guidance teacher
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2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Mehmet Saglam ◽  
Ipek Ozbay Karlıdag ◽  
Rabia Betul Korkmaz ◽  

This study aims to examine the opinions of preschool teachers on guidance and psychological counseling services. The method of the study is qualitative research design. The research data were collected via the interviews with the preschool teachers. The study group of the research consists of 24 preschool teachers working in Yozgat city in Turkey. Content analysis was made use of while forming the finding part. The results of the study display that the preschool teachers perceive guidance and psychological counseling services as "guiding," "informing," “assistance” and "cooperation" services. Also, parents and teachers also need the guidance teacher mostly in situations related to behavioral problems, special needs students, adaptation problems, and family-related problems. It was observed that preschool teachers perceived that guidance and psychological counseling services should be in preschool education institutions but that the guidance services they received were not sufficient.

2021 ◽  
Anindita Ayu Nisa Utami ◽  
Ariefa Efianingrum

This study aimed to describe the partnership pattern developed by the state senior high school 1 Depok Sleman in handling bullying cases. This study used a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The sample included the headmaster, the counseling guidance teacher, the homeroom teachers, and students. The data analysis process used the interactive analysis model developed by Miles and Huberman, which included data reduction, data serving, and conclusion. The results showed that the school has a bullying handling strategy through the school’s partnership program. The school’s leadership forged a partnership with several institutions to handle bullying cases, including West Depok Sector Police, psychologists, parents and the Public Health Center. Cases can be referred internally and externally, while the bullying is handled through individuals and groups. The partnership built by the school runs continuously through various programs for socialization and character strengthening for students. The type of participation that was found to have the strongest contribution in solving school bullying cases was strengthening the student’s character periodically and collaboratively by involving informants and various parties. However, efforts in handling bullying need to be increased to prevent it happening again in the future. Keywords: bullying in school, school partnership

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 72
Imam Syafi'i ◽  
Ika Qurrotul Afifah

The writing of this article contains an overview of the important role played by guidance and counseling teachers during covid-19. With the aim of finding a bright spot on the problems experienced by students during online learning. Given that some activities outside the home are limited, researchers have the opportunity to use the literature study method. Techniques for collecting data are sufficient by reviewing book references, journal articles and social media if necessary. From the data that has been collected, the next step is to analyze it so that conclusions can be easily drawn. Building communication and friendship between teachers and parents allows a counseling guidance teacher to have an idea of how to create an online learning atmosphere that is not boring. So that students will be enthusiastic and enthusiastic in participating in these activities.Keywords: teacher role, guidance and counseling, online learning

2021 ◽  
Mehmet Saglam2 ◽  
Ipek Ozbay Karlıdag ◽  
Rabia Betul Korkmaz

This study aims to examine the opinions of preschool teachers on guidance and psychological counseling services. The method of the study is qualitative research design. The research data were collected via the interviews with the preschool teachers. The study group of the research consists of 24 preschool teachers working in Yozgat city in Turkey. Content analysis was made use of while forming the finding part. The results of the study display that the preschool teachers perceive guidance and psychological counseling services as "guiding," "informing," “assistance” and "cooperation" services. Also, parents and teachers also need the guidance teacher mostly in situations related to behavioral problems, special needs students, adaptation problems, and family-related problems. It was observed that preschool teachers perceived that guidance and psychological counseling services should be in preschool education institutions but that the guidance services they received were not sufficient.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-82
Fahrurrazi Fahrurrazi ◽  
Riska Damayanti

