The Statesmanship of Job: Puritan Joseph Caryl on Job as the Model Magistrate

2019 ◽  
Vol 90 (3) ◽  
pp. 213-230
Adam M. Carrington

This article examines English Puritan Joseph Caryl’s political reading of the biblical book of Job. In his era’s definitive commentary on that work, Caryl included parts of the book within the ‘mirror for princes’ genre, a long-standing genre focused on instructing current and future rulers. Focusing on Job 29, Caryl described Job as exemplifying what magistrates should pursue, why they should pursue it, and how they should do so, namely a ruler dedicated to justice, protective of the people and the church in an evil age, and an impartial administrator of the law. This article adds to the literature on English Puritan political thought, which has not directly addressed Caryl’s reading of Job, as well as contributing to present discussions on the characteristics of good rulers in present times.

Traditio ◽  
1964 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 179-317 ◽  
J. A. Watt

The work of the medieval canonists has always formed a significant chapter in the histories of medieval political thought. The law of the Church and its attendant juristic science forms the proper source material for the examination of the system of ideas which lay behind the functioning of papal government. Ecclesiastical jurisprudence was the practical branch of sapientia Christiana. It was concerned with a constitution and the exercise of power within its terms; with an organization and the methods by which it was to be run. It had of necessity to be articulate about the nature of the papacy, the constitutional and organizational linchpin. In consequence the canonists were the acknowledged theorists of papal primacy. To them rather than to the theologians belonged that segment of ecclesiology which treated of the nature of the Church as a visible corporate society under a single ruler. In that period of nearly a century which lay between the accession of Alexander III and the death of Innocent IV, canonists were required to register the increasingly numerous and more diverse applications of papal rulership to the problems of Christian society. The concept of papal monarchy came to be reexamined in academic literature because of the accelerating tempo of papal action. Under the stimulus of an active papacy, the canonists were led to examine many of the assumptions on which the popes based their actions and claims. The world of affairs conditioned the evolution of a political-theory, which in turn helped to shape the course of events.

1993 ◽  
Vol 44 (3) ◽  
pp. 450-475
Geoffrey Yeo

‘For a bishop to live at one end of the world, and his Church at the other, must make the office very uncomfortable to the bishop, and in a great measure useless to the people.’ This was the verdict of Thomas Sherlock, bishop of London from 1748 to 1761, on the provision which had been made by the Church of England for the care of its congregations overseas. No Anglican bishopric existed outside the British Isles, but a limited form of responsibility for the Church overseas was exercised by the see of London. In the time of Henry Compton, bishop from 1675 to 1713, Anglican churches in the American colonies, in India and in European countrieshad all sought guidance from the bishop of London. By the 1740s the European connection had been severed; the bishop still accepted some colonial responsibilities but the arrangement was seen as anomalous by churchmen on both sides of the Atlantic. A three-thousand-mile voyage separated the colonists from their bishop, and those wishing to seek ordination could not do so unless they were prepared to cross the ocean. Although the English Church claimed that the episcopate was an essential part of church order, no Anglican bishop had ever visited America, confirmation had never been administered, and no church building in the colonies had been validly consecrated. While a Roman Catholic bishopric was established in French Canada at an early date, the Anglican Church overseas had no resident bishops until the end of the eighteenth century. In the words of Archbishop Thomas Seeker, this was ‘a case which never had its parallel before in the Christian world’.

2017 ◽  
Vol 111 (4) ◽  
pp. 786-800 ◽  

The trial and execution of Louis XVI served as a founding act of French republican democracy. It was also a scene of irregular justice: no legal warrants or procedural precedents existed for bringing a king to justice before the law. This essay describes how Jacobins crafted a new language of popular agency to overcome that obstacle—the language of redemptive violence. Although redemptive violence had roots in prerevolutionary notions of penal justice and social cohesion, its philosophical ambitions were revolutionary and modern. Analyzing that language illuminates how republican democracy weaponized a distinctive ideology of extralegal violence at its origins. It also helps explain redemptive violence's enduring appeal during and after the French Revolution.

