Recognition and Social Relations of Production

1998 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-98 ◽  
Andrew Chitty

Abstract‘Social relation of production’ is a key term in Marx's theory of history, for the social relations of production of a society give that society its fundamental character and make it, for example, a capitalist rather than some other kind of society.

Amika Wardana

The article investigates the social relations between Indonesian immigrants and the multicultural Muslim community in London by examining the applicability of the Ummah concept, in the context of the diaspora. The Muslim diaspora, though their similarity of faith, has always contained internal diversity and fragmentation. Likewise, different religious trajectories of Muslim immigrants as illustrated by Indonesians in London have been identified to shape different understandings of unity and diversity of Muslims, which forge different forms of social relation with fellow Muslim immigrants in the city. The traditionalist London Indonesians have trivialized the unity of Muslim in diaspora through daily encounters yet maintained inevitable different ethnic affinities and religious-sectarian affiliations as a wall dividing them altogether. The revivalist Indonesians have construed the diasporic unity of Muslims as an idealized-normative concept that should be realized socially, culturally and politically by suppressing internal ethnic, national and religious-sectarian fragmentations. While the secularist Indonesians have shown an apathetic position to the implausibility of the diasporic unity of Muslims due to its irreconcilable perceived internal diversities and divisions.Artikel ini menelaah pola relasi sosial antara imigran Indonesia dengan masyarakat Muslim multikultural di London dengan menguji kesesuaian konsep kesatuan Ummat Islam dalam konteks diaspora. Meskipun memiliki persamaan iman, diaspora Muslim selalu terbangun dalam perbedaan internal dan perpecahan. Demikian pula dengan arah perkembangan religiusitas imigran Muslim yang beraneka-ragam termasuk yang berasal dari Indonesia yang pada akhirnya membentuk beberapa pola relasi sosial dengan komunitas Muslim lainnya di kota ini. Kelompok Muslim Indonesia tradisional menganggap biasa konsep kesatuan Ummat Islam dalam perjumpaan sehari-hari dengan komunitas Muslim lainnya sehingga tetap menjaga jarak berdasarkan perbedaan etnis dan afiliasi tradisi keagamaannya. Kelompok Muslim Indonesia revivalist memahami kesatuan Ummat sebagai konsep ideal yang perlu direalisasikan dalam kehidupan sosial, budaya dan politik sekaligus mengubur potensi perpecahan karena perbedaan etnis dan tradisi keagamaan. Sebaliknya, kelompok imigran Indonesia sekuler menunjukkan sikap apatis terhadap kesatuan Ummat karena adanya perbedaan dan perpecahan internal Ummat Islam yang tidak mungkin didamaikan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-14
Rafinita Aditia

Abstract—This study aims to find out about the phubbing phenomenon as a degradation of social relations as a result of social media. The term phubbing is an abbreviation of the words phone and snubbing, which are used to show the attitude of hurting the other person by using an excessive smartphone. This type of research used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The data needed in this study are qualitative data as primary data in the form of images, words and not numbers in a discourse regarding the phubbing phenomenon as a degradation of social relations as a result of social media. Based on the results of the research, it is found that phubbing behavior can threaten the disruption of ongoing communication relationships, causing social degradation. The social degradation that occurs is due to the impact of phubbing perpetrators' indifference to their environment because they are too busy using smartphones, especially in the use of social media. Therefore it is necessary to limit and control the use of social media properly so that the phubbing phenomenon can be resolved immediately and the degradation of social relations does not occur. Keywords: phubbing, degradation, social relation, social media   Abstrak—Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang tentang fenomena phubbing sebagai suatu degradasi relasi sosial sebagai dampak dari media sosial. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Data yang dibutuhkan dalam penelitian ini merupakan data kualitatif sebagai data primer berupa gambar, kata-kata dan bukan angka-angka dalam sebuah wacana mengenai fenomena phubbing sebagai suatu degradasi relasi sosial sebagai dampak dari media sosial. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh hasil bahwa perilaku phubbing mampu mengancam terganggunya hubungan komunikasi yang sedang berlangsung, sehingga menyebabkan degradasi sosial. Degradasi sosial yang terjadi ialah karena dampak dari keacuhan pelaku phubbing terhadap lingkungannya karena terlalu sibuk menggunakan smartphone, terlebih dalam penggunaan media sosial. Oleh karena itu penggunaan media sosial perlu dibatasi dan dikontrol dengan baik agar fenomena phubbing dapat segera teratasi dan degradasi relasi sosial tidak terjadi. Kata kunci : phubbing, degradasi, hubungan sosial, sosial media

