Contractual Partnerships in the Geniza and the Relationship between Islamic Law and Practice

2011 ◽  
Vol 54 (5) ◽  
pp. 646-676
Phillip I. Ackerman-Lieberman

Abstract It is the consensus of scholars that Jewish merchants in the medieval Islamic world structured their economic relationships according to the norms of a broad, “Islamic” marketplace. Legal agreements found in the Cairo Geniza show that, on the contrary, these merchants adhered to the norms of Jewish law. I discuss the implications of this finding for the study of Jewish and Islamic social, economic, and legal history, for which the Geniza documents are an important direct witness.

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Ulya Ulya

Abstract: This article discusses the emergence, development, and sustainability of heterodoxy-ortodoxy claims in the religious discourse in the Islamic world. In addition, the claims of heterodoxy – ortodoxy existed since the emergence of Islamic religious discourse itself until now, through many studies, i.e. Qur’anic interpretation (Tafsir), Theology (Kalam), Mysticism (Tasawuf), Islamic Law (Fiqh), etc. The claims occured because of standardization of the various religious discourses. The existence of various religious discourses is caused by the  differences of interpretation. The differences of interpretation is caused by the differences of presupposition, episteme ,even conflict of interest between two or more groups. In the standardization process involves authorities using a certain religious discourse as the basis of their argument. In this perspective, Foucault’s theory called with the relationship between power and discourse/knowledge. He clarify that discourse/knowledge is an instrument  to dominate others. Futhermore, he said that if there is a domination, it will arise a resistence. On the other hand, so that, the discourse of ortodoxy  always deals with the discourse of heterodoxy. The discourse of heterodoxy that is supported by the authorities and is followed by the majority of people will become the new ortodoxy. Morover, the new ortodoxy also emerges the new heterodoxy, and so-on.الملخص: تناولت هذه المقالة عن نشأة وتطور واستدامة مطالبة الأرثوذكسية والهيتروذكسية فى الخطاب الديني فى العالم الإسلامي. ويمكن العرض باختصار أن مطالبة الأرثوذكسية والهيتروذكسية ظهرت فى الإسلام متزامنا مع ظهور الخطاب الديني حتى الآن سواء كان فى مجال التفسير أوعلم الكلام او التصوف أو الفقه أو غيرها من المجالات الدينية. وكان ظهور مطالبة الأرثوذكسية والهيتروذكسية لا يخلو من التقييس تجاه  تنوع الخطاب الديني الناتج عن الاختلاف فى التفسير. ومن المعروف أن الاختلاف فى التفسير ناتج عن الاختلاف فى المفاهيم القبلية والابستمية او حتى تضاربت المصالح بين الفريقين أو أكثر. وفى خلال عملية التقييس قد يحدث إشراك السلطات باستخدام بعض النصوص الدينية أساسا للحجة. هذا ما يسميه فوكو بعلاقة السلطة-الخطاب أو المعرفة.  وأكد فوكو أن علاقة السلطة-المعرفة قد تكون أداة للسيطرة على الطرف الآخر. فبالتالي حيثما تمكّنت السلطة ظهرت المقاومة. ففي هذا الحال تكون الأرثوذكسية دائما مقابلة للهيتروذكسية. وقد يتحول ما يعتبره الناس من الهيتروذكسية إلى الأرثوذكسية لقوة دعم السلطة وأغلبية المجتمع فأصبحت أرثوذكسية جديدة. ومن هذه الأرثوذكسية الجديدة ستجلب بالتأكيد المزيد من الهيتروذكسية الجديدة، وهلم جرا.Abstrak: Artikel ini membahas tentang muncul, berkembang, dan keberlangsungan klaim ortodoksi-heterodoksi dalam wacana keagamaan di dunia Islam. Disampaikan secara singkat bahwa klaim ortodoksi-heterodoksi niscaya ada sejak munculnya wacana keagamaan sampai sekarang ini, baik melalui Tafsir, Kalam, Tasawuf, Fiqih, dan lain-lain. Klaim ortodoksi-heterodoksi muncul karena adanya standarisasi dari beragam wacana keagamaan. Adanya beragam wacana keagamaan disebabkan perbedaan penafsiran. Perbedaan penafsiran disebabkan adanya perbedaan prapemahaman, episteme, bahkan konflik kepentingan antara dua pihak atau lebih.   Dalam proses standarisasi tersebut akan melibatkan otoritas yang menggunakan wacana keagamaan tertentu sebagai dasar argumentasinya. Dalam kerangka ini Foucault menyebutnya dengan hubungan kekuasaan-wacana/pengetahuan. Dia menegaskan bahwa wacana/pengetahuan bisa menjadi alat untuk menguasai pihak lain. Dan selanjutnya bahwa setiap ada kekuasaan pasti menumbuhkan resistensi. Di sinilah wacana ortodoksi selalu berhadapan dengan wacana heterodoksi. Kadang-kadang bisa juga wacana yang semula ditempatkan sebagai wacana heterodoksi, karena didukung oleh otoritas lalu diikuti oleh mayoritas masyarakat, maka akan menjadi ortodoksi baru. Dan dari ortodoksi baru ini pasti akan memunculkan heterodoksi yang lebih baru lagi, begitu seterusnya.

