philosophers believed that these different elements consisted of microscopic components with differing shapes and that this explained the various properties of the elements. These shapes or structures were believed to be in the form of Platonic solids (figure 1.1) made up entirely of the same two-dimensional shape. The Greeks believed that earth consisted of microscopic cubic particles, which explained why it was difficult to move earth. Meanwhile, the liquidity of water was explained by an appeal to the smoother shape possessed by the icosahedron, while fire was said to be painful to the touch because it consisted of the sharp particles in the form of tetrahedra. Air was thought to consist of octahedra since that was the only remaining Platonic solid. A little later, a fifth Platonic solid, the dodecahedron, was discovered, and this led to the proposal that there might be a fifth element or “quintessence,” which also became known as ether. Although the notion that elements are made up of Platonic solids is regarded as incorrect from a modern point of view, it is the origin of the very fruitful notion that macroscopic properties of substances are governed by the structures of the microscopic components of which they are comprised. These “elements” survived well into the Middle Ages and beyond, augmented with a few others discovered by the alchemists, the precursors of modern-day chemists. One of the many goals of the alchemists seems to have been the transmutation of elements. Not surprisingly, perhaps, the particular transmutation that most enticed them was the attempt to change the base metal lead into the noble metal gold, whose unusual color, rarity, and chemical inertness have made it one of the most treasured substances since the dawn of civilization.

2018 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-44 ◽  
Parvin Hashemi ◽  
Ameneh Khadivar ◽  
Mehdi Shamizanjani

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to develop a new ontology for knowledge management (KM) technologies, determining the relationships between these technologies and classification of them. Design/methodology/approach The study applies NOY methodology – named after Natalya F. Noy who initiated this methodology. Protégé software and ontology web language are used for building the ontology. The presented ontology is evaluated with abbreviation and consistency criteria and knowledge retrieval of KM technologies by experts. Findings All the main concepts in the scope of KM technologies are extracted from existing literature. There are 241 words, 49 out of them are domain concepts, eight terms are about taxonomic and non-taxonomic relations, one term relates to data property and 183 terms are instances. These terms are used to develop KM technologies’ ontology based on three factors: facilitating KM processes, supporting KM strategies and the position of technology in the KM technology stage model. The presented ontology is created a common understanding in the field of KM technologies. Research limitations/implications Lack of specific documentary about logic behind decision making and prioritizing criteria in choosing KM technologies. Practical implications Uploading the presented ontology in the web environment provides a platform for knowledge sharing between experts from around the world. In addition, it helps to decide on the choice of KM technologies based on KM processes and KM strategy. Originality/value Among the many categories of KM technologies in literature, there is no classifying according to several criteria simultaneously. This paper contributes to filling this gap and considers KM processes, KM strategy and stages of growth for KM technologies simultaneously to choice the KM technologies and also there exists no formal ontology regarding KM technologies. This study has tried to propose a formal KM technologies’ ontology.

1995 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 1009 ◽  
M Balke

Only one species of Hydroporini, Megaporus piceatus (RCgimbart, 1892), has been known from New Guinea. M. piceatus is very similar to the Australian M. ruficeps (Sharp, 1882) and study of additional material is neccessary to determine its status. Chostonectes maai, sp. nov., is described from Papua New Guinea. Its sister-species is the Australian C. gigas (Boheman, 1858). The classification of the genera Megaporus Brinck, 1943, and Chostonectes Sharp, 1882, is discussed, and autapomorphies for both groups are suggested. The following species of Hydroporini are reported from New Guinea for the first time: Megaporus sp., Antiporus sp., and Sternoprisccts hansardi (Clark, 1862). A total of five Hydroporini species is now known from New Guinea. All are Australian, or of Australian origin. The New Guinean Hydroporini are not a monophyletic group. The factors delimiting the distribution of Hydroporini in New Guinea are climate and perhaps also vegetation. Australian Hydroporini are adapted to a seasonal climate and most of them also to open forests/woodland.

