Elm leaf scorch: abnormal physiology in American elms infected with fastidious, xylem-inhabiting bacteria

1986 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 1088-1091 ◽  
Stanley J. Kostka ◽  
Terry A. Tattar ◽  
James L. Sherald

Stem elongation, leaf area, xylem function, water relations, and stem starch reserves were compared between leaf scorch affected American elms (Ulmusamericana L.) infected with fastidious, xylem-inhabiting bacteria and symptomless trees. Stem elongation was significantly lower in elm leaf scorch affected trees than in symptomless trees, while no differences occurred in leaf area. Stem hydraulic conductivity in affected trees decreased from June through September, but increased during the same period in symptomless trees. Dye infiltration rates and number of functional vessels in stems collected from leaf scorch affected trees in September were significantly lower than in symptomless trees. Changes in stem water potential paralleled xylem infiltration rates. No differences in any measured parameters occurred between elm leaf scorch affected and symptomless trees in June prior to symptom onset. Once symptoms developed, stem water potential was more negative in affected trees than in symptomless trees. Mean stem starch levels were significantly higher in symptomless trees than in symptomatic trees. Results confirm that water deficit in leaf scorch affected trees may be attributed to xylem dysfunction possibly caused by bacterial occlusion. Growth reduction can be associated with decreased starch reserves induced by reduced water translocation and reduced effective photosynthetic area caused by the foliar necrosis of elm leaf scorch.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 1759
Said A. Hamido ◽  
Kelly T. Morgan

The availability and proper irrigation scheduling of water are some of the most significant limitations on citrus production in Florida. The proper volume of citrus water demand is vital in evaluating sustainable irrigation approaches. The current study aims to determine the amount of irrigation required to grow citrus trees at higher planting densities without detrimental impacts on trees’ water relation parameters. The study was conducted between November 2017 and September 2020 on young sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) trees budded on the ‘US-897’ (Cleopatra mandarin x Flying Dragon trifoliate orange) citrus rootstock transplanted in sandy soil at the Southwest Florida Research and Education Center (SWFREC) demonstration grove, near Immokalee, Florida. The experiment contained six planting densities, including 447, 598, and 745 trees per ha replicated four times, and 512, 717, and 897 trees per ha replicated six times. Each density treatment was irrigated at 62% or 100% during the first 15 months between 2017 and 2019 or one of the four irrigation rates (26.5, 40.5, 53, or 81%) based on the calculated crop water supplied (ETc) during the last 17 months of 2019–2020. Tree water relations, including soil moisture, stem water potential, and water supplied, were collected periodically. In addition, soil salinity was determined. During the first year (2018), a higher irrigation rate (100% ETc) represented higher soil water contents; however, the soil water content for the lower irrigation rate (62% ETc) did not represent biological stress. One emitter per tree regardless of planting density supported stem water potential (Ψstem) values between −0.80 and −0.79 MPa for lower and full irrigation rates, respectively. However, when treatments were adjusted from April 2019 through September 2020, the results substantially changed. The higher irrigation rate (81% ETc) represented higher soil water contents during the remainder of the study, the lower irrigation rate (26.5% ETc) represents biological stress as a result of stem water potential (Ψstem) values between −1.05 and −0.91 MPa for lower and higher irrigation rates, respectively. Besides this, increasing the irrigation rate from 26.5% to 81%ETc decreased the soil salinity by 33%. Although increasing the planting density from 717 to 897 trees per hectare reduced the water supplied on average by 37% when one irrigation emitter was used to irrigate two trees instead of one, applying an 81% ETc irrigation rate in citrus is more efficient and could be managed in commercial groves.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 1837
Eve Laroche-Pinel ◽  
Sylvie Duthoit ◽  
Mohanad Albughdadi ◽  
Anne D. Costard ◽  
Jacques Rousseau ◽  

Wine growing needs to adapt to confront climate change. In fact, the lack of water becomes more and more important in many regions. Whereas vineyards have been located in dry areas for decades, so they need special resilient varieties and/or a sufficient water supply at key development stages in case of severe drought. With climate change and the decrease of water availability, some vineyard regions face difficulties because of unsuitable variety, wrong vine management or due to the limited water access. Decision support tools are therefore required to optimize water use or to adapt agronomic practices. This study aimed at monitoring vine water status at a large scale with Sentinel-2 images. The goal was to provide a solution that would give spatialized and temporal information throughout the season on the water status of the vines. For this purpose, thirty six plots were monitored in total over three years (2018, 2019 and 2020). Vine water status was measured with stem water potential in field measurements from pea size to ripening stage. Simultaneously Sentinel-2 images were downloaded and processed to extract band reflectance values and compute vegetation indices. In our study, we tested five supervised regression machine learning algorithms to find possible relationships between stem water potential and data acquired from Sentinel-2 images (bands reflectance values and vegetation indices). Regression model using Red, NIR, Red-Edge and SWIR bands gave promising result to predict stem water potential (R2=0.40, RMSE=0.26).