2011 ◽  
Vol 56 (S19) ◽  
pp. 141-164
Karin Hofmeester

SummaryIn this article, Moses Maimonides’interpretationof Jewish law on women and work – as reflected in hisMishneh Torah– is contrasted with the daily lives of Jewish working women as portrayed in the documents of the Cairo Geniza. Later rabbinic writings and European travel accounts are analysed to show how Jewish ethics of women and work were translated into social practice in the late medieval and early modern Arab-Islamic world, where Islamic law and the existence of separate worlds for men and women rather than the contrast between public and private spheres seem to have informed general ideas about women and work.

2012 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-72
Morteza Karimi-Nia

The status of tafsīr and Qur'anic studies in the Islamic Republic of Iran has changed significantly during recent decades. The essay provides an overview of the state of Qur'anic studies in Iran today, aiming to examine the extent of the impact of studies by Western scholars on Iranian academic circles during the last three decades and the relationship between them. As in most Islamic countries, the major bulk of academic activity in Iran in this field used to be undertaken by the traditional ʿulamāʾ; however, since the beginning of the twentieth century and the establishment of universities and other academic institutions in the Islamic world, there has been increasing diversity and development. After the Islamic Revolution, many gradual changes in the structure and approach of centres of religious learning and universities have occurred. Contemporary advancements in modern sciences and communications technologies have gradually brought the institutions engaged in the study of human sciences to confront the new context. As a result, the traditional Shīʿī centres of learning, which until 50 years ago devoted themselves exclusively to the study of Islamic law and jurisprudence, today pay attention to the teaching of foreign languages, Qur'anic sciences and exegesis, including Western studies about the Qur'an, to a certain extent, and recognise the importance of almost all of the human sciences of the West.

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Nurul Aini Musyarofah

The relationship between Islam and state raises a controversy that includes two main groups;formalists and substantialists. Both of them intend to achieve a good social condition which is inaccordance with Islamic politics. The ideal form of good society to be achieved is principallydescribed in the main source of Islamic law, Al Qur’an and As Sunnah, as follows. A form of goodsociety should supprot equality and justice, egalitarianism, and democracy in its social community.The next problem is what the needed methods and instruments to achieve the ideal Islamic politicsare. In this case, the debate on the formalization and substance of Islamic teaching is related to therunning formal political institution.Each group claims itself to be the most representative to the ideal Islam that often leads to anescalating conflict. On the other hand thr arguments of both groups does not reach the wholeMuslims. As a result, the discourse of Islam and state seems to be elitist and political. As a result,Both groups suspect each other each other and try to utilize the controversy on the relationshipbetween Islam and state to get their own benefit which has no relation with the actualization ofIslamic teaching.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 121
Dody Nur Andriyan

