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2022 ◽  

The desire to build common awareness in order to improve Arabic language skills and make Arabic a popular language in the world. This article presents an overview of the online language festival, Gebyar Appreciation Khazanah Araby (GAZA) organized by the student association of Arabic Language Education Department of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang online (on the network), as well as the perceptions of the participants in participating in this event. This research is useful to provide an overview of the online language festival held by students majoring in Arabic Language Education at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang which can be used as a reference in the implementation of language festivals in a similar environment or situation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 192-198
Olga I. Valentinova ◽  
Oleg V. Nikitin ◽  

The bilingual nature of the Russian literary language and its reflection in the scientific polemics and literary practice of the XVIII century are considered. Special attention is paid to the complexity of the language situation caused by the change in the vector of bilingualism: the change of Russian-Church Slavonic bilingualism to Russian-European in the era of historical changes. The increasing role of the semantics of European languages in the formation of the Russian literary language of the secular period is noted. The authors emphasize that the conflict trends in the XVIII century were determined by a number of factors: the transformation of public consciousness, historically determined features of the structure of the Russian literary language, ideological priorities and the life position of reformers (Lomonosov, Trediakovsky, Sumarokov, etc.). It is said that by the end of the XVIII century the French language is fixed as an intermediary between two cultural worlds — Russia and France. It becomes the most popular language in literature and everyday communication of representatives of secular culture. The authors of the article cite facts showing the rejection of mechanical Francophonie by Russian educators in the scientific polemics of the XVIII century. The rivalry of European languages (German, French) in determining the nature of bilingualism of so-called New period is revealed and analyzed. The conclusion is made about the contradictory nature of the process of europeanization of the Russian elite, which perceived Russian-French bilingualism as the key to world culture, and the emerging national consciousness in its appeal to the origins of the Russian-Church Slavonic bilingualism of pre-Peter Rus. The practical significance of the research is to extrapolate the experience of historical bilingualism of the Russian literary language to the study and assessment of changes taking place in the ethnic and linguistic consciousness of modern society, and the formation of multicultural tolerance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-106
Solihin Solihin ◽  

In the realm of education, information technology (IT), particularly mobile devices and applications, is becoming increasingly popular. Language learning has become one of the areas of education where mobile technology is being used. In Indonesia, Mobile-Assisted Language Learning has been implemented some areas, while it is acknowledged that some areas have not benefited as much as others. Some have questioned whether MALL might be used in their areas, while others have stated that it is unavoidable. The following are the research questions: 1) what are the advantages and disadvantages of using MALL? 2) How feasible is it to utilize MALL in an Indonesian context? The nature of this study is descriptive qualitative. The data collection methods used was library research. Data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing were the approaches used to analyze the data. This research examines a variety of literature (including peer-reviewed studies) on the benefits and drawbacks of adding MALL into the framework of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) education. The application of these concepts in an Indonesian setting is then examined. Finally, to stay up with global digital learning, this article advocates that MALL be used for EFL teaching in Indonesia. It also suggests that more research be done for each mobile device and app in various parts of Indonesia, particularly in rural and remote places.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
Thi Bao Dung Dang ◽  
Van Lanh Le ◽  
My Nguyen ◽  
Van Si Vo ◽  
Nhu Ngoc Hua

English is a very popular language in the world. However, learning a foreign language is not an easy process for learners, especially the English listening process. In fact, most learners believe that it is hard for them to master this skill. Therefore, the research “An Investigation into Difficulties in English Listening of Freshmen Majoring in English at a University in the Mekong Delta” was conducted with the purpose of helping these students to recognize clearly their own problems in English listening. Statistical data were collected from eighty-five English-majored freshmen. The main instrument of the study was a questionnaire. The findings of the research would point out the students’ difficulties in linguistics, including vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, intonation and accent; background knowledge; and difficulties from their own minds. One more notable purpose of this research is that thanks to the results, students can now solve their own problems, so that they can study better. <p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu_01/0749/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 148
Ni Kadek Ayu Rinawati ◽  
I Nyoman Adi Jaya Putra

