2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 208
Futry Rachmadewi Ilyas

This paper’s aim is to analyze the legal consideration of Kendal District court on the stipulation of the adopted child for Muslim after the enactment of Law No. 50 of 2009 concerning the religious courts with the focus on the ratio decidendi of the decision of Kendal District Court  Number: 27/pdt.p/2011/ PN. Kdl. Utilizing juridical normative work, this paper argues that the court stipulated adopted Muslim child after the enactment of Religious Court (PA) act as the judges only took serious consideration to the adoption motives and paid less attention to the religion of the child. The decision, therefore, does not meet to the principle of the best interest of the child where religion is a fundamental.Artikel ini membahas tentang ratio desidendi atau alasan hukum yang digunakan oleh hakim Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Kendal dalam membuat penetapan pengangkatan anak dalam perkara No. 27/pdt.p/2011/PN.kdl. Penetapan ini berkaitan dengan pengajuan penetapan pengangkatan anak yang diajukan oleh pasangan suami isteri Muslim. Dengan menggunakan perspektif yuridis, artikel ini berargumen bahwa dalam membuat penetapan ini, hakim hanya mempertimbangkan motif dan tujuan dibalik pengangkatan anak yang dilakukan, tanpa mempertimbangkan faktor agama sebagai alasan dalam penetapan. Dari perspektif hukum, penetapan ini tidak sesuai dengan prinsip pengangkatan anak yang menekankan pada kepentingan terbaik anak.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 369
Inca Nadya Damopolii ◽  
R. Imam Rahmat Sjafi’i

This study aimed to analyze the force of private testament proofing and the judge's consideration in the Bitung District Court Decision Number 43 / Pdt.G / 2015 / PN.Bit. about sale without any written evidence. The study used a normative research method with a statutory approach and a case approach. The results showed the power of private testament regarding the Bitung District Court Decision Number 43 / Pdt.G / 2015 / PN.Bit. is strong, judging from the power of physical evidence, the power of formal evidence, and the power of material evidence. However, the sale carried out between the plaintiff and the defendant which was not in the presence of the Land Deed Official had weak legal force because it was not in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations. In their legal considerations, judges used the principle of sale customary law only, namely light and cash, and witness testimony de auditu as evidence. This legal consideration was deemed inappropriate because it was against the Basic Agrarian Law and in general the witness testimony de auditu was rejected as evidence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-80
Herlambang P. Wiratraman

Freedom of political expression has not been fully guaranteed in the Indonesian legal system. One of the most prominent in the legal debate is the matter of treason (makar) charges against political expressions of self-determination. In the case of Papua, many Papuans have been detained, criminalised, and even killed because of their political expression. Interestingly, the Constitutional Court, through its decision Number 7/PUU-XV/2017, provided guidance in its ‘ratio decidendi’ argument, specifically the interpretation of treason phrases in the Criminal Code. Interpretation is given by the Constitutional Court after seeing the reality that law enforcement has been arbitrarily abused by the application of the treason article. This is contrary to the freedom of association, opinion and expression, as guaranteed in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. This article discusses how the application of the phrase treason in law enforcement, especially in connection with the conviction of many Papuans after the Surabaya anti-racism rallies in September 2019. A number of district court decisions on dozens of convicted Papuans show that the legal system that guarantees freedom of political expression has not changed much and law enforcement in fact emphasises the position of racial discrimination and is far below the standard of human rights law. Abstrak Kebebasan ekspresi politik belum sepenuhnya dijamin dalam sistem hukum Indonesia. Salah satu yang paling mengemuka dalam perdebatan hukum adalah soal tuduhan makar terhadap ekspresi politik menentukan nasib sendiri. Dalam kasus Papua, tidak sedikit jumlah warga Papua yang ditahan, dikriminalkan, hingga tewas terbunuh karena soal ekspresi politiknya. Menariknya, Mahkamah Konstitusi melalui putusannya Nomor 7/PUU-XV/2017 memberikan panduan dalam argumen ratio decidendinya, khusus interpretasi frasa makar dalam Kitab-Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana. Penafsiran diberikan oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi setelah melihat realitas penegakan hukum telah banyak disalahgunakan penerapan pasal makar. Hal demikian bertentangan dengan kebebasan berkumpul, berpendapat dan berekspresi, sebagaimana dijamin dalam Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Artikel ini membahas bagaimana penerapan frasa makar dalam penegakan hukumnya, khususnya berkaitan dengan dipidananya banyak warga Papua setelah aksi anti rasisme Surabaya pada September 2019. Sejumlah putusan pengadilan negeri atas puluhan warga Papua yang dipidana tersebut memperlihatkan sistem hukum yang menjamin kebebasan ekspresi politik tidak banyak berubah dan penegakan hukum justru menegaskan posisi diskriminasi rasial serta jauh dari standar hukum hak asasi manusia.

