scholarly journals Interacting dark matter and cosmic acceleration

2020 ◽  
Vol 80 (9) ◽  
Víctor H. Cárdenas ◽  
Samuel Lepe

AbstractWe study the effect of an explicit interaction between two scalar fields components describing dark matter in the context of a recent proposal framework for interaction. We find that, even assuming a very small coupling, it is sufficient to explain the observational effects of a cosmological constant, and also overcome the problems of the $$\Lambda $$ Λ CDM model without assuming an exotic dark energy.

2011 ◽  
Vol 20 (13) ◽  
pp. 2543-2558 ◽  

From a variational action with nonminimal coupling with a scalar field and classical scalar and fermionic interaction, cosmological field equations can be obtained. Imposing a Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) metric, the equations lead directly to a cosmological model consisting of two interacting fluids, where the scalar field fluid is interpreted as dark energy and the fermionic field fluid is interpreted as dark matter. Several cases were studied analytically and numerically. An important feature of the non-minimal coupling is that it allows crossing the barrier from a quintessence to phantom behavior. The insensitivity of the solutions to one of the parameters of the model permits it to find an almost analytical solution for the cosmological constant type of universe.

2012 ◽  
Vol 21 (11) ◽  
pp. 1242002 ◽  

Flat galaxy rotation curves and the accelerating Universe both imply the existence of a critical acceleration, which is of the same order of magnitude in both the cases, in spite of the galactic and cosmic length scales being vastly different. Yet, it is customary to explain galactic acceleration by invoking gravitationally bound dark matter, and cosmic acceleration by invoking a "repulsive" dark energy. Instead, might it not be the case that the flatness of rotation curves and the acceleration of the Universe have a common cause? In this essay we propose a modified theory of gravity. By applying the theory on galactic scales we demonstrate flat rotation curves without dark matter, and by applying it on cosmological scales we demonstrate cosmic acceleration without dark energy.

2008 ◽  
Vol 23 (31) ◽  
pp. 2681-2689

In the past few years, a possibility is investigated, where curvature itself behaves as a source of dark energy. So, it is natural to think whether curvature can produce dark matter too. It is found that, at classical level, higher-derivative gravity yields curvature inspired particles namely riccions.31 Here, it is probed whether riccion can be a possible source of dark matter. Further, it is found that the late universe accelerates. Here, it is interesting to see that acceleration is obtained from curvature without using any dark energy source of exotic matter.

2016 ◽  
Vol 25 (12) ◽  
pp. 1630031 ◽  
M. Sami ◽  
R. Myrzakulov

We briefly review the problems and prospects of the standard lore of dark energy. We have shown that scalar fields, in principle, cannot address the cosmological constant problem. Indeed, a fundamental scalar field is faced with a similar problem dubbed naturalness. In order to keep the discussion pedagogical, aimed at a wider audience, we have avoided technical complications in several places and resorted to heuristic arguments based on physical perceptions. We presented underlying ideas of modified theories based upon chameleon mechanism and Vainshtein screening. We have given a lucid illustration of recently investigated ghost-free nonlinear massive gravity. Again, we have sacrificed rigor and confined to the basic ideas that led to the formulation of the theory. The review ends with a brief discussion on the difficulties of the theory applied to cosmology.

