scholarly journals Theory of Financial Intermediation: A Portfolio Approach

1978 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-138
Ramesh Gupta

Repid growth of financial institutions in recent years has resulted in a need to provide a conceptual framework for explaining their portfolio behaviour. By and large, literature on the theory of financial intermediation has concentrated on either the asset side or the liability side of the balance sheet. In this study, an attempt is made to explain the behaviour of financial intermediaries by explicitly considering the dependence between securities bought and securities sold in terms of the portfolio theory using a preference function approach. The model presented in this article will provide a framework for further research.

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (6) ◽  
pp. 1727-1730
Redon Koleci

Financial institutions are financial intermediaries in the process of transferring financial funds between participants in the financial system. The key participants in the financial system are: individuals, businesses, financial intermediaries and the government.Money holders are interested in investing their savings in earning income. As compensation for this, they earn profits in various forms, such as interests, dividends, capital gains, etc. Also, borrowers need additional financial funds to finance their investment or consumption programs. They are obliged to borrow those funds from financial institutions. For lending funds they pay a certain lender's price.With the intermediation of financial institutions, it is possible to transfer financial funds from entities that have surplus to entities lacking financial funds and at the same time need to be provided from external investment or consumption sources, if the accumulation of sufficient financial resources from own resources.The essence of financial intermediation lies in the collection of financial funds from many individuals and businesses that own financial savings, and their investment in various forms. With the disclosure of the financial intermediation process, we note its multidimensional aspect, on the one hand, as a pool of financial funds in various forms and their concentration, while on the other hand, as investment of shelled funds through various forms of loans to borrowers who need funding.

Iryna PRIKHNO ◽  

In today's global economy, financial intermediation is an extremely powerful source of financial resources that can be used for investment purposes, since financial intermediaries can combine temporarily free (unused in the economy) financial resources of different business entities and direct them to those sectors of the economy that need investment. At the same time, financial intermediaries simultaneously provide the movement of financial assets and contribute to the development of the economy. It is proved that the objective need for a study of financial intermediation in Ukraine is to establish such a mechanism for the redistribution of financial resources in the country in order to achieve the maximum level of development of the economy both at the micro level and at the macro level. In Ukraine, the process of reforming the economy continues, including the financial market. The main participants in the financial market are financial intermediaries, which bring together buyers and sellers of financial assets. Activities of financial intermediaries in the financial market can be characterized by the fulfillment of the following main functions: accumulation of savings of economic entities; placing of attracted financial resources in the branches of economy; obtaining profit (own, as well as other economic entities); ensuring economic development. We believe that the main purpose of financial intermediaries is to create a balance in the financial market by matching interests and needs of all participants in the financial market and balancing demand and supply on financial resources. The most common is the division of financial intermediaries into banking institutions (banking sector) and non-bank financial institutions (non-banking financial sector). Currently, in Ukraine, banking institutions are represented by universal and specialized commercial banks of Ukraine, and non-bank financial institutions are represented by insurance and financial companies, credit unions and pawnshops, non-state pension funds and trust companies. According to statistics, the banking sector is larger in terms of assets, while the number of financial market participants is dominated by the non-banking financial sector. The analysis carried out shows an increase in the role of non-bank financial institutions in the financial market. Non-financial sector entities are dominated by financial companies. The article outlines the following main problems of the development of financial intermediation entities in Ukraine: the inconsistency of the financial system of Ukraine with the real sector of the economy, as a result of which the non-banking sector of the economy is not able to fully perform its main functions; the presence in the financial market of institutions that practically do not perform the functions assigned to them, thus creating significant risks for the normal functioning of the market; Ineffective legislation and an ineffective system for overseeing the activities of financial intermediaries, which gives rise to distrust of financial institutions; low level of financial literacy of the population. In order to overcome the problems identified and to provide an effective mechanism for the functioning of financial intermediary institutions in Ukraine, it is proposed to: introduce common rules of conduct in the financial market for banks and non-bank financial institutions, but taking into account the specifics of each type of financial intermediary; to intensify activity in the financial market of investment funds, insurance companies and non-state pension funds; Maximize the attraction of the non-banking financial sector to the development of the real sector of the economy; introduce a reliable mechanism for protecting the funds of the population and business entities; to create a service consulting center for the provision of services by non-bank financial institutions. We believe that the outlined directions for solving the problems of the development of financial intermediation create the basis for its further improvement and promote the activation of their effective activity.

