scholarly journals Словотвірний потенціал префіксальних дієслів зі значенням «переміщення вгору» в українській і польській мовах (зіставно-типологічний аспект)

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 ◽  
Любомир [Liubomyr] В. [V.] Сегін [Sehin]

The Derivational Potential of Prefixed Verbs with the Meaning of ‘Moving Upwards’ in the Ukrainian and Polish Languages (Comparative and Typological Aspects) This article is devoted to the derivational potential of prefixed verbs with the meaning ‘moving upwards’ in the Ukrainian and Polish languages in comparative and typological aspects. The study identifies the main factors that affect the derivational behaviour of the verbs in focus, delineates the structural types of specific derivational paradigms according to the number of word-class blocks of the deverbatives, reconstructs a typical derivational paradigm of the verbs under study, pinpoints the derivational meanings which fill this paradigm, and determines the ways of realisation of derivational meaning. The study found that prefixed verbs have a significant derivational potential. Based on a comparative analysis of derivational paradigms, it was established how prefixed verbs with the meaning of ‘moving upwards’ in the Ukrainian and Polish languages realise their derivational potential according to the following parameters: (1) the word-formative potential of the same lexical-semantic group to generate derivatives which belong to various blocks; (2) the derivational meanings of a typical derivational paradigm realised by derivatives in each of the compared languages; (3) the statistical pattern of derivational paradigm; (4) the degree of correspondence of the derivative potential of equivalent root words in the studied group; (5) correlate sets of derivational formants which are involved in the realisation of derivational meanings in a typical derivational paradigm; (6) the ways of formation of deverbatives in each of the languages, which reveals both common features and differences between them. Potencjał słowotwórczy czasowników przedrostkowych o znaczeniu ‘przemieszczać ku górze’ w języku ukraińskim i polskim (aspekt porównawczy i typologiczny) Artykuł skupia się na potencjale słowotwórczym czasowników przedrost­kowych o znaczeniu ‘przemieszczać ku górze’ w języku ukraińskim i polskim w aspekcie porównawczym i typologicznym. W toku badań ustalono główne czynniki wpływające na zachowanie słowotwórcze analizowanych czasowników, wyodrębniono typy strukturalne konkretnych paradygmatów słowotwórczych w zależności od liczby bloków części mowy, do jakich należą dewerbatywy, zrekonstruowano typowy paradygmat słowotwórczy analizowanych czasow­ników, wskazano znaczenia słowotwórcze, które wypełniają ten paradygmat, oraz określono sposoby realizacji znaczenia słowotwórczego. Badania wyka­zały, że czasowniki przedrostkowe mają znaczący potencjał słowotwórczy. Na podstawie analizy porównawczej paradygmatów słowotwórczych ustalono, w jaki sposób czasowniki przedrostkowe o znaczeniu ‘przemieszczać ku górze’ w języku ukraińskim i polskim realizują swój potencjał słowotwórczy według następujących parametrów: (1) potencjał słowotwórczy tej samej grupy leksykalno-semantycznej do generowania derywatów należących do różnych bloków; (2) znaczenia słowotwórcze typowego paradygmatu derywacyjnego, realizowane przez derywaty w porównywanych językach; (3) statystyczny schemat paradygmatu derywacyjnego; (4) stopień zgodności potencjału słowo­twórczego ekwiwalentów słów podstawowych w badanej grupie czasowników; (5) powiązane zbiory formantów derywacyjnych funkcjonujące w realizacji znaczeń w typowym paradygmacie słowotwórczym; (6) sposoby formowania dewerbatywów w porównywanych językach, ujawniające zarówno wspólne cechy, jak i różnice między nimi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 265-277
Zh. Yu. Polezhaeva ◽  
T. G. Pismak

This article deals with the lexical-semantic group of verbs that denote light in Russian and French. The authors compared their lexical-semantic classifications, characteristics, and grammatical parameters. The research involved the method of continuous sampling, lexical systematization, and component analysis. The paper introduces lexical-semantic subgroups of Russian and French verbs of light with their nucleus and periphery. A comparative analysis revealed some aspectual differences: Russian and French demonstrated different means of expressing some meanings and modes of action. The Russian language is synthetic and expresses these meanings lexematically. In the French language, which is analytical, these grammatical meanings do not always find their expression at the level of a single lexeme. The context and tense forms appeared to play an important role, and the verbs of light proved to be more numerous in Russian than in French. Despite the differences, the proposed classification of verbs of light turned out to be universal for both languages.