2019 ◽  
Vol 35 (14) ◽  
pp. i408-i416 ◽  
Nuraini Aguse ◽  
Yuanyuan Qi ◽  
Mohammed El-Kebir

Abstract Motivation Cancer phylogenies are key to studying tumorigenesis and have clinical implications. Due to the heterogeneous nature of cancer and limitations in current sequencing technology, current cancer phylogeny inference methods identify a large solution space of plausible phylogenies. To facilitate further downstream analyses, methods that accurately summarize such a set T of cancer phylogenies are imperative. However, current summary methods are limited to a single consensus tree or graph and may miss important topological features that are present in different subsets of candidate trees. Results We introduce the Multiple Consensus Tree (MCT) problem to simultaneously cluster T and infer a consensus tree for each cluster. We show that MCT is NP-hard, and present an exact algorithm based on mixed integer linear programming (MILP). In addition, we introduce a heuristic algorithm that efficiently identifies high-quality consensus trees, recovering all optimal solutions identified by the MILP in simulated data at a fraction of the time. We demonstrate the applicability of our methods on both simulated and real data, showing that our approach selects the number of clusters depending on the complexity of the solution space T. Availability and implementation Supplementary information Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-158
Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux

Based on her earlier work on the city of Rheims in Champagne, France—a Family Reconstitution study covering all social scales—the article proposes a new comprehensive classification of reconstructed female life courses from the author’s existing and refreshed nominative database (1668–1802). This fresh scrutiny of digital files will allow series of qualitative and quantitative approaches, making hopefully preindustrial urban women at last visible along their individual life-trajectory. Thanks to rich archival sources, socio-demographic trends are better known, including a general early shift to contraceptive behaviour in pre-1789 Rheims. At the end of the Ancien Régime, there was growing individual female labour migration to this major town of Western Europe. It was attracted by domestic service and the textile sector. The sex ratio became so unbalanced that many women remained single, and only a few widows remarried. Numerous women managed their living without a husband, through the many economic and sanitary crises which characterised the period.

PMLA ◽  
1963 ◽  
Vol 78 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-14 ◽  
James L. Rosier

The Beowulf Poet's extraordinary facility in using a vast and diverse word-hoard has long excited students of the poem. Among the critical studies, discussions of vocabulary rank high in number, and almost every conceivable approach to the subject has been investigated either in part or with a high degree of thoroughness. Single words, such as ealuscerwen, and groups of related words, such as rime-words, kennings, and words of Christian content or reference, have received close attention, as well as larger lexical patterns, such as variation and the formulaic texture, while further studies have compared the vocabulary with that of other Old English poems or Nordic literatures. Aside from purely lexicographical or etymological inquiries, there are three perspectives to which these many discussions generally belong: 1) descriptive: usually statistical observations about the number of compounds relative to simplices or of formulas relative to the whole vocabulary of the poem, or a comparison of the frequency of certain lexical types with other poems, or a classification of the habits of word-formation; 2) figurative and appellative: the types of verbal figures and their analogues elsewhere in Old English and Old Norse; and 3) usage: the use of words in particular contexts or for specific effects, and the structural use of synonymic substitution and variation. The first emphasis is important because it reveals the composition and its formative strata of the poem's total vocabulary, and also the lexical relationships with other poetry or poetic traditions. The second serves to isolate a lexical stratum which is by nature exclusively poetic and to observe how much of this stratum is probably original and how much traditional. But it is the third perspective which is interested most essentially in the poet, since here the attempt is made to discern the many ways by which he has used language significantly to dramatize, emphasize, elucidate, intimate, and so on. Much that has been written in this category has concerned itself with the larger patterns of variation as a characterizing, describing, or structural device, rather than with smaller, more confined, strokes of verbal association and verbal play. A well-known instance of the latter is the epithet for Grendel, healoegn (142) which, in its context, wherein a bona fide hall-thane anxiously seeks out a hiding place as protection against the intruder, may with complete justification be termed ironic, and the same thing may be said of a similar appellation used later for both Grendel and Beowulf, renweardas (770), There are also hints here and there that the poet may have been influenced by learned Latin figures. Many years ago Albert Cook compared flod blode weol (1422; Exodus 463, flod blod gewod) to Aldhelm's fluenta cruenta (De Virginitate, 2600), and more recently H. D. Meritt called attention to the similarity between Hrothgar's warning that in death “eagena bearhtm / forsiteo ond forsworces” (1766b-67a) and Aldhelm's “ferreus leti somnus palpebrarum conuolatus non tricaverit” (De Virg. Prose, 321.7, ed. Ewald). It is in the smaller strokes, I think, that the poet's acumen and craft are most incisively contained, and it is to some of these that the present discussion is devoted.

1975 ◽  
Vol 126 (4) ◽  
pp. 336-345 ◽  
Tamara Kolakowska

The main questions of diagnosis and classification of depressive illness put forward by Sir Aubrey Lewis in the 30's are still under discussion. Despite the many published clinical studies of affective illness, there remain—as recently stressed by Klerman (1971)—problems requiring further description and investigation.

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