scholarly journals Pathogenic complexity of septoria spot disease of wheat in northern Kazakhstan

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
Sandukash Amantaevna Babkenova ◽  
Adylkhan Temirhanovich Babkenov ◽  
Elena Vasilyevna Pakholkova ◽  
Belgibay Kamalovich Kanafin

Northern Kazakhstan is the main zone of spring wheat cultivation where, 85 % of the cultivated area is located. There is not a single variety resistant to Septoria spot among the varieties approved for use. The frequency of epiphytoties of wheat diseases in the northern part of Kazakhstan is four cases every ten years. During the years of epiphytotic development of brown rust and Septoria spot with the dominance of a particular disease, the yield of spring wheat is reduced by 25 % or more. Knowledge of the species composition of pathogens of Septoria spot allows a more focused approach to the study and creation of varieties of wheat resistant to this disease. The aim of the research is to study the species of Septoria spot pathogens in wheat in Northern Kazakhstan. In 2018–2019, the pathogenic complex of the causative agents of wheat Septoria spot was studied. The collection of leaves affected by Septoria spot was carried out on spring wheat varieties in the steppe, forest-steppe zones of Northern Kazakhstan. The species composition of Septoria pathogens was determined from microscopic preparations from the collected samples; which were represented by three types of septorial fungi: Septoria tritici, Stagonospora nodorum, Stagonospora avenae. In the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Northern Kazakhstan, the dominant species was S. tritici followed by S. nodorum.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-148
E. Yu. Toropova ◽  
O. A. Kazakova ◽  
V. V. Piskarev

The Septoriablotch of spring wheat leaves and ears is one of the most economically significant infections in the Siberian region. In the control systems of Septoriablotch the main ecologically safe element is resistant  varieties, which are designed to slow down the pathogens reproduction rate and slow down or stop the development of the epiphytotic process. The purpose of the work was to clarify the species composition of Septoriablotch  pathogens for West Siberian regions and spring wheat varieties, to study the epiphytotic process of Septoriadifferentially on the leaves and ears of varieties, and to evaluate the activity of seed transmission of Parastagonospora  nodorum. Studies were carried out in 2016–2018 according to generally accepted methods. Septorialeaf and ear  blotch of spring wheat is widespread in West Siberia and the Trans-Urals, causing a decrease in yield by up to 50 %  or more with the deterioration in grain quality. The causative agents of the disease are P. nodorum, Septoria tritici,  and P. avenaef. sp. triticae, and the species ratio varied across the regions and varieties, and within plant organs.  In Novosibirsk Region, P. nodorumcompletely dominated; S. triticiwas 13.8 times less common; and P. avenae f. sp. triticaewas a singleton. In Tyumen Region, the dominance of P. nodorumwas disrupted in some geographic  locations by S. triticiand P. avenaef. sp. triticae. In Altai Krai, P. nodorumpredominated at all points studied; S. tritici and P. avenaef. sp. triticaewere found everywhere, but 5.6 and 8.6 times less often, respectively. The study of spring  wheat varieties of different origins has not revealed any samples immune to Septoriablotch. A differen tiated manifestation of resistance to Septorialeaf and ear disease has been established. Some varieties show complex resistance, combining reduced susceptibility to Septorialeaf and ear disease. Seed infection with P. nodorumin the  regions of Siberia reached 7 thresholds and was largely (52.5 %) determined by the August weather conditions.  The study of the collection of spring wheat varieties from three Siberian regions has revealed the following trend.  Transmission of P. nodorumwith the seeds of varieties was the most active (7.6 %) in Novosibirsk Region and somewhat weaker in Omsk Region (5.7 %). The most favorable phytosanitary situation was in Kurgan Region, where  varieties transmitted P. nodorumto a low degree (2.1 %), below the threshold.

2021 ◽  
pp. 48-51
Yulia Pavlovna Tarasenkova

This article presents the results of a study of spring wheat with the application of biological products. The positive effect of drugs on growth processes and productivity has been established. The conditions of spring wheat cultivation with the use of biologics and their influence on the yield of spring wheat were studied. The purpose of our research was to study the effect of biological preparations on the efficiency of growing spring wheat in light chestnut soils. Results of the presented studies on the impact on yield using growth stimulants and strains: flavobacterin 30, mizorin 7, strain 5S-2, strain 8 on spring wheat varieties: Esther, Lada, Lubava, in the Astrakhan region for 2016-2018. The results showed that when seeds were treated with growth promoters and strains, almost all variants increased their yield.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 39-45
Людмила Плотникова ◽  
Lyudmila Plotnikova ◽  
Айнура Сагындекова ◽  
Aynur Sagyndekova ◽  
Галина Бережкова ◽  

