2008 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 383-391
Julia Siboni

Throughout his oeuvre, Beckett wavers between "unspoken words" and murmurous silences questioning in this manner the nature of the existence of "true silence." The tension between these two poles reflects the perpetual (re)construction, (re)definition of an inside and outside, interiority and exteriority. Indeed, the limit between these two spaces turns out to be more often than not mobile and porous, letting sound pass through. Thus the Beckettian subject is called on to search for a place in this profoundly dynamic space of tension, which is both limit and border and the ground of a precarious and elusive identity.

2018 ◽  
pp. 31-35
Ya. Serikov

Ensuring the reliability of buildings, structures, analysis of their structural elements during reconstruction or major repair includes the task of determining the physical and mechanical characteristics of materials — strength, homogeneity, evaluation of structural heterogeneity, the presence of microcracks, etc. In solving this problem, an ultrasonic pulse method of non-destructive quality control is used. The basis of the method is the dependence of the parameters of ultrasonic oscillations, on these characteristics when they pass through the material. As the main parameter of the information ultrasonic signal, the time of its passage from the radiating to the receiving ultrasonic transducers is used. The amplitude of the information ultrasonic signal to a large extent depends on the structure of the investigated material, its acoustic resistance. At significant violations of the structure of the material there is a significant decrease in the amplitude of the information signal, which causes an increase in the error of measuring the time of its passage, and hence the definition of characteristics, quality of the investigated material. The article describes the developed method of increasing the accuracy of measuring the time of passage of the ultrasonic signal from the radiating to the receiving ultrasonic transducers. The essence of the technique is to use the mathematical modeling of the shape of the ultrasound signal, in particular the form of its so-called «first introduction».

2011 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 159 ◽  
Lenin E. Oviedo Correa ◽  
Juan Diego Pacheco ◽  
David Herra Miranda

Este estudio trata sobre la distribución espacial de depredadores marinos topes, particularmente cetáceos odontocetos y misticetos migratorios. Se describe el riesgo potencial de afectación por el establecimiento de instalaciones asociadas con operaciones locales de maricultura: jaulas de engorde para atún. Por medio de un enfoque teórico y empírico se establece cuantitativamente como la profundidad máxima, un factor limitante en la distribución y definición del nicho ecológico de cetáceos, se solaparía en valores con el área propuesta para el establecimiento de las jaulas, lo que induciría dos escenarios probables de afectación: el desplazamiento de las poblaciones de depredadores de un hábitat-nicho de alimentación potencial y la interacción progresiva entre los depredadores con la fauna acompañante alrededor de las instalaciones de la operación de cultivo, lo anterior implicaría un riesgo perenne de captura incidental de dichos depredadores. Adicionalmente, la presencia de ballenas jorobadas durante la temporada de lluvia en zonas aledañas a Punta Banco, se asociaría a una ruta migratoria desde las zonas de alimentación en Sudamérica-Antártica, que pasaría por el área proyectada para el establecimiento de la operación de maricultura. Los resultados ilustran la necesidad de seguir un principio precautorio y promover la reubicación de proyecto de maricultura en áreas de menor valor en términos de biodiversidad marina.This contribution deals with the spatial distribution of marine top predators, particularly odontocete and migratory misticete cetaceans. The study describes the potential risk of disturbances due to the establishment of mariculture operations and corresponding infrastructure: tuna feed lots. Through a mixed theoretical and empirical approach, this research corroborates how the maximum depth, a limiting factor in the definition of cetacean trophic niches off the study area, overlaps with the values for depths from an area proposed as the focal location of a tuna feed lot facility. The latter implies two particular scenarios: the translocation of the local predator population from a potential foraging habitat-niche, and the progressive negative interaction between predators and the accompanying fish fauna around of the cages, with a high probability of incidental capture of those predators by entanglement. Additionally, the occurrence of humpback whales during the rainy season associated with a migratory route from feeding grounds off Chile-Antarctica, that would pass through the area projected to harbor the mariculture operation. The results illustrate the need of considering a precautionary approach and relocate mariculture projects to areas of lesser value in terms of marine biodiversity.

1978 ◽  
Vol 1 (16) ◽  
pp. 30 ◽  
D.H. Peregrine ◽  
I.A. Svendsen

On gently sloping beaches, almost all water waves break. After the initial breaking the water motion usually appears quite chaotic. However, for a moderate time, for example two or three times the descent time of the "plunge" in a plunging breaker, the flow can be relatively well organised despite the superficial view which is largely of spray and bubbles. If waves continue to break the breaking motion, or "white water" soon becomes fully turbulent and the mean motions become quasisteady. A reasonable definition of a quasi-steady wave is one which changes little during the time a water particle takes to pass through it. We exclude water particles which may become trapped in a surface roller and surf along with the wave. At this stage in its development a wave on a beach may be described as a spilling breaker or as a bore. In fact, there is a range of these waves from those with a little white water at the crest to examples where the whole front of the wave is fully turbulent. In investigating the properties of such waves it is desirable to start by looking at the whole range of related motions. The most obvious extension is to the hydraulic jump; since, in the simplest view, it is equivalent to a bore but in a frame of reference moving with the wave. It is also an example where the mean flow is steady rather than quasisteady.