Purpose -  This study aims to find out the efforts of guidance and counseling Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Madania teachers in developing students' learning motivation.  Method - This study uses a qualitative approach descriptive. The subjects of this study amounted to 6 people, namely 1 guidance and counseling teacher (BK), and 5 students of MA Madania. The data-collection technique in this study uses observations and interviews.Result - The results showed that the students who had done guidance and counseling realized that learning was important and had undergone changes. The changes were like before, they did not want to learn, when they were asked to study they avoided it, they also did not want to do assignments, and slept when the teacher was explaining and so on. When given counseling guidance, there are changes in which they start to have an effort in learning such as: willing to do assignments, study independently and study in groups with friends.Implications – The results of this study are expected to be input in improving several things that need to be done by counseling guidance teachers in schools.Originality - Motivational improvement framework with the efforts of BK MA Madania teachers in developing student learning motivation.***Tujuan - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya guru bimbingan dan konseling Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Madania dalam mengembangkan motivasi belajar siswa.Metode - Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Subyek penelitian ini berjumlah 6 orang yaitu 1 orang guru bimbingan dan konseling (BK), dan 5 orang siswa MA Madania. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan observasi dan wawancara.Hasil - Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa yang telah melakukan bimbingan dan konseling menyadari bahwa belajar itu penting dan telah mengalami perubahan. Perubahannya seperti dulu, mereka tidak mau belajar, ketika diminta untuk belajar mereka menghindarinya, mereka juga tidak mau mengerjakan tugas, dan tidur ketika guru sedang menjelaskan dan sebagainya. Ketika diberikan bimbingan konseling, terjadi perubahan dimana mereka mulai memiliki usaha dalam belajar seperti: mau mengerjakan tugas, belajar mandiri dan belajar berkelompok dengan teman.Implikasi - Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi input dalam meningkatkan beberapa hal yang perlu dilakukan oleh guru bimbingan konseling di sekolah.Originalitas - Kerangka peningkatan motivasi dengan upaya guru BK MA Madania dalam mengembangkan motivasi belajar siswa.

Nandra Sunaryo ◽  
Y Yuhandri ◽  
S Sumijan

Identification of the development of special interests and talents needs to be done in order to find out the potential of students. This knowledge is needed by the teacher when providing counseling guidance to students in order to know the types of special interests and talents of students. This study aims to identify the development of special interests and talents in students based on the characteristics of special interests and talents appropriately. In this study using the Certainty Factor method where this expert system can assist experts in identifying the development of special interests and talents based on the characteristics of special interests and talents in students. Followed by calculating the level of accuracy with the results of the counseling guidance teacher analysis. The results of the testing of the Certainty Factor method were successfully applied by comparing the data with the system that had been designed so that a good level of accuracy was obtained from the results of the system calculations with expert decisions of 80% of the 5 test data. This expert system application can be used as an alternative in identifying the development of special interests and talents in students

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Heppi Sasmita Aprinal ◽  
A Muri Yusuf ◽  
Mega Iswari ◽  
Afdal Afdal

Career development is one of the long developments in the life span experienced by individuals that lead to self-actualization as the pinnacle of successful career development. Career involves the stages of individual development in achieving and completing from one stage to the next. The success of completing developmental tasks from existing developmental stages determines the individual's success in fulfilling developmental tasks at higher stages. Therefore, career guidance is very much needed in childhood so that the career path is more focused and in this case, of course, the counseling guidance teacher plays an important role in directing and mentoring students who are in such an educational institution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (01) ◽  
pp. 157-163
Marlina Wulandari ◽  
Retno Wahyuningsih

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: mendiskripsikan upaya guru Bimbingan dalam membentuk Ahklak di MAN 2 Boyolali tahun pelajaran2018/20219. Metode penelitian yang digunkanan adalah kualitatif diskriptif di MAN 2 Boyolali pada bulan Maret sampai dengan Agustus 2018. Sampel adalah guru bimbingan konseling MAN 2 Boyolali. Hasil penelitian menunjukan : bahwa upaya guru Bimbingan Konseling di MAN 2. Melalui Proses pembelajaran di kelas sesuai dengan satuan layanan MAN 2 Bimbingan dan Konseling MAN 2 Boyolali Tahun 2017/2018, yaitu dengan metode nasehat, metode keteladanan, metode hukuman (bukan hukuman fisik namun lebih diarahkan kearah spiritual). Memberikan nasihat dan motivasi kepada siswa agar senantiasa berkelakuan baik, selama dilingkungan sekolah ataupun dilingkungan keluarga dan masyarakat. Melalui kegiatan di luar pembelajaran, dimana pelaksanaanya guru Bimbingan Konseling bekerja sama dengan guru Aqidah Akhlak. Bentuk kerjasama antara keduanya yaitu memberikan sanksi kepada siswa yang tidak mematuhi peraturan sekolah dengan menghafalkan surat pendek atau ayat dalam pelajaran Aqidah Akhlak. Selain itu, guru Bimbingan Konseling juga bekerjasama dengan orang tua siswa melalui pengisian buku kontrol. Abstract This study aims to see: describe the efforts of the Guidance teacher in forming Ahklak in MAN 2 Boyolali in the academic year 2018/2020. The research method used is descriptive qualitative in MAN 2 Boyolali from March to August 2018. The sample is the counseling teacher at MAN 2 Boyolali. The results showed: that the efforts of the Counseling Guidance teacher in MAN 2. Through the learning process in the classroom according to the MAN 2 Guidance and Counseling service unit MAN 2 Boyolali 2017/2018, namely the advice method, exemplary method, method more directed towards the spiritual). Provide advice and motivation to students so that they always behave well, as long as they are in the school environment and in the family and community. Through activities outside of learning, where the implementation of the Counseling Guidance teacher collaborates with the Aqidah Akhlak teacher. The form of cooperation between protection provides sanctions for students who do not comply with school regulations by memorizing short letters or verses in Aqidah Akhlak lessons. In addition, the Counseling Guidance teacher also communicates with the parents by filling in the control book.