Daniel Bell ◽  
Wang Pei

All complex and large-scale societies are organized along certain hierarchies, but the concept of hierarchy has become almost taboo in the modern world. This book contends that this stigma is a mistake. In fact, as the book shows, it is neither possible nor advisable to do away with social hierarchies. The book ask which forms of hierarchy are justified and how these can serve morally desirable goals. It looks at ways of promoting just forms of hierarchy while minimizing the influence of unjust ones, such as those based on race, sex, or caste. Which hierarchical relations are morally justified and why? The book argues that it depends on the nature of the social relation and context. Different hierarchical principles ought to govern different kinds of social relations: what justifies hierarchy among intimates is different from what justifies hierarchy among citizens, countries, humans and animals, and humans and intelligent machines. Morally justified hierarchies can and should govern different spheres of our social lives, though these will be very different from the unjust hierarchies that have governed us in the past. The book examines how hierarchical social relations can have a useful purpose, not only in personal domains but also in larger political realms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 2038
Linbo Qing ◽  
Lindong Li ◽  
Yuchen Wang ◽  
Yongqiang Cheng ◽  
Yonghong Peng

People’s interactions with each other form the social relations in society. Understanding human social relations in the public space is of great importance for supporting the public administrations. Recognizing social relations through visual data captured by remote sensing cameras is one of the most efficient ways to observe human interactions in a public space. Generally speaking, persons in the same scene tend to know each other, and the relations between person pairs are strongly correlated. The scene information in which people interact is also one of the important cues for social relation recognition (SRR). The existing works have not explored the correlations between the scene information and people’s interactions. The scene information has only been extracted on a simple level and high level semantic features to support social relation understanding are lacking. To address this issue, we propose a social relation structure-aware local–global model for SRR to exploit the high-level semantic global information of the scene where the social relation structure is explored. In our proposed model, the graph neural networks (GNNs) are employed to reason through the interactions (local information) between social relations and the global contextual information contained in the constructed scene-relation graph. Experiments demonstrate that our proposed local–global information-reasoned social relation recognition model (SRR-LGR) can reason through the local–global information. Further, the results of the final model show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. In addition, we have further discussed whether the global information contributes equally to different social relations in the same scene, by exploiting an attention mechanism in our proposed model. Further applications of SRR for human-observation are also exploited.

2010 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-64 ◽  
Ryan Cull

Ryan Cull, "Beyond the Cheated Eye: Dickinson's Lyric Sociality" (pp. 38––64) During the past generation, Dickinson scholarship has shown how historicist and printculture methodologies can illuminate the social nexus of even a notoriously reticent figure. It has also had a broader impact on how we think about lyric poetry in general. For Emily Dickinson's experiments with dual authorship, hybrid-collage forms, and the blurring of stylistic and formal lines between poem and letter indicate the social embeddedness of what critics often still consider a private genre. This essay blends these two lines of thought in order to consider the lyric (and here, especially, Dickinson's lyrics) not only as a socio-historically embedded form but also as a form that may have application to our theorizing of the social. The essay argues that in a sequence of poems and letters in the period from 1862 to 1863 Dickinson identifies a possessiveness at the heart of the lyrical subjectivity that poisons social relations and stands as the most pervasive legacy of Romanticism. The essay then shows how Dickinson criticism, which can serve as a microcosm of critical trends in general, critiques but never casts aside this post-Romantic subjectivity that still limits our social theorizing. Then it shows how Dickinson seeks to do just this, to present within her lyrics an alternative poetic subjectivity that makes possible a revolutionary, pacifistic (though not passive) form of social relation.

Dialog ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 245-264
Ahmad Zainuri

This study aims to explore social relations in  Sidorejo Village, Umbulsari District, Jember Regency. Central to this study is the relations and efforts to maintain harmony between Muslims and Christians in Sidorejo Village. The methodology in this study is qualitative methods using historical, religious and social approaches in-depth interview techniques and literature review analysis. The results of this study indicate that social solidarity among the people of Sidorejo in building social relations is very harmonious through several religious and social activities carried out together. Religious leaders and community leaders also participate in building harmony between Muslims and Christians in Sidorejo Village. In conclusion, the Sidorejo people enable to construct harmony and tackle social conflict through mediation before the conflict arises on the surface. Social relations are the key for the people of Sidorejo to build social-based religious harmony, because the goal of building harmony is not theological but how social relations are developed. Some social activities carried out to build communality including building houses of worship. It is more important that the role of religious leaders becomes a central force in ensuring unity and harmony. Keywords: relationship, harmony, Islam, Christian   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali sebuah relasi sosial dalam masyarakat Desa Sidorejo, Kecamatan Umbulsari, Kabupaten Jember. Titik fokus permasalahan yang ingin disampaikan dalam penelitian ini ialah bagaimana relasi dan upaya merawat keharmonisan antara Muslim dan Kristiani di Desa Sidorejo tersebut. Adapun metodologi dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan sejarah, agama dan sosial secara mendalam dengan teknik wawancara dan analisa kajian pustaka. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Sidorejo dalam membangun relasi sosial, solidaritas sosial sangat rukun dan harmonis, terbukti dengan adanya beberapa kegiatan agama, sosial dilakukan secara bersama-sama. Tiada lain tiada bukan, peran tokoh agama, tokoh masyatakat juga ikutserta dalam membangun kerukunan antara Muslim dan Kristiani di Desa Sidorejo. Kesimpulannya bahwa hubungan kehidupan masyarakat Sidorejo begitu rukun dan harmonis, resolusi konflik selalu di munculkan sebagai mediasi sebelum konflik itu timbul di permukaan. Relasi sosial menjadi kunci bagi masyarakat Sidorejo untuk membagun kerukunan agama berbasis sosial, karena tujuan membangun keharmonisan bukan dari teologisnya melainkan bagaimana hubungan sosialnya, dan ini terbukti banyak kegiatan sosial yang dilakukan untuk membangun kebersamaan, terutama membangun rumah ibadah. Terpenting lagi bahwa peran tokoh agama menjadi kekuatan sentral dalam menyatukan dan merawat kebersamaan dalam perbedaan demi mewujudkan Sidorejo yang rukun, tentram dan harmonis. Kata Kunci: relasi, harmonis, Islam, Kristen