Tatiana Ignateva ◽  
Irina Alekseevna Myasnikova Irina Alekseevna

This article is dedicated to the comparative analysis of English and Chuvash verbs of intensive movements that comprise a separate lexical-semantic group in these languages. Relevance of this work is defined by the fact that there are relatively small amount of research on the comparative examination of verbs of movement in English and Chuvash languages, although they refer to one of the richest and diverse semantic groups within the verb as part of speech. An attempt is made to analyzes the words attributed to lexical-semantic group of intensive movement of a subject in space, establish semantic relations between the indicated units. The applied interlinguistic method allowed revealing a number of common and distinct features that are not evident in intralinguistic analysis. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that systemic examination of the group of verbs of intensive movement, which are united semantically, was conducted by comparison of linguistic means of multi-structural languages, namely English and Chuvash. The authors assume that the acquires results would contribute to better command of foreign languages, as well as more in-depth and comprehensive studying of the native language, as well as provide essential material for literary translation, formation and development of speech culture.  

Nina Bosak

The demonolexis in Yu. Andrukhovych’s long short story “Recreatsii” (“Recreations”) has been analyzed in the article. In the course of the research there have been outlined the following lexical-semantic groups of demonomens: toponymic and onomastic names, modified lexemes, names of the rituals, genuine Ukrainian demonomens, obscene words and expressions, demonomens of Biblical origin, names from the world mythology and general demonolexis. The special lexical-semantic group has been formed by non personificated demonomens, which serve to convey the peculiarities of the contemporary Ukrainian writers’ mentality, their habits through speech. Such nomens help to reveal the protagonist’s soul, show the positive and negative sides of his personal ego, demonstrate the duality of the human perception of the world, indicate the causes of phobias, emotions, sensations. Key words: demonolexis, demonomen, lexical-semantic group, non personificated demonomen.

Елена Лактюхина ◽  
Elena Laktyukhina ◽  
Георгий Антонов ◽  
Georgy Antonov

The article presents a comparative analysis of marital and family mindsets of two categories of the demographically active population of modern Russia: (1) individuals that have no experience of a divorce and (2) those who have already experienced one or more official termination of a marriage. The empirical base of the analysis is the data of the author’s questionnaire survey conducted by representative sampling in Volgograd and Volgograd Region in 2015–2016. The analysis was made on the following basic empiric indicators: optimal (from the viewpoint of the respondents) age for the first marriage, frequency of mentioning marital and family statuses as the respondents describe their own social and demographic “portrait”, legitimate causes of a divorce and a number of others. It is found that, in the case of sufficiently strong traditional marital and family mindsets, perception of marital norms is adjusted, if an “abnormal” event (such as a divorce) occurs in the individual’s life course. At the same time, perception of the marriage stability is less variable and does not depend on the social and demographic characteristics of the respondents, including the presence/absence of a marriage termination experience. The “strongest” factor that affects the change of the marital and family mindsets is age. With age (and, consequently, experience accumulation), importance of the majority of main factors capable of preventing the individual from a divorce decreases and, therefore, the risk of such event increases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (8) ◽  
pp. 3977
Francesco Liguori ◽  
Susanna Amadio ◽  
Cinzia Volonté

Over the years, researchers have leveraged a host of different in vivo models in order to dissect amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a neurodegenerative/neuroinflammatory disease that is heterogeneous in its clinical presentation and is multigenic, multifactorial and non-cell autonomous. These models include both vertebrates and invertebrates such as yeast, worms, flies, zebrafish, mice, rats, guinea pigs, dogs and, more recently, non-human primates. Despite their obvious differences and peculiarities, only the concurrent and comparative analysis of these various systems will allow the untangling of the causes and mechanisms of ALS for finally obtaining new efficacious therapeutics. However, harnessing these powerful organisms poses numerous challenges. In this context, we present here an updated and comprehensive review of how eukaryotic unicellular and multicellular organisms that reproduce a few of the main clinical features of the disease have helped in ALS research to dissect the pathological pathways of the disease insurgence and progression. We describe common features as well as discrepancies among these models, highlighting new insights and emerging roles for experimental organisms in ALS.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (121) ◽  
pp. 185-195
Zatov Zatov

A comparative study of the mythological picture of the world, early forms of religion allows us to identify common features characteristic of the worldview and spiritual guidelines of mankind as a whole. These features can be traced in archaic ideas about the structure of the universe, in understanding their spiritual and bodily essence, the infinity of God and the eternity of the soul, the relationship and interdependence of life forms in the world. This allows us to assert the thesis of the unity of mankind in its spiritual origins, despite racial and ethnic diversity. In the process of a comparative analysis of mythology, early forms of religion, the concept of God, the pantheon and the function of the gods, similar moments and ethnological specifics of understanding the essence of the soul and reincarnation in totemistic beliefs, in cosmological and theogonistic concepts are revealed.The author also analyzes the role and significance of the cult of ancestors, traces the evolution of the idea of proto-monotism (the creative function of Tengri and Brahma, the intention of henotheistic faith) and its place in religious knowledge.

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