Computer Assisted Data Collection, Data Quality and Costs: a Taxonomy and Annotated Bibliography

Edith D. de Leeuw
David Lugo ◽  
Juan Ortega

A key process in the oil industry to make decisions is data collection. To improve productivity it is important data and information analysis. For many organizations is not profitable data automation, which has an impact in the way organizations, collect data. Data collection is taken by manual processes that create uncertainty for analysis because it is not reliable. As consequence, making a decision has not the planned results. After working for many years in the oil industry was identified: 1. People collecting data in a manual process normally by using a piece of paper which could be lost or damage. 2. After taking data at the well, data are brought to the office. Then, data are downloaded by another worker in computer software. It can be modified intentionally or not. 3. Accuracy of data collection activity is carried out. How do we know if the staff really went to work area? 4. Training to new staff, lack of experience? 5. There are “risks zones” due vandalism, facilities are damaged by people who stole devices which causes great money losses to companies. All these mentioned factors affect decision making which has a big impact in the production process. This application helps the whole process from collection data until data are registered in databases. This application considered several observations, suggestions and comments from people involve in the oil industry, especially at the production area. As a result, it is a tool that support data collection, standardize information in databases, improve data quality (it doesn’t matter localization), shows time and photographic position in a mobile device. Information is generated digitally taking advantage of easy handling. To summarize advantages of the whole system: • Reduce time of the data re-collection process • Improve data quality • Reduce amount of people working on data registration • Data reliability • Support decisions making • Minimize the use of paper in order to help ambient environment • Improve vehicle logistics • Minimize use of gasoline which helps to reduce costs • Help to optimize routes for vehicles on the field • Productivity, Maintenance, etc., reports can be generated • Vandalism is not a problem

1996 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 23-37 ◽  
Edith de Leeuw ◽  
William Nicholls

Whether computer assisted data collection methods should be used for survey data collection is no longer an issue. Most professional research organizations, commercial, government and academic, are adopting these new methods with enthusiasm. Computer assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) is most prevalent, and computer assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) is rapidly gaining in popularity. Also, new forms of electronic reporting of data using computers, telephones and voice recognition technology are emerging. This paper begins with a taxonomy of current computer assisted data collection methods. It then reviews conceptual and theoretical arguments and empirical evidence on such topics as: (1) respondents and interviewer acceptance of new techniques, (2) effect of computer assisted interviewing on data quality, (3) consequences for survey costs and (4) centralized vs. decentralized deployment of CATI.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 772
Leni Suryani

This research is motivated by the competence of teachers in preparing poor learning outcomes tests and has not been able to measure high-level thinking skills, especially critical thinking skills. Therefore the researcher seeks to improve teacher competence in compiling tests on student learning outcomes based on critical thinking skills through academic supervision. This study uses a school action research design that has stages of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. This research was conducted for 2 months starting April 9 to May 17, 2019 for Physics teachers in the 7 target schools. Data is sourced from interviews with teachers and test documents prepared by the teacher. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis through the stages of data collection, data simplification, data presentation, conclusion drawing. Data were analyzed using assessment rubrics adjusted to indicators of critical thinking skills. The results of this study conclude that teacher competence in preparing tests of learning outcomes based on critical thinking skills has increased from the first cycle with a percentage of 61% with sufficient categories to 76% with good categories in cycle II.

Nur Aini

<p>The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) Suitability of 2013<br />Curriculum Annual Program Preparation, (2) Suitability of Compilation of<br />the 2013 Curriculum Semester Program. (3) Appropriate components of<br />the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) based on Permendikbud No.22<br />2016. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach The data<br />analysis technique used is data collection, data reduction and data <br />presentation conclusions. The technique of guaranteeing the validity of the <br />data is done by checking trust, checking examination and checking<br />dependency. The results of the study can be concluded that the results of<br />the Analysis of Suitability of Annual Programming, Semester Program,<br />and Learning Implementation Plan can be categorized as "In Accordance"<br />because the results are obtained based on the scores of the Annual<br />Program, Semester Program and Learning Implementation Plan (RPP)<br />compiled by the teacher Islamic religious education in SMP Negeri 1<br />Percut Sei Tuan Deli Serdang.</p>