Nur Aisyah

AbstractThe issue of adoption has been determined in Islamic law and civil law. Where both legal instruments state that the adoption of a child is something that is allowed as long as it is in the best interest of the adopted child. However, problems arise regarding adoption of children associated with inheritance issues. In Islamic law and civil law have different provisions. In Islamic law the status of adopted children can’t be equated with biological children so that they can’t receive inheritance from their adopted parents. However, the adopted child is entitled to get a will from his adoptive parents provided that no more than one-third of the assets of the adoptive parents. Whereas according to the law code of civil law states that the adopted child as a family member can get the inheritance from the adoptive parents based on the provisions of the applicable law (ab instestato) or with a will (testament).Keywords: Adopted Children, Civil Law, Inheritance, Islamic Law, Mandatory Wills.AbstrakPersoalan pengangkatan anak telah ditentukan dalam hukum Islam dan hukum perdata. Dimana kedua perangkat hukum tersebut menyatakan bahwa pengangkatan anak adalah sesuatu yang diperbolehkan selama demi kepentingan terbaik bagi anak angkat. Akan tetapi muncul persoalan terhadap pengangkatan anak yang dikaitkan dengan persoalan waris. Dalam hukum Islam dan hukum perdata mempunyai ketentuan yang berbeda. Dalam hukum Islam status anak angkat itu tidak dapat disamakan dengan anak kandung sehingga tidak dapat menerima harta warisan dari orang tua angkatnya. Meskipun demikian, anak angkat tersebut berhak mendapatkan wasiat dari orang tua angkatnya dengan ketentuan tidak boleh lebih dari sepertiga harta kekayaan orang tua angkat. Sedangkan menurut kitab undang-undang hukum perdata menyatakan bahwa anak angkat sebagai anggota keluarga dapat memperoleh harta warisan dari orang tua angkatnya berdasarkan ketentuan undang-undang yang berlaku (ab instestato) ataupun dengan adanya surat wasiat (testament).Kata Kunci : Anak Angkat, Hukum Islam, Hukum Perdata, Warisan, Wasiat Wajibah.

Ahmatnijar Ahmatnijar

The judiciary is the most important element in human life because it is a place that demands those who lose their rights and can neutralize conflicting interests. The Religious Courts (PA) are part of this institution. The absolute competence of PA institutions includes handling inheritance matters. In Indonesia, there was an option for those who were Muslims to seek justice in the settlement of inheritance between the PA and the District Court (PN). The issuance of Marriage Law (UUP) number 1 of 1974 with the principle of Islamic personality is the answer to this option. However, the settlement of the case of inheritance of different religions has not been explicitly regulated in this regulation, so it still leaves new issues such as the case of the inheritance of the late Muhammad Armaya bin Renreng alias Armaya Renreng, Islam, with his wife Evie Lany Mosinta, Christian.

1977 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 330-343 ◽  
Aharon Layish

Neither under Ottoman rule nor under the Mandate—nor even under Israel law until 1957—were the Druzes recognised as a religious community. Until quite recently, they resorted to the Sharī'a Courts in matters of personal status although under the Palestine Order-in-Council of 1922 these courts had no jurisdiction over non-Muslims. But in 1957, the Druzes gained recognition as a religious community within the meaning of the Religious Communities (Organisation) Ordinance, 1926, and the Druze Spiritual Leadership was given the status of a religious council within the meaning of the Religious Communities (Organisation) (Druze Community) Regulations, 1957. In 1963, by virtue of the Druze Religious Courts Law, 1962, a court of first instance and a court of appeal were established for the community. These have exclusive jurisdiction in matters of marriage and divorce of Druzes in Israel who are nationals or residents of the State. In other matters of personal status they have concurrent jurisdiction. In the absence of agreement to the jurisdiction of the religious court, jurisdiction vests in the District Court. The Druze courts also have exclusive jurisdiction in matters relating to the creation or internal administration of waqfs (endowments) established before a Druze court under Druze law or established, prior to the coming into force of the Druze Religious Courts Law, in accordance with Druze custom and not before any judicial authority.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Sari Simanjuntak ◽  
Abdul Lawali Hasibuan ◽  
Ridho Mubarak

<p class="1judul">Juridical Review of  Unilateral Termination of Employment by the Company to the Worker on Putusan No.36/G/2014/PHI Medan</p><h1>Disputes or misunderstandings that cause layoffs are generally triggered by a lack of communication between workers and employers. The workers are positioned as the party in need, therefore the position of workers is very weak and vulnerable to irregularities. The problems in this study are: 1) How are the Government and the Company's Efforts Against Employee Layoffs? 2) What is the legal consideration of the judge in deciding unilateral termination of disputes by the company Decision Number: 36/G/2014/PHI.Mdn? This type of research is normative research,. In this case the Industrial Court in the Medan District Court decided to grant the Plaintiff's claim in part, stating that the working relationship between the defendant and the plaintiffs had never been terminated or continued, sentencing the defendant to reinstate the plaintiffs and place them in the original workplace, punishing the defendant for pay for forced money (dwangsoom).</h1>

2015 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 339
Mrs. Hartini

This study analyzes the meaning and scope in terms of property rights disputes or other disputes on specialis rule of clause (2) Article 50 paragraph (2) of the Law on Religious Courts and its implications to the boundary of the absolute competence between religious court and district court. This research also viewed the practice of disputes settlements deal with the property rights or other disputes on Islamic economics cases. The study was conducted by analyzing the legal regulations and court rulings related to islamic economic cases lodged property rights disputes or other disputes. Research was equipped with primary data and analyzed qualitatively. Penelitian ini mengkaji dan menganalisis makna dan cakupan dalam istilah sengketa hak milik atau sengketa lain pada aturan spesialis, Pasal 50 ayat (2) UU Peradilan Agama beserta implikasinya terkait batas kewenangan absolut antara pengadilan agama dengan pengadilan negeri serta praktik penyelesaian sengketa hak milik atau sengketa lain yang selama ini diputus terkait perkara ekonomi syariah. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menganalisis peraturan hukum dan putusan pengadilan terkait perkara ekonomi syariah yang tersangkut sengketa hak milik atau sengketa lain. Penelitian dilengkapi dengan data primer yang selanjutnya dilakukan analisis secara deskriptif kualitatif.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 117
Setya Qodar Al-Haolandi ◽  
Sukarmi Sukarmi

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Peran Notaris dalam Pembagian Waris Barat dengan Peran Pengadilan Agama Dalam Pembagian Waris Islam. Untuk mengetahui kewenangan notaris dalam pembagian Waris berdasarkan Hukum Waris Barat dan Hukum Waris Barat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis empiris, sedangkann metode pengumpulann data yang digunakan adalah library research dengan mengumpulkan bahan-bahan hukum yang ada dilapangan dan wawancara. Metode analisa data dilakukan secara kualitatif kemudian disajikan secara deskriptif.Penelitian ini menghasilkan pada pokoknya Kewenangan Pertanggung jawaban notaris dalam pembuatan akta wasiat wajibah atas bagian anak angkat tetap mengikuti ketentuan dalam pasal 16 UUJN Undang-Undang No 2 Tahun 2014 Tentang Jabatan Notaris. Pasal 16 UUJN ini membuat ketentuan tentang syarat-syarat bagi notaris dalam membentuk suatu akta, jika salah satu syarat sebagaimana dimaksud tidak dipenuhi, akta yang bersangkutan hanya mempunyai kekuatan pembuktian sebagai akta dibawah tangan. Notaris yang melanggar ketentuan tersebut dapat dikenai sanksi berupa peringatan tertulis, pemberhentian dengan tidak hormat. Selain dikenai sanksi tersebut pihak yang menderita kerugian untuk menuntut penggantian biaya, ganti rugi, dan jika terbukti notaris melakukan pelanggaran terhadap UUJN seperti memalsukan identitas para pihak, memalsukan tandatangan, maka notaris dapat dimintai pertanggung jawaban secara pidana. Anak angkat akan dapat memperoleh harta dari orangtua angkatnya berdasarkan wasiat yang besarnya tidak boleh melebihi 1/3 (sepertiga) harta orang tua angkatnya yang telah meninggal dunia, bila orang tua angkatnya tidak meninggalkan wasiat maka dapat diberi berdasarkan wasiat wajibah, dan pemberi wasiat wajibah tidak boleh merugikan hak-hak dari ahli waris. Kalau anak angkat mendapatkan bagian wasiat wajibah yang melebihi 1/3 bagian, maka wasiat wajibah tidak batal demi hukum, melainkan harus dibatalkan dengan putusan pengadilan. Notaris memiliki kewenangan dalam pembagian waris islam tetapi menurut Notaris Sri Rochayati yang memiliki kewenangan penuh untuk menetapkan pengakuan secara hukum adalah pengadilan. Notaris dalam pembagian warisan berperan dalam pembuatan Akta Pernyataan Waris dan Surat Keterangan Hak Waris. Apabila terjadi sengketa, Notaris dapat membuatkan akta-akta perdamaian dan/atau perjanjian pelepasan hak tuntutan. Kewenangan notaris dalam pembagian waris hanya terbatas pada waris barat (BW) dan mengapa pembagian waris islam tidak ditugaskan kepada notaris. Notaris memiliki kewenangan dalam pembagian waris islam tetapi menurut Notaris Sri Rochayati yang memiliki kewenangan penuh untuk menetapkan pengakuan dan pemutusan secara hukum adalah pengadilan. Notaris dalam pembagian warisan berperan dalam pembuatan Akta Pernyataan Waris dan Surat Keterangan Hak Waris. Apabila terjadi sengketa, Notaris dapat membuatkan akta-akta perdamaian dan/atau perjanjian pelepasan hak tuntutan.Kata kunci : Pembagian Waris , UUJN (Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris), Kewenangan Notaris. ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the Role of Notaries in the Division of Western Heritage by the Role of Religious Courts in the Division of Islamic Inheritance. To know the authority of a notary in the division of Inheritance under the Law of the Western Heritage and the Law of the Western Heritage. The research method used in this study is empirical juridical, while the method of collecting data used is library research by collecting the existing legal materials in the field and interview. Data analysis method is done qualitatively then presented descriptively.This research resulted essentially Notary Accountability Authority in making deed of mandatory testament on the part of adopted children still follow the provisions in article 16 UUJN Act No. 2 Year 2014 About Notary's Position. Article 16 of the UUJN makes provisions on the terms of the notary in forming a deed, if one of the conditions referred to is not fulfilled, the deed concerned only has the evidentiary power as a deed under the hand. Notary who violates such provision may be subject to sanctions in the form of a written warning, dismissal of disrespect. In addition to the sanction, the party suffering losses to claim reimbursement of costs, compensation, and if the notary proves a violation of the UUJN such as falsifying the identity of the parties, falsifying the signature, the notary can be held criminally liable. The adopted child shall be able to obtain the property of his adoptive parent by a testament not exceeding 1/3 (one third) of his adoptive parents' estate, if his adoptive parents have not left a will, then they may be given a mandatory will, and the donor shall not may harm the rights of the heirs. If the adopted child receives a mandatory part of the will exceeding 1/3 of the part, the will is not void by law, but must be annulled by a court ruling. Notary has the authority in dividing the inheritance of Islam but according to Notary Sri Rochayati who has full authority to determine legal recognition is the court. Notaries in the distribution of inheritance play a role in the making of Deed of Inheritance Statement and Certificate of Rights of Inheritance. In the event of a dispute, a Notary may produce peace deeds and / or an agreement on the disposal of a claim. The authority of a notary in the division of inheritance is limited to the western heir (BW) and why the division of inheritance of Islam is not assigned to a notary. Notary has the authority in dividing the inheritance of Islam but according to Notary Sri Rochayati who has full authority to determine the recognition and termination legally is the court. Notaries in the distribution of inheritance play a role in the making of Deed of Inheritance Statement and Certificate of Rights of Inheritance. In the event of a dispute, a Notary may produce peace deeds and / or an agreement on the disposal of a claim.Keywords: Division of Inheritance, UUJN (Position Notice Act), Notary Publicity

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Saut Maruli Tua Manik

<strong>                                                                         ABSTRACT</strong><p>Since the growth of syariah banking in Indonesia, law constraints have been faced, Law Number 7 of 1992 concerning Banking changed into Law Number 10 Of 1998. Law Number 21 of 2008 on syariah Banking, Law Number 3 of 2006 has no effect on the method of dispute resolution of syariah economy. Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 93 / PUU-X / 2012 which strengthens the Religious Courts in accepting, examining, deciding syariah economic cases, but the practice there is still a syariah economic dispute resolution submitted to the District Court. Like the lawsuit to BPSK, against the decision of BPSK, its law remedy to the District Court, another example of using the District Court to resolve the syariah dispute is a matter between CV. Makmur Rezeki with PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Office Medan Ringroad. This creates a prolonged law uncertainty. This study examines the establishment of a special syariah economic court within the Religious Courts as an institution that can solve the law uncertainty. This study focuses on: First, the importance of the establishment of special courts within the Religious Courts in the settlement of syariah economic disputes; Secondly, the law construction of the establishment of a special syariah economic court within the Religious Courts. This research is a normative-empirical law research, the primary and secondary data sources Obtained from library research and field analyzed by using qualitative method. Qualitative analysis is done by taking into account the facts that exist in the field and combined with secondary data obtained from literature materials. The results of the study show that, Firstly, Decision of the Constitutional Court Number 93 / PUU-X / 2012 which strengthens Religious Courts as the institution authorized to receive, examine, decide the case of syariah economy. In fact, the resolution of the syariah economic dispute still exists in the District Court. The occurrence of dualism of dispute resolution of syariah economy was caused by the unharmonious of legislation and factor of Choice of Forum and factor of judge who should not refuse the case; Secondly, the existence of special court in solving of syariah economic dispute in the environment of Religious Court was supported by law construction namely Basic Law of 1945 and Law Number 48 of 2009 regarding Judicial Power, and position within the Religious Courts under the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia in accordance with Law Number 3 of 2006 concerning Amendment to Law Number 7 of 1989 concerning Religious Courts and Law Number 50 of 2009 on the Second Amendment to Law Number 7 of 1989 on Religious Courts.</p><p><strong>Keywords: Establishment, Special Court, Syariah Economic Dispute</strong></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 317-334
Andi Sukmawati Assad ◽  
Baso Hasyim

This study analyzes the results of ijtihad among the judges of the Religious Courts, particularly in the Palopo, Masamba, and Makassar Religious Courts in resolving cases of disputes over the inheritance rights of boys and girls in the Muslim community. Its main purpose is to analyze their method of ijtihad including the legal basis they apply in checking legal facts. This study uses a descriptive-analytic method supported by sociological, normative, and religious approaches. The results of the study concluded that the judges at the Palopo, Makassar, and Masamba Religious Courts have reconstructed the provisions of inheritance law in the Qur’an and the Islamic Law Compilation through their ijtihad. This is indicated by their decision in many cases, among others, to give all inheritance assets to daughters, whereas in the Qur’an and the Islamic Law Compilation the inheritance rights for girls have been determined as ½ a portion. Likewise their decision regarding the ratio of inheritance rights between boys and girls, which in the Qur’an, Hadith, and the Compilation of Islamic Law is determined to be 2: 1, reconstructed to be 1: 1; the decision to give 1/3 of the inheritance property to the adopted child through a grant or a wasiyat wajibah (will) mechanism, as well as inheritance rights to grandchildren as a substitute for the position of the father or mother.              

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