2018 ◽  
Glen Smith ◽  
Ruth E Brennan

Marine spatial planning (MSP) is the dominant management tool for marine environments around the world and is an attempt to move beyond the sectoral governance of marine spaces. Scotland is no exception and MSP is central to its management plans. The interpretation and use of spatial data informs these plans and maps provide the backbone of the decision-making process. Whilst not refuting MSP as a governance tool, this paper examines more closely some of the inherent problems with representing marine environments spatially and how the practice of map-making inevitably interacts with social-ecological networks. Borrowing from critical cartography and Actor-Network Theory (ANT), four observations are made: 1) due to the necessary procedure of categorising and simplifying data, maps do not always accurately represent changeable marine environments and situations; 2) maps can produce reality as much as represent it; 3) mapping has become the point through which all actors and stakeholders must pass; 4) as they are obliged to pass through this point, the roles and definition of certain actors can change. This discussion of marine spatial planning in Scotland demonstrates what can be learnt from viewing marine spaces as a tightly coupled social-ecological environment.

2007 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 221-228
Paul Sturges

Campaigners against corruption advocate transparency as a fundamental condition for its prevention. Trans-parency in itself is not the most important thing: it is the accountability that it makes possible. Transparency itself is, in fact, a metaphor based on the ability of light to pass through a solid, but transparent, medium and reveal what is on the other side. In practice it allows the revelation of what otherwise might have been concealed, and it is applied in a social context to the revelation of human activity in which there is a valid public interest. It can be applied to all of those who hold power and responsibility, whether that is political or economic. More accurate definition of the term, including distinctions between open governance, procedural transparency, radical transparency, and systemic or total transparency is important. Various ways in which an observer can make use of transparency to scrutinise the activity of others, including freedom of information laws, accounting and audit systems, and the protection of public interest disclosure (whistleblowing) also need to be distinguished from each other.

2016 ◽  
Vol 27 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 117-127
L. P. Mytsyk

On the example of the concepts of «lawn», «phytocoenosis», «ecology» outlines the general laws of the gradual transformation of foreign-language professional word in the scientific term. It is proposed the following definition of the latter concepts. Ecology is a science about relationships of an organism or community of organisms with environmental factors (natural and anthropogenic). The process of formation of a new term, its approval as a full and irreplaceable in the professional language as well as the accuracy and appropriateness of the use will be more clear and expressive, if they come from an analysis of the concept of niche terminology. These words («terminological niche») is called a set of practical and scientific factors that provide or may provide a normal appearance and communicative functioning of the term. Under «normal functioning» of the term we mean the state of its constant use in any style and genre of contemporary normative language understood by the reader according to the signified concept. The proposed understanding of the terminological niche allows in readable position to see the rule that each term pass through the following stages of its development. 1. Free terminological niche stage. At this time, there is no any name of the material or intellectual object (object, phenomenon, point of view, and so on) after the formation of it in reality or in the mind of the author. Between the cause (the appearance of the object) and the effect (the formation of its name), there is a time gap that exists within minutes, but can last for years. 2. Stage of filling the free terminological niche (formation of the term). This time is characterized, among other things, by the existence of professional words mostly as synonymous new object names with their «desire» to leave (as a result of competitive relations of different professional words) to the level of a full indispensable term within the normative language and the specific term system. At the beginning of this stage of professional words (the term precursors) can be used in the narrow circle of specialists or be banned. This is the primary latent (hidden) state of the term. 3. The stage completely filled a niche – during the maturity of the term, its stay at the height of the functional capacity, the situation is universal acceptance of relevant specific of the term designated of its concept. 4. Step regressive niche is time of regression, degradation of the term, which is manifested, among other things, to homonymy, secondary synonymy, reducing in the frequency of use of the term in written and oral texts. 5. Stage of dead niche. The situation is of exhaustion factors that ensure the normal funtioning of the term and the lack of its use in texts. The ability to save the historical meaning of the term indicates the presence of a secondary latent niche. The adjustments in the above-proposed scheme can make cases of return the names of the past and rename concepts. It is shown that the terms are characterized by emotional and expressive component at all stages of their existence. The intensity of expression varies from a minimum periodic manifestations to the maximum expressiveness, which can significantly distort the content of the concept, as is often the case with the term «ecology».