Alex Demirović

Social Movements have during the recent decades challenged the priority of the labour movement. Not only the liberation from wage labour is on the agenda of social movements and the left but also the overcoming of racism and sexism, equality of sexual orientations or the reconciliation of the social relation to nature. This is what Marx claimed when he spoke about the categorical imperative to overthrow all relations in which man is a debased, enslaved forsaken, despicable being. But the question arises as to how to bring these different perspectives together and whether the Marxian project of a critique of political economy is appropriate to its own claim or tends to reduce the whole of emancipation to only some limited goals. Demirovi? proposes making use of Marx’ conceptualisation of structure and superstructure and elaborating this distinction with further arguments from Althusser, Adorno and Gramsci in order to conceive of the superstructures as a strategic means of differentiating the bourgeois society as a complex whole of social relations.

Anisa Mufidah ◽  
Rohmani Nur Indah

This study analyzes the written discourse which contains social relation in Tempo newspaper on The World Statesman Award through multidisciplinary Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) proposed by van Dijk (1998). It concerns with how the discourse of the news has particular purpose in relation to the readers. Employing the theory, this study aims to answer two main questions: (1) What are the social relations of the language use in online Tempo news related to World Statesman Award to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono from Appeal of Conscience Foundation2013? (2) How are the social relations of the language use in online Tempo newspaper to World Statesman Award from Appeal of Conscience Foundation 2013? The data analysis covers first, analysis on the context of news followed by drawing semantic macrostructure. Then, identifying the local meaning of the text as well as the social relation is done. The findings show that the social relations reflected in the social cognition of the news cover the knowledge of shared belief, attitude, or shared opinion, and ideology in both shared knowledge and attitude.Keywords: social relation, multidisciplinary Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA)

Claire Taylor

In the fifth and fourth centuries BC Athenian ideas about poverty were ideologically charged. The poor were contrasted with the rich and found, for the most part, to be both materially and morally deficient. Reflecting ideas about labour, leisure, and good citizenship, the ‘poor’ were considered to be not only those who were destitute, or those who were living at the borders of subsistence, but also those who were moderately well off but had to work for a living. Defined this way, this group covered around 99% of the population of Athens. This book sets out to rethink what it meant to be poor in a world where poverty was understood as the need to work for a living. It explores the discourses that constructed poverty as something to fear and links these with experiences of penia (poverty) among different social groups in Athens. Drawing on poverty research within the social sciences, it argues that poverty in democratic Athens should not necessarily be seen in terms of these elitist ideological categories, nor indeed only as an economic condition (the state of having no wealth), but in terms of social relations, capabilities, and well-being. The volume, therefore, provides a critical reassessment of poverty in democratic Athens which is in line with debates in contemporary poverty research. It develops a framework to analyse the complexities of poverty as a social relation as well as exploring the discourses that shaped it. Poverty is reframed throughout as being dynamic and multidimensional. In doing so, it provides an assessment of what the poor in Athens—men and women, citizen and non-citizen, slave and free—were able to do or to be.

Zhengdao Ye

This study investigates the nature of Chinese social grouping by analysing the meaning and conceptual structure of a set of nouns that denote salient social relations in Chinese and which form two pairs of complementary opposites. It discusses in detail the commonalities and differences underlying the construals of semantic relation within and between both pairs and offers a semantic method to represent them. The study brings to attention the social categories and associated ways of conceptualizing social and meaning relations that are not often talked about in English, and illustrates that an in-depth analysis of social relation nouns enables researchers to access non-obvious aspects of human social cognition, therefore contributing to a deeper knowledge and understanding of the priorities at play in human social categorization.

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