2009 ◽  
Vol 18 (05) ◽  
pp. 865-887

In this paper, the cosmology of the late and future universe is obtained from f(R) gravity with nonlinear curvature terms R2 and R3 (R is the Ricci scalar curvature). It is different from f(R) dark energy models where nonlinear curvature terms are taken as a gravitational alternative to dark energy. In the present model, neither linear nor nonlinear curvature terms are taken as dark energy. Rather, dark energy terms are induced by curvature terms and appear in the Friedmann equation derived from f(R) gravitational equations. This approach has an advantage over f(R) dark energy models in three ways: (i) results are consistent with WMAP observations, (ii) dark matter is produced from the gravitational sector and (iii) the universe expands as ~ t2/3 during dominance of the curvature-induced dark matter, which is consistent with the standard cosmology. Curvature-induced dark energy mimics phantom and causes late acceleration. It is found that transition from matter-driven deceleration to acceleration takes place at the redshift 0.36 at time 0.59 t0 (t0 is the present age of the universe). Different phases of this model, including acceleration and deceleration during the phantom phase, are investigated. It is found that expansion of the universe will stop at the age of 3.87 t0 + 694.4 kyr. After this epoch, the universe will contract and collapse by the time of 336.87 t0 + 694.4 kyr. Further, it is shown that cosmic collapse obtained from classical mechanics can be avoided by making quantum gravity corrections relevant near the collapse time due to extremely high energy density and large curvature analogous to the state of the very early universe. Interestingly, the cosmological constant is also induced here; it is extremely small in the classical domain but becomes very high in the quantum domain. This result explains the largeness of the cosmological constant in the early universe due to quantum gravity effects during this era and its very low value in the present universe due to negligible quantum effect in the late universe.

Malcolm S. Longair

Since 1980, our empirical knowledge of the universe has advanced tremendously and precision cosmology has become a reality. These developments have been largely technology-driven, the result of increased computer power, new generations of telescopes for all wavebands, new types of semiconductor detectors, such as CCDs, and major investments by many nations in superb observing facilities. The discipline also benefitted from the influx of experimental and theoretical physicists into the cosmological arena. The accuracy and reliability of the values of the cosmological parameters has improved dramatically, many of them now being known to about 1%. The ΛCDM model provides a remarkable fit to all the observational data, demonstrating that the cosmological constant is non-zero and that the global geometry of the universe is flat. The underlying physics of galaxy and large-scale structure formation has advanced dramatically and demonstrated the key roles played by dark matter and dark energy.

2004 ◽  
Vol 19 (31) ◽  
pp. 5333-5333

We show that the origin of the dark matter and dark energy problems originates in the assumption of standard Einstein gravity that Newton's constant is fundamental. We discuss an alternate, conformal invariant, metric theory of gravity in which Newton's constant is induced dynamically, with the global induced one which is effective for cosmology being altogether weaker than the local induced one needed for the solar system. We find that in the theory dark matter is no longer needed, and that the accelerating universe data can be fitted without fine-tuning using a cosmological constant as large as particle physics suggests. In the conformal theory then it is not the cosmological constant which is quenched but rather the amount of gravity that it produces.

2014 ◽  
Vol 23 (02) ◽  
pp. 1450012 ◽  

The problem of the cosmic acceleration is here revisited by using the fact that the adiabatic speed of sound can be assumed to be negligible small. Within the context of general relativity, the total energy budget is recovered under the hypothesis of a vanishing speed of sound by assuming the existence of one fluid only. We find a cosmological model which reproduces the main results of the ΛCDM paradigm at late-times, showing an emergent cosmological constant, which is not at all related with the vacuum energy term. As a consequence, the model presented here behaves as a unified dark energy (DE) model.

Gilles Cohen-Tannoudji ◽  
Jean-Pierre Gazeau

In the same way as the realization of some of the famous gedanken experiments imagined by the founding fathers of quantum mechanics has recently led to the current renewal of the interpretation of quantum physics, it seems that the most recent progresses of observational astrophysics can be interpreted as the realization of some cosmological gedanken experiments such as the removal from the universe of the whole visible matter or the cosmic time travel leading to a new cosmological standard model. This standard model involves two dark components of the universe, dark energy and dark matter. Whereas dark energy is usually associated with the positive cosmological constant, we propose to explain dark matter as a pure QCD effect. This effect is due to the trace anomaly viewed as a negative cosmological constant accompanying baryonic matter at the hadronization transition from the quark gluon plasma phase to the colorless hadronic phase. Our approach not only yields a ratio Dark/Visible equal to 11/2 but also provides gluons and (anti-)quarks with an extra mass of vibrational nature. Currently observed dark matter is thus interpreted as a gluon Bose Einstein condensate that is a relic of the quark period. Such an interpretation would comfort the idea that, apart from the violation of the matter/antimatter symmetry satisfying the Sakharov’s conditions, the reconciliation of particle physics and cosmology needs not the recourse to any ad hoc fields, particles or hidden variables.

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