D. Butters

AbstractThe ''porosity'' or ''air permeability'' of cigarette tissue is measured by many different instruments, is expressed in various units and it is frequently impossible to correlate such measurements and the readings of such instruments. The property of a paper whereby it allows air and gases to pass through it while still containing the burning tobacco rod is of great and increasing interest in both the Research Laboratory and Raw Material Control Laboratory of the cigarette and filter rod manufacturer. Interest in papers of higher air permeability continues to grow, particularly in regard to the so-called ''Health Hazards of Smoking", and thus the effect of smoke dilution. Such interest by the cigarette and filter rod manufacturer necessarily means that the paper manufacturer must pay especial attention to this property during paper manufacture and in development work. He also requires to define and measure the property in his control and research laboratories. Unfortunately, there is no common language to describe this property and as interest in higher porosities grows so the shortcomings of some methods of measurement are highlighted. The situation is further complicated by the need of control laboratories for robust, simple to operate instruments, while a research laboratory might be more interested in accuracy and precision, while being less affected by the demands of careful operation and manipulation. Likely sample sizes can also vary, from small spills cut from individual cigarettes or rods, through long narrow skeins to the papermakers' sheets. A standard definition of air permeability of a sheet of paper has therefore been proposed and an instrument has been designed, using this definition, to meet the requirements of all interested parties. A number of these instruments have been built and proved by practical usage

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-11 ◽  
Графский ◽  
O. Grafskiy ◽  
Усманов ◽  
A. Usmanov ◽  
Холодилов ◽  

Known projective transformations, namely their private types such as harmonism and involution are considered. It is known that projective transformations are collinear, at their performance the order, the cross ratio of fours of elements (on a straight line — the cross ratio of four points, in a bunch of straight lines — the cross ratio of this bunch’s four straight lines, this property (invariant) is similarly preserved for a bunch of planes, i.e. in considering of first step forms) is preserved. At a constructive approach to such transformations there are some ways for definition of position for corresponding elements which students use when studying discipline "Affine and projective geometry" on preparation profiles 09.03.01 — “CAD Systems" and 09.03.03 — “Applied Informatics in Design”. The received constructions are checked by analytical calculations, proceeding from known dependences for harmonism and involutions. In such a case results both for a range of points, and for a bunch of straight lines which pass through these points are analytically compared. The provided computational and graphic work contains three sections: prospects, harmonism and involution, and is carried out by students on individual options with application of the graphic editor Microsoft Visio or the graphic package CO MPAS voluntary. In the present paper some constructions in definition of corresponding points in elliptic and hyperbolic involution are considered, some of these constructions are published for the first time. Besides, a proposition has been formulated: in a rectangular coordinate system the work for coordinates of two points related to a circle intersection with one coordinate axis is equal to the product for coordinates of two other points related to this circle intersection with the other coordinate axis. This proposition is fairly for imaginary points of circle intersection with coordinate axes as well.

1994 ◽  
Vol 09 (08) ◽  
pp. 1239-1260 ◽  
A. Z. CAPRI ◽  

We propose a definition of time and of the vacuum such that they are intrinsic to a given globally hyperbolic 1 + (n − 1)-dimensional space–time geometry and independent of the choice of coordinates. To arrive at this definition we use the new physical principle that a 1 + 1-dimensional Poincaré algebra, including Killing conditions on the generators, should be valid on the hypersurface of instantaneity. Given a timelike vector at a point (an observer's velocity) we define "an instant of time" to be the spacelike surface of geodesics which pass through that point and are orthogonal to that timelike vector. Gaussian coordinates erected on this surface yield 1 + 1-dimensional subspaces with Poincaré symmetry valid on that surface. The generator associated with time translation now uniquely picks out the direction of time on that surface. This fact permits unambiguous quantization on the surface of a field evolving in this background metric. For flat space–time the corresponding vacuum is always the Minkowski vacuum. We also consider in detail the case of static and Robertson–Walker metrics in 1 + 1 dimensions and find our vacuum to be different from those given before. The vacuum for the de Sitter metric in 1 + 1 dimensions is compared with the results in the literature and found to be different. Our definition of particles, and hence particle production, is consequently different also.

2006 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 299-319 ◽  
Stephan Huckemann ◽  
Herbert Ziezold

Classical principal component analysis on manifolds, for example on Kendall's shape spaces, is carried out in the tangent space of a Euclidean mean equipped with a Euclidean metric. We propose a method of principal component analysis for Riemannian manifolds based on geodesics of the intrinsic metric, and provide a numerical implementation in the case of spheres. This method allows us, for example, to compare principal component geodesics of different data samples. In order to determine principal component geodesics, we show that in general, owing to curvature, the principal component geodesics do not pass through the intrinsic mean. As a consequence, means other than the intrinsic mean are considered, allowing for several choices of definition of geodesic variance. In conclusion we apply our method to the space of planar triangular shapes and compare our findings with those of standard Euclidean principal component analysis.

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