Ahmad Habib ◽  
Dafid Ainur Rozi ◽  
Geri Kusnanto

SMK XYZ is a vocational high school with approximately 2550 students with various majors and backgrounds, so there are many problems. For subscribers, each student gets a notebook on discipline and order; if a student commits a violation, it will be written by the discipline taught in the book. Furthermore, the counseling guidance teacher, together with the class teacher, conducts coaching; this activity is a manual system that has not been computerized. It hinders the performance of these teachers. From these problems, an order information system's analysis and design are carried out, which can facilitate and accelerate teachers in planning, directing, and monitoring. The SMART method's application to the discipline information system is based on the science of facts, which states a criterion with value; each weighted value can show and reflect comparisons between standards related to planning, direction, and supervision of students carried out by teachers. Subscription to violations using the discipline information system with the SMART method is carried out computerized, including determining sanctions and their actions to support the performance of teachers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-166
Lustianti Anggita Yuni Pratiwi

Abstrak Pelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi program Gerakan Sekolah Menyenangkan (GSM) dalam mengatasi bullying di SMP N 2 Sleman. Aspek yang diteliti meliputi impementasi program GSM secara umum, kegiatan program GSM dan faktor pendukung dan penghambat impementasi program tersebut dalam mengatasi bullying. Penelitian ini mengacu konsep impementasi kebijakan Van Metter dan Van HornPenelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskripstif. Subjek penelitian ini meliputi kepala sekolah, guru bimbingan konseling, guru tim GSM dan siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data , reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi tersebut sesuai dengan teori van metter dan van horn yang terdiri dari standar dan sasaran, sumber daya, karakteristik organisasi, disposisi, hubungan antar organisasi dan kondisi lingkungan berjalan dengan baik dan semestinya. Kegiatan program GSM dalam mengatasi bullying adalah kegiatan sosialisasi, circle time, pagi berbagi, hearing, dan beberapa penerapan zona kelas. Faktor yang mendukung keberhasilan GSM di SMP N 2 Sleman adalah dukungan dari semua elemen sekolah dan faktor penghambat program GSM adalah masih ada beberapa guru dan siswa yang belum beradaptasi dengan adanya program tersebut. Kata kunci : program, Gerakan sekolah Menyenangkan (GSM), bullying Abstract This research aims to describe the implementation of the Fun School Movement (GSM) program in dealing with bullying in SMP N 2 Sleman. Aspects studied in the implementation of fun school movement program activities and supporting and inhibiting factors for the implementation of this program. this research to the concept of Van Metter and Van Horn policy implementation.This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of this study include the principal, counseling guidance teacher, GSM team teacher and students. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the implementation was in accordance with the van metter and van horn theory which consisted of standards and targets, resources, organizational characteristics, dispositions, relations between organizations and environmental conditions running well and properly. GSM program activities in dealing with bullying are socialization activities, circle time, morning sharing, hearing, and some class zone applications. The factors that support the success of GSM in SMP N 2 Sleman are the support of all elements of the school and the inhibiting factors of the GSM program are there are still some teachers and students who have not adapted to the existence of the program. Keywords: programs, Fun school movements (GSM), bullying

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