2021 ◽  
Marta Rodríguez-Fernández ◽  
María Fandiño ◽  
Xesús Pablo González ◽  
Javier J. Cancela

<p>The estimation of the water status in the vineyard, is a very important factor, in which every day the winegrowers show more interest since it directly affects the quality and production in the vineyards. The situation generated by COVID-19 in viticulture, adds importance to tools that provide information of the hydric status of vineyard plants in a telematic way.</p><p>In the present study, the stem water potential in the 2018 and 2019 seasons, is analysed in a vineyard belonging to the Rias Baixas wine-growing area (Vilagarcia de Arousa, Spain), with 32 sampling points distributed throughout the plot, which allows the contrast and validation with the remote sensing methodology to estimate the water status of the vineyard using satellite images.</p><p>The satellite images have been downloaded from the Sentinel-2 satellite, on the closets available dates regarding the stem water potential measurements, carried out in the months of June to September, because this dates are considered the months in which vine plants have higher water requirements.</p><p>With satellite images, two spectral index related to the detection of water stress have been calculated: NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index) and MSI (Moisture Stress Index). Stem water potential measurements, have allowed a linear regression with both index, to validate the use of these multispectral index to determine water stress in the vineyard.</p><p>Determination coefficients of r<sup>2</sup>=0.62 and 0.67, have been obtained in July and August 2018 and 0.54 in June of 2019 for the NDWI index, as well as values of 0.53 and 0.63 in July 2018 and June 2019 respectively, when it has been analysed the MSI index.</p><p>Between both seasons, the difference observed, that implies slightly greater water stress in 2019, is reflected in the climate conditions during the summer months, with an average accumulated rainfall that doesn’t exceed 46 mm of water. Although, the NDWI index has allowed to establish better relationships in the 2018 season respect to the MSI index and the 2019 season, (r<sup>2</sup>=0.60 NDWI in 2018), as well as greater differences in terms of water stress presented in the vineyard.</p><p>With the spectral index calculated, it has been possible to validate the use of these index for the determination of the water stress of the vineyard plants, as an efficient, fast and less expensive method, which allows the application of an efficient irrigation system in the vineyard.</p>

2021 ◽  
Luz Karime Atencia ◽  
María Gómez del Campo ◽  
Gema Camacho ◽  
Antonio Hueso ◽  
Ana M. Tarquis

<p>Olive is the main fruit tree in Spain representing 50% of the fruit trees surface, around 2,751,255 ha. Due to its adaptation to arid conditions and the scarcity of water, regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) strategy is normally applied in traditional olive orchards and recently to high density orchards. The application of RDI is one of the most important technique used in the olive hedgerow orchard. An investigation of the detection of water stress in nonhomogeneous olive tree canopies such as orchards using remote sensing imagery is presented.</p><p>In 2018 and 2019 seasons, data on stem water potential were collected to characterize tree water state in a hedgerow olive orchard cv. Arbequina located in Chozas de Canales (Toledo). Close to the measurement’s dates, remote sensing images with spectral and thermal sensors were acquired. Several vegetation indexes (VI) using both or one type of sensors were estimated from the areas selected that correspond to the olive crown avoiding the canopy shadows.</p><p>Nonparametric statistical tests between the VIs and the stem water potential were carried out to reveal the most significant correlation. The results will be discussing in the context of robustness and sensitivity between both data sets at different phenological olive state.</p><p><strong>ACKNOWLODGEMENTS</strong></p><p>Financial support provided by the Spanish Research Agency co-financed with European Union FEDER funds (AEI/FEDER, UE, AGL2016-77282-C3-2R project) and Comunidad de Madrid through calls for grants for the completion of Industrial Doctorates, is greatly appreciated.</p>

OENO One ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 47 (4) ◽  
pp. 269 ◽  
Edoardo Antonio Costantino Costantini ◽  
Alessandro Agnelli ◽  
Pierluigi Bucelli ◽  
Aldo Ciambotti ◽  
Valentina Dell’Oro ◽  