The Covid-19 outbreak has "forced" face-to-face teaching and learning to be entirely online. This situation also affects prospective EFL teachers in conducting teaching practicums. This study aims to analyze prospective EFL teachers using code-switching in online discussions through WhatsApp group chats. Code-switching is a popular language feature commonly used in communication. Furthermore, this research aims to identify the types of code-switching according to Poplack's theory and to find out the code-switching function based on Sert's theory. This type of research is qualitative. The subjects of this study were six prospective EFL teachers and their students. Primary data was collected from online discussions of student teachers through their WhatsApp chat groups, and then the discussions were transcribed into transcripts. The technique used to analyze the data is descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis. The first study's results in terms of types of code-switching revealed that all participants practiced code-switching in online teaching and learning through WhatsApp group chats. The discussion provides three types of code-switching based on Poplack's theory: tag-switching, inter-sentential switching, and intra-sentential switching. Furthermore, tag switching is often used in online discussions.

2021 ◽  
pp. 257-273
Aldo Ferrari

Luigi Villari’s book Fire and Sword in the Caucasus, published in London in 1906, is widely quoted by scholars working on the history of Transcaucasia, in particular in respect to the Armenian-Tatar war. Yet neither this text nor its author have been so far studied in detail. The Italian Luigi Villari (1876-1959) is a figure of considerable interest; he was a diplomat, traveler, and journalist. His father, Pasquale Villari (1827-1917), was an accomplished historian and politician who played an important role in nineteenth-century Italy; Villari’s mother was the British writer Linda White (1836-1915). It is remarkable that the author wrote a book an English at a time when this was not a popular language in Italy. He wrote extensively both in English and Italian about different topics, mainly related to history and international politics. It has been shown that, after the First World War, Villari joined Fascism and contributed actively to the regime’s propaganda in Great Britain. The present paper examines Luigi Villari’s book on the Caucasus, especially the author’s attitude towards the Armenians. I shall demonstrate that in his work, he handles negative stereotypes of the Armenians (“one of the most unpopular races of the East”), which were common in the Russian empire at the beginning of the twentieth century, in a rather interesting way.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026765832110306
Rosamond Mitchell

A major rationale for study abroad (SA) from the perspective of second language acquisition is the presumed opportunity available to sojourners for naturalistic second language (L2) “immersion”. However, such opportunities are affected by variations in the linguistic, institutional and social affordances of SA, in different settings. They are also affected by the varying agency and motivation of sojourners in seeking second language (L2) engagement. For example, many sojourners prioritize mastering informal L2 speech, while others prioritize academic and professional registers including writing. Most will operate multilingually, using their home language, a local language, and/or English as lingua franca for different purposes, and the types of input they seek out, and language practices they enter into, vary accordingly. Consequently, while researchers have developed varied approaches to documenting L2 engagement, and have tried to relate these to measures of L2 development, these efforts have so far seen somewhat mixed success. This article reviews different approaches to documenting SA input and interaction; first, that of participant self-report, using questionnaires, interviews, journals, or language logs. Particular attention is paid to the popular Language Contact Profile (LCP), and to approaches drawing on Social Network Analysis. The limitations of all forms of self-report are acknowledged. The article also examines the contribution of direct observation and recording of L2 input and interaction during SA. This is a significant alternative approach for the study of acquisition, but one which poses theoretical, ethical and practical challenges. Researchers have increasingly enlisted participants as research collaborators who create small corpora through self-recording with L2 interlocutors. Analyses in this tradition have so far prioritized interactional, pragmatic and sociocultural development, in learner corpora, over other dimensions of second language acquisition (SLA). The theoretical and practical challenges of corpus creation in SA settings and their wider use to promote understandings of informal L2 learning are discussed.