Ta dib ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Surandi Surandi ◽  
Supardi Supardi ◽  
Johan Setiawan

Abstract: The purposes of this study are to find out: (1) the implementation of Radin Inten II’s resistance nationalism values in the learning process; (2) the obstacles experienced by teachers when implementing Radin Inten II’s resistance nationalism values in the learning process; (3) the efforts made by teachers in overcoming obstacles during the implementation of Radin Inten II’s nationalism values in the learning process. This study used qualitative approach with the type of case study conducted at SMAN 1 Kalianda. Data collection techniques consisted of observation, interviews, and documentary studies. Data analysis techniques used the model of Miles & Huberman consisting of data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results show: (1) the implementation of Radin Inten II’s nationalism resistance values in the process of learning local history was carried out by compiling a syllabus and implementing learning plan (RPP) by incorporating local history into Indonesian historical material which was consisted of planning, implementation, and evaluation, (2) the obstacles experienced by teachers included: the ability of teachers during learning process, students’ attitudes, and time constraints, (3) the efforts made by the teacher were taking the initiative to instill the values of nationalism in the resistance of Radin Inten II’s, applying various models, strategies, methods and singing a national song before learning. Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) implementasi nilai-nilai nasionalisme perlawanan Radin Inten II dalam proses pembelajaran, (2) kendala yang dialami oleh guru saat implementasi nilai-nilai nasionalisme perlawanan Radin Inten II dalam proses pembelajaran, (3) upaya yang dilakukan guru dalam mengatasi kendala yang dihadapi saat implementasi nilai-nilai nasionalisme perlawanan Radin Inten II dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus di SMAN 1 Kalianda. Teknik pengumpulan data terdiri dari observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan model Miles & Huberman yang terdiri dari pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) implementasi nilai-nilai nasionalisme perlawanan Radin Inten II dalam proses pembelajaran sejarah lokal dilakukan dengan menyusun silabus dan rencana pelaksana pembelajaran (RPP) dengan memasukkan sejarah lokal kedalam materi sejarah Indonesia yang terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi, (2) kendala yang dialami oleh guru diantaranya: kemampuan guru dalam proses pembelajaran, sikap siswa, dan adanya keterbatasan waktu, (3) upaya yang dilakukan oleh guru yaitu berinisiatif menanamkan nilai-nilai nasionalisme dalam perlawanan Radin Inten II, menerapkan berbagai model, strategi, metode dan menyanyikan lagu nasional sebelum pembelajaran.

Jurnal Common ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Rismawaty Rismawaty ◽  
Sofie Aulia Rahmah

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui proses komunikasi kelompok dalam metode pembelajaran sentra di TK Zaid bin Tsabit. Penelitian ini mendiskusikan tentang proses komunikasi kelompok. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Metode Kualitatif dengan pendekatan Deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan peneliti ada dengan studi pustaka, penelusuran data secara online, wawancara, observasi serta dokumentasi dengan 3 orang informan kunci yaitu guru di TK Zaid bin Tsabit serta 3 informan pendukung yaitu Kepala TK Zaid bin Tsabit dan 2 orang tua murid. Uji keabsahan data dengan peningkatan ketekunan, triangulasi dan diskusi dengan teman sejawat, teknik analisis data menggunakan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan dan evaluasi.Hasil penelitian ini bahwa Proses komunikasi yang terjadi merupakan komunikasi langsung yang terjadi dua arah dan dilakukan terus menerus untuk membentuk kemandirian anak. Proses komunikasi yang terjadi dalam kelompok metode pembelajaran sentra membentuk kemandirian anak. Proses komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh guru kepada anak dilakukan dengan memberikan arahan-arahan kepada anak serta contoh dari arahan yang telah disampaikan oleh guru.Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah metode pembelajaran sentra membentuk kemandirian anak lewat komunikasi yang dilakukan guru secara terus menerus, karna melalui pembelajaran sentra anak diminta untuk melakukan segala sesuatunya sendiri dalam pengawasan guru. Saran yang diberikan adalah guru harus lebih kreatif dalam memberikan materi pada metode pembelajaran sentra serta bersikap lebih tegas dalam mendidik anak dan melakukan komunikasi yang berkelanjutan dengan orang tua murid. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This study was conducted to determine the process of group communication in the center learning method at TK Zaid bin Tsabit. This study discusses the process of group communication. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The data collection techniques carried out by the researcher were with literature studies, online data searches, interviews, observation and documentation with 3 key informants namely the teacher at TK Zaid bin Tsabit and 3 supporting informants namely TK Head Zaid bin Tsabit and 2 parents. Test the validity of data by increasing perseverance, triangulation and discussion with colleagues, data analysis techniques using data collection, data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and evaluations.The results of this study that the communication process that occurs is direct communication that occurs in two directions and carried out continuously to form the independence of children. The communication process that occurs in a group of central learning methods shapes children's independence. The process of communication carried out by the teacher to the child is done by giving directions to the child as well as examples of directions that have been delivered by the teacher.The conclusion of this study is that the central learning method shapes children's independence through continuous communication by the teacher, because through central learning children are asked to do everything themselves in the supervision of the teacher. The advice given is that the teacher must be more creative in giving material to the central learning method and be more assertive in educating children and making ongoing communication with parents.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Nadzifatul Mu’tamaroh ◽  
Yuni Pantiwati