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Aim</strong>: To evaluate the relationship between carbon isotope ratio (δ<sup>13</sup>C) and wine grape viticultural and oenological performance in organic farming.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Methods and results</strong>: The study was carried out for four years in the Chianti Classico wine production district (Central Italy), on five non irrigated vineyards conducted in organic farming. The reference variety was Sangiovese. Eleven sites were chosen for vine monitoring and grape sampling. The performance parameters were alcohol and must sugar content, sugar accumulation rate, mean berry weight, and extractable polyphenols. δ<sup>13</sup>C, stem water potential, and soil water availability were also monitored. Finally, soil nitrogen as well as yeast available nitrogen in the must were measured. δ<sup>13</sup>C was directly related to stem water potential and soil water deficit, and indicated a range of water stress conditions from none and moderate to strong. However, its relationship with viticultural and oenological results was contrary to expectation, that is, performance linearly increased along with soil moisture. On the other hand, the worst performance was obtained where both water and nitrogen were more limiting.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Conclusions</strong>: The unexpected relationship between δ<sup>13</sup>C and Sangiovese performance was caused by low nitrogen availability. The studied sites all had low-fertility soils with poor or very poor nitrogen content. Therefore, in the plots where soil humidity was relatively higher, nitrogen plant uptake was favoured, and Sangiovese performance improved. Macronutrient being the main limiting factor, the performance was not lower in the plots where soil water availability was relatively larger. Therefore, the best viticultural result was obtained with no water stress conditions, at low rather than at intermediate δ<sup>13</sup>C values.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Significance and impact of the study</strong>: Water nutrition is crucial for wine grape performance. δ<sup>13</sup>C is a method used to assess vine water status during the growing season and to estimate vine performance. A good performance is expected at moderate stress and intermediate δ<sup>13</sup>C values. A better knowledge of the interaction between water and nutrient scarcity is needed, as it can affect the use of δ<sup>13</sup>C to predict vine performance.</p>

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 2780
Victor Blanco ◽  
Lee Kalcsits

Stem water potential (Ψstem) is considered to be the standard measure of plant water status. However, it is measured with the pressure chamber (PC), an equipment that can neither provide continuous information nor be automated, limiting its use. Recent developments of microtensiometers (MT; FloraPulse sensors), which can continuously measure water tension in woody tissue of the trunk of the tree, can potentially highlight the dynamic nature of plant water relations. Thus, this study aimed to validate and assess the usefulness of the MT by comparing the Ψstem provided by MT with those same measurements from the PC. Here, two irrigation treatments (a control and a deficit treatment) were applied in a pear (Pyrus communis L.) orchard in Washington State (USA) to capture the full range of water potentials in this environment. Discrete measurements of leaf gas exchange, canopy temperature and Ψstem measured with PC and MT were made every two hours for four days from dawn to sunset. There were strong linear relationships between the Ψstem-MT and Ψstem-PC (R2 > 0.8) and with vapor pressure deficit (R2 > 0.7). However, Ψstem-MT was more variable and lower than Ψstem-PC when Ψstem-MT was below −1.5 MPa, especially during the evening. Minimum Ψstem-MT occurred later in the afternoon compared to Ψstem-PC. Ψstem showed similar sensitivity and coefficients of variation for both PC and MT acquired data. Overall, the promising results achieved indicated the potential for MT to be used to continuously assess tree water status.

1995 ◽  
Vol 120 (4) ◽  
pp. 577-582 ◽  
Amos Naor ◽  
Isaac Klein ◽  
Israel Doron

The sensitivity of leaf (ψleaf) and stem (ψstem) water potential and stomatal conductance (gs) to soil moisture availability in apple (Malus domestics Borkh.) trees and their correlation with yield components were studied in a field experiment. Two drip irrigation treatments, 440 mm (H) and 210 mm (L), were applied to a `Golden Delicious' apple orchard during cell enlargement stage (55-173 days after full bloom). Data collected included ψstem, y leaf, gs, and soil water potential at 25 (ψsoil-25) and 50 cm (ψsoil-50). No differences in midday ψleaf's were found between irrigation treatments. Stem water potential was higher in the H treatment than in the L treatment in diurnal measurements, and at midday throughout the season. Stomatal conductance of the H treatment was higher than the L treatment throughout the day. Stomatal conductance between 0930 and 1530 hr were highly correlated with ψstem. The H treatment increased the percentage of fruit >65 mm, and increased the proportion of earlier harvested fruit reaching marketable size compared to the L treatment. Fruit size in the first harvest and the total yield were highly correlated with ψstem. The degree of correlation between plant water stress indicators and yield component decreased in the following order: ψstem>ψsoil-25,>ψsoil-50>ψleaf. The data suggest that midday ψstem may serve as a preferable plant water stress indicator with respect to fruit size.

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