Paper 4: The Skills of the Driver and the Response of the Vehicle

W. T. Singleton

There appears to be increasing acknowledgement of the importance of ergonomics in automobile design but only at the superficial level of seat comfort, panel design, and control positions. This is not to say that these aspects are not important, a reasonable level of research of this kind obviously deserves support but there is, as yet, almost no appreciation of the kind of problems which a professional ergonomist would like to study, given the opportunity and the resources. Ergonomics is systems design with the characteristics of the human operator as the frame of reference. Automobiles are not ends in themselves, they should be designed to conform to the requirements, abilities, and limitations of the people who are the sole justification for their existence. This includes passengers, drivers, maintenance engineers, pedestrians, and producers. The passenger problems can be summarized under that useful, if indefinable term, ‘comfort’. This is a question of seat and space design which sounds straightforward but in detail it becomes quite complex. The properties of seats cannot be determined in isolation from those of suspension systems and road surfaces. Although there has been a good deal of work in the last decade on vibration most of it is on the basis of sinusoidal inputs from which any extrapolation to real conditions of wide power density spectra is dubious. Noise levels and heating systems are probably understood to the point where the design compromises are made on a cost basis. The driver has all the passengers' problems plus those of the handling characteristics of the vehicle. Little is known scientifically about the relative importance of inputs of information through the windows, from the instruments, through the control linkages, and from the various modes of acceleration of the head. The dynamics of steering systems is another potentially fruitful area when related to human performance.

Crisis ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 31 (5) ◽  
pp. 238-246 ◽  
Paul W. C. Wong ◽  
Wincy S. C. Chan ◽  
Philip S. L. Beh ◽  
Fiona W. S. Yau ◽  
Paul S. F. Yip ◽  

Background: Ethical issues have been raised about using the psychological autopsy approach in the study of suicide. The impact on informants of control cases who participated in case-control psychological autopsy studies has not been investigated. Aims: (1) To investigate whether informants of suicide cases recruited by two approaches (coroners’ court and public mortuaries) respond differently to the initial contact by the research team. (2) To explore the reactions, reasons for participation, and comments of both the informants of suicide and control cases to psychological autopsy interviews. (3) To investigate the impact of the interviews on informants of suicide cases about a month after the interviews. Methods: A self-report questionnaire was used for the informants of both suicide and control cases. Telephone follow-up interviews were conducted with the informants of suicide cases. Results: The majority of the informants of suicide cases, regardless of the initial route of contact, as well as the control cases were positive about being approached to take part in the study. A minority of informants of suicide and control cases found the experience of talking about their family member to be more upsetting than expected. The telephone follow-up interviews showed that none of the informants of suicide cases reported being distressed by the psychological autopsy interviews. Limitations: The acceptance rate for our original psychological autopsy study was modest. Conclusions: The findings of this study are useful for future participants and researchers in measuring the potential benefits and risks of participating in similar sensitive research. Psychological autopsy interviews may be utilized as an active engagement approach to reach out to the people bereaved by suicide, especially in places where the postvention work is underdeveloped.

Think India ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 1857-1861
P. Nainar Sumathi

According to Men, Women are always considering as a weaker sex. They sacrificed her whole life for her husband and children. For an example, after the long travel everyone wants to take rest. But woman is an only person goes to kitchen and arranges food for everyone. She doesn’t wants to take rest even if she tired. She always concern about the needs of everyone in her family. She has to physically satisfy her husband though she is tired. Woman is an abundant gift given to this world. They are very precious unless men know the worth. She is the only person could balance and control her mind at any point. The term feminism has not attained its goal. There are many songs and movies explained the oppression of women in the hands of men as well as women. These words are not effective as well as the dominants still following the same attitude which we cannot modify. The people minds are corrupted which cannot change through feminism movies, theories or any other effective songs. This article focuses Manju Kapur’s revolutionistic ideas, longingness, subjugations and sufferenings through different characters from her different novels