Abstract: Gender issues must be resolved immediately. The study aims to describe: 1) Implementation of gender-based class segregation policies; 2) Inhibiting factors and solutions in implementing gender-based class segregation policies and school efforts in overcoming the problems faced in implementing gender-based class segregation policies. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. This research was carried out at Islamic junior high school Maarif 01 Singosari. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation, and documentation. The analysis phase used is data collection, data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing. To check the validity of the data using data and source triangulation. The results showed that 1) The implementation of the gender-based class segregation policy process of its implementation was carried out by separating classes between male and female classes, from grades VII, VII and X but in one building, one organization and supported by the implementation of orderly. 2) Barriers and solutions faced by schools in carrying out policies are: attitudes of male students disagree with the existence of policies that have an impact on the class structure when learning hours are less conducive. The solution that is done by the school, by providing approaches and direction to students, and every teacher and especially the counseling guidance teacher and subject teachers must know all the problems that often occur to Al Maarif SMPI students to be evaluated on an ongoing basis.Keywords: Gender, Segregation, Policy Implementation Abstrak: Permasalahan mengenai gender harus segara dituntaskan.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan: 1) Implementasi kebijakan segregasi kelas berbasis gender; 2) Faktor penghambatdan solusi dalam implementasi kebijakan segregasi kelas berbasis gender dan upaya sekolah dalam mengatasi masalah yang dihadapi dalam implementasi kebijakan segregasi kelas berbasis gender. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMPIslamAl Maarif 01 Singosari. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu Wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Tahapan analisis yang digunakan yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan. Untuk mengecek keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi data dan sumber. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Implementasi kebijakan segregasi kelas berbasis gender proses penerapannya dilakukan dengan cara pemisahan kelas antara kelas laki-laki dan kelas perempuan, mulai dari kelas VII, VII dan X akan tetapi dalam satu gedung, satu organisasi dan didukung dengan diterapkannya tata tertib. 2) Kendala dan solusi yang dihadapi sekolah dalam menjalankan kebijakan yaitu: sikap siswa putra kurang setuju adanya kebijakan hal tersebut berdampak pada suasana kelas pada saat jam pembelajaran kurang kondusif. Solusi yang dilakukan sekolah, dengan memberikan pendekatan dan arahan terhadap siswa, dan setiap guru dan khususnya guru BK dan guru mata pelajaran harus mengetahui segala problem yang sering terjadi pada siswa Islamic junior high schoolAl Maarif untuk dievaluasi secara berkelanjutan.Kata kunci: Segregasi, Gender, Implementasi Kebijakan

Christopher D O’Connor ◽  
John Ng ◽  
Dallas Hill ◽  
Tyler Frederick

Policing is increasingly being shaped by data collection and analysis. However, we still know little about the quality of the data police services acquire and utilize. Drawing on a survey of analysts from across Canada, this article examines several data collection, analysis, and quality issues. We argue that as we move towards an era of big data policing it is imperative that police services pay more attention to the quality of the data they collect. We conclude by discussing the implications of ignoring data quality issues and the need to develop a more robust research culture in policing.

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