Kari Tarkiainen

Kuningas ja lääniülemad avaldasid Rootsis 16. saj alates korraldusi, mida levitati kas rahvakoosolekutel või kirikukantslist ette lugedes. See tava kodifitseeriti 1686. a kirikuseadusega. Korralduste ettelugemine muutus jumalateenistuse osaks ja nende kuulamine oli kõigile kohustuslik. Kuna riigi idaosas Soomes ei osatud rootsi keelt, hakati korraldusi soome keelde tõlkima, mistõttu Rootsi võimuperioodi lõpuks moodustasid sellised tekstid umbes neljandiku kõikidest korraldustest. Selle süsteemi tugisammasteks muutusid Kantseleikolleegiumi juures tegutsenud soomendajad ja kuninglik trükikoda, kellel oli korralduste publitseerimise privileeg. Tekstidest olid kõige tähtsamad 3–4 korda aastas esitatud palvepäevaplakatid, mis sisaldasid aktuaalseid uudiseid kõnealuse kirikupüha jaoks Piibli tekstide valguses. Korraldusi trükiti 17. saj enamasti Turus, kuid 18. saj peamiselt Stockholmis.Korralduste tekstidel on varasemal ajal arvatud olevat suhteliselt vähene tähendus soome kirjakeele arengule, mis hakkas 19. saj kulgema purismi suunas, loobudes tollases kultuurkeeles tavalistest rootsipärasustest. Uuemad vana soome kirjakeele uurimused näitavad siiski, et kuulmise järgi omandatud ning tõlkijate loodud uudissõnu ja neologisme oli rahvakeelde kandunud üsnagi suurel määral ja sedakaudu siirdusid nad ka tänapäeva soome keelde. Nõudlus soomekeelsete tekstide järele riigi idaosas ei näita 16.–18. saj mitte soomlaste rahvustunnet, vaid selle aluseks oli hoopis vajadus tagada kõikide inimeste võrdsus seaduse ees. Korraldustel oligi suur ühiskondlik tähtsus laiade rahvakihtide õigustaju arenemise ja seadustetundmise lisandumise seisukohast.Abstract. Kari Tarkiainen: The state speaks to the people: Ordinances issued in Finnish during the era of Swedish rule. In Sweden, the king and governors issued ordinances since the 16th century that were disseminated by reading them out at public meetings or from the church pulpit. This custom was codified by the ecclesiastical law of 1686. The reading out of ordinances became a part of the church service and it was compulsory for everyone to listen to them. Since people in Finland, which was the eastern part of the nation, did not understand Swedish, the ordinances started being translated into Finnish, for which reason such texts accounted for about one fourth of all ordinances by the end of the period of Swedish rule. The persons working for the Chancellery Council who translated the texts into Finnish and the royal printing house, which possessed the privilege for printing the ordinances, became the mainstays of this system. The most important of the texts were the placards presented 3–4 times a year proclaiming days of prayer, which included topical news for the church holiday in the light of biblical texts. Ordinances were printed mostly in Turku during the 17th century, but mostly in Stockholm in the 18th century.In earlier times it was thought that the texts of these ordinances had relatively little meaning for the development of written Finnish, which started proceeding in the 19th century in the direction of purism, rejecting common Swedish idioms from the civilised language of that time. More recent studies of old written Finnish nevertheless indicate that new words and neologisms adopted by ear and created by translators had carried over into popular language to quite a great extent and were transferred from there into contemporary Finnish as well. The demand for texts in Finnish in the eastern part of the nation is not indicative of the national feeling of Finns in the 16th–18th centuries. Instead, the basis for this was the need to ensure the equality of all people before the law. The ordinances were indeed very important socially in developing perception of the law among the broad strata of the population and in adding knowledge of the laws.Keywords: Swedish legislation; translation; old written Finnish; neologisms; placards declaring days of prayer; the course of a church service; disciplining of the people

1985 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 425-436 ◽  
Edvin Larsson

From F. Chr. Baur and onwards, New Testament scholarship has laid strong emphasis on the difference between the Paul of the letters and the Paul of Acts. A few examples will suffice to illustrate this approach. The real Paul, the Paul of the letters, claims to be an apostle. In Acts he is depicted as subordinate to the Twelve, for whom the title apostle is reserved. In Galatians and Romans Paul takes up a strongly polemical attitude to the Jewish torah and to circumcision. The Paul of Acts circumcizes Timothy (16. 3). And he declares his solidarity with the law, the prophets and the people of Israel (23. 6; 24. 14 f.; 26. 6, 23; 28. 21). In his epistles Paul strongly emphasizes the significance of the death of Christ. He proclaims its atoning effect for all mankind (Rom 3. 24 ff.; 5. 6 ff. 1 Cor 1. 18 ff.; 15. 3; 2 Cor 5. 18 ff.; Gal 3. 13). The author of Acts seems to regard the suffering and death of Jesus, the servant of God, almost as a test, which he had to undergo before ‘entering upon his glory’. To be sure, the death of Christ is also by Luke described as the act through which he won the church for himself (20. 28). And the missionary message in Acts contains the statement that he died according to the Scriptures (3. 18; 13. 27–29). It is, nevertheless, obvious that the death of Christ does not receive the same comprehensive interpretation in Acts as in the Pauline epistles.

