scholarly journals Skojarzenia werbalne w Narodowym Korpusie Języka Polskiego: przyczynek do badań nad werbalnym stereotypem "inwalidy"

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 ◽  
Nawoja Mikołajczak-Matyja

Verbal Associations in the National Corpus of Polish: A Contribution to the Study of the Verbal Stereotype of inwalida ‘an invalid’ The role of corpus research in linguistics and in related fields of study has increased in recent decades. Searching for and analysis of collocations and concordances of a lexical unit, which makes it possible to determine its semantic preferences and semantic prosody, can be a tool for studying stereotypes, understood as overly generalized and simplified evaluative and affective images of a fragment of reality named by the lexical unit. The aim of this article is to verify the validity of supplementing studies based on the analysis of corpus resources with data obtained in free association tests. The study focuses on the lexical unit inwalida ‘an invalid’ as the name of a concept which may be subject to strong stereotyping. The resources of the balanced sub-corpus of the National Corpus of Polish, consisting of about 250 million words, were searched for associative responses to the word inwalida given by at least 2 people from a group of 40 Polish speakers. In the corpus, the co-occurrence of the word inwalida was checked with each of the 33 obtained associations, using a search tool to identify the contexts (concordances) containing both words – inwalida and the association – with an interval of 0 and ≤5. The results of the study indicate that an association test can be a significant complement to corpus data analyses: it can provide important elements of semantic prosody which are not found in corpus analysis results, it can guide concordance search and it can indicate the elements which are the most important for the meaning of the examined word. Skojarzenia werbalne w Narodowym Korpusie Języka Polskiego: przyczynek do badań nad werbalnym stereotypem inwalidy W ostatnich dziesięcioleciach wzrasta rola badań korpusowych w językoznawstwie i naukach pokrewnych. Wyszukiwanie i analiza kolokacji i konkordancji określonej jednostki leksykalnej, pozwalające na określenie jej preferencji semantycznej i prozodii semantycznej, mogą stanowić narzędzie badania stereotypów, rozumianych jako nadmiernie uogólnione i uproszczone oceniająco-afektywne obrazy fragmentu rzeczywistości nazywanego przez daną jednostkę leksykalną. Celem analizy przedstawionej w artykule jest weryfikacja zasadności uzupełniania badań opartych na analizie zasobów korpusowych danymi uzyskanymi w teście skojarzeń swobodnych. Przeprowadzona analiza dotyczy jednostki leksykalnej inwalida, jako nazwy pojęcia podlegającego silnej stereotypizacji. W zasobach liczącego około 250 milionów słów podkorpusu zrównoważonego Narodowego Korpusu Języka Polskiego poszukiwano reakcji skojarzeniowych na hasło inwalida podanych przez minimum 2 osoby z 40-osobowej grupy użytkowników języka polskiego. Sprawdzono w korpusie współwystępowanie wyrazu inwalida kolejno z każdym z 33 uzyskanych skojarzeń, używając do tego celu narzędzia szukającego kontekstów (konkordancji) zawierających oba wyrazy – inwalida i skojarzenie – w odstępie 0 oraz ≤5. Wykazano, że test skojarzeniowy może w sposób istotny uzupełniać analizy korpusowe poprzez: dostarczanie ważnych elementów prozodii semantycznej, których nie ma w wynikach analiz korpusowych, ukierunkowanie wyszukiwania konkordancji oraz wskazywanie elementów najważniejszych dla znaczenia badanego wyrazu.

1997 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-64 ◽  
Beth Levin ◽  
Grace Song

This paper demonstrates the essential role of corpus data in the development of a theory that explains and predicts word behavior. We make this point through a case study of verbs of sound, drawing our evidence primarily from the British National Corpus. We begin by considering pretheoretic notions of the verbs of sound as presented in corpus-based dictionaries and then contrast them with the predictions made by a theory of syntax, as represented by Chomsky's Government-Binding framework. We identify and classify the transitive uses of sixteen representative verbs of sound found in the corpus data. Finally, we consider what a linguistic account with both syntactic and lexical semantic components has to offer as an explanation of observed differences in the behavior of the sample verbs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Anna Gladkova ◽  
Jesús Romero-Trillo

