Baltica-Laurentia link during the Mesoproterozoic: 1.27 Ga development of continental basins in the Sveconorwegian Orogen, southern Norway

2002 ◽  
Vol 39 (9) ◽  
pp. 1425-1440 ◽  
Bernard Bingen ◽  
Joakim Mansfeld ◽  
Ellen MO Sigmond ◽  
Holly Stein

Recent models suggest that Laurentia and Baltica were contiguous during the Mesoproterozoic and shared a long-lived active continental margin, subsequently reworked during the Grenvillian orogeny. Around 1.25 Ga, the geological record is dominated by dyke-swarm intrusion, continental rift basin formation, A-type felsic magmatism, and arc – back-arc basin development. It points to a dominantly extensional tectonic regime over most of the craton and the Grenvillian margin, suggesting a retreating subduction boundary at that time. In the westernmost allochthonous domain of the Sveconorwegian Orogen, southern Norway, the Sæsvatn–Valldal supracrustal sequences are interpreted as rift or pull-apart basins. They formed at and after 1.27 Ga, in a continental setting, at the margin of Baltica. This interpretation is based on geological, geochemical, and new secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) zircon U–Pb data. A subvolcanic quartz porphyry at the base of the Sæsvatn sequence yields a 1275 ± 8 Ma intrusion age. Metarhyolite samples in the lower part of the sequences yield equivalent extrusion ages of 1264 ± 4 Ma (Sæsvatn sequence) and 1260 ± 8 Ma (Valldal sequence). The metarhyolite units are overlain by sequences of metabasalt and metasandstone. An angular unconformity between the metarhyolites and overlying rocks is locally observed and possibly reflects rift tectonics during formation of the basin. A sample of arkosic metasandstone at the top of the exposed Sæsvatn sequence yields a few Archaean detrital zircon grains and a large spectrum of 2.2–1.2 Ga Proterozoic grains. These data point to a varied continental provenance and constrain sedimentation to later than 1211 ± 18 Ma.

R. Levi-Setti ◽  
J. M. Chabala ◽  
Y. L. Wang

We have shown the feasibility of 20 nm lateral resolution in both topographic and elemental imaging using probes of this size from a liquid metal ion source (LMIS) scanning ion microprobe (SIM). This performance, which approaches the intrinsic resolution limits of secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), was attained by limiting the size of the beam defining aperture (5μm) to subtend a semiangle at the source of 0.16 mr. The ensuing probe current, in our chromatic-aberration limited optical system, was 1.6 pA with Ga+ or In+ sources. Although unique applications of such low current probes have been demonstrated,) the stringent alignment requirements which they imposed made their routine use impractical. For instance, the occasional tendency of the LMIS to shift its emission pattern caused severe misalignment problems.

Philippe Fragu

The identification, localization and quantification of intracellular chemical elements is an area of scientific endeavour which has not ceased to develop over the past 30 years. Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) microscopy is widely used for elemental localization problems in geochemistry, metallurgy and electronics. Although the first commercial instruments were available in 1968, biological applications have been gradual as investigators have systematically examined the potential source of artefacts inherent in the method and sought to develop strategies for the analysis of soft biological material with a lateral resolution equivalent to that of the light microscope. In 1992, the prospects offered by this technique are even more encouraging as prototypes of new ion probes appear capable of achieving the ultimate goal, namely the quantitative analysis of micron and submicron regions. The purpose of this review is to underline the requirements for biomedical applications of SIMS microscopy.Sample preparation methodology should preserve both the structural and the chemical integrity of the tissue.

R. Levi-Setti ◽  
J. M. Chabala ◽  
R. Espinosa ◽  
M. M. Le Beau

We have shown previously that isotope-labelled nucleotides in human metaphase chromosomes can be detected and mapped by imaging secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), using the University of Chicago high resolution scanning ion microprobe (UC SIM). These early studies, conducted with BrdU- and 14C-thymidine-labelled chromosomes via detection of the Br and 28CN- (14C14N-> labelcarrying signals, provided some evidence for the condensation of the label into banding patterns along the chromatids (SIMS bands) reminiscent of the well known Q- and G-bands obtained by conventional staining methods for optical microscopy. The potential of this technique has been greatly enhanced by the recent upgrade of the UC SIM, now coupled to a high performance magnetic sector mass spectrometer in lieu of the previous RF quadrupole mass filter. The high transmission of the new spectrometer improves the SIMS analytical sensitivity of the microprobe better than a hundredfold, overcoming most of the previous imaging limitations resulting from low count statistics.