2017 ◽  
Vol 03 ◽  
pp. 16
Richard M Kiai ◽  

Financial inclusion has been recognized as a poverty reduction tool, and many economies have taken it up as a national agenda. To achieve the expected levels of financial inclusion, governments have worked with financial intermediaries to reach the expected target group, the unbanked poor. As per the financial intermediation theory, the role of financial intermediaries is to minimize the information asymmetry in the financial system. To enhance financial inclusion, many countries and financial institutions have embraced information and communication technology (ICT). ICT has been recognized as a tool that has worked greatly toward enhancing sharing of information at a low cost and that has thus helped in improving financial inclusion. Though many countries have achieved high levels of financial inclusion through ICT, the levels of poverty have not declined. It was thus important to establish the relationship between ICT, financial intermediation, and household investment. This study methodology was a review of the literature on financial inclusion, financial intermediation, ICT, and household investment. From this study, it was noted that ICT is helping in financial intermediation and thus more people can access financial services. Unfortunately, the levels of ICT capability among the poor are low, and in that case, the poor are not able to utilize financial services offered through ICT platforms to undertake household investment. This is the reason as to why, despite the high levels of financial inclusion, the poor still remain poor. This study recommends that the government should ensure that the levels of ICT among the populace are high. Financial institutions on the other hand should provide financial services with more user-friendly platforms.

2014 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-129
Paweł Trippner

Abstract Collective investors play an extremely important role in the financial system of the state and in the economy. They operate in the financial market as institutions that enable households and businesses to convert savings into investments. Investment funds are the most conventional institutions which are dealing with financial intermediation. The main purpose of the submitted paper is to characterise the essence of investment funds operation in the role as financial intermediaries, to present the investment strategies and to characterise the methodology for measuring the effectiveness of capital management entrusted by the clients. The author has formulated a research hypothesis, according to which, the strategies of capital location policy used by the investment funds have an impact on the level of their performance, while funds holding higher risk portfolios perform better compared to the funds using passive investment strategies

Fadzlan Sufian

This paper investigates the performance of Malaysian non-bank financial institutions during the period of 2000-2004. Several efficiency estimates of individual NBFIs are evaluated using the non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method. The findings suggest that during the period of study, scale inefficiency outweighs pure technical inefficiency in the Malaysian NBFI sector. We find that the merchant banks have exhibited a higher, technical efficiency compared to their peers. The empirical findings suggest that scale efficiency tends to be more sensitive to the exclusion of risk factors, implying that potential economies of scale may be overestimated when risk factors are excluded.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 106-115
Nataliia Zachosova ◽  
Nataliia Babina