Abstract The paper explores the meaning and use of ugly in English. The study is based on corpus data from Cobuild Wordbanks Online and investigates the polysemy and the spheres of application of the concept. Through corpus analysis methodology, we investigate the most common collocations and the pragmatic and contextual uses of the term. Based on this analysis, our study proposes semantic explications of ugly in universal human concepts within the theoretical framework of the Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM). We also analyze the most common collocations with the word ugly and classify them into several meaning-based categories. A comparison between beautiful and ugly reveals that they are not identical in their distribution, which suggests different cognitive salience of the concepts. We also note the special role of ‘people’ and ‘nature’ in conceptualization and use of beautiful and that of ‘human actions’ in ugly.

Баяманова М.С.

Summary: The article deals with the analysis of the interpretational field of the basic lexical units which represent the meaning of the concept “woman” in English and Kyrgyz languages and cultures. Comparative – contrastive analytical data of the most frequently used in both languages variants of the interpretation of the concept “woman” have been given. The semantic fields of nuclear and nearnuclear meanings of the lexical units, transforming the notion of “woman” in English and Kyrgyz languages and also the place and role of these notions in cultures and philosophy of the nations on the basis of mentality and traditional values have been studied and described. The situations of the use of this or that variant of the meaning of lexical unit. A comparative study of the definitions of the word “woman’ in English and Kyrgyz languages have been given. Key words: concept, woman, interpretational field, notion, definition, semantic field, culture, language, linguoculture, transformation Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются интерпретационные поля основных лексических единиц, репрезентирующих значение концепта «женщина» в английской и кыргызской лингвокультурах. Приводятся сравнительно-сопоставительные аналитические данные наиболее употребительных в речи обоих языков вариантов интерпретации концепта «женщина». Изучены и описаны семантические поля ядерных и околоядерных значений лексических единиц, трансформирующих понятие «женщина» в английском и кыргызском языке, а также роль и место этих понятий в культурах и философии народов на основе менталитета и традиционных ценностей. Приводятся ситуации использования того или ино- го варианта значения лексической единицы, проведено сравнительное изучение определений слова «женщина» в английском и кыргызском языках. Ключевые слова: концепт, женщина, интерпретационное поле, понятие, определение, семантическое поле, культура, язык, лингвокультура, трансформация Аннотация: Макалада англис жана кыргыз тилдеринде жана маданияттарында «аял» концептинин маанисин репрезентациалаган негизги лексикалык бирдиктер каралат. «Аял» концептин эки тилдеги кѳп колдонулуучу интерпретациялоо варианттарынын аналитикалык салыштырма маалыматтары изил- делип берилген. Англис жана кыргыз тилдеринде «аял» түшүнүгүн трансформациялаган лексикалык бирдиктердин түп нуска жана ага жакындашкан маанилери иликтелип каралган. Берилген түшүнүктѳрдүн элдик философиясында жана маданиятында, менталитеттин жана салттын негизинде эл арасына кеӊири тараган, элдик тилде жана маданиятта ойногон ролу менен орду чагылдырылган. Ар түрдү ситацияларда колдонулуучу тиги же бул лексикалык бирдиктердин маанисинин варианттары каралган, «аял» деген сѳздун англис жана кыргыз тилдериндеги түшүндүрмѳлѳрү салыштырылып изилделген. Түйүндүү сѳздѳр: концепт, аял, интерпретациялоо мейкиндиги, түшүнүк, түшүндүрмѳ, семантикалык чѳйрѳ, маданият, тил, лингвомаданият, трансформациялоо

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 109
Bei Yang ◽  
Bin Chen

<p>Semantic prosody is a concept that has been subject to considerable criticism and debate. One big concern is to what extent semantic prosody is domain or register-related. Previous studies reach the agreement that CAUSE has an overwhelmingly negative meaning in general English. Its semantic prosody remains controversial in academic writing, however, because of the size and register of the corpus used in different studies. In order to minimize the role that corpus choice has to play in determining the research findings, this paper uses sub-corpora from the British National Corpus to investigate the usage of CAUSE in different types of scientific writing. The results show that the occurrence of CAUSE is the highest in social science, less frequent in applied science, and the lowest in natural and pure science. Its semantic prosody is overwhelmingly negative in social science and applied science, and mainly neutral in natural and pure science. It seems that the verb CAUSE lacks its normal negative semantic prosody in contexts that do not refer to human beings. The implications of the findings for language learning are also discussed.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 460-470 ◽  
Xiwen Chen