Regional Regulation (Perda) which regulates public issues such as prostitution, alcoholic beverages, gambling, and the relationship between men and women turns out to be identified as a Regional Regulation with nuances of Islamic law. in Banyumas Regency there is a Regional Regulation which if used by the identification of Arfiansyah above, it can be referred to as a Regional Regulation with nuances of Islamic law. The regulation is: Banyumas District Regulation Number 15 of 2014 concerning Control, Supervision and Control of Circulation of Alcoholic Beverages and Regional Regulations of Banyumas Regency Number 16 of 2015 concerning Community Disease Management. This research has two formulations of the first problem related to the results of the content of the analysis on the Perda that are nuanced by Islamic law in Banyumas Regency. Both of the results of the analysis content on the Regional Regulations that are nuanced by Islamic law in Banyumas Regency are not contrary to Law-Invitation Number 12 of 2011? This research is a qualitative-descriptive study. The research method used is normative juridical. The main source of data is the Banyumas District Regulation Number 15 of 2014 concerning Control, Supervision and Control of Circulation of Alcoholic Beverages and Regional Regulations of Banyumas Regency Number 16 of 2015 concerning Community Disease Management. Interviews were also conducted with resource persons. Furthermore, the results of the analysis were carried out. Regional Regulation No. 15 of 2014 is actually a Regional Regulation that has a broad purpose of public interest, for the nation and state. So that the claim that Perda No 15 of 2014 as a Regional Regulation with nuances of Islamic law is not true. Regional Regulation No. 16 of 2015 is actually a Regional Regulation that has a broad purpose of public interest, for the nation and state. So that the claim that Perda No 16 of 2015 as a Regional Regulation with nuances of Islamic law is not true. Both of these Perda (Perda No 15 of 2014 and Perda No. 16 of 2015) are not in conflict with Law No. 12 of 2011 concerning the Establishment of Legislation. Both in terms of content, principles, goals, arrangements, administrative sanctions and criminal sanctions. Formally and procedurally the two Perda are in accordance with Law Number 12 of 2011

المختار الأحمر

الملخّص يتناول البحث علاقة الفطرة بالشريعة في التفكير الإسلامي، وما تطرحه هذه العلاقة سواء على مستوى بيان الجوانب المتعلقة بخَلْق الإنسان وما فُطِر عليه ابتداء، وهذا البعد يمثّل الجانب التكوني في مفهوم الفطرة، أو على المستوى المتعلق بالشريعة وفطريتها، أي أنها جارية وفق ما يدركه العقل وتشهد به الفطرة، وهذا البعد يمثّل الجانب التشريعي الذي يطرحه مفهوم الفطرة. لقد زخرت أغلب الكتابات بتناول جانبا واحدا مما يتيحه أو يعكسه مفهوم الفطرة، لكن البحث في العلاقة التناسبية بين الفطرة والشريعة، وما يتيحه هذا النظر المتلازم بين المفهومين على مستوى الإمكانات المتعلقة بقدرات الإنسان الفطرية في فهم وتعقّل الخطاب الشرعي والأحكام التكليفية، والوقوف على غاياته ومقاصده، يبقى في حاجة إلى البحث والاستقصاء. ولذلك تأتي هذه الدراسة لتسليط الضوء على الجانب التشريعي والتكويني في علاقة الشريعة بالفطرة، باعتبارهما نظامين متلازمين يتيحان فهم طبيعة الشريعة وأحكامها ومقاصدها من جهة، وتحديد جوهر وماهية الإنسان الفطرية وإمكاناته في تعقّل هذه الشريعة من جهة ثانية.                  الكلمات المفتاحية: الفطرة، الشريعة، الدين، التكاليف، العقل. Abstract This research addresses the relationship between premordial human nature (fitrah) and Islamic law (SharÊÑah) within the frame of Islamic thought, while exploring the questions it raises at two levels. The first level explains the aspects related to the creation of man and what has initially been bestowed upon him, which represents the evolutionary aspect of the concept of fiÏrah. The second level is related to SharÊÑah and its nature, which evolves according to what is percieved by reason and witnessed by fiÏrah; this represents the legislative aspect presented by the concept of fiÏrah. The majority of studies to date address a single aspect of the illustrations of the concept of fiÏrah. However, research on the dialectic relationship between fiÏrah and SharÊÑah and what its relevant concurrent view provides at the level of potentials related to human innate capacities in understanding and realizing SharÊÑah discourse and mandatory provisions as well as understanding its objectives  remains scarce and requires further research and investigation. Therefore, this study intends to shed light on the legislative and evolutionary aspects of the relationship between SharÊÑah and fiÏrah as two interconnected systems that allow for the understanding of the nature of SharÊÑah, its provisions and purposes, as well as identifying the essence of human innate nature and its potential in perceiving SharÊÑah. Keywords: human nature (fiÏrah), Islamic law (SharÊÑah), religious mandates (TakÉlif), religion, intellect (ÑAqal).