1987 ◽  
Vol 24 ◽  
pp. 231-255 ◽  
W. J. Sheils

ACertificate From Northamptonshire, published anonymously in 1641, proclaimed that the current attacks being made on the bishops had a secret purpose behind them: the abolition of the requirement to pay tithe, whether to cleric or layman. ‘If the bishops and their courts were overthrown’, so the author claimed, the people would be freed from paying tithes, ‘which is the secret thing which our common free holders and grand jury-men do so much aim at’. The writer’s claims concerning the motives which led men to demand the abolition of episcopacy may have had some truth in them, but he was to be proved wrong about the consequences of such abolition; as, indeed, a better informed observer pondering the extent of lay involvement in the ownership of tithes might have been able to predict. Despite several close calls and a variety of imaginative proposals for abolition or reform, tithes remained and survived the demise of bishops, deans, and ecclesiastical courts, standing alongside glebe as one of the twin pillars of the maintenance of the parochial ministry.

2002 ◽  
Vol 45 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 211-242
Witold Jemielity

There has been close relationship of the church institutions with the state ones. People prayed in churches on behalf of the current ruler of the country, especially on his birthdays, name days and anniversary of coming to the throne. However, the most significant, according to the law, was the oath taken by all the subjects together with the members of the tsar family. There were two kinds of oaths taken by tha subjects: one taken immediately after the coming to the throne of the tsar and the other, taken just before taking over state offices or for the soldiers who have just joined up the army. There existed detailed regulations as regards who, when and in what way had to fulfill it. The contens of the oath to the specific ruler was quite similar, however, after January Uprising the distinct features of the Congress Kingdom and Tsar Russia started to disappear. In the first half of the century the oath was taken in Polish, while in Augustów Guernica it was also taken in Lithuanian. In the second half of the century the people who spoke Russian took the oath in that language, as far as it concerned civil offices, however in churches it was taken in a local language. It concerned people who have just joined up the army, were appointed to the post mayor, chief of the group of villages, guards of the forests and others. The oaths were taken by the clergymen even if they took place not in the church. Immediately after the November and January Uprisings again the loyalty towards the king and tsar was expressed.

Liquidity ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 190-200
Muchtar Riva’i ◽  
Darwin Erhandy

The establishment of the KPPU is to control the implementation of the Act. No. 5/1999 on Concerning the Ban on Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition in Indonesia. Various duties and authority of the KPPU contained in Article 35 and Article 36 of the Act. But in reality, KPPU does not have executorial rights so that the various decisions of the commission often could not be implemented. Therefore internally strengthening of institutional existence by way of amending the Law Commission is very appropriate to be used by the government and parliament agenda. Externally, stakeholder participation is something very urgent and that the KPPU’s strategic optimally capable of performing their duties according to its motto: “Healthy competition Welfare of the people”.

2019 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-85
Sarah French Russell

Under the First Step Act of 2018, federal prisoners may now petition courts directly for reduction of their sentences, and judges may grant such requests if “extraordinary and compelling reasons” support reduction. Judges are also in the process of imposing reduced sentences in thousands of cases where the First Step Act has retroactively reduced statutory penalties. Not only does the First Step Act offer prisoners new opportunities for sentence reduction, but the law also may change how federal judges understand the impact of their sentencing decisions. Before now, in federal cases, judges rarely had the chance to take a second look at the prison sentences they (or their colleagues) imposed. Encounters between judges and the people they sentenced typically occurred only if a person violated the terms of supervised release after leaving prison. Now, judges can reassess sentence length while someone is still in prison and evaluate whether a reduction in the sentence is warranted. This newfound power allows judges to see their sentencing decisions in a new light and may influence how they conceive of the prison time they impose in future cases.

2019 ◽  
Vol 54 ◽  
pp. 235-246
Alexey L. Beglov

The article examines the contribution of the representatives of the Samarin family to the development of the Parish issue in the Russian Empire in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The issue of expanding the rights of the laity in the sphere of parish self-government was one of the most debated problems of Church life in that period. The public discussion was initiated by D.F. Samarin (1827-1901). He formulated the “social concept” of the parish and parish reform, based on Slavophile views on society and the Church. In the beginning of the twentieth century his eldest son F.D. Samarin who was a member of the Special Council on the development the Orthodox parish project in 1907, and as such developed the Slavophile concept of the parish. In 1915, A.D. Samarin, who took up the position of the Chief Procurator of the Most Holy Synod, tried to make his contribution to the cause of the parish reforms, but he failed to do so due to his resignation.

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