Purpose Bottlenecked by rural underdevelopment, China’s overall development is bound to be inadequate and unbalanced. Through a brief retrospect of the reform directed against the “equalitarianism (egalitarianism)” in China’s rural areas, as well as the Chinese Government’s conceptual transformation and systemic construction and improvement thereof, the purpose of this paper is to clarify the panoramic significance of rural reform; the necessity, priority, and long-term nature of the current rural development; and the important role of public policy in doing so. It also looks ahead to consider the prospects for future rural reform. Design/methodology/approach This paper first reviews the rural reforms that were carried out in 1978. Second, it introduces the government’s conceptual change regarding rural reform and the establishment and improvement of the system that underlies it. Finally, the future of rural reform is envisaged. Findings The initial rural reforms brought extensive and profound changes to China’s rural areas. The experience of rural reform has been referred to and escalated by other fields of study. Hence, rural reforms have become something of global significance. Moreover, since the government can undertake reforms well beyond the reach of farmers, its views must be modified in a timely manner, and only then may it reasonably construct and improve the system pertaining to the “three rural issues (agriculture, rural areas, and farmers).” Originality/value This paper reviews the rural reforms carried out in 1978. It introduces the government’s change of concept with respect to rural reforms and the establishment and improvement of the system based on the “three rural issues,” thus looking forward to the future of rural reforms. The findings of this paper are of significance to the formulation of future agricultural policies.

1999 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 577
R Q Quentin-Baxter

Professor Quentin-Baxter provides suggestions to the Niue Island Assembly regarding the directions of Niue's constitutional development. The first part of the report provides the background to this report, including the need for Niue to have its own constitution while maintaining Niue's free association with New Zealand. The second part of the report discusses the contents of the proposed constitution, including requirements for public consultation, guarantees of New Zealand citizenship and economic and administrative assistance, the constitution's role as a public safeguard of certain legislative areas, and the future role of the Niue Island Assembly. The final part of the report is an addendum which includes a speech from Professor Quentin-Baxter regarding additional topics that the author did not include in the main body of the report, including calling for the establishment of a Niue Public Service Commission.  

Virittäjä ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 121 (2) ◽  
Krista Ojutkangas

Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisissa konstruktioissa suomen seuralaisuutta ilmaisevat mukana ja mukaan esiintyvät. Seuralaisuussuhteelle on tyypillistä, että suhteen osallistujat tai vähintään kiintopiste ovat ihmisiä ja että osallistujien välillä on symmetriaero: seuralainen (engl. companion) osallistuu tilanteeseen epäsuorasti, seurattavan (engl. accompanee) välityksellä. Suomen grammeille ominaiseen tapaan mukana- ja mukaan-sanoja käytetään syntaktisesti monenlaisissa asemissa siten, että kiintopisteen (seurattavan) ilmaisun tyyppi vaihtelee. Tutkimuksessa selvitetäänkin, mikä on kiintopisteen ilmaisutavan rooli siinä, miten seuralaisuussuhteen osallistujien välinen epäsymmetria hahmottuu. Tutkimuksen syntaktisessa luokittelussa pidetään lähtökohtana postpositiokonstruktiota, jossa osallistujien välisen symmetriaeron voi katsoa perustuvan kiintopisteen viitepisteroolin kautta grammin semantiikkaan (tyyppi lapio oli kaivajan mukana). Symmetriaero sen sijaan voimistuu, kun kiintopiste edustuu omistusliitteen välityksellä subjektina (tyyppi hän otti lapion mukaansa) tai kun se ilmaistaan teemapaikalla paikallissijaisena adverbiaalina (tyyppi hänellä oli lapio mukana[an]). Symmetriaero sen sijaan heikkenee, jos (toissijainen) kiintopiste ilmaistaan adverbiaalina muualla kuin teemapaikalla (tyyppi hän oli mukana kaivamassa), ja vetäytyy taustatiedoksi, kun kiintopistettä ei ilmaista lainkaan (tyyppi hän on mukana). Tutkimus perustuu aineistoon, jossa ovat edustettuina 1800-luvun kirjakieli, Lauseopin arkiston murrehaastattelut ja nykykirjakieli. Aineisto osoittaa, että mukana- ja mukaan-grammeilla ilmaistuissa seuralaisuussuhteissa on tapahtunut muutos: 1800-luvun kirjakielen ja pääosin 1960-luvulla tallennetun murreaineiston esiintymissä yleisin kiintopiste on ihminen, kun taas nykykirjakielen aineistossa kiintopisteeksi hahmottuu tyypillisimmin toiminta. Kiintopisteen semanttinen tyyppi ja sen kielellinen ilmaisukeino ovat suorassa suhteessa toisiinsa. Ihmiskiintopiste ilmaistaan yleisimmin subjektin kanssa samaviitteisellä omistusliitteellä tai teemapaikkaisella paikallissijaisella elementillä ja toimintakiintopiste puolestaan ei-teemapaikkaisella paikallissijaisella elementillä. Eri ilmaisukeinot jakautuvat eri verbien ympärille rakentuvien konstruktioiden kesken. Tutkimuksen perusteella voi todeta, että esiintymäkonstruktiolla on merkittävä rooli siinä, millaista seuralaisuutta mukana- tai mukaan-grammilla kuvataan.   Finnish mukana and mukaan ‘with, along’ as comitative markers: Grammatical roles of expressions of the landmarks, constructions, and asymmetry between the participants of the accompaniment relation The topic of this article is the syntax of Finnish comitative markers mukana and mukaan ’with, along’. Comitative markers express accompaniment relations, which are typically conceived as being asymmetrical: the accompanee (landmark) is the pre-dominant participant, while the companion (trajector) is involved in the situation only via the accompanee (see Stolz et al. 2006: 26–27). However, markers such as mukana and mukaan are used in several syntactic constructions where the grammatical roles of expressions of the accompanees/landmarks vary. The main research question of the article is, how does the grammatical role of expression of the accompanee/landmark affect the asymmetry between the participants of the accompaniment relation. Five syntactic construction types were analysed from a corpus data. On the basis of this study, it is shown that syntactic variation has an effect on the conceived asymmetry between the accompanee and the companion, and that syntax makes an important contribution to the semantics of comitative constructions. In strongly asymmetric accompaniment relations, a human accompanee is expressed by a possessive suffix affixed to the comitative marker, or by a clause-initial adverbial. On the other hand, the question of asymmetry contracts to the background when the accompanee is expressed by a non-clause-initial adverbial and when the accompanee is implicit, without any overt marking. The research is based on a corpus data comprising 19th-century written Finnish, dialect interviews, and modern written Finnish. The data shows that accompaniment relations expressed by mukana and mukaan have changed: in the 19th-century and dialect data, the majority of the landmarks are humans, but in the modern data activities dominate as (secondary) landmarks.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (5(74)) ◽  
pp. 33-38
M.V. Kozis

The paper focuses on language conceptualization of objects’ state of being within the framework of the frame approach studying cognitive frame of spatial position of entities. The author offers a linguistic overview of Russian metaphoric posture verbs stoyat', sidet', lezhat'. The analysis is based on a sample of over 1,500 Russian sentences from the Russian National Corpus, Google search results and utterances offered by native speakers of Russian.Distributive analysis allowed to define the co-occurrence of posture verbs with nouns denoting different objects and to hypothesize the verbs' meanings. Triangulation approach involving corpus experiment, semantics experiment and inquiries in searching systems revealed frequency and acceptability of the verbs stoyat', sidet', lezhat' in utterances representing various denotative situations, which allowed to verify the hypothesis on the verbs' meaning and describe their semantics. The study reveals variability in cognitive interpretation of physical objects’ sate of being and the key role of human prototype in conceptualization of spatial position of entities. The study shows that language representation of the frame “the object’s state of being in space” relies on its salient element –possible one-to-one correspondence between the object’s position and a human posture. The final stage of the research features semantic description of the verbs under study.

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