Stefania Tutino

This chapter presents a second case study showing another concrete example of the issues to which probabilism was applied. Like the previous chapter, this chapter puts the theoretical and theological discussions on probabilism into the concrete social, economic, and cultural reality of the post-Reformation Catholic Church. This chapter explores the relationship between Catholic theology and money lending by examining the key role that probabilism played in helping theologians to maintain the traditional Catholic ban on usury while at the same time engaging with the burgeoning money-market economy and with other religious traditions with different doctrinal and social views on money, such as Judaism.

Matthias Armgardt

AbstractReuven Yaron (1924–2014) in memoriamThe importance of Ancient Jewish Law for Roman Law and Ancient Legal History – the example of the Rabbinic reception and modification of the Greco-Hellenistic diathēkē as dîjathîqî and the donatio mortis causa. This paper aims to show that ancient Jewish law is of greatest importance for interpreting Roman law and understanding ancient legal history. After exemplifying the close relation of the Pentateuch and the cuneiform law, we focus on the reception and modification of the Greco-Hellenistic diathēkē (testament), which came into Jewish law during tannaitic times as dîjathîqî and was reinterpreted by the rabbis as donation. Finally, we compare the rabbinic dîjathîqî and the Roman donatio mortis causa.

2013 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 467-487 ◽  
Russell Powell

The tradition of Kemalist secularism (laiklik) in Turkey is often cited to distinguish Turkey as an exceptional case among predominantly Muslim countries. While it is true that the Turkish Constitution, laws, and legal opinions approach the relationship between the state and religion very differently than those of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, or even Indonesia, it would be wrong to underestimate the role that religion plays in the formation of Turkish legal norms, including citizen understanding of those norms. There is a wealth of literature describing the nature of Turkish secularism and its evolution. A number of both quantitative and qualitative studies inquire about the preference forShari'aamong Turkish voters. The typical question asks whether respondents favor the establishment of aShari'astate. Over the past fifteen years, these surveys have received response rates ranging between five and twenty-five percent in favor of such a state. However, these results are extremely problematic, because they do not provide any context or meaning for “the establishment of aShari'astate,” either for those who favor it or for those who oppose it. This study begins to unpack the range of possible meanings attributed toShari'awithin Turkey, both among voters and among intellectuals, as a framework for future empirical studies and as a basis for deeper understandings of the role of Islam within Turkish law and politics.

2009 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
pp. 89-106 ◽  
Habtamu Mengistie Tegegne

Abstract:The historiographic question that this article asks is: How can historians uncover actual social and economic practices without imposing anachronistic standards and terminologies on the available evidence? The analysis focuses on the relationship between landlords and zégoch—a hitherto unrecognized and socially subservient class of peasants—in the context of social, economic, and cultural realities in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Ethiopia. The thesis is that during this period the Ethiopian ruling classes gained their power and income primarily from ownership of rim land—a form of private property—and the labor of zégoch.

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