K.K. Soni ◽  
D.B. Williams ◽  
J.M. Chabala ◽  
R. Levi-Setti ◽  
D.E. Newbury

In contrast to the inability of x-ray microanalysis to detect Li, secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) generates a very strong Li+ signal. The latter’s potential was recently exploited by Williams et al. in the study of binary Al-Li alloys. The present study of Al-Li-Cu was done using the high resolution scanning ion microprobe (SIM) at the University of Chicago (UC). The UC SIM employs a 40 keV, ∼70 nm diameter Ga+ probe extracted from a liquid Ga source, which is scanned over areas smaller than 160×160 μm2 using a 512×512 raster. During this experiment, the sample was held at 2 × 10-8 torr.In the Al-Li-Cu system, two phases of major importance are T1 and T2, with nominal compositions of Al2LiCu and Al6Li3Cu respectively. In commercial alloys, T1 develops a plate-like structure with a thickness <∼2 nm and is therefore inaccessible to conventional microanalytical techniques. T2 is the equilibrium phase with apparent icosahedral symmetry and its presence is undesirable in industrial alloys.

Bruno Schueler ◽  
Robert W. Odom

Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) provides unique capabilities for elemental and molecular compositional analysis of a wide variety of surfaces. This relatively new technique is finding increasing applications in analyses concerned with determining the chemical composition of various polymer surfaces, identifying the composition of organic and inorganic residues on surfaces and the localization of molecular or structurally significant secondary ions signals from biological tissues. TOF-SIMS analyses are typically performed under low primary ion dose (static SIMS) conditions and hence the secondary ions formed often contain significant structural information.This paper will present an overview of current TOF-SIMS instrumentation with particular emphasis on the stigmatic imaging ion microscope developed in the authors’ laboratory. This discussion will be followed by a presentation of several useful applications of the technique for the characterization of polymer surfaces and biological tissues specimens. Particular attention in these applications will focus on how the analytical problem impacts the performance requirements of the mass spectrometer and vice-versa.

S. H. Chen

Sn has been used extensively as an n-type dopant in GaAs grown by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE). The surface accumulation of Sn during the growth of Sn-doped GaAs has been observed by several investigators. It is still not clear whether the accumulation of Sn is a kinetically hindered process, as proposed first by Wood and Joyce, or surface segregation due to thermodynamic factors. The proposed donor-incorporation mechanisms were based on experimental results from such techniques as secondary ion mass spectrometry, Auger electron spectroscopy, and C-V measurements. In the present study, electron microscopy was used in combination with cross-section specimen preparation. The information on the morphology and microstructure of the surface accumulation can be obtained in a fine scale and may confirm several suggestions from indirect experimental evidence in the previous studies.

D. E. Newbury ◽  
R. D. Leapman

Trace constituents, which can be very loosely defined as those present at concentration levels below 1 percent, often exert influence on structure, properties, and performance far greater than what might be estimated from their proportion alone. Defining the role of trace constituents in the microstructure, or indeed even determining their location, makes great demands on the available array of microanalytical tools. These demands become increasingly more challenging as the dimensions of the volume element to be probed become smaller. For example, a cubic volume element of silicon with an edge dimension of 1 micrometer contains approximately 5×1010 atoms. High performance secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) can be used to measure trace constituents to levels of hundreds of parts per billion from such a volume element (e. g., detection of at least 100 atoms to give 10% reproducibility with an overall detection efficiency of 1%, considering ionization, transmission, and counting).

A. P. Kovarsky ◽  
V. S. Strykanov

GaN epitaxial films were analyzed by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS). Standard implanted samples were used to determine the appropriate analytical conditions for analysis of impurities. The dose and energy of implantation for selected elements (Mg, Al, Si, Zn, Cd, H, C and O) were chosen so the maximum impurity concentration was not more than 1020 atoms/cm3. The optimum analysis conditions were ascertained from the standards for each element, and the detection limits were deduced from the background levels of the implantation profiles. We demonstate that lower detection limits of 1015 atoms/cm3 with a dynamic range 103 − 105 are possible. Zn and Cd have low ion yields, so the minimum detection level for these elements is the background level of the detector. The detection limits of the other elements are determined by the contamination of an initial GaN matrix.

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