Әлия Баербекова ◽  
Құрмет Бажикеев

Аталмыш мақалада ХV-ХVІІ ғасырларда түркі халықтары тілдеріне енген араб, парсы сөздерінің түркі жазба ескерткіштерінде сөз тіркесі түрінде қолданылу мәселесі қарастырылады. Сонымен қатар, бұл кезеңдегі түркі жазба тілдеріне тән белгілердің бірі – халық тіліне енбеген, көбінесе дерексіз ұғым атаулары болып келетін араб және парсы сөздерін де актив қолдану, бұл ретте әсіресе, араб-парсы сөздерінің түркі тілінің көмекші етістіктерімен тіркесуі арқылы күрделі етістік жасап пайдалану өте көп кездеседі. Мақалада,Өтеміс қажының «Шыңғыснамасы», «Әділ сұлтан» эпикалық жыры, Қадырғали Жалайыридің «Жамиғат-Тауарихы» және Әбілғазы Бахадүр ханның «Түркі Шежіресі» атты шығармалары талданады. Түйінді сөздер: түркі халықтары, сөз тіркесі, тұрақты тіркестер, жазба ескерткіштер. В данной статье рассматривается вопрос использования арабских и персидских слов, вошедших в языки тюркских народов в ХV-ХVІІ веках, в виде словосочетаний в тюркских письменных памятниках. Кроме того, одной из характерных особенностей тюркских письменных языков этого периода является активное употребление арабских и персидских слов, которые не вошли в народный язык, часто являются абстрактными понятиями, при этом особенно распространено использование сложных глаголов путем сочетания арабско–персидских слов с вспомогательными глаголами тюркского языка. В статье анализируются произведения отемиса кажы «Чингиснама», эпическая поэма «Адиль султан», «Жамигат-Тауарихи» Кадыргали Жалаири и «тюркская шежире» Абельгазы Бахадур хана. This article discusses the use of Arabic and Persian words that entered the languages of the Turkic peoples in the XV-XVII centuries, in the form of phrases in the Turkic written monuments. In addition, one of the characteristic features of the Turkic written languages of this period is the active use of Arabic and Persian words, which are not included in the popular language, are often abstract concepts, and the use of complex verbs by combining Arabic – Persian words with auxiliary verbs of the Turkic language is especially common. The article analyzes the works of Otemis kazha "Genghisnam", the epic poem "Adil Sultan"," Zhamigat-Tauarihi "by Kadyrgali Zhalairi and "Turkic shezhire" by Abelgazy Bahadur Khan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (01) ◽  
Hamid Sakti Wibowo

AbstractCommentators who use this method usually explain the verses of the Qur'an briefly in popular language, easy to understand and easy to read. Mufasir will interpret the Qur'an directly from beginning to end. The interpretation given is not done extensively but concisely and generally so that the reader seems to be still reading the Qur'an when what is read is the interpretation. Methods are one of the most important means to achieve a set goal. In this regard, the method in the study of the interpretation of the Qur'an can be interpreted as an orderly and well thought out way to achieve a correct understanding of what God means in the verses of the Qur'an that He revealed to the prophet. Muhammad saw.Keywords: ijmali method, interpretation of the Qur'an.

Vedika Gupta ◽  
Nikita Jain ◽  
Shubham Shubham ◽  
Agam Madan ◽  
Ankit Chaudhary ◽  

Linguistic resources for commonly used languages such as English and Mandarin Chinese are available in abundance, hence the existing research in these languages. However, there are languages for which linguistic resources are scarcely available. One of these languages is the Hindi language. Hindi, being the fourth-most popular language, still lacks in richly populated linguistic resources, owing to the challenges involved in dealing with the Hindi language. This article first explores the machine learning-based approaches—Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree, and Logistic Regression—to analyze the sentiment contained in Hindi language text derived from Twitter. Further, the article presents lexicon-based approaches (Hindi Senti-WordNet, NRC Emotion Lexicon) for sentiment analysis in Hindi while also proposing a Domain-specific Sentiment Dictionary. Finally, an integrated convolutional neural network (CNN)—Recurrent Neural Network and Long Short-term Memory—is proposed to analyze sentiment from Hindi language tweets, a total of 23,767 tweets classified into positive, negative, and neutral. The proposed CNN approach gives an accuracy of 85%.

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