In the conditions of the financial system destabilization in Ukraine, caused by such negative phenomenaas military actions in the East, the economic downturn, political and financial crises, population disappointment inthe institution of power and loss of the people’s confidence in power structures and so on, market mechanisms arenot able to ensure the restoration of the national financial market and to encourage its professional participantsto use mechanisms of protection their own assets and the assets of their clients from external and internal threatsactively. State interference in the functioning of financial institutions is necessary, especially for those of their types,whose bankruptcy may have fatal consequences for the welfare of the population and cause the liquidation ofeconomic entities of the domestic economy. Among them are: banks, insurance companies, credit unions, andother institutions of credit co-operation, investment companies, in particular, joint investment institutions (unit andcorporate investment funds), non-state pension funds, leasing, factoring, and other financial companies, pawns,etc. Therefore, it is expedient to consider the possibility of the influence of state regulators in financial servicesmarkets on the state of their participants’ economic security. However, the study of the realities of the financialmarket of Ukraine development has made it possible to assert that for a number of financial institutions, the conceptof economic security is something abstract, and the understanding by their top management the importanceof economic security management, taking into account the negative market trends, is completely absent.So, the purpose of this study is to diagnose the level of financial institutions preparedness for the implementationof economic security management into their common system of management. The high level of financial marketparticipants’ readiness for safe-oriented management will allow regulators to rapidly implement in their practicea list of recommendations that will minimize the threat of bankruptcy and liquidation of domestic financialinstitutions. Methodology. In the process of preparing a scientific article, a great number of literary sources wasconsidered. Some of them were developed using the method of theoretical generalization and the monographicmethod. The theoretical results presented in the research materials were obtained on the basis of the study ofworks of such scientists as Amadae S. M., Baily M. N., Elliott D. J., Ismail Z., Johnson K. N., Mirtchev A., Nelson J. A.,Raczkowski K., Schneider F., Sidek Z. M., Ula M., Whalen C. J., Wierzbicka E., Yong J. To confirm the reliability of thescientific results presented in the article, the authors used the Delphi method and expert evaluation. The list ofindicators for assessing the level of financial institutions readiness for the implementation of a mechanism formanaging economic security in the following five areas is formed. These areas are: the availability and conditionof the economic security system, the state of information and analytical support for the adoption of managementdecisions in the field of economic security, the state of intellectual and personnel management provision ofeconomic security, reserves of financial support of economic security, the level of external influence on the stateof economic security (state regulation and supervision). In May 2018, representatives of the top management ofvarious types of financial institutions, scientists, researchers, and analysts who were interested in the issues ofeconomic security management of the financial sector were interviewed. Their answers were analysed and the levelof readiness for managing the economic security of the most common types of financial institutions in the financialmarket of Ukraine was determined. Using the graphical method, the obtained scientific results are presented ina convenient and understandable form for the perception of all interested persons. Results of the survey. The necessityof carrying out diagnostics of the readiness to manage economic security at the level of state regulatory bodies andat the level of top management of financial institutions in the near future is substantiated. A large-scale analytical work was carried out on determining the parameters of financial institutions readiness for the continuous and professional economic security management, which should be carried out with the use of a systematic approach. Based on expert opinions, a preliminary assessment of the various types of financial intermediaries’ readiness to integrate security-oriented management into the financial institutions’ common management system was made. Practical implications. The proposed methodological approach for assessing the level of financial institutions readiness to manage their own economic security should be used by the state regulators of the financial market, in particular, by the National Bank of Ukraine and the National Commission, which performs state regulation in the field of financial services markets, to monitor the activities of professional financial market participants in order to conduct advisory and consultative work with their owners and managers, as well as for the development of strategic guidelines for the provision of the state financial security. It is desirable to implement into the practical activities of financial intermediaries our proposals for increasing the readiness for implementation of the economic security management mechanism in the existing systems of management. Value/originality. For the first time, a scoring methodology was prepared for assessing the level of financial institutions readiness for the implementation of economic security management as an independent direction of management, and not as one of the tasks of other types of their management activity. At the theoretical level, the substantive interpretation of the notion of the readiness of financial institutions to manage their own economic security is proposed. The reasons for the impossibility of the modern financial institutions to manage their own economic security effectively are identified, and a few suggestions to minimize their number in the near future were made.

2019 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-43
George Okello Candiya Bongomin ◽  
John C. Munene ◽  
Joseph Mpeera Ntayi ◽  
Charles Akol Malinga