In Western Siberia, the resistance to septoria was tested for samples of wheatgrass of elongated Agropyron elongatum and introgressive lines of spring soft wheat with its genes, created at Omsk State Agrarian University. The experiments were conducted in the field in the forest-steppe zone of the south of Western Siberia (Omsk) in 2013-2016 on an annual natural infectious background. In 2013, the manifestations of septoriosis were weak, in 2014-2015 - moderate, and in 2016 epiphytoty was spread, which led to a severe defeat of varieties of West Siberian selection. A. elongatum samples showed immunity to the disease. In 2013, 15 promising wheat lines were identified that showed high or medium resistance to the Septoria tritici fungus, causing leaf spotting, and Parastagonospora nodorum, which affects leaves and spikes. The lines were predominantly in the middle or middle groups. According to the results of four-year experiments in contrasting weather conditions, the best lines on average showed higher productivity than, or comparable to, the standard varieties, mainly due to the increased number of productive stems of the plant and a high mass of 1000 grains. During the period of observation, there was an increase in the damage of wheat varieties and lines by the causative agents of Septoria, especially S. tritici. In 2013, 8 lines showed high resistance to leaf damage, 10 lines - ears. During the epiphytosis of 2016 year the resistance to S. tritici retained only 2 lines. The resistance to damage to the ear was more stable, in 2016, 6 lines were high, and 5 - medium resistant to P. nodorum. Two lines showed high resistance to septoriosis of leaves and ear. Dedicated lines are recommended for use in breeding soft wheat for resistance to disease.

Loredana SUCIU ◽  
Elena NAGY ◽  
Ioan HAȘ ◽  
Carmen PUIA

The wheat crop is considered the crop with the largest cultivated area in the world. In our country, the area cultivated with wheat, represents about 40% of the area cultivated with cereals. Autumn wheat crops are affected by many diseases that cause significant quantitative and qualitative damages. The production losses varies from year to year, due to weather conditions, applied technology, the sources of inoculum and the cultivated variety. From the foliar and ear diseases encountered in the culture of wheat, powdery mildew ( Erysiphe graminis f.sp. tritici fc. Oidiummonilioides  ), brown staining (Septoria tritici fc. Leptosphaeria tritici ) rust (Puccinia spp.) and fusariosis ( Gibberella spp fc. Fusarium graminearum) occurs with high intensity, especially in the years with high precipitation. In this paper is presented the dynamics of the main wheat diseases in the climatic conditions of the years 2005 - 2011, the ARDS Turda. The experiments were located by random block method in three repetitions. The biological material was represented by four wheat varieties created at ARDS Turda. The observation were made once a week from the end of April - early May until the end of July. The observation were made to 20 plants of each variety. It was noted: the number of siblings, number the leaves, leaf length, leaf width, the attack degree on the plant, specifying at each notation the phenological stage. Following observation in the experimental conditions from ARDS Turda, the frequent diseases were: powdery mildew, brown staining and fusariosa.

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Kuznetsov

The article presents the results of field research conducted in 2018-2019 on leached Chernozem of the Volga forest-steppe. The objects of research are varieties of spring wheat-Tulaykovskaya 10, Yoldyz and Tulaykovskaya 108. At different seeding rates of 5.0 and 5.5 million germinating seeds per ha, the effect of mineral fertilizers on 1 ha was studied. They were represented by a complete mineral fertilizer (azofoska) and fertilizing with a mineral nitrogen fertilizer in the tillering phase at doses of 30, 60 and 90 kg of AD/ha against this background. Analysis of the yield of spring wheat varieties indicates that the harvest of grain variety Yoldyz in variants with a seeding rate of 5.5 million germinating seeds per ha against the background of the application of ammonium nitrate at a dose of 60 kg of DA (2.52 t/ha) was superior to other varieties Tulaykovskaya 10 and Tulaykovskaya 108 (2.51 and 2.46 t/ha). The maximum increase in seed productivity when adding ammonium nitrate in the tillage phase of the crop was in Tulaykovskaya 10 variety (0.34 t/ha), the lowest in the Yoldyz variety (0.06 t/ha) compared to the variant with amofoska application in the pre-sowing cultivation. When increasing the doses of nitrogen fertilizers there was an increase in the water content of all the studied varieties by 1-3 PCs. While increasing the seeding rate from 5.0 to 5.5 million germinating seeds per 1 ha the number of grains in the ear changed on average for varieties by 1-2 PCs. Of all the studied varieties, the largest mass of 1,000 grains was in the Yoldyz variety (40.56 g) after azofoska application in the presowing cultivation + N60 during tillering at a seeding rate of 5.0 million germinating seeds per 1 ha, the smallest in the Tulaykovskaya 108 variety (37.87 g) after azofoska application at a dose of 0.15 t/ha at a seeding rate of 5.0 million   germinating seeds per 1 ha.