2002 ◽  
Vol 33 (130) ◽  
pp. 169-190 ◽  
Martyn J. Powell

In 1783 Henry Grattan complimented Charles James Fox by describing his views as ‘liberal to Ireland and just to those lately concerned in her redemption’. He also claimed that ‘Fox wished sincerely for the liberty of Ireland without reserve.’ Sir James Mackintosh’s draft inscription for Westmacott’s statue of Fox in Westminster Abbey stated that he had ‘contended for the rights of the people of America and Ireland’. Whiggish historians subsequently built upon this notion of Fox and his followers as great friends of Ireland. For the most part, modern scholars have avoided passing judgement on Fox’s views on Ireland, but a few authors have challenged early assumptions, depicting Fox as unprincipled in his use of Irish politics as a stick to beat the North and Pitt ministries. Christopher Hobhouse, commenting on Fox’s commitment to Catholic relief, claims that he ‘gave himself away’ and that ‘the House could distinguish by this time between Fox the religious liberator and Fox the artful dodger’. John Derry asserts that Fox ‘ruthlessly and irresponsibly exploited anti-Irish prejudice in England’ during the controversy over Pitt’s trade proposals of 1785. L.G. Mitchell notes that ‘his sympathy for American patriots had had real limits, and so had his concern for Ireland’, and that ‘Irish patriots were never sure of Fox, and their doubt was entirely justified.’ There is a good deal of substance in these comments, and in this article I also intend to argue that Fox was first and foremost a British parliamentarian. However, his conduct towards Ireland was not solely ruled by this stance. Free from the shackles of government, Fox was disposed to be generous to Irish patriotism and his friends and relatives in the Irish opposition.

1981 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 265-283 ◽  
Nicholas Orme

During the last hundred years our knowledge of the educational institutions of medieval England has steadily increased, both of schools and universities. We know a good deal about what they taught, how they were organised and where they were sited. The next stage is to identify their relationship with the society which they existed to serve. Whom did they train, to what standards and for what ends? These questions pose problems. They cannot be answered from the constitutional and curricular records which tell us about the structure of educational institutions. Instead, they require a knowledge of the people—the pupils and scholars—who went to the medieval schools and universities. We need to recover their names, to compile their biographies and thereby to establish their origins, careers and attainments. If this can be done on a large enough scale, the impact of education on society will become clearer. In the case of the universities, the materials for this task are available and well known. Thanks to the late Dr A. B. Emden, most of the surviving names of the alumni of Oxford and Cambridge have been collected and published, together with a great many biographical records about them. For the schools, on the other hand, where most boys had their literary education if they had one at all, such data are not available. Except for Winchester and Eton, we do not possess lists of the pupils of schools until the middle of the sixteenth century, and there is no way to remedy the deficiency.

2021 ◽  
L. Giovannini ◽  
V.R.M. Lo Verso ◽  
F. Favoino ◽  
V. Serra ◽  
A. Pellegrino

The new HIEQ Lab (Health, well-being and Indoor Environmental Quality Laboratory) is presented. It is a living lab, primarily intended for research on human performance, comfort, and well-being, integrated with the energy performance in a completely controlled real space. Users are involved as active players in controlling and assessing building components and design strategies for health, well-being and IEQ requirements. Experimental activities will be addressed through a multi-domain approach that combines lighting, acoustic, air quality and thermal issues. For what concerns lighting, the laboratory is conceived to study the performance of daylighting and electric lighting systems and control solutions, focusing on the relationship between lighting conditions and human performance, comfort, and well-being. The paper reports the results of a literature review on existing lighting research facilities, and then describes the features of the new HIEQ Lab and its main research objectives, with a focus on lighting and daylighting research opportunities.

Muhammad Shahzaib Atif ◽  
Zarrar Haider ◽  
Malik Muhammad Zohaib ◽  
Mirza Ali Raza

1992 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 249-253 ◽  
Roger Cordellier ◽  
Nicolas Degallier

In order to illustrate the relationships between the biotopes (or phytogeographical zones), arbovirus vectors and vertebrate hosts (including man), and epidemiology, current knowledge on the transmission of Yellow Fever virus in West Africa is reported. A dynamic scheme has been devised to integrate the observed geographical distribution of cases and the timing of their occurrence. Two principal areas, endemicity and epidetnicity, were defined according to the presence or absence of sylvatic monkey-mosquito transmission. The intensity and potential of contacts between humans and vectors depends on the degree of man-made changes in the environment, often increasing the extension of ecotone areas where the mosquitoes are easily biting at the ground level. Prevention and/or control of arbovirus diseases require detailed eco-epidemiological studies to determine: (1) the effective role of each potential vector in each phytogeographical region; (2) the risk factors for the people living in or near areas with a sylvatic transmission cycle; (3) the priorities - vaccination and/or control - for preventing the expansion of natural foci.

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