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to establish the mediating role of collective action in the relationship between financial intermediation and financial inclusion of the poor in rural Uganda.Design/methodology/approachThe paper uses structural equation modeling (SEM) through bootstrap approach constructed using analysis of moment structures to test for the mediating role of collective action in the relationship between financial intermediation and financial inclusion of the poor in rural Uganda. Besides, the paper adopts Baron and Kenny’s (1986) approach to establish whether conditions for mediation by collective action exist.FindingsThe results revealed that collective action significantly mediates the relationship between financial intermediation and financial inclusion of the poor in rural Uganda. The findings further indicated that the mediated model had better model fit indices than the non-mediated model under SEM bootstrap. Furthermore, the results showed that both collective action and financial intermediation have significant and direct impacts on financial inclusion of the poor in rural Uganda. Therefore, the findings suggest that the presence of collective action boost financial intermediation for improved financial inclusion of the poor in rural Uganda.Research limitations/implicationsThe study used quantitative data collected through cross-sectional research design. Further studies through the use of interviews could be adopted in future. Methodologically, the study adopted use of SEM bootstrap approach to establish the mediating effect of collective action. However, it ignored the Sobel’s test and MedGraph methods. Future studies could adopt the use of alternative methods of Sobel’s test and MedGraph. Additionally, the study focused only on semi-formal financial institutions. Hence, further studies may consider the use of data collected from formal and informal institutions.Practical implicationsPolicy makers and managers of financial institutions should consider the role of collective action in promoting economic development, especially in developing countries. They should create structures and design financial services and products that promote collective action among the poor in rural Uganda.Originality/valueAlthough several scholars have articulated financial inclusion based on both the supply and demand side factors, this is the first study to test the mediating role of collective action in the relationship between financial intermediation and financial inclusion of the poor in rural Uganda using SEM bootstrap approach. Theoretically, the study combines the role of collective action with financial intermediation to promote financial inclusion. Financial intermediation theory ignores the role played by collective action in the intermediation process between the surplus and deficit units.

2018 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-164
Nicole Mottier

This article demonstrates that ejidatarios sometimes actively sought loans from moneylenders alongside other lenders, such as the Banco Ejidal, as one strategy for managing the uncertainties that shaped their lives. It asserts that moneylenders proved to be very important financial intermediaries for rural borrowers. By explicating how and why they continued existing alongside formal financial intermediaries such as the Banco Ejidal, this article offers a more nuanced way of understanding financial intermediation. Este artículo demuestra que en ciertas ocasiones los ejidatarios buscaron activamente los servicios de prestamistas–así como de otras entidades de crédito, por ejemplo, el Banco Ejidal–como estrategia para manejar la incertidumbre que caracterizaba sus vidas. El artículo reafirma que los prestamistas resultaron ser intermediarios financieros de gran importancia para los prestatarios rurales. Al explicar cómo y por qué continuaron existiendo estos prestamistas al lado de intermediarios financieros formales como el Banco Ejidal, este artículo contribuye a un entendimiento más matizado sobre la intermediación financiera.

2021 ◽  
pp. 61-87
Thomas Ryttersgaard

Although other comprehensive income did not exist in the conceptual framework until 2018, it has been a part of IFRS for many years, and it has not been defined based on accounting theory. This paper considers arguments for the current use of other comprehensive income under IFRS and finds that matching and prudence are at the core of other comprehensive income in IFRS despite not being elements of the conceptual framework. This suggests that the concept of other comprehensive income exists because the IFRS standards are founded on a mix of balance sheet-based and income statement-based accounting principles. Based on the characteristics of other comprehensive income and the IASB's arguments for the recognition of gains and losses in other comprehensive income, this paper proposes a definition of other comprehensive income that can be used to ensure a uniform application of the concept across accounting standards and to reduce risks of inconsistency.

Abdulazeem Abozaid

Financial intermediation is the core of the banking business, as its role is to mediate between the owners of surplus funds and those in need of finance, sharing the generated profit with the funds' owners. However, financial intermediation does involve some economic risks in terms of concentration of debt in financial institutions and the possibility of the inability of financed clients to repay their debts. When this happens, financial crises are inevitable, as it occurred in 2008. Islamic finance does not differ in this regard from its traditional counterparts, because the concentration of debts also holds on the concept of Islamic institutional finance, and the possibility of collective default is possible as well. The study treats the issue of financial intermediation and its risks from Maqasidi aspect using home finance as a point of comparison between conventional home finance with Islamic home finance in terms of their economic effects. The study eventually proposes a model for home financing that is free of these cautions.

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