2020 ◽  
Vol 161 ◽  
pp. 01102
Alfia Razina

Energy-saving technologies of wheat cultivation limit the buffer role of the agrotechnical method in reducing the spread of root rot. This situation calls for using increased volumes of pesticides in order to decrease harvest losses arising from actions of harmful organisms, which does not allow to produce organic food.Considering this, evaluation of the efficiency of agrotechnical methods of cultivating spring wheat aimed at enhancing phytosanitary conditions of crops is very important. The goal of our work was to evaluate the role of predecessors, methods of soil preparation,organic fertilizers, new varieties of spring wheat, and the timing of planting in limiting the spread and reducing the harmfulness of root rot. Our study has been conducted in the forest-steppe zone of Eastern Siberia. We have established that green manure in crop rotationandfallow arable land with introduction of 30 t/ha of organic manure fertilizer with a disc harrow to a depth of 10–12 cmreduce the spread and severity of root rot and increase wheat yields. In the plantings of the new variety of spring wheat Marsianka, the spread of the disease was reliably less,and the yield was higher compared to the control variety Tulunskaya 11. The optimal planting date for the average of two years was May 25, the crops planted then compared to those planted on May 30 were 9.4% less affected by the disease and gave a reliable increase in the harvest of 0.15 tons/ha. Our studies have shown that during production of organic wheat we can limit the spread andharmfulness of root rot withagrotechnical methods.

2020 ◽  
pp. 78-85
A.N. Poluboyarinova ◽  
E.V. Melnikova ◽  
N.M. Mordvinova ◽  
A.A. Belyakov

V. A. Sapega

The assessment of productivity and the parameters of adaptability allowed to use and perspective mid-season and mid-late varieties of spring wheat in the conditions of the Northern Trans-Ural region carried out. The varieties were tested in 2014-2016 on the steam predecessor in three climatic zones: subtaiga (II zone), northern forest-steppe (III zone) and southern forest-steppe (IV zone). The greatest interaction a genotype-environment is noted when calculating correlation dependence between productivity of varieties in various years of their test in the conditions of the southern forest-steppe zone (from r=-0,07±0.28 to r=0,41±0,25). Assessment of productivity and parameters of adaptability of spring wheat varieties in 9 environments (3 years x 3 GSU) has shown that Aviada allowed to use characterized the greatest maximum and average productivity in group of mid-season varieties (respectively 5,86 and 3,78 t/hectare), and in the mid-late group – a perspective Quintus (respectively 6,98 and 4,58 t/hectare). The considerable variability of productivity is noted.  Its size was from 23,0 % (Ikar) to 29,9 % (Aviada) in group of mid-season varieties, and at the mid-late group – from 25,6 % (Riks) to 31,6 % (Quintus). Resistance to stress of varieties was low irrespective of group of their ripeness. Ikar (-2,32) had the greatest indicator of resistance to stress in group mid-season varieties, and in the mid-late group – Riks (-2,54). Aviada (4,24 t/hectare) was characterized the greatest average productivity in contrast conditions in mid-season group and in the mid-late group – Quintus (4,73 t/hectare). Three groups of varieties were allocated on responsiveness for change of conditions:  high responsiveness (mid-season – the Lutescens 70, Aviada; mid-late – the Melody, Quintus), plastic (mid-season – Chernyava 13, Skent 3, Omskaya 36, Tyumenskaya 25, Tyumenskaya 29; mid-late – Ingala, Yamalskaya) and poorly responsiveness (mid-season – Ikar, Sigma; mid-late – Riks, the Stepnaya Niva). The low gomeostasis is revealed at all varieties irrespective of group of ripeness. The variety Ikar (Hom=6,59) was the best on a gomeostasis in mid-season group, and at the mid-late group – Riks (Hom=5,48). In general all varieties were characterized by the low general adaptive ability (GAA). Its rather high values in group of mid-season varieties are revealed at Aviada (OAC=0,19), and at the  mid-late group – Quintus (OAC=0,50). Tyumenskaya 25 and Tyumenskaya 29 are recognized the best mid-season varieties in the conditions of the Northern Trans-Ural region on the basis of complex assessment of productivity and parameters of adaptability, and at the mid-late